- Mount options for ADFS
- ----------------------
- uid=nnn All files in the partition will be owned by
- user id nnn. Default 0 (root).
- gid=nnn All files in the partition willbe in group
- nnn. Default 0 (root).
- ownmask=nnn The permission mask for ADFS 'owner' permissions
- will be nnn. Default 0700.
- othmask=nnn The permission mask for ADFS 'other' permissions
- will be nnn. Default 0077.
- Mapping of ADFS permissions to Linux permissions
- ------------------------------------------------
- ADFS permissions consist of the following:
- Owner read
- Owner write
- Other read
- Other write
- (In older versions, an 'execute' permission did exist, but this
- does not hold the same meaning as the Linux 'execute' permission
- and is now obsolete).
- The mapping is performed as follows:
- Owner read -> -r--r--r--
- Owner write -> --w--w---w
- Owner read and filetype UnixExec -> ---x--x--x
- These are then masked by ownmask, eg 700 -> -rwx------
- Possible owner mode permissions -> -rwx------
- Other read -> -r--r--r--
- Other write -> --w--w--w-
- Other read and filetype UnixExec -> ---x--x--x
- These are then masked by othmask, eg 077 -> ----rwxrwx
- Possible other mode permissions -> ----rwxrwx
- Hence, with the default masks, if a file is owner read/write, and
- not a UnixExec filetype, then the permissions will be:
- -rw-------
- However, if the masks were ownmask=0770,othmask=0007, then this would
- be modified to:
- -rw-rw----
- There is no restriction on what you can do with these masks. You may
- wish that either read bits give read access to the file for all, but
- keep the default write protection (ownmask=0755,othmask=0577):
- -rw-r--r--
- You can therefore tailor the permission translation to whatever you
- desire the permissions should be under Linux.