- ================================================================
- Takashi Iwai <>
- ================================================================
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * Attention to SB-PnP Card Users
- If you're using PnP cards, the initialization of PnP is required
- before loading this driver. You have now three options:
- 1. Use isapnptools.
- 2. Use in-kernel isapnp support.
- 3. Initialize PnP on DOS/Windows, then boot linux by loadlin.
- In this document, only the case 1 case is treated.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * Installation on Red Hat 5.0 Sound Driver
- Please use under RedHat5.0 directory.
- DO NOT USE below.
- See INSTALL.RH for more details.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- * Installation/Update by Shell Script
- 1. Become root
- % su
- 2. If you have never configured the kernel tree yet, run make config
- once (to make dependencies and symlinks).
- # cd /usr/src/linux
- # make xconfig
- 3. Run script
- # sh ./
- 4. Configure your kernel
- (for Linux 2.[01].x user)
- # cd /usr/src/linux
- # make xconfig (or make menuconfig)
- (for Linux 1.2.x user)
- # cd /usr/src/linux
- # make config
- Answer YES to both "lowlevel drivers" and "AWE32 wave synth" items
- in Sound menu. ("lowlevel drivers" will appear only in 2.x
- kernel.)
- 5. Make your kernel (and modules), and install them as usual.
- 5a. make kernel image
- # make zImage
- 5b. make modules and install them
- # make modules && make modules_install
- 5c. If you're using lilo, copy the kernel image and run lilo.
- Otherwise, copy the kernel image to suitable directory or
- media for your system.
- 6. Reboot the kernel if necessary.
- - If you updated only the modules, you don't have to reboot
- the system. Just remove the old sound modules here.
- in
- # rmmod sound.o (linux-2.0 or OSS/Free)
- # rmmod awe_wave.o (linux-2.1)
- 7. If your AWE card is a PnP and not initialized yet, you'll have to
- do it by isapnp tools. Otherwise, skip to 8.
- This section described only a brief explanation. For more
- details, please see the AWE64-Mini-HOWTO or isapnp tools FAQ.
- 7a. If you have no isapnp.conf file, generate it by pnpdump.
- Otherwise, skip to 7d.
- # pnpdump > /etc/isapnp.conf
- 7b. Edit isapnp.conf file. Comment out the appropriate
- lines containing desirable I/O ports, DMA and IRQs.
- Don't forget to enable (ACT Y) line.
- 7c. Add two i/o ports (0xA20 and 0xE20) in WaveTable part.
- ex)
- (CONFIGURE CTL0048/58128 (LD 2
- # ANSI string -->WaveTable<--
- (IO 0 (BASE 0x0620))
- (IO 1 (BASE 0x0A20))
- (IO 2 (BASE 0x0E20))
- (ACT Y)
- ))
- 7d. Load the config file.
- CAUTION: This will reset all PnP cards!
- # isapnp /etc/isapnp.conf
- 8. Load the sound module (if you configured it as a module):
- for 2.0 kernel or OSS/Free monolithic module:
- # modprobe sound.o
- for 2.1 kernel:
- # modprobe sound
- # insmod uart401
- # insmod sb io=0x220 irq=5 dma=1 dma16=5 mpu_io=0x330
- (These values depend on your settings.)
- # insmod awe_wave
- (Be sure to load awe_wave after sb!)
- See /usr/src/linux/Documentation/sound/AWE32 for
- more details.
- 9. (only for obsolete systems) If you don't have /dev/sequencer
- device file, make it according to Readme.linux file on
- /usr/src/linux/drivers/sound. (Run a shell script included in
- that file). <-- This file no longer exists in the recent kernels!
- 10. OK, load your own soundfont file, and enjoy MIDI!
- % sfxload synthgm.sbk
- % drvmidi foo.mid
- 11. For more advanced use (eg. dynamic loading, virtual bank and
- etc.), please read the awedrv FAQ or the instructions in awesfx
- and awemidi packages.
- Good luck!