- /*
- * include/asm-arm/arch-sa1100/ming_ioctl.h
- *
- * ioctl's defintion.
- *
- * Author: Yong-iL Joh <>
- * Date : $Date: 2002/08/05 04:17:37 $
- *
- * $Revision: 1.5 $
- *
- Wed Jun 13 2001 Yong-iL Joh <>
- - initial
- Mon Dec 17 2001 Lee, SooJin <>
- - add radio's ioctl
- Wed Jan 9 2002 Lee, SooJin <>
- - dimming control 何盒 ioctl function俊 措茄 沥狼 函版
- - 102 API 烹老阑 困茄 累诀 眠啊
- - charging led 何盒 眠啊
- Sat Jan 12 2002 Yong-iL Joh <>
- - kernel vs app. API spec (0.3 draft) 馆康
- - hnt-common.h栏肺 老何 捞傈
- - rename as linuette_ioctl.h
- Tue May 7 2002 Yong-iL Joh <>
- - kernel vs app. API spec (draft) v1.31
- Fri May 10 2002 Yong-iL Joh <>
- - kernel vs app. API spec (draft) v1.33
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive
- * for more details.
- */
- #include <linux/ioctl.h>
- #include "linuette_common.h"
- #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- /* ioctls
- * 'F' is video subsystem's ioctl prefix
- * see Documentation/ioctl-number.txt
- */
- #define BACKLIGHT 0x1
- #define FRONTLIGHT 0x0
- typedef struct {
- unsigned char mode; /* backlight = 1, frontlight = 0 */
- unsigned char level;
- #define GET_BRIGHTNESS _IOR('F', 0x40, unsigned int)
- #define SET_BRIGHTNESS _IOW('F', 0x41, unsigned int)
- typedef struct {
- unsigned short pressure;
- unsigned short x;
- unsigned short y;
- unsigned short pad;
- } TS_RET;
- typedef struct {
- int xscale;
- int xtrans;
- int yscale;
- int ytrans;
- int xyswap;
- } TS_CAL;
- /*
- . BATTERY_RET.remain.sec
- 1~ : valid
- 0 : Unknown
- _ Remaining battery life (time units)
- . BATTERY_RET.level
- 0~ : valid (value from ADC)
- -1 : Unknown
- _ Remaining battery life
- _ battery 规傈邦急 漂己阑 馆康窍扁 困秦辑
- 俺惯 3角篮 俺惯 2角俊
- X = {x : x in N, x is value from ADC}
- Y = {x : x is integer, 0 <= x <= 99}
- f: X -> Y
- 牢 9瞒 急屈规沥侥狼 拌荐甫 力傍窃.
- .
- 0x00 : Off-line
- 0x01 : On-line
- 0x02 : On backup power (BIOS >= 1.1 only)
- 0xff : Unknown
- _ AC line status
- . BATTERY_RET.battery
- 0x10 : Full (== 100%)
- 0x00 : High (> 80%)
- 0x01 : Low (< 40%)
- 0x02 : Critical (== BATTERY_IS_LOW event)
- 0x03 : Charging
- 0x04 : Selected battery not present (BIOS >= 1.2 only)
- 0x80 : No system battery
- 0xff : Unknown
- _ Battery status
- */
- #define AC_OFF_LINE 0x00
- #define AC_ON_LINE 0x01
- #define AC_BACKUP 0x02
- #define AC_UNKNOWN 0xff
- #define BATTERY_FULL 0x10
- #define BATTERY_HIGH 0x00
- #define BATTERY_LOW 0x01
- #define BATTERY_CRIT 0x02
- #define BATTERY_CHARGE 0x03
- #define BATTERY_NONE 0x04
- #define BATTERY_NOSYS 0x80
- #define BATTERY_UNKNOWN 0xff
- #define BATTERY_NORMAL 0x00
- typedef struct {
- unsigned long sec;
- int level;
- unsigned char ac;
- unsigned char battery;
- /*
- * 'A' is for linux/apm_bios.h
- * see Documentation/ioctl-number.txt
- */
- #define GET_JIFFIES _IOR('A', 0x11, unsigned long)
- #define GET_LCD_STATUS _IOR('A', 0x13, unsigned int)
- #define SET_INPUT_DEV _IOW('A', 0x14, unsigned int)
- #define GET_MZ_EVENT _IOR('A', 0x25, unsigned long)
- #define APM_LCD_OFF _IO ('A', 0x50) /* 0x50 == 80 */
- #define APM_LCD_ON _IO ('A', 0x51)
- #define APM_DEV_LIST _IO ('A', 0x52) /* for debugging */
- #define APM_DEV_ONOFF _IOW('A', 0x53, struct pm_dev)
- #define APM_MZ_SLEEP _IO ('A', 0x54)
- #define LCD_ON 0x01
- #define LCD_OFF 0x00
- #define INPUT_DEV_ON 0x01
- #define INPUT_DEV_OFF 0x00
- /* event */
- #define BATTERY_IS_LOW 0x00000001
- #define BATTERY_IS_FULL 0x00000002
- #define ACLINE_ON 0x00000004
- #define ACLINE_OFF 0x00000003
- #define EVENT_UNKNOWN 0x00000010
- #define PHONE_CALLED 0x00000020
- #define DATA_RECEIVED 0x00000040
- #define SYSTEM_NOMEM 0x00000060
- #define SYSTEM_WAKEUP 0x00000070
- #define SYSTEM_SLEEP 0x00000080
- #define JFFS2_PANIC 0x00000090 /* JFFS2 panic(severely broken) */
- #define CRADLE_INSERT 0x00000100 /* put/remove cradle */
- #define CRADLE_REMOVE 0x00000200
- #define USB_SL_INSERT 0x00000300 /* USB slave port insert/remove */
- #define USB_SL_REMOVE 0x00000400
- #define USB_MA_INSERT 0x00000500 /* some USB device de/attached */
- #define USB_MA_REMOVE 0x00000600
- #define UART_INSERT 0x00000700 /* UART port insert/remove */
- #define UART_REMOVE 0x00000800
- #define PCMCIA_INSERT 0x00001000 /* some PCMCIA device de/attached */
- #define PCMCIA_REMOVE 0x00002000
- #define CF_INSERT PCMCIA_INSERT /* some CF device de/attached */
- #define EXT_DEV_INSERT 0x00003000 /* some removable device de/attached */
- #define EXT_DEV_REMOVE 0x00004000
- /*
- * for /dev/misc/led
- * 'h' is Charon filesystem <>
- * see Documentation/ioctl-number.txt
- */
- typedef struct {
- unsigned int index; /* LED index to control */
- unsigned int stat; /* control command or current status */
- unsigned int rate; /* blinking rate */
- unsigned int info; /* capable function */
- } LED_RET;
- #define GET_LED_NO _IOR('h', 0x80, unsigned int)
- #define GET_LED_STATUS _IOR('h', 0x82, LED_RET)
- #define SET_LED_STATUS _IOW('h', 0x83, LED_RET)
- #define MZ_LED_ON 0x01
- #define MZ_LED_OFF 0x00
- #define MZ_LED_BLINK 0x04
- #define MZ_LED_BLINK_RATE 0x08
- #define MZ_LED_READ_ONLY 0x80
- /* ioctls for FB - extended
- * see include/linux/fb.h
- */
- typedef struct {
- int s_xoffset;
- int s_yoffset;
- int d_xoffset;
- int d_yoffset;
- int height;
- int width;
- #define FBBITBLT _IOW('F', 0xf0, HWBLT) /* hardware bitblt */
- #include "linuette_machine.h"
- #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
- /*
- | $Id: linuette_ioctl.h,v 1.5 2002/08/05 04:17:37 tolkien Exp $
- |
- | Local Variables:
- | mode: c
- | mode: font-lock
- | version-control: t
- | delete-old-versions: t
- | End:
- |
- | -*- End-Of-File -*-
- */