- /*
- * linux/mtio.h header file for Linux. Written by H. Bergman
- *
- * Modified for special ioctls provided by zftape in September 1997
- * by C.-J. Heine.
- */
- #ifndef _LINUX_MTIO_H
- #define _LINUX_MTIO_H
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/ioctl.h>
- #include <linux/qic117.h>
- /*
- * Structures and definitions for mag tape io control commands
- */
- /* structure for MTIOCTOP - mag tape op command */
- struct mtop {
- short mt_op; /* operations defined below */
- int mt_count; /* how many of them */
- };
- /* Magnetic Tape operations [Not all operations supported by all drivers]: */
- #define MTRESET 0 /* +reset drive in case of problems */
- #define MTFSF 1 /* forward space over FileMark,
- * position at first record of next file
- */
- #define MTBSF 2 /* backward space FileMark (position before FM) */
- #define MTFSR 3 /* forward space record */
- #define MTBSR 4 /* backward space record */
- #define MTWEOF 5 /* write an end-of-file record (mark) */
- #define MTREW 6 /* rewind */
- #define MTOFFL 7 /* rewind and put the drive offline (eject?) */
- #define MTNOP 8 /* no op, set status only (read with MTIOCGET) */
- #define MTRETEN 9 /* retension tape */
- #define MTBSFM 10 /* +backward space FileMark, position at FM */
- #define MTFSFM 11 /* +forward space FileMark, position at FM */
- #define MTEOM 12 /* goto end of recorded media (for appending files).
- * MTEOM positions after the last FM, ready for
- * appending another file.
- */
- #define MTERASE 13 /* erase tape -- be careful! */
- #define MTRAS1 14 /* run self test 1 (nondestructive) */
- #define MTRAS2 15 /* run self test 2 (destructive) */
- #define MTRAS3 16 /* reserved for self test 3 */
- #define MTSETBLK 20 /* set block length (SCSI) */
- #define MTSETDENSITY 21 /* set tape density (SCSI) */
- #define MTSEEK 22 /* seek to block (Tandberg, etc.) */
- #define MTTELL 23 /* tell block (Tandberg, etc.) */
- #define MTSETDRVBUFFER 24 /* set the drive buffering according to SCSI-2 */
- /* ordinary buffered operation with code 1 */
- #define MTFSS 25 /* space forward over setmarks */
- #define MTBSS 26 /* space backward over setmarks */
- #define MTWSM 27 /* write setmarks */
- #define MTLOCK 28 /* lock the drive door */
- #define MTUNLOCK 29 /* unlock the drive door */
- #define MTLOAD 30 /* execute the SCSI load command */
- #define MTUNLOAD 31 /* execute the SCSI unload command */
- #define MTCOMPRESSION 32/* control compression with SCSI mode page 15 */
- #define MTSETPART 33 /* Change the active tape partition */
- #define MTMKPART 34 /* Format the tape with one or two partitions */
- /* structure for MTIOCGET - mag tape get status command */
- struct mtget {
- long mt_type; /* type of magtape device */
- long mt_resid; /* residual count: (not sure)
- * number of bytes ignored, or
- * number of files not skipped, or
- * number of records not skipped.
- */
- /* the following registers are device dependent */
- long mt_dsreg; /* status register */
- long mt_gstat; /* generic (device independent) status */
- long mt_erreg; /* error register */
- /* The next two fields are not always used */
- __kernel_daddr_t mt_fileno; /* number of current file on tape */
- __kernel_daddr_t mt_blkno; /* current block number */
- };
- /*
- * Constants for mt_type. Not all of these are supported,
- * and these are not all of the ones that are supported.
- */
- #define MT_ISUNKNOWN 0x01
- #define MT_ISQIC02 0x02 /* Generic QIC-02 tape streamer */
- #define MT_ISWT5150 0x03 /* Wangtek 5150EQ, QIC-150, QIC-02 */
- #define MT_ISARCHIVE_5945L2 0x04 /* Archive 5945L-2, QIC-24, QIC-02? */
- #define MT_ISCMSJ500 0x05 /* CMS Jumbo 500 (QIC-02?) */
- #define MT_ISTDC3610 0x06 /* Tandberg 6310, QIC-24 */
- #define MT_ISARCHIVE_VP60I 0x07 /* Archive VP60i, QIC-02 */
- #define MT_ISARCHIVE_2150L 0x08 /* Archive Viper 2150L */
- #define MT_ISARCHIVE_2060L 0x09 /* Archive Viper 2060L */
- #define MT_ISARCHIVESC499 0x0A /* Archive SC-499 QIC-36 controller */
- #define MT_ISQIC02_ALL_FEATURES 0x0F /* Generic QIC-02 with all features */
- #define MT_ISWT5099EEN24 0x11 /* Wangtek 5099-een24, 60MB, QIC-24 */
- #define MT_ISTEAC_MT2ST 0x12 /* Teac MT-2ST 155mb drive, Teac DC-1 card (Wangtek type) */
- #define MT_ISEVEREX_FT40A 0x32 /* Everex FT40A (QIC-40) */
- #define MT_ISDDS1 0x51 /* DDS device without partitions */
- #define MT_ISDDS2 0x52 /* DDS device with partitions */
- #define MT_ISONSTREAM_SC 0x61 /* OnStream SCSI tape drives (SC-x0)
- and SCSI emulated (DI, DP, USB) */
- #define MT_ISSCSI1 0x71 /* Generic ANSI SCSI-1 tape unit */
- #define MT_ISSCSI2 0x72 /* Generic ANSI SCSI-2 tape unit */
- /* QIC-40/80/3010/3020 ftape supported drives.
- * 20bit vendor ID + 0x800000 (see ftape-vendors.h)
- */
- #define MT_ISFTAPE_UNKNOWN 0x800000 /* obsolete */
- #define MT_ISFTAPE_FLAG 0x800000
- struct mt_tape_info {
- long t_type; /* device type id (mt_type) */
- char *t_name; /* descriptive name */
- };
- #define MT_TAPE_INFO {
- {MT_ISUNKNOWN, "Unknown type of tape device"},
- {MT_ISQIC02, "Generic QIC-02 tape streamer"},
- {MT_ISWT5150, "Wangtek 5150, QIC-150"},
- {MT_ISARCHIVE_5945L2, "Archive 5945L-2"},
- {MT_ISCMSJ500, "CMS Jumbo 500"},
- {MT_ISTDC3610, "Tandberg TDC 3610, QIC-24"},
- {MT_ISARCHIVE_VP60I, "Archive VP60i, QIC-02"},
- {MT_ISARCHIVE_2150L, "Archive Viper 2150L"},
- {MT_ISARCHIVE_2060L, "Archive Viper 2060L"},
- {MT_ISARCHIVESC499, "Archive SC-499 QIC-36 controller"},
- {MT_ISQIC02_ALL_FEATURES, "Generic QIC-02 tape, all features"},
- {MT_ISWT5099EEN24, "Wangtek 5099-een24, 60MB"},
- {MT_ISTEAC_MT2ST, "Teac MT-2ST 155mb data cassette drive"},
- {MT_ISEVEREX_FT40A, "Everex FT40A, QIC-40"},
- {MT_ISONSTREAM_SC, "OnStream SC-, DI-, DP-, or USB tape drive"},
- {MT_ISSCSI1, "Generic SCSI-1 tape"},
- {MT_ISSCSI2, "Generic SCSI-2 tape"},
- {0, NULL}
- }
- /* structure for MTIOCPOS - mag tape get position command */
- struct mtpos {
- long mt_blkno; /* current block number */
- };
- /* structure for MTIOCGETCONFIG/MTIOCSETCONFIG primarily intended
- * as an interim solution for QIC-02 until DDI is fully implemented.
- */
- struct mtconfiginfo {
- long mt_type; /* drive type */
- long ifc_type; /* interface card type */
- unsigned short irqnr; /* IRQ number to use */
- unsigned short dmanr; /* DMA channel to use */
- unsigned short port; /* IO port base address */
- unsigned long debug; /* debugging flags */
- unsigned have_dens:1;
- unsigned have_bsf:1;
- unsigned have_fsr:1;
- unsigned have_bsr:1;
- unsigned have_eod:1;
- unsigned have_seek:1;
- unsigned have_tell:1;
- unsigned have_ras1:1;
- unsigned have_ras2:1;
- unsigned have_ras3:1;
- unsigned have_qfa:1;
- unsigned pad1:5;
- char reserved[10];
- };
- /* structure for MTIOCVOLINFO, query information about the volume
- * currently positioned at (zftape)
- */
- struct mtvolinfo {
- unsigned int mt_volno; /* vol-number */
- unsigned int mt_blksz; /* blocksize used when recording */
- unsigned int mt_rawsize; /* raw tape space consumed, in kb */
- unsigned int mt_size; /* volume size after decompression, in kb */
- unsigned int mt_cmpr:1; /* this volume has been compressed */
- };
- /* raw access to a floppy drive, read and write an arbitrary segment.
- * For ftape/zftape to support formatting etc.
- */
- #define MT_FT_RD_SINGLE 0
- #define MT_FT_RD_AHEAD 1
- #define MT_FT_WR_ASYNC 0 /* start tape only when all buffers are full */
- #define MT_FT_WR_MULTI 1 /* start tape, continue until buffers are empty */
- #define MT_FT_WR_SINGLE 2 /* write a single segment and stop afterwards */
- #define MT_FT_WR_DELETE 3 /* write deleted data marks, one segment at time */
- struct mtftseg
- {
- unsigned mt_segno; /* the segment to read or write */
- unsigned mt_mode; /* modes for read/write (sync/async etc.) */
- int mt_result; /* result of r/w request, not of the ioctl */
- void *mt_data; /* User space buffer: must be 29kb */
- };
- /* get tape capacity (ftape/zftape)
- */
- struct mttapesize {
- unsigned long mt_capacity; /* entire, uncompressed capacity
- * of a cartridge
- */
- unsigned long mt_used; /* what has been used so far, raw
- * uncompressed amount
- */
- };
- /* possible values of the ftfmt_op field
- */
- #define FTFMT_SET_PARMS 1 /* set software parms */
- #define FTFMT_GET_PARMS 2 /* get software parms */
- #define FTFMT_FORMAT_TRACK 3 /* start formatting a tape track */
- #define FTFMT_STATUS 4 /* monitor formatting a tape track */
- #define FTFMT_VERIFY 5 /* verify the given segment */
- struct ftfmtparms {
- unsigned char ft_qicstd; /* QIC-40/QIC-80/QIC-3010/QIC-3020 */
- unsigned char ft_fmtcode; /* Refer to the QIC specs */
- unsigned char ft_fhm; /* floppy head max */
- unsigned char ft_ftm; /* floppy track max */
- unsigned short ft_spt; /* segments per track */
- unsigned short ft_tpc; /* tracks per cartridge */
- };
- struct ftfmttrack {
- unsigned int ft_track; /* track to format */
- unsigned char ft_gap3; /* size of gap3, for FORMAT_TRK */
- };
- struct ftfmtstatus {
- unsigned int ft_segment; /* segment currently being formatted */
- };
- struct ftfmtverify {
- unsigned int ft_segment; /* segment to verify */
- unsigned long ft_bsm; /* bsm as result of VERIFY cmd */
- };
- struct mtftformat {
- unsigned int fmt_op; /* operation to perform */
- union fmt_arg {
- struct ftfmtparms fmt_parms; /* format parameters */
- struct ftfmttrack fmt_track; /* ctrl while formatting */
- struct ftfmtstatus fmt_status;
- struct ftfmtverify fmt_verify; /* for verifying */
- } fmt_arg;
- };
- struct mtftcmd {
- unsigned int ft_wait_before; /* timeout to wait for drive to get ready
- * before command is sent. Milliseconds
- */
- qic117_cmd_t ft_cmd; /* command to send */
- unsigned char ft_parm_cnt; /* zero: no parm is sent. */
- unsigned char ft_parms[3]; /* parameter(s) to send to
- * the drive. The parms are nibbles
- * driver sends cmd + 2 step pulses */
- unsigned int ft_result_bits; /* if non zero, number of bits
- * returned by the tape drive
- */
- unsigned int ft_result; /* the result returned by the tape drive*/
- unsigned int ft_wait_after; /* timeout to wait for drive to get ready
- * after command is sent. 0: don't wait */
- int ft_status; /* status returned by ready wait
- * undefined if timeout was 0.
- */
- int ft_error; /* error code if error status was set by
- * command
- */
- };
- /* mag tape io control commands */
- #define MTIOCTOP _IOW('m', 1, struct mtop) /* do a mag tape op */
- #define MTIOCGET _IOR('m', 2, struct mtget) /* get tape status */
- #define MTIOCPOS _IOR('m', 3, struct mtpos) /* get tape position */
- /* The next two are used by the QIC-02 driver for runtime reconfiguration.
- * See tpqic02.h for struct mtconfiginfo.
- */
- #define MTIOCGETCONFIG _IOR('m', 4, struct mtconfiginfo) /* get tape config */
- #define MTIOCSETCONFIG _IOW('m', 5, struct mtconfiginfo) /* set tape config */
- /* the next six are used by the floppy ftape drivers and its frontends
- * sorry, but MTIOCTOP commands are write only.
- */
- #define MTIOCRDFTSEG _IOWR('m', 6, struct mtftseg) /* read a segment */
- #define MTIOCWRFTSEG _IOWR('m', 7, struct mtftseg) /* write a segment */
- #define MTIOCVOLINFO _IOR('m', 8, struct mtvolinfo) /* info about volume */
- #define MTIOCGETSIZE _IOR('m', 9, struct mttapesize)/* get cartridge size*/
- #define MTIOCFTFORMAT _IOWR('m', 10, struct mtftformat) /* format ftape */
- #define MTIOCFTCMD _IOWR('m', 11, struct mtftcmd) /* send QIC-117 cmd */
- /* Generic Mag Tape (device independent) status macros for examining
- * mt_gstat -- HP-UX compatible.
- * There is room for more generic status bits here, but I don't
- * know which of them are reserved. At least three or so should
- * be added to make this really useful.
- */
- #define GMT_EOF(x) ((x) & 0x80000000)
- #define GMT_BOT(x) ((x) & 0x40000000)
- #define GMT_EOT(x) ((x) & 0x20000000)
- #define GMT_SM(x) ((x) & 0x10000000) /* DDS setmark */
- #define GMT_EOD(x) ((x) & 0x08000000) /* DDS EOD */
- #define GMT_WR_PROT(x) ((x) & 0x04000000)
- /* #define GMT_ ? ((x) & 0x02000000) */
- #define GMT_ONLINE(x) ((x) & 0x01000000)
- #define GMT_D_6250(x) ((x) & 0x00800000)
- #define GMT_D_1600(x) ((x) & 0x00400000)
- #define GMT_D_800(x) ((x) & 0x00200000)
- /* #define GMT_ ? ((x) & 0x00100000) */
- /* #define GMT_ ? ((x) & 0x00080000) */
- #define GMT_DR_OPEN(x) ((x) & 0x00040000) /* door open (no tape) */
- /* #define GMT_ ? ((x) & 0x00020000) */
- #define GMT_IM_REP_EN(x) ((x) & 0x00010000) /* immediate report mode */
- #define GMT_CLN(x) ((x) & 0x00008000) /* cleaning requested */
- /* 15 generic status bits unused */
- /* SCSI-tape specific definitions */
- /* Bitfield shifts in the status */
- #define MT_ST_BLKSIZE_MASK 0xffffff
- #define MT_ST_DENSITY_SHIFT 24
- #define MT_ST_DENSITY_MASK 0xff000000
- #define MT_ST_SOFTERR_MASK 0xffff
- /* Bitfields for the MTSETDRVBUFFER ioctl */
- #define MT_ST_OPTIONS 0xf0000000
- #define MT_ST_BOOLEANS 0x10000000
- #define MT_ST_SETBOOLEANS 0x30000000
- #define MT_ST_CLEARBOOLEANS 0x40000000
- #define MT_ST_WRITE_THRESHOLD 0x20000000
- #define MT_ST_DEF_BLKSIZE 0x50000000
- #define MT_ST_DEF_OPTIONS 0x60000000
- #define MT_ST_TIMEOUTS 0x70000000
- #define MT_ST_SET_TIMEOUT (MT_ST_TIMEOUTS | 0x000000)
- #define MT_ST_SET_LONG_TIMEOUT (MT_ST_TIMEOUTS | 0x100000)
- #define MT_ST_SET_CLN 0x80000000
- #define MT_ST_BUFFER_WRITES 0x1
- #define MT_ST_ASYNC_WRITES 0x2
- #define MT_ST_READ_AHEAD 0x4
- #define MT_ST_DEBUGGING 0x8
- #define MT_ST_TWO_FM 0x10
- #define MT_ST_FAST_MTEOM 0x20
- #define MT_ST_AUTO_LOCK 0x40
- #define MT_ST_DEF_WRITES 0x80
- #define MT_ST_CAN_BSR 0x100
- #define MT_ST_NO_BLKLIMS 0x200
- #define MT_ST_CAN_PARTITIONS 0x400
- #define MT_ST_SCSI2LOGICAL 0x800
- #define MT_ST_SYSV 0x1000
- #define MT_ST_NOWAIT 0x2000
- /* The mode parameters to be controlled. Parameter chosen with bits 20-28 */
- #define MT_ST_CLEAR_DEFAULT 0xfffff
- #define MT_ST_DEF_DENSITY (MT_ST_DEF_OPTIONS | 0x100000)
- #define MT_ST_DEF_DRVBUFFER (MT_ST_DEF_OPTIONS | 0x300000)
- /* The offset for the arguments for the special HP changer load command. */
- #define MT_ST_HPLOADER_OFFSET 10000
- #endif /* _LINUX_MTIO_H */