- /*
- * File...........: linux/drivers/s390/block/dasd.c
- * Author(s)......: Holger Smolinski <Holger.Smolinski@de.ibm.com>
- * Bugreports.to..: <Linux390@de.ibm.com>
- * (C) IBM Corporation, IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, 1999,2000
- *
- * This file is the interface of the DASD device driver, which is exported to user space
- * any future changes wrt the API will result in a change of the APIVERSION reported
- * to userspace by the DASDAPIVER-ioctl
- *
- * History of changes (starts July 2000)
- * 05/04/01 created by moving the kernel interface to drivers/s390/block/dasd_int.h
- */
- #ifndef DASD_H
- #define DASD_H
- #include <linux/ioctl.h>
- #if (DASD_API_VERSION == 0)
- #define DASD_PARTN_BITS 2
- /*
- * struct profile_info_t
- * holds the profinling information
- */
- typedef struct dasd_profile_info_t {
- unsigned int dasd_io_reqs; /* number of requests processed at all */
- unsigned int dasd_io_sects; /* number of sectors processed at all */
- unsigned int dasd_io_secs[32]; /* histogram of request's sizes */
- unsigned int dasd_io_times[32]; /* histogram of requests's times */
- unsigned int dasd_io_timps[32]; /* histogram of requests's times per sector */
- unsigned int dasd_io_time1[32]; /* histogram of time from build to start */
- unsigned int dasd_io_time2[32]; /* histogram of time from start to irq */
- unsigned int dasd_io_time2ps[32]; /* histogram of time from start to irq */
- unsigned int dasd_io_time3[32]; /* histogram of time from irq to end */
- unsigned int dasd_io_nr_req[32]; /* histogram of # of requests in chanq */
- } dasd_profile_info_t;
- /*
- * struct format_data_t
- * represents all data necessary to format a dasd
- */
- typedef struct format_data_t {
- int start_unit; /* from track */
- int stop_unit; /* to track */
- int blksize; /* sectorsize */
- int intensity;
- } format_data_t;
- /*
- * values to be used for format_data_t.intensity
- * 0/8: normal format
- * 1/9: also write record zero
- * 3/11: also write home address
- * 4/12: invalidate track
- */
- #define DASD_FMT_INT_FMT_R0 1 /* write record zero */
- #define DASD_FMT_INT_FMT_HA 2 /* write home address, also set FMT_R0 ! */
- #define DASD_FMT_INT_INVAL 4 /* invalidate tracks */
- #define DASD_FMT_INT_COMPAT 8 /* use OS/390 compatible disk layout */
- /*
- * struct dasd_information_t
- * represents any data about the data, which is visible to userspace
- */
- typedef struct dasd_information_t {
- unsigned int devno; /* S/390 devno */
- unsigned int real_devno; /* for aliases */
- unsigned int schid; /* S/390 subchannel identifier */
- unsigned int cu_type : 16; /* from SenseID */
- unsigned int cu_model : 8; /* from SenseID */
- unsigned int dev_type : 16; /* from SenseID */
- unsigned int dev_model : 8; /* from SenseID */
- unsigned int open_count;
- unsigned int req_queue_len;
- unsigned int chanq_len;
- char type[4]; /* from discipline.name, 'none' for unknown */
- unsigned int status; /* current device level */
- unsigned int label_block; /* where to find the VOLSER */
- unsigned int FBA_layout; /* fixed block size (like AIXVOL) */
- unsigned int characteristics_size;
- unsigned int confdata_size;
- char characteristics[64]; /* from read_device_characteristics */
- char configuration_data[256]; /* from read_configuration_data */
- } dasd_information_t;
- /* Disable the volume (for Linux) */
- /* Enable the volume (for Linux) */
- /* Issue a reserve/release command, rsp. */
- #define BIODASDRSRV _IO(DASD_IOCTL_LETTER,2) /* reserve */
- #define BIODASDRLSE _IO(DASD_IOCTL_LETTER,3) /* release */
- #define BIODASDSLCK _IO(DASD_IOCTL_LETTER,4) /* steal lock */
- /* reset profiling information of a device */
- /* retrieve API version number */
- /* Get information on a dasd device */
- #define BIODASDINFO _IOR(DASD_IOCTL_LETTER,1,dasd_information_t)
- /* retrieve profiling information of a device */
- #define BIODASDPRRD _IOR(DASD_IOCTL_LETTER,2,dasd_profile_info_t)
- /* #define BIODASDFORMAT _IOW(IOCTL_LETTER,0,format_data_t) , deprecated */
- #define BIODASDFMT _IOW(DASD_IOCTL_LETTER,1,format_data_t)
- #endif /* DASD_API_VERSION */
- #endif /* DASD_H */
- /*
- * Overrides for Emacs so that we follow Linus's tabbing style.
- * Emacs will notice this stuff at the end of the file and automatically
- * adjust the settings for this buffer only. This must remain at the end
- * of the file.
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Local variables:
- * c-indent-level: 4
- * c-brace-imaginary-offset: 0
- * c-brace-offset: -4
- * c-argdecl-indent: 4
- * c-label-offset: -4
- * c-continued-statement-offset: 4
- * c-continued-brace-offset: 0
- * indent-tabs-mode: nil
- * tab-width: 8
- * End:
- */