- #
- # Makefile for rescue code
- #
- ifndef TOPDIR
- TOPDIR = ../../../..
- HPATH = $(TOPDIR)/include
- export HPATH
- endif
- CC = gcc-cris -mlinux -I $(TOPDIR)/include
- CFLAGS = -O2
- LD = gcc-cris -mlinux -nostdlib
- OBJCOPY = objcopy-cris
- all: rescue.bin testrescue.bin kimagerescue.bin
- rescue: rescue.bin
- # do nothing
- rescue.bin: head.o
- $(LD) -T rescue.ld -o rescue.o head.o
- $(OBJCOPY) -O binary --remove-section=.bss rescue.o rescue.bin
- cp rescue.bin $(TOPDIR)
- testrescue.bin: testrescue.o
- $(OBJCOPY) -O binary --remove-section=.bss testrescue.o tr.bin
- # Pad it to 784 bytes
- dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp2423 bs=1 count=784
- cat tr.bin tmp2423 >testrescue_tmp.bin
- dd if=testrescue_tmp.bin of=testrescue.bin bs=1 count=784
- rm tr.bin tmp2423 testrescue_tmp.bin
- kimagerescue.bin: kimagerescue.o
- $(OBJCOPY) -O binary --remove-section=.bss kimagerescue.o ktr.bin
- # Pad it to 784 bytes, that's what the rescue loader expects
- dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp2423 bs=1 count=784
- cat ktr.bin tmp2423 >kimagerescue_tmp.bin
- dd if=kimagerescue_tmp.bin of=kimagerescue.bin bs=1 count=784
- rm ktr.bin tmp2423 kimagerescue_tmp.bin
- head.o: head.S
- $(CC) -D__ASSEMBLY__ -traditional -c $< -o $*.o
- testrescue.o: testrescue.S
- $(CC) -D__ASSEMBLY__ -traditional -c $< -o $*.o
- kimagerescue.o: kimagerescue.S
- $(CC) -D__ASSEMBLY__ -traditional -c $< -o $*.o
- clean:
- rm -f *.o *.bin
- fastdep:
- modules:
- modules-install:
- depend:
- $(CC) -M *.S > .depend
- -include .depend