- /*
- * arch/s390/boot/ipldump.S
- *
- * S390 version
- * Copyright (C) 2000 IBM Deutschland Entwicklung GmbH, IBM Corporation
- * Author(s): Martin Schwidefsky (schwidefsky@de.ibm.com),
- *
- * Tape dump ipl record. Put it on a tape and ipl from it and it will
- * write a dump of the real storage after the ipl record on that tape.
- */
- #include <asm/setup.h>
- #include <asm/lowcore.h>
- #define IPL_BS 1024
- .org 0
- .long 0x00080000,0x80000000+_start # The first 24 bytes are loaded
- .long 0x07000000,0x60000001 # by ipl to addresses 0-23.
- .long 0x02000000,0x20000000+IPL_BS # (a PSW and two CCWs).
- .long 0x00000000,0x00000000
- .long 0x00000000,0x00000000 # svc old psw
- .long 0x00000000,0x00000000 # program check old psw
- .long 0x00000000,0x00000000 # machine check old psw
- .long 0x00000000,0x00000000 # io old psw
- .long 0x00000000,0x00000000
- .long 0x00000000,0x00000000
- .long 0x00000000,0x00000000
- .long 0x000a0000,0x00000058 # external new psw
- .long 0x000a0000,0x00000060 # svc new psw
- .long 0x000a0000,0x00000068 # program check new psw
- .long 0x000a0000,0x00000070 # machine check new psw
- .long 0x00080000,0x80000000+.Lioint # io new psw
- .org 0x100
- .globl _start
- _start:
- l %r1,0xb8 # load ipl subchannel number
- #
- # find out memory size
- #
- mvc 104(8),.Lpcmem0 # setup program check handler
- slr %r3,%r3
- lhi %r2,1
- sll %r2,20
- .Lloop0:
- l %r0,0(%r3) # test page
- ar %r3,%r2 # add 1M
- jnm .Lloop0 # r1 < 0x80000000 -> loop
- .Lchkmem0:
- n %r3,.L4malign0 # align to multiples of 4M
- st %r3,.Lmemsize # store memory size
- .Lmemok:
- #
- # first write a tape mark
- #
- bras %r14,.Ltapemark
- #
- # write real storage to tape
- #
- slr %r2,%r2 # start at address 0
- bras %r14,.Lwriter # load ramdisk
- #
- # write another tape mark
- #
- bras %r14,.Ltapemark
- #
- # everything written, stop processor
- #
- lpsw .Lstopped
- #
- # subroutine for writing to tape
- # Paramters:
- # R1 = device number
- # R2 = start address
- # R3 = length
- .Lwriter:
- st %r14,.Lldret
- la %r12,.Lorbread # r12 = address of orb
- la %r5,.Lirb # r5 = address of irb
- st %r2,.Lccwwrite+4 # initialize CCW data addresses
- lctl %c6,%c6,.Lcr6
- slr %r2,%r2
- .Lldlp:
- lhi %r6,3 # 3 retries
- .Lssch:
- ssch 0(%r12) # write chunk of IPL_BS bytes
- jnz .Llderr
- .Lw4end:
- bras %r14,.Lwait4io
- tm 8(%r5),0x82 # do we have a problem ?
- jnz .Lrecov
- l %r0,.Lccwwrite+4 # update CCW data addresses
- ahi %r0,IPL_BS
- st %r0,.Lccwwrite+4
- clr %r0,%r3 # enough ?
- jl .Lldlp
- .Ldone:
- l %r14,.Lldret
- br %r14 # r2 contains the total size
- .Lrecov:
- bras %r14,.Lsense # do the sensing
- brct %r6,.Lssch # dec. retry count & branch
- j .Llderr
- .Ltapemark:
- st %r14,.Lldret
- la %r12,.Lorbmark # r12 = address of orb
- la %r5,.Lirb # r5 = address of irb
- lctl %c6,%c6,.Lcr6
- ssch 0(%r12) # write a tape mark
- jnz .Llderr
- bras %r14,.Lwait4io
- l %r14,.Lldret
- br %r14
- #
- # Sense subroutine
- #
- .Lsense:
- st %r14,.Lsnsret
- la %r7,.Lorbsense
- ssch 0(%r7) # start sense command
- jnz .Llderr
- bras %r14,.Lwait4io
- l %r14,.Lsnsret
- tm 8(%r5),0x82 # do we have a problem ?
- jnz .Llderr
- br %r14
- #
- # Wait for interrupt subroutine
- #
- .Lwait4io:
- lpsw .Lwaitpsw
- .Lioint:
- c %r1,0xb8 # compare subchannel number
- jne .Lwait4io
- tsch 0(%r5)
- slr %r0,%r0
- tm 8(%r5),0x82 # do we have a problem ?
- jnz .Lwtexit
- tm 8(%r5),0x04 # got device end ?
- jz .Lwait4io
- .Lwtexit:
- br %r14
- .Llderr:
- lpsw .Lcrash
- .align 8
- .Lorbread:
- .long 0x00000000,0x0080ff00,.Lccwwrite
- .align 8
- .Lorbsense:
- .long 0x00000000,0x0080ff00,.Lccwsense
- .align 8
- .Lorbmark:
- .long 0x00000000,0x0080ff00,.Lccwmark
- .align 8
- .Lccwwrite:
- .long 0x01200000+IPL_BS,0x00000000
- .Lccwsense:
- .long 0x04200001,0x00000000
- .Lccwmark:
- .long 0x1f200001,0x00000000
- .Lwaitpsw:
- .long 0x020a0000,0x80000000+.Lioint
- .Lirb: .long 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- .Lcr6: .long 0xff000000
- .align 8
- .Lcrash:.long 0x000a0000,0x00000000
- .Lstopped: .long 0x000a0000,0x00001234
- .Lpcmem0:.long 0x00080000,0x80000000 + .Lchkmem0
- .L4malign0:.long 0xffc00000
- .Lmemsize:.long 0
- .Lldret:.long 0
- .Lsnsret: .long 0
- .org IPL_BS