- /*
- * $Id: hd64465_gpio.c,v 1.2 2001/05/24 00:13:47 gniibe Exp $
- * by Greg Banks <gbanks@pocketpenguins.com>
- * (c) 2000 PocketPenguins Inc
- *
- * GPIO pin support for HD64465 companion chip.
- */
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/hd64465_gpio.h>
- #define _PORTOF(portpin) (((portpin)>>3)&0x7)
- #define _PINOF(portpin) ((portpin)&0x7)
- /* Register addresses parametrised on port */
- #define GPIO_CR(port) (HD64465_REG_GPACR+((port)<<1))
- #define GPIO_DR(port) (HD64465_REG_GPADR+((port)<<1))
- #define GPIO_ICR(port) (HD64465_REG_GPAICR+((port)<<1))
- #define GPIO_ISR(port) (HD64465_REG_GPAISR+((port)<<1))
- #define GPIO_NPORTS 5
- #define MODNAME "hd64465_gpio"
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(hd64465_gpio_configure);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(hd64465_gpio_get_pin);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(hd64465_gpio_get_port);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(hd64465_gpio_register_irq);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(hd64465_gpio_set_pin);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(hd64465_gpio_set_port);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(hd64465_gpio_unregister_irq);
- /* TODO: each port should be protected with a spinlock */
- void hd64465_gpio_configure(int portpin, int direction)
- {
- unsigned short cr;
- unsigned int shift = (_PINOF(portpin)<<1);
- cr = inw(GPIO_CR(_PORTOF(portpin)));
- cr &= ~(3<<shift);
- cr |= direction<<shift;
- outw(cr, GPIO_CR(_PORTOF(portpin)));
- }
- void hd64465_gpio_set_pin(int portpin, unsigned int value)
- {
- unsigned short d;
- unsigned short mask = 1<<(_PINOF(portpin));
- d = inw(GPIO_DR(_PORTOF(portpin)));
- if (value)
- d |= mask;
- else
- d &= ~mask;
- outw(d, GPIO_DR(_PORTOF(portpin)));
- }
- unsigned int hd64465_gpio_get_pin(int portpin)
- {
- return inw(GPIO_DR(_PORTOF(portpin))) & (1<<(_PINOF(portpin)));
- }
- /* TODO: for cleaner atomicity semantics, add a mask to this routine */
- void hd64465_gpio_set_port(int port, unsigned int value)
- {
- outw(value, GPIO_DR(port));
- }
- unsigned int hd64465_gpio_get_port(int port)
- {
- return inw(GPIO_DR(port));
- }
- static struct {
- void (*func)(int portpin, void *dev);
- void *dev;
- } handlers[GPIO_NPORTS * 8];
- static void hd64465_gpio_interrupt(int irq, void *dev, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- unsigned short port, pin, isr, mask, portpin;
- for (port=0 ; port<GPIO_NPORTS ; port++) {
- isr = inw(GPIO_ISR(port));
- for (pin=0 ; pin<8 ; pin++) {
- mask = 1<<pin;
- if (isr & mask) {
- portpin = (port<<3)|pin;
- if (handlers[portpin].func != 0)
- handlers[portpin].func(portpin, handlers[portpin].dev);
- else
- printk(KERN_NOTICE "unexpected GPIO interrupt, pin %c%dn",
- port+'A', (int)pin);
- }
- }
- /* Write 1s back to ISR to clear it? That's what the manual says.. */
- outw(isr, GPIO_ISR(port));
- }
- }
- void hd64465_gpio_register_irq(int portpin, int mode,
- void (*handler)(int portpin, void *dev), void *dev)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned short icr, mask;
- if (handler == 0)
- return;
- save_and_cli(flags);
- handlers[portpin].func = handler;
- handlers[portpin].dev = dev;
- /*
- * Configure Interrupt Control Register
- */
- icr = inw(GPIO_ICR(_PORTOF(portpin)));
- mask = (1<<_PINOF(portpin));
- /* unmask interrupt */
- icr &= ~mask;
- /* set TS bit */
- mask <<= 8;
- icr &= ~mask;
- if (mode == HD64465_GPIO_RISING)
- icr |= mask;
- outw(icr, GPIO_ICR(_PORTOF(portpin)));
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- void hd64465_gpio_unregister_irq(int portpin)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned short icr;
- save_and_cli(flags);
- /*
- * Configure Interrupt Control Register
- */
- icr = inw(GPIO_ICR(_PORTOF(portpin)));
- icr |= (1<<_PINOF(portpin)); /* mask interrupt */
- outw(icr, GPIO_ICR(_PORTOF(portpin)));
- handlers[portpin].func = 0;
- handlers[portpin].dev = 0;
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static int __init hd64465_gpio_init(void)
- {
- /* TODO: check return values */
- request_region(HD64465_REG_GPACR, 0x1000, MODNAME);
- request_irq(HD64465_IRQ_GPIO, hd64465_gpio_interrupt,
- printk("HD64465 GPIO layer on irq %dn", HD64465_IRQ_GPIO);
- return 0;
- }
- static void __exit hd64465_gpio_exit(void)
- {
- release_region(HD64465_REG_GPACR, 0x1000);
- free_irq(HD64465_IRQ_GPIO, 0);
- }
- module_init(hd64465_gpio_init);
- module_exit(hd64465_gpio_exit);