- /*
- * linux/drivers/video/fbcon-mac.c -- Low level frame buffer operations for
- * x bpp packed pixels, font width != 8
- *
- * Created 26 Dec 1997 by Michael Schmitz
- * Based on the old macfb.c 6x11 code by Randy Thelen
- *
- * This driver is significantly slower than the 8bit font drivers
- * and would probably benefit from splitting into drivers for each depth.
- *
- * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public
- * License. See the file COPYING in the main directory of this archive for
- */
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <linux/console.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/fb.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <video/fbcon.h>
- #include <video/fbcon-mac.h>
- /*
- * variable bpp packed pixels
- */
- static void plot_pixel_mac(struct display *p, int bw, int pixel_x,
- int pixel_y);
- static int get_pixel_mac(struct display *p, int pixel_x, int pixel_y);
- void fbcon_mac_setup(struct display *p)
- {
- if (p->line_length)
- p->next_line = p->line_length;
- else
- p->next_line = p->var.xres_virtual>>3;
- p->next_plane = 0;
- }
- /*
- * Macintosh
- */
- #define PIXEL_BLACK_MAC 0
- #define PIXEL_WHITE_MAC 1
- #define PIXEL_INVERT_MAC 2
- void fbcon_mac_bmove(struct display *p, int sy, int sx, int dy, int dx,
- int height, int width)
- {
- int i, j;
- u8 *dest, *src;
- int l,r,t,b,w,lo,s;
- int dl,dr,dt,db,dw,dlo;
- int move_up;
- src = (u8 *) (p->screen_base + sy * fontheight(p) * p->next_line);
- dest = (u8 *) (p->screen_base + dy * fontheight(p) * p->next_line);
- if( sx == 0 && width == p->conp->vc_cols) {
- s = height * fontheight(p) * p->next_line;
- fb_memmove(dest, src, s);
- return;
- }
- l = sx * fontwidth(p);
- r = l + width * fontwidth(p);
- t = sy * fontheight(p);
- b = t + height * fontheight(p);
- dl = dx * fontwidth(p);
- dr = dl + width * fontwidth(p);
- dt = dy * fontheight(p);
- db = dt + height * fontheight(p);
- /* w is the # pixels between two long-aligned points, left and right */
- w = (r&~31) - ((l+31)&~31);
- dw = (dr&~31) - ((dl+31)&~31);
- /* lo is the # pixels between the left edge and a long-aligned left pixel */
- lo = ((l+31)&~31) - l;
- dlo = ((dl+31)&~31) - dl;
- /* if dx != sx then, logic has to align the left and right edges for fast moves */
- if (lo != dlo) {
- lo = ((l+7)&~7) - l;
- dlo = ((dl+7)&~7) - dl;
- w = (r&~7) - ((l+7)&~7);
- dw = (dr&~7) - ((dl+7)&~7);
- if (lo != dlo) {
- unsigned char err_str[128];
- unsigned short err_buf[256];
- unsigned long cnt, len;
- sprintf( err_str, "ERROR: Shift algorithm: sx=%d,sy=%d,dx=%d,dy=%d,w=%d,h=%d,bpp=%d",
- sx,sy,dx,dy,width,height,p->var.bits_per_pixel);
- len = strlen(err_str);
- for (cnt = 0; cnt < len; cnt++)
- err_buf[cnt] = 0x700 | err_str[cnt];
- fbcon_mac_putcs(p->conp, p, err_buf, len, 0, 0);
- /* pause for the user */
- printk( "ERROR: shift algorithm...n" );
- mdelay(5000);
- return;
- }
- }
- s = 0;
- switch (p->var.bits_per_pixel) {
- case 1:
- s = w >> 3;
- src += lo >> 3;
- dest += lo >> 3;
- break;
- case 2:
- s = w >> 2;
- src += lo >> 2;
- dest += lo >> 2;
- break;
- case 4:
- s = w >> 1;
- src += lo >> 1;
- dest += lo >> 1;
- break;
- case 8:
- s = w;
- src += lo;
- dest += lo;
- break;
- case 16:
- s = w << 1;
- src += lo << 1;
- dest += lo << 1;
- break;
- case 32:
- s = w << 2;
- src += lo << 2;
- dest += lo << 2;
- break;
- }
- if (sy <= sx) {
- i = b;
- move_up = 0;
- src += height * fontheight(p);
- dest += height * fontheight(p);
- } else {
- i = t;
- move_up = 1;
- }
- while (1) {
- for (i = t; i < b; i++) {
- j = l;
- for (; j & 31 && j < r; j++)
- plot_pixel_mac(p, get_pixel_mac(p, j+(dx-sx), i+(dy-sy)), j, i);
- if (j < r) {
- fb_memmove(dest, src, s);
- if (move_up) {
- dest += p->next_line;
- src += p->next_line;
- } else {
- dest -= p->next_line;
- src -= p->next_line;
- }
- j += w;
- }
- for (; j < r; j++)
- plot_pixel_mac(p, get_pixel_mac(p, j+(dx-sx), i+(dy-sy)), j, i);
- }
- if (move_up) {
- i++;
- if (i >= b)
- break;
- } else {
- i--;
- if (i < t)
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void fbcon_mac_clear(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int sy, int sx,
- int height, int width)
- {
- int pixel;
- int i, j;
- int inverse;
- u8 *dest;
- int l,r,t,b,w,lo,s;
- inverse = conp ? attr_reverse(p,conp->vc_attr) : 0;
- pixel = inverse ? PIXEL_WHITE_MAC : PIXEL_BLACK_MAC;
- dest = (u8 *) (p->screen_base + sy * fontheight(p) * p->next_line);
- if( sx == 0 && width == p->conp->vc_cols) {
- s = height * fontheight(p) * p->next_line;
- if (inverse)
- fb_memclear(dest, s);
- else
- fb_memset255(dest, s);
- }
- l = sx * fontwidth(p);
- r = l + width * fontwidth(p);
- t = sy * fontheight(p);
- b = t + height * fontheight(p);
- /* w is the # pixels between two long-aligned points, left and right */
- w = (r&~31) - ((l+31)&~31);
- /* lo is the # pixels between the left edge and a long-aligned left pixel */
- lo = ((l+31)&~31) - l;
- s = 0;
- switch (p->var.bits_per_pixel) {
- case 1:
- s = w >> 3;
- dest += lo >> 3;
- break;
- case 2:
- s = w >> 2;
- dest += lo >> 2;
- break;
- case 4:
- s = w >> 1;
- dest += lo >> 1;
- break;
- case 8:
- s = w;
- dest += lo;
- break;
- case 16:
- s = w << 1;
- dest += lo << 1;
- break;
- case 32:
- s = w << 2;
- dest += lo << 2;
- break;
- }
- for (i = t; i < b; i++) {
- j = l;
- for (; j & 31 && j < r; j++)
- plot_pixel_mac(p, pixel, j, i);
- if (j < r) {
- if (PIXEL_WHITE_MAC == pixel)
- fb_memclear(dest, s);
- else
- fb_memset255(dest, s);
- dest += p->next_line;
- j += w;
- }
- for (; j < r; j++)
- plot_pixel_mac(p, pixel, j, i);
- }
- }
- void fbcon_mac_putc(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p, int c, int yy,
- int xx)
- {
- u8 *cdat;
- u_int rows, bold, ch_reverse, ch_underline;
- u8 d;
- int j;
- cdat = p->fontdata+(c&p->charmask)*fontheight(p);
- bold = attr_bold(p,c);
- ch_reverse = attr_reverse(p,c);
- ch_underline = attr_underline(p,c);
- for (rows = 0; rows < fontheight(p); rows++) {
- d = *cdat++;
- if (!conp->vc_can_do_color) {
- if (ch_underline && rows == (fontheight(p)-2))
- d = 0xff;
- else if (bold)
- d |= d>>1;
- if (ch_reverse)
- d = ~d;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < fontwidth(p); j++) {
- plot_pixel_mac(p, (d & 0x80) >> 7, (xx*fontwidth(p)) + j, (yy*fontheight(p)) + rows);
- d <<= 1;
- }
- }
- }
- void fbcon_mac_putcs(struct vc_data *conp, struct display *p,
- const unsigned short *s, int count, int yy, int xx)
- {
- u16 c;
- while (count--) {
- c = scr_readw(s++);
- fbcon_mac_putc(conp, p, c, yy, xx++);
- }
- }
- void fbcon_mac_revc(struct display *p, int xx, int yy)
- {
- u_int rows, j;
- for (rows = 0; rows < fontheight(p); rows++) {
- for (j = 0; j < fontwidth(p); j++) {
- plot_pixel_mac (p, PIXEL_INVERT_MAC, (xx*fontwidth(p))+j, (yy*fontheight(p))+rows);
- }
- }
- }
- static inline void plot_helper(u8 *dest, u8 bit, int bw)
- {
- switch (bw) {
- fb_writeb( fb_readb(dest) | bit, dest );
- break;
- fb_writeb( fb_readb(dest) & (~bit), dest );
- break;
- fb_writeb( fb_readb(dest) ^ bit, dest );
- break;
- default:
- printk( "ERROR: Unknown pixel value in plot_pixel_macn");
- }
- }
- /*
- * plot_pixel_mac
- */
- static void plot_pixel_mac(struct display *p, int bw, int pixel_x, int pixel_y)
- {
- u8 *dest, bit;
- u16 *dest16, pix16;
- u32 *dest32, pix32;
- /* There *are* 68k Macs that support more than 832x624, you know :-) */
- if (pixel_x < 0 || pixel_y < 0 || pixel_x >= p->var.xres || pixel_y >= p->var.yres) {
- printk ("ERROR: pixel_x == %d, pixel_y == %d", pixel_x, pixel_y);
- mdelay(1000);
- return;
- }
- switch (p->var.bits_per_pixel) {
- case 1:
- dest = (u8 *) ((pixel_x >> 3) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- bit = 0x80 >> (pixel_x & 7);
- plot_helper(dest, bit, bw);
- break;
- case 2:
- dest = (u8 *) ((pixel_x >> 2) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- bit = 0xC0 >> ((pixel_x & 3) << 1);
- plot_helper(dest, bit, bw);
- break;
- case 4:
- dest = (u8 *) ((pixel_x >> 1) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- bit = 0xF0 >> ((pixel_x & 1) << 2);
- plot_helper(dest, bit, bw);
- break;
- case 8:
- dest = (u8 *) (pixel_x + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- bit = 0xFF;
- plot_helper(dest, bit, bw);
- break;
- /* FIXME: You can't access framebuffer directly like this! */
- case 16:
- dest16 = (u16 *) ((pixel_x *2) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- pix16 = 0xFFFF;
- switch (bw) {
- case PIXEL_BLACK_MAC: *dest16 = ~pix16; break;
- case PIXEL_WHITE_MAC: *dest16 = pix16; break;
- case PIXEL_INVERT_MAC: *dest16 ^= pix16; break;
- default: printk( "ERROR: Unknown pixel value in plot_pixel_macn");
- }
- break;
- case 32:
- dest32 = (u32 *) ((pixel_x *4) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- pix32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
- switch (bw) {
- case PIXEL_BLACK_MAC: *dest32 = ~pix32; break;
- case PIXEL_WHITE_MAC: *dest32 = pix32; break;
- case PIXEL_INVERT_MAC: *dest32 ^= pix32; break;
- default: printk( "ERROR: Unknown pixel value in plot_pixel_macn");
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- static int get_pixel_mac(struct display *p, int pixel_x, int pixel_y)
- {
- u8 *dest, bit;
- u16 *dest16;
- u32 *dest32;
- u8 pixel=0;
- switch (p->var.bits_per_pixel) {
- case 1:
- dest = (u8 *) ((pixel_x / 8) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- bit = 0x80 >> (pixel_x & 7);
- pixel = *dest & bit;
- break;
- case 2:
- dest = (u8 *) ((pixel_x / 4) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- bit = 0xC0 >> (pixel_x & 3);
- pixel = *dest & bit;
- break;
- case 4:
- dest = (u8 *) ((pixel_x / 2) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- bit = 0xF0 >> (pixel_x & 1);
- pixel = *dest & bit;
- break;
- case 8:
- dest = (u8 *) (pixel_x + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- pixel = *dest;
- break;
- case 16:
- dest16 = (u16 *) ((pixel_x *2) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- pixel = *dest16 ? 1 : 0;
- break;
- case 32:
- dest32 = (u32 *) ((pixel_x *4) + p->screen_base + pixel_y * p->next_line);
- pixel = *dest32 ? 1 : 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * `switch' for the low level operations
- */
- struct display_switch fbcon_mac = {
- setup: fbcon_mac_setup,
- bmove: fbcon_redraw_bmove,
- clear: fbcon_redraw_clear,
- putc: fbcon_mac_putc,
- putcs: fbcon_mac_putcs,
- revc: fbcon_mac_revc,
- fontwidthmask: FONTWIDTHRANGE(1,8)
- };
- #ifdef MODULE
- int init_module(void)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- void cleanup_module(void)
- {}
- #endif /* MODULE */
- /*
- * Visible symbols for modules
- */
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(fbcon_mac);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(fbcon_mac_setup);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(fbcon_mac_bmove);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(fbcon_mac_clear);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(fbcon_mac_putc);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(fbcon_mac_putcs);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(fbcon_mac_revc);