- /****************************************************************************
- ******* *******
- ******* L I N K
- ******* *******
- ****************************************************************************
- Author : Ian Nandhra / Jeremy Rolls
- Date :
- *
- * (C) 1990 - 2000 Specialix International Ltd., Byfleet, Surrey, UK.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- Version : 0.01
- Mods
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date By Description
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ***************************************************************************/
- #ifndef _link_h
- #define _link_h 1
- #ifndef lint
- #ifdef SCCS_LABELS
- /* static char *_rio_link_h_sccs = "@(#)link.h 1.15"; */
- #endif
- #endif
- /*************************************************
- * Define the Link Status stuff
- ************************************************/
- #define LRT_ACTIVE ((ushort) 0x01)
- #define LRT_SPARE1 ((ushort) 0x02)
- #define INTRO_RCVD ((ushort) 0x04)
- #define FORCED_DISCONNECT ((ushort) 0x08)
- #define LRT_SPARE2 ((ushort) 0x80)
- #define TOP_OF_RTA_RAM ((ushort) 0x7000)
- #define HOST_SERIAL_POINTER (unsigned char **) (TOP_OF_RTA_RAM - 2 * sizeof (ushort))
- /* Flags for ltt_status */
- #define WAITING_ACK (ushort) 0x0001
- #define DATA_SENT (ushort) 0x0002
- #define WAITING_RUP (ushort) 0x0004
- #define WAITING_RETRY (ushort) 0x0008
- #define WAITING_TOPOLOGY (ushort) 0x0010
- #define SEND_SYNC (ushort) 0x0020
- #define FOAD_THIS_LINK (ushort) 0x0040
- #define REQUEST_SYNC (ushort) 0x0080
- #define REMOTE_DYING (ushort) 0x0100
- #define DIE_NOW (ushort) 0x0200
- /* Boot request stuff */
- #define BOOT_REQUEST ((ushort) 0) /* Request for a boot */
- #define BOOT_ABORT ((ushort) 1) /* Abort a boot */
- #define BOOT_SEQUENCE ((ushort) 2) /* Packet with the number of packets
- and load address */
- #define BOOT_COMPLETED ((ushort) 3) /* Boot completed */
- /* States that a link can be in */
- #define LINK_DISCONNECTED ((ushort) 0) /* Disconnected */
- #define LINK_BOOT1 ((ushort) 1) /* Trying to send 1st stage boot */
- #define LINK_BOOT2 ((ushort) 2) /* Trying to send 2nd stage boot */
- #define LINK_BOOT2WAIT ((ushort) 3) /* Waiting for selftest results */
- #define LINK_BOOT3 ((ushort) 4) /* Trying to send 3rd stage boots */
- #define LINK_SYNC ((ushort) 5) /* Syncing */
- #define LINK_INTRO ((ushort) 10) /* Introductory packet */
- #define LINK_SUPPLYID ((ushort) 11) /* Trying to supply an ID */
- #define LINK_TOPOLOGY ((ushort) 12) /* Send a topology update */
- #define LINK_REQUESTID ((ushort) 13) /* Waiting for an ID */
- #define LINK_CONNECTED ((ushort) 14) /* Connected */
- #define LINK_INTERCONNECT ((ushort) 20) /* Subnets interconnected */
- #define LINK_SPARE ((ushort) 40)
- /*
- ** Set the default timeout for link communications.
- */
- /*
- ** LED stuff
- */
- #if defined(RTA)
- #define LED_OFF ((ushort) 0) /* LED off */
- #define LED_RED ((ushort) 1) /* LED Red */
- #define LED_GREEN ((ushort) 2) /* LED Green */
- #define LED_ORANGE ((ushort) 4) /* LED Orange */
- #define LED_1TO8_OPEN ((ushort) 1) /* Port 1->8 LED on */
- #define LED_9TO16_OPEN ((ushort) 2) /* Port 9->16 LED on */
- #define LED_SET_COLOUR(colour) (link->led = (colour))
- #define LED_OR_COLOUR(colour) (link->led |= (colour))
- #define LED_TIMEOUT(time) (link->led_timeout = RioTimePlus(RioTime(),(time)))
- #else
- #define LED_SET_COLOUR(colour)
- #define LED_OR_COLOUR(colour)
- #define LED_TIMEOUT(time)
- #endif /* RTA */
- struct LPB {
- WORD link_number ; /* Link Number */
- Channel_ptr in_ch ; /* Link In Channel */
- Channel_ptr out_ch ; /* Link Out Channel */
- #ifdef RTA
- uchar stat_led ; /* Port open leds */
- uchar led ; /* True, light led! */
- #endif
- BYTE attached_serial[4]; /* Attached serial number */
- BYTE attached_host_serial[4];
- /* Serial number of Host who
- booted the other end */
- WORD descheduled ; /* Currently Descheduled */
- WORD state; /* Current state */
- WORD send_poll ; /* Send a Poll Packet */
- Process_ptr ltt_p ; /* Process Descriptor */
- Process_ptr lrt_p ; /* Process Descriptor */
- WORD lrt_status ; /* Current lrt status */
- WORD ltt_status ; /* Current ltt status */
- WORD timeout ; /* Timeout value */
- WORD topology; /* Topology bits */
- WORD mon_ltt ;
- WORD mon_lrt ;
- WORD WaitNoBoot ; /* Secs to hold off booting */
- PKT_ptr add_packet_list; /* Add packets to here */
- PKT_ptr remove_packet_list; /* Send packets from here */
- #ifdef RTA
- #ifdef DCIRRUS
- #else
- #endif
- PKT_ptr_ptr rd_add ; /* Add a new Packet here */
- Q_BUF_ptr rd_add_qb; /* Pointer to the add Q buf */
- PKT_ptr_ptr rd_add_st_qbb ; /* Pointer to start of the Q's buf */
- PKT_ptr_ptr rd_add_end_qbb ; /* Pointer to the end of the Q's buf */
- PKT_ptr_ptr rd_remove ; /* Remove a Packet here */
- Q_BUF_ptr rd_remove_qb ; /* Pointer to the remove Q buf */
- PKT_ptr_ptr rd_remove_st_qbb ; /* Pointer to the start of the Q buf */
- PKT_ptr_ptr rd_remove_end_qbb ; /* Pointer to the end of the Q buf */
- ushort pkts_in_q ; /* Packets in queue */
- #endif
- Channel_ptr lrt_fail_chan ; /* Lrt's failure channel */
- Channel_ptr ltt_fail_chan ; /* Ltt's failure channel */
- #if defined (HOST) || defined (INKERNEL)
- /* RUP structure for HOST to driver communications */
- struct RUP rup ;
- #endif
- struct RUP link_rup; /* RUP for the link (POLL,
- topology etc.) */
- WORD attached_link ; /* Number of attached link */
- WORD csum_errors ; /* csum errors */
- WORD num_disconnects ; /* number of disconnects */
- WORD num_sync_rcvd ; /* # sync's received */
- WORD num_sync_rqst ; /* # sync requests */
- WORD num_tx ; /* Num pkts sent */
- WORD num_rx ; /* Num pkts received */
- WORD module_attached; /* Module tpyes of attached */
- WORD led_timeout; /* LED timeout */
- WORD first_port; /* First port to service */
- WORD last_port; /* Last port to service */
- } ;
- #endif
- /*********** end of file ***********/