- /*
- * Copyright (c) 1997-2000 LAN Media Corporation (LMC)
- * All rights reserved. www.lanmedia.com
- *
- * This code is written by:
- * Andrew Stanley-Jones (asj@cban.com)
- * Rob Braun (bbraun@vix.com),
- * Michael Graff (explorer@vix.com) and
- * Matt Thomas (matt@3am-software.com).
- *
- * With Help By:
- * David Boggs
- * Ron Crane
- * Allan Cox
- *
- * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms
- * of the GNU General Public License version 2, incorporated herein by reference.
- *
- * Driver for the LanMedia LMC5200, LMC5245, LMC1000, LMC1200 cards.
- *
- * To control link specific options lmcctl is required.
- * It can be obtained from ftp.lanmedia.com.
- *
- * Linux driver notes:
- * Linux uses the device struct lmc_private to pass private information
- * arround.
- *
- * The initialization portion of this driver (the lmc_reset() and the
- * lmc_dec_reset() functions, as well as the led controls and the
- * lmc_initcsrs() functions.
- *
- * The watchdog function runs every second and checks to see if
- * we still have link, and that the timing source is what we expected
- * it to be. If link is lost, the interface is marked down, and
- * we no longer can transmit.
- *
- */
- /* $Id: lmc_main.c,v 1.36 2000/04/11 05:25:25 asj Exp $ */
- #include <linux/version.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/timer.h>
- #include <linux/ptrace.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/pci.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <asm/segment.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x20155
- #include <linux/bios32.h>
- #endif
- #include <linux/in.h>
- #include <linux/if_arp.h>
- #include <asm/processor.h> /* Processor type for cache alignment. */
- #include <asm/bitops.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/dma.h>
- #include <linux/netdevice.h>
- #include <linux/etherdevice.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <net/syncppp.h>
- #include <linux/inet.h>
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20200
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- //#include <asm/spinlock.h>
- #else /* 2.0 kernel */
- #define ARPHRD_HDLC 513
- #endif
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include "lmc_ver.h"
- #include "lmc.h"
- #include "lmc_var.h"
- #include "lmc_ioctl.h"
- #include "lmc_debug.h"
- #include "lmc_proto.h"
- static int Lmc_Count = 0;
- static struct net_device *Lmc_root_dev = NULL;
- static u8 cards_found = 0;
- static int lmc_first_load = 0;
- int LMC_PKT_BUF_SZ = 1542;
- #ifdef MODULE
- static struct pci_device_id lmc_pci_tbl[] __devinitdata = {
- { 0x1011, 0x009, 0x1379, PCI_ANY_ID, 0, 0, 0},
- { 0, }
- };
- MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(pci, lmc_pci_tbl);
- #endif
- int lmc_probe_fake(struct net_device *dev);
- static struct net_device *lmc_probe1(struct net_device *dev, unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned int irq,
- int chip_id, int subdevice, int board_idx);
- static int lmc_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
- static int lmc_start_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
- static int lmc_rx (struct net_device *dev);
- static int lmc_open(struct net_device *dev);
- static int lmc_close(struct net_device *dev);
- static struct net_device_stats *lmc_get_stats(struct net_device *dev);
- static void lmc_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs);
- static int lmc_set_config(struct net_device *dev, struct ifmap *map);
- static void lmc_initcsrs(lmc_softc_t * const sc, lmc_csrptr_t csr_base, size_t csr_size);
- static void lmc_softreset(lmc_softc_t * const);
- static void lmc_running_reset(struct net_device *dev);
- static int lmc_ifdown(struct net_device * const);
- static void lmc_watchdog(unsigned long data);
- static int lmc_init(struct net_device * const);
- static void lmc_reset(lmc_softc_t * const sc);
- static void lmc_dec_reset(lmc_softc_t * const sc);
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20363
- static void lmc_driver_timeout(struct net_device *dev);
- int lmc_setup(void);
- #endif
- /*
- * linux reserves 16 device specific IOCTLs. We call them
- * LMCIOC* to control various bits of our world.
- */
- int lmc_ioctl (struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- lmc_ctl_t ctl;
- int ret;
- u_int16_t regVal;
- unsigned long flags;
- struct sppp *sp;
- ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
- sc = dev->priv;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_ioctl in");
- /*
- * Most functions mess with the structure
- * Disable interrupts while we do the polling
- */
- spin_lock_irqsave(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- switch (cmd) {
- /*
- * Return current driver state. Since we keep this up
- * To date internally, just copy this out to the user.
- */
- case LMCIOCGINFO: /*fold01*/
- LMC_COPY_TO_USER(ifr->ifr_data, &sc->ictl, sizeof (lmc_ctl_t));
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case LMCIOCSINFO: /*fold01*/
- sp = &((struct ppp_device *) dev)->sppp;
- if (!suser ()) {
- ret = -EPERM;
- break;
- }
- if(dev->flags & IFF_UP){
- ret = -EBUSY;
- break;
- }
- LMC_COPY_FROM_USER(&ctl, ifr->ifr_data, sizeof (lmc_ctl_t));
- sc->lmc_media->set_status (sc, &ctl);
- if(ctl.crc_length != sc->ictl.crc_length) {
- sc->lmc_media->set_crc_length(sc, ctl.crc_length);
- if (sc->ictl.crc_length == LMC_CTL_CRC_LENGTH_16)
- sc->TxDescriptControlInit |= LMC_TDES_ADD_CRC_DISABLE;
- else
- sc->TxDescriptControlInit &= ~LMC_TDES_ADD_CRC_DISABLE;
- }
- if (ctl.keepalive_onoff == LMC_CTL_OFF)
- sp->pp_flags &= ~PP_KEEPALIVE; /* Turn off */
- else
- sp->pp_flags |= PP_KEEPALIVE; /* Turn on */
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case LMCIOCIFTYPE: /*fold01*/
- {
- u_int16_t old_type = sc->if_type;
- u_int16_t new_type;
- if (!suser ()) {
- ret = -EPERM;
- break;
- }
- LMC_COPY_FROM_USER(&new_type, ifr->ifr_data, sizeof(u_int16_t));
- if (new_type == old_type)
- {
- ret = 0 ;
- break; /* no change */
- }
- lmc_proto_close(sc);
- lmc_proto_detach(sc);
- sc->if_type = new_type;
- // lmc_proto_init(sc);
- lmc_proto_attach(sc);
- lmc_proto_open(sc);
- ret = 0 ;
- break ;
- }
- case LMCIOCGETXINFO: /*fold01*/
- sc->lmc_xinfo.Magic0 = 0xBEEFCAFE;
- sc->lmc_xinfo.PciCardType = sc->lmc_cardtype;
- sc->lmc_xinfo.PciSlotNumber = 0;
- sc->lmc_xinfo.DriverMajorVersion = DRIVER_MAJOR_VERSION;
- sc->lmc_xinfo.DriverMinorVersion = DRIVER_MINOR_VERSION;
- sc->lmc_xinfo.DriverSubVersion = DRIVER_SUB_VERSION;
- sc->lmc_xinfo.XilinxRevisionNumber =
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 3) & 0xf;
- sc->lmc_xinfo.MaxFrameSize = LMC_PKT_BUF_SZ;
- sc->lmc_xinfo.link_status = sc->lmc_media->get_link_status (sc);
- sc->lmc_xinfo.mii_reg16 = lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16);
- sc->lmc_xinfo.Magic1 = 0xDEADBEEF;
- LMC_COPY_TO_USER(ifr->ifr_data, &sc->lmc_xinfo,
- sizeof (struct lmc_xinfo));
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case LMCIOCGETLMCSTATS: /*fold01*/
- if (sc->lmc_cardtype == LMC_CARDTYPE_T1){
- lmc_mii_writereg (sc, 0, 17, T1FRAMER_FERR_LSB);
- sc->stats.framingBitErrorCount +=
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 18) & 0xff;
- lmc_mii_writereg (sc, 0, 17, T1FRAMER_FERR_MSB);
- sc->stats.framingBitErrorCount +=
- (lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 18) & 0xff) << 8;
- lmc_mii_writereg (sc, 0, 17, T1FRAMER_LCV_LSB);
- sc->stats.lineCodeViolationCount +=
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 18) & 0xff;
- lmc_mii_writereg (sc, 0, 17, T1FRAMER_LCV_MSB);
- sc->stats.lineCodeViolationCount +=
- (lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 18) & 0xff) << 8;
- lmc_mii_writereg (sc, 0, 17, T1FRAMER_AERR);
- regVal = lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 18) & 0xff;
- sc->stats.lossOfFrameCount +=
- (regVal & T1FRAMER_LOF_MASK) >> 4;
- sc->stats.changeOfFrameAlignmentCount +=
- (regVal & T1FRAMER_COFA_MASK) >> 2;
- sc->stats.severelyErroredFrameCount +=
- }
- LMC_COPY_TO_USER(ifr->ifr_data, &sc->stats,
- sizeof (struct lmc_statistics));
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case LMCIOCCLEARLMCSTATS: /*fold01*/
- if (!suser ()){
- ret = -EPERM;
- break;
- }
- memset (&sc->stats, 0, sizeof (struct lmc_statistics));
- sc->stats.check = STATCHECK;
- sc->stats.version_size = (DRIVER_VERSION << 16) +
- sizeof (struct lmc_statistics);
- sc->stats.lmc_cardtype = sc->lmc_cardtype;
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case LMCIOCSETCIRCUIT: /*fold01*/
- if (!suser ()){
- ret = -EPERM;
- break;
- }
- if(dev->flags & IFF_UP){
- ret = -EBUSY;
- break;
- }
- LMC_COPY_FROM_USER(&ctl, ifr->ifr_data, sizeof (lmc_ctl_t));
- sc->lmc_media->set_circuit_type(sc, ctl.circuit_type);
- sc->ictl.circuit_type = ctl.circuit_type;
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case LMCIOCRESET: /*fold01*/
- if (!suser ()){
- ret = -EPERM;
- break;
- }
- /* Reset driver and bring back to current state */
- printk (" REG16 before reset +%04xn", lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16));
- lmc_running_reset (dev);
- printk (" REG16 after reset +%04xn", lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16));
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_FORCEDRESET, LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status), lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16));
- ret = 0;
- break;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- LMC_COPY_TO_USER(ifr->ifr_data, &lmcEventLogIndex, sizeof (u32));
- LMC_COPY_TO_USER(ifr->ifr_data + sizeof (u32), lmcEventLogBuf, sizeof (lmcEventLogBuf));
- ret = 0;
- break;
- #endif /* end ifdef _DBG_EVENTLOG */
- case LMCIOCT1CONTROL: /*fold01*/
- if (sc->lmc_cardtype != LMC_CARDTYPE_T1){
- ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
- break;
- }
- break;
- case LMCIOCXILINX: /*fold01*/
- {
- struct lmc_xilinx_control xc; /*fold02*/
- if (!suser ()){
- ret = -EPERM;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Stop the xwitter whlie we restart the hardware
- */
- LMC_COPY_FROM_USER(&xc, ifr->ifr_data, sizeof (struct lmc_xilinx_control));
- switch(xc.command){
- case lmc_xilinx_reset: /*fold02*/
- {
- u16 mii;
- mii = lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16);
- /*
- * Make all of them 0 and make input
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkinput(sc, 0xff);
- /*
- * make the reset output
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkoutput(sc, LMC_GEP_RESET);
- /*
- * RESET low to force configuration. This also forces
- * the transmitter clock to be internal, but we expect to reset
- * that later anyway.
- */
- sc->lmc_gpio &= ~LMC_GEP_RESET;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- /*
- * hold for more than 10 microseconds
- */
- udelay(50);
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_RESET;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- /*
- * stop driving Xilinx-related signals
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkinput(sc, 0xff);
- /* Reset the frammer hardware */
- sc->lmc_media->set_link_status (sc, 1);
- sc->lmc_media->set_status (sc, NULL);
- // lmc_softreset(sc);
- {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 5; i++){
- lmc_led_on(sc, LMC_DS3_LED0);
- mdelay(100);
- lmc_led_off(sc, LMC_DS3_LED0);
- lmc_led_on(sc, LMC_DS3_LED1);
- mdelay(100);
- lmc_led_off(sc, LMC_DS3_LED1);
- lmc_led_on(sc, LMC_DS3_LED3);
- mdelay(100);
- lmc_led_off(sc, LMC_DS3_LED3);
- lmc_led_on(sc, LMC_DS3_LED2);
- mdelay(100);
- lmc_led_off(sc, LMC_DS3_LED2);
- }
- }
- ret = 0x0;
- }
- break;
- case lmc_xilinx_load_prom: /*fold02*/
- {
- u16 mii;
- int timeout = 500000;
- mii = lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16);
- /*
- * Make all of them 0 and make input
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkinput(sc, 0xff);
- /*
- * make the reset output
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkoutput(sc, LMC_GEP_DP | LMC_GEP_RESET);
- /*
- * RESET low to force configuration. This also forces
- * the transmitter clock to be internal, but we expect to reset
- * that later anyway.
- */
- sc->lmc_gpio &= ~(LMC_GEP_RESET | LMC_GEP_DP);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- /*
- * hold for more than 10 microseconds
- */
- udelay(50);
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_DP | LMC_GEP_RESET;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- /*
- * busy wait for the chip to reset
- */
- while( (LMC_CSR_READ(sc, csr_gp) & LMC_GEP_INIT) == 0 &&
- (timeout-- > 0))
- ;
- /*
- * stop driving Xilinx-related signals
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkinput(sc, 0xff);
- ret = 0x0;
- break;
- }
- case lmc_xilinx_load: /*fold02*/
- {
- char *data;
- int pos;
- int timeout = 500000;
- if(xc.data == 0x0){
- ret = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
- data = kmalloc(xc.len, GFP_KERNEL);
- if(data == 0x0){
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Failed to allocate memory for copyn", dev->name);
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- break;
- }
- if(copy_from_user(data, xc.data, xc.len))
- {
- kfree(data);
- ret = -ENOMEM;
- break;
- }
- printk("%s: Starting load of data Len: %d at 0x%p == 0x%pn", dev->name, xc.len, xc.data, data);
- lmc_gpio_mkinput(sc, 0xff);
- /*
- * Clear the Xilinx and start prgramming from the DEC
- */
- /*
- * Set ouput as:
- * Reset: 0 (active)
- * DP: 0 (active)
- * Mode: 1
- *
- */
- sc->lmc_gpio = 0x00;
- sc->lmc_gpio &= ~LMC_GEP_DP;
- sc->lmc_gpio &= ~LMC_GEP_RESET;
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_MODE;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- lmc_gpio_mkoutput(sc, LMC_GEP_MODE | LMC_GEP_DP | LMC_GEP_RESET);
- /*
- * Wait at least 10 us 20 to be safe
- */
- udelay(50);
- /*
- * Clear reset and activate programming lines
- * Reset: Input
- * DP: Input
- * Clock: Output
- * Data: Output
- * Mode: Output
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkinput(sc, LMC_GEP_DP | LMC_GEP_RESET);
- /*
- * Set LOAD, DATA, Clock to 1
- */
- sc->lmc_gpio = 0x00;
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_MODE;
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_DATA;
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_CLK;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- lmc_gpio_mkoutput(sc, LMC_GEP_DATA | LMC_GEP_CLK | LMC_GEP_MODE );
- /*
- * busy wait for the chip to reset
- */
- while( (LMC_CSR_READ(sc, csr_gp) & LMC_GEP_INIT) == 0 &&
- (timeout-- > 0))
- ;
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Waited %d for the Xilinx to clear it's memoryn", dev->name, 500000-timeout);
- for(pos = 0; pos < xc.len; pos++){
- switch(data[pos]){
- case 0:
- sc->lmc_gpio &= ~LMC_GEP_DATA; /* Data is 0 */
- break;
- case 1:
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_DATA; /* Data is 1 */
- break;
- default:
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s Bad data in xilinx programming data at %d, got %d wanted 0 or 1n", dev->name, pos, data[pos]);
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_DATA; /* Assume it's 1 */
- }
- sc->lmc_gpio &= ~LMC_GEP_CLK; /* Clock to zero */
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_MODE;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- udelay(1);
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_CLK; /* Put the clack back to one */
- sc->lmc_gpio |= LMC_GEP_MODE;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- udelay(1);
- }
- if((LMC_CSR_READ(sc, csr_gp) & LMC_GEP_INIT) == 0){
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Reprogramming FAILED. Needs to be reprogrammed. (corrupted data)n", dev->name);
- }
- else if((LMC_CSR_READ(sc, csr_gp) & LMC_GEP_DP) == 0){
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Reprogramming FAILED. Needs to be reprogrammed. (done)n", dev->name);
- }
- else {
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s: Done reprogramming Xilinx, %d bits, good luck!n", dev->name, pos);
- }
- lmc_gpio_mkinput(sc, 0xff);
- sc->lmc_miireg16 |= LMC_MII16_FIFO_RESET;
- lmc_mii_writereg(sc, 0, 16, sc->lmc_miireg16);
- sc->lmc_miireg16 &= ~LMC_MII16_FIFO_RESET;
- lmc_mii_writereg(sc, 0, 16, sc->lmc_miireg16);
- kfree(data);
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
- default: /*fold02*/
- ret = -EBADE;
- break;
- }
- sc->lmc_txfull = 0;
- }
- break;
- default: /*fold01*/
- /* If we don't know what to do, give the protocol a shot. */
- ret = lmc_proto_ioctl (sc, ifr, cmd);
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc->lmc_lock, flags); /*fold01*/
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_ioctl out");
- return ret;
- }
- /* the watchdog process that cruises around */
- static void lmc_watchdog (unsigned long data) /*fold00*/
- {
- struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *) data;
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- int link_status;
- u_int32_t ticks;
- sc = dev->priv;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_watchdog in");
- spin_lock_irqsave(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- if(sc->check != 0xBEAFCAFE){
- printk("LMC: Corrupt net_device stuct, breaking outn");
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- return;
- }
- /* Make sure the tx jabber and rx watchdog are off,
- * and the transmit and receive processes are running.
- */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_15, 0x00000011);
- sc->lmc_cmdmode |= TULIP_CMD_TXRUN | TULIP_CMD_RXRUN;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_command, sc->lmc_cmdmode);
- if (sc->lmc_ok == 0)
- goto kick_timer;
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_WATCHDOG, LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status), lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16));
- /* --- begin time out check -----------------------------------
- * check for a transmit interrupt timeout
- * Has the packet xmt vs xmt serviced threshold been exceeded */
- if (sc->lmc_taint_tx == sc->lastlmc_taint_tx &&
- sc->stats.tx_packets > sc->lasttx_packets &&
- sc->tx_TimeoutInd == 0)
- {
- /* wait for the watchdog to come around again */
- sc->tx_TimeoutInd = 1;
- }
- else if (sc->lmc_taint_tx == sc->lastlmc_taint_tx &&
- sc->stats.tx_packets > sc->lasttx_packets &&
- sc->tx_TimeoutInd)
- {
- sc->tx_TimeoutDisplay = 1;
- sc->stats.tx_TimeoutCnt++;
- /* DEC chip is stuck, hit it with a RESET!!!! */
- lmc_running_reset (dev);
- /* look at receive & transmit process state to make sure they are running */
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_RESET1, LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status), 0);
- /* look at: DSR - 02 for Reg 16
- * CTS - 08
- * DCD - 10
- * RI - 20
- * for Reg 17
- */
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_RESET2, lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16), lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 17));
- /* reset the transmit timeout detection flag */
- sc->tx_TimeoutInd = 0;
- sc->lastlmc_taint_tx = sc->lmc_taint_tx;
- sc->lasttx_packets = sc->stats.tx_packets;
- }
- else
- {
- sc->tx_TimeoutInd = 0;
- sc->lastlmc_taint_tx = sc->lmc_taint_tx;
- sc->lasttx_packets = sc->stats.tx_packets;
- }
- /* --- end time out check ----------------------------------- */
- link_status = sc->lmc_media->get_link_status (sc);
- /*
- * hardware level link lost, but the interface is marked as up.
- * Mark it as down.
- */
- if ((link_status == 0) && (sc->last_link_status != 0)) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: hardware/physical link downn", dev->name);
- sc->last_link_status = 0;
- /* lmc_reset (sc); Why reset??? The link can go down ok */
- /* Inform the world that link has been lost */
- dev->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
- }
- /*
- * hardware link is up, but the interface is marked as down.
- * Bring it back up again.
- */
- if (link_status != 0 && sc->last_link_status == 0) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: hardware/physical link upn", dev->name);
- sc->last_link_status = 1;
- /* lmc_reset (sc); Again why reset??? */
- /* Inform the world that link protocol is back up. */
- dev->flags |= IFF_RUNNING;
- /* Now we have to tell the syncppp that we had an outage
- * and that it should deal. Calling sppp_reopen here
- * should do the trick, but we may have to call sppp_close
- * when the link goes down, and call sppp_open here.
- * Subject to more testing.
- * --bbraun
- */
- lmc_proto_reopen(sc);
- }
- /* Call media specific watchdog functions */
- sc->lmc_media->watchdog(sc);
- /*
- * Poke the transmitter to make sure it
- * never stops, even if we run out of mem
- */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_rxpoll, 0);
- /*
- * Check for code that failed
- * and try and fix it as appropriate
- */
- if(sc->failed_ring == 1){
- /*
- * Failed to setup the recv/xmit rin
- * Try again
- */
- sc->failed_ring = 0;
- lmc_softreset(sc);
- }
- if(sc->failed_recv_alloc == 1){
- /*
- * We failed to alloc mem in the
- * interrupt handler, go through the rings
- * and rebuild them
- */
- sc->failed_recv_alloc = 0;
- lmc_softreset(sc);
- }
- /*
- * remember the timer value
- */
- kick_timer:
- ticks = LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_gp_timer);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_gp_timer, 0xffffffffUL);
- sc->ictl.ticks = 0x0000ffff - (ticks & 0x0000ffff);
- /*
- * restart this timer.
- */
- sc->timer.expires = jiffies + (HZ);
- add_timer (&sc->timer);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_watchdog out");
- }
- static int lmc_init(struct net_device * const dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_init in");
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_init out");
- return 0;
- }
- /* This initializes each card from lmc_probe() */
- static struct net_device *lmc_probe1 (struct net_device *dev, unsigned long ioaddr, unsigned int irq, /*fold00*/
- int chip_id, int subdevice, int board_idx)
- {
- lmc_softc_t *sc = NULL;
- u_int16_t AdapModelNum;
- /*
- * Allocate our own device structure
- */
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x20363
- dev = kmalloc (sizeof (struct ppp_device)+8, GFP_KERNEL);
- #else
- dev = kmalloc (sizeof (struct net_device)+8, GFP_KERNEL);
- #endif
- if (dev == NULL){
- printk (KERN_ERR "lmc: kmalloc for device failedn");
- return NULL;
- }
- memset (dev, 0, sizeof (struct net_device));
- #ifndef GCOM
- /*
- * Switch to common hdlc%d naming. We name by type not by vendor
- */
- dev_alloc_name(dev, "hdlc%d");
- #else
- /*
- * GCOM uses LMC vendor name so that clients can know which card
- * to attach to.
- */
- dev_alloc_name(dev, "lmc%d");
- #endif
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_probe1 in");
- Lmc_Count++;
- if(lmc_first_load == 0){
- lmc_first_load = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Allocate space for the private data structure
- */
- sc = kmalloc (sizeof (lmc_softc_t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (sc == NULL) {
- printk (KERN_WARNING "%s: Cannot allocate memory for device staten",
- dev->name);
- return (NULL);
- }
- memset (sc, 0, sizeof (lmc_softc_t));
- dev->priv = sc;
- sc->lmc_device = dev;
- sc->name = dev->name;
- /* Initialize the sppp layer */
- /* An ioctl can cause a subsequent detach for raw frame interface */
- sc->if_type = LMC_PPP;
- sc->check = 0xBEAFCAFE;
- dev->base_addr = ioaddr;
- dev->irq = irq;
- /*
- * This will get the protocol layer ready and do any 1 time init's
- * Must have a valid sc and dev structure
- */
- lmc_proto_init(sc);
- lmc_proto_attach(sc);
- /* Just fill in the entries for the device */
- dev->init = lmc_init;
- dev->type = ARPHRD_HDLC;
- dev->hard_start_xmit = lmc_start_xmit;
- dev->open = lmc_open;
- dev->stop = lmc_close;
- dev->get_stats = lmc_get_stats;
- dev->do_ioctl = lmc_ioctl;
- dev->set_config = lmc_set_config;
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20363
- dev->tx_timeout = lmc_driver_timeout;
- dev->watchdog_timeo = (HZ); /* 1 second */
- #endif
- /*
- * Why were we changing this???
- dev->tx_queue_len = 100;
- */
- /* Init the spin lock so can call it latter */
- spin_lock_init(&sc->lmc_lock);
- printk ("%s: detected at %lx, irq %dn", dev->name, ioaddr, dev->irq);
- if (register_netdev (dev) != 0) {
- printk (KERN_ERR "%s: register_netdev failed.n", dev->name);
- lmc_proto_detach(sc);
- kfree (dev->priv);
- kfree (dev);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Request the region of registers we need, so that
- * later on, no one else will take our card away from
- * us.
- */
- request_region (ioaddr, LMC_REG_RANGE, dev->name);
- sc->lmc_cardtype = LMC_CARDTYPE_UNKNOWN;
- sc->lmc_timing = LMC_CTL_CLOCK_SOURCE_EXT;
- switch (subdevice) {
- printk ("%s: LMC HSSIn", dev->name);
- sc->lmc_cardtype = LMC_CARDTYPE_HSSI;
- sc->lmc_media = &lmc_hssi_media;
- break;
- printk ("%s: LMC DS3n", dev->name);
- sc->lmc_cardtype = LMC_CARDTYPE_DS3;
- sc->lmc_media = &lmc_ds3_media;
- break;
- printk ("%s: LMC SSIn", dev->name);
- sc->lmc_cardtype = LMC_CARDTYPE_SSI;
- sc->lmc_media = &lmc_ssi_media;
- break;
- printk ("%s: LMC T1n", dev->name);
- sc->lmc_cardtype = LMC_CARDTYPE_T1;
- sc->lmc_media = &lmc_t1_media;
- break;
- default:
- printk (KERN_WARNING "%s: LMC UNKOWN CARD!n", dev->name);
- break;
- }
- lmc_initcsrs (sc, dev->base_addr, 8);
- lmc_gpio_mkinput (sc, 0xff);
- sc->lmc_gpio = 0; /* drive no signals yet */
- sc->lmc_media->defaults (sc);
- sc->lmc_media->set_link_status (sc, LMC_LINK_UP);
- /* verify that the PCI Sub System ID matches the Adapter Model number
- * from the MII register
- */
- AdapModelNum = (lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 3) & 0x3f0) >> 4;
- if ((AdapModelNum == LMC_ADAP_T1
- && subdevice == PCI_PRODUCT_LMC_T1) || /* detect LMC1200 */
- (AdapModelNum == LMC_ADAP_SSI
- && subdevice == PCI_PRODUCT_LMC_SSI) || /* detect LMC1000 */
- (AdapModelNum == LMC_ADAP_DS3
- && subdevice == PCI_PRODUCT_LMC_DS3) || /* detect LMC5245 */
- (AdapModelNum == LMC_ADAP_HSSI
- && subdevice == PCI_PRODUCT_LMC_HSSI))
- { /* detect LMC5200 */
- }
- else {
- printk ("%s: Model number (%d) miscompare for PCI Subsystem ID = 0x%04xn",
- dev->name, AdapModelNum, subdevice);
- // return (NULL);
- }
- /*
- * reset clock
- */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_gp_timer, 0xFFFFFFFFUL);
- sc->board_idx = board_idx;
- memset (&sc->stats, 0, sizeof (struct lmc_statistics));
- sc->stats.check = STATCHECK;
- sc->stats.version_size = (DRIVER_VERSION << 16) +
- sizeof (struct lmc_statistics);
- sc->stats.lmc_cardtype = sc->lmc_cardtype;
- sc->lmc_ok = 0;
- sc->last_link_status = 0;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_probe1 out");
- return dev;
- }
- /* This is the entry point. This is what is called immediatly. */
- /* This goes out and finds the card */
- int lmc_probe_fake(struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_probe(NULL);
- /* Return 1 to unloaded bogus device */
- return 1;
- }
- int lmc_probe (struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- int pci_index = 0;
- unsigned long pci_ioaddr;
- unsigned int pci_irq_line;
- u16 vendor, subvendor, device, subdevice;
- u32 foundaddr = 0;
- unsigned char pci_bus, pci_device_fn;
- u8 intcf = 0;
- /* The card is only available on PCI, so if we don't have a
- * PCI bus, we are in trouble.
- */
- if (!LMC_PCI_PRESENT()) {
- /* printk ("%s: We really want a pci bios!n", dev->name);*/
- return -1;
- }
- /* Loop basically until we don't find anymore. */
- while (pci_index < 0xff){
- struct pci_dev *pdev;
- /* The tulip is considered an ethernet class of card... */
- if (pcibios_find_class (PCI_CLASS_NETWORK_ETHERNET << 8,
- pci_index, &pci_bus,
- &pci_device_fn) != PCIBIOS_SUCCESSFUL) {
- /* No card found on this pass */
- break;
- }
- /* Read the info we need to determine if this is
- * our card or not
- */
- pdev = pci_find_slot (pci_bus, pci_device_fn);
- if (!pdev) break;
- if (pci_enable_device(pdev))
- break;
- vendor = pdev->vendor;
- device = pdev->device;
- pci_irq_line = pdev->irq;
- pci_ioaddr = pci_resource_start (pdev, 0);
- subvendor = pdev->subsystem_vendor;
- subdevice = pdev->subsystem_device;
- pci_set_master (pdev);
- /*
- * Make sure it's the correct card. CHECK SUBVENDOR ID!
- * There are lots of tulip's out there.
- * Also check the region of registers we will soon be
- * poking, to make sure no one else has reserved them.
- * This prevents taking someone else's device.
- *
- * Check either the subvendor or the subdevice, some systems reverse
- * the setting in the bois, seems to be version and arch dependant?
- * Fix the two variables
- *
- */
- if (!(check_region (pci_ioaddr, LMC_REG_RANGE)) &&
- (vendor == CORRECT_VENDOR_ID) &&
- (device == CORRECT_DEV_ID) &&
- ((subvendor == PCI_VENDOR_LMC) || (subdevice == PCI_VENDOR_LMC))){
- struct net_device *cur, *prev = NULL;
- /* Fix the error, exchange the two values */
- if(subdevice == PCI_VENDOR_LMC){
- subdevice = subvendor;
- subvendor = PCI_VENDOR_LMC ;
- }
- /* Make the call to actually setup this card */
- dev = lmc_probe1 (dev, pci_ioaddr, pci_irq_line,
- device, subdevice, cards_found);
- if (dev == NULL) {
- printk ("lmc_probe: lmc_probe1 failedn");
- goto lmc_probe_next_card;
- }
- /* insert the device into the chain of lmc devices */
- for (cur = Lmc_root_dev;
- cur != NULL;
- cur = ((lmc_softc_t *) cur->priv)->next_module) {
- prev = cur;
- }
- if (prev == NULL)
- Lmc_root_dev = dev;
- else
- ((lmc_softc_t *) prev->priv)->next_module = dev;
- ((lmc_softc_t *) dev->priv)->next_module = NULL;
- /* end insert */
- foundaddr = dev->base_addr;
- cards_found++;
- intcf++;
- }
- lmc_probe_next_card:
- pci_index++;
- }
- if (cards_found < 1)
- return -1;
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20200
- return foundaddr;
- #else
- return 0;
- #endif
- }
- /* After this is called, packets can be sent.
- * Does not initialize the addresses
- */
- static int lmc_open (struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_softc_t *sc = dev->priv;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_open in");
- lmc_led_on(sc, LMC_DS3_LED0);
- lmc_dec_reset (sc);
- lmc_reset (sc);
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_RESET1, LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status), 0);
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16),
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 17));
- if (sc->lmc_ok){
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_open lmc_ok out");
- return (0);
- }
- lmc_softreset (sc);
- /* Since we have to use PCI bus, this should work on x86,alpha,ppc */
- if (request_irq (dev->irq, &lmc_interrupt, SA_SHIRQ, dev->name, dev)){
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: could not get irq: %dn", dev->name, dev->irq);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_open irq failed out");
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- sc->got_irq = 1;
- /* Assert Terminal Active */
- sc->lmc_miireg16 |= LMC_MII16_LED_ALL;
- sc->lmc_media->set_link_status (sc, LMC_LINK_UP);
- /*
- * reset to last state.
- */
- sc->lmc_media->set_status (sc, NULL);
- /* setup default bits to be used in tulip_desc_t transmit descriptor
- * -baz */
- sc->TxDescriptControlInit = (
- );
- if (sc->ictl.crc_length == LMC_CTL_CRC_LENGTH_16) {
- /* disable 32 bit CRC generated by ASIC */
- sc->TxDescriptControlInit |= LMC_TDES_ADD_CRC_DISABLE;
- }
- sc->lmc_media->set_crc_length(sc, sc->ictl.crc_length);
- /* Acknoledge the Terminal Active and light LEDs */
- /* dev->flags |= IFF_UP; */
- lmc_proto_open(sc);
- dev->do_ioctl = lmc_ioctl;
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x20363
- dev->start = 1;
- #endif
- sc->stats.tx_tbusy0++ ;
- /*
- * select what interrupts we want to get
- */
- sc->lmc_intrmask = 0;
- /* Should be using the default interrupt mask defined in the .h file. */
- sc->lmc_intrmask |= (TULIP_STS_NORMALINTR
- );
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_intr, sc->lmc_intrmask);
- sc->lmc_cmdmode |= TULIP_CMD_TXRUN;
- sc->lmc_cmdmode |= TULIP_CMD_RXRUN;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_command, sc->lmc_cmdmode);
- sc->lmc_ok = 1; /* Run watchdog */
- /*
- * Set the if up now - pfb
- */
- sc->last_link_status = 1;
- /*
- * Setup a timer for the watchdog on probe, and start it running.
- * Since lmc_ok == 0, it will be a NOP for now.
- */
- init_timer (&sc->timer);
- sc->timer.expires = jiffies + HZ;
- sc->timer.data = (unsigned long) dev;
- sc->timer.function = &lmc_watchdog;
- add_timer (&sc->timer);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_open out");
- return (0);
- }
- /* Total reset to compensate for the AdTran DSU doing bad things
- * under heavy load
- */
- static void lmc_running_reset (struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_softc_t *sc = (lmc_softc_t *) dev->priv;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_runnig_reset in");
- /* stop interrupts */
- /* Clear the interrupt mask */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_intr, 0x00000000);
- lmc_dec_reset (sc);
- lmc_reset (sc);
- lmc_softreset (sc);
- /* sc->lmc_miireg16 |= LMC_MII16_LED_ALL; */
- sc->lmc_media->set_link_status (sc, 1);
- sc->lmc_media->set_status (sc, NULL);
- //dev->flags |= IFF_RUNNING;
- sc->lmc_txfull = 0;
- sc->stats.tx_tbusy0++ ;
- sc->lmc_intrmask = TULIP_DEFAULT_INTR_MASK;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_intr, sc->lmc_intrmask);
- sc->lmc_cmdmode |= (TULIP_CMD_TXRUN | TULIP_CMD_RXRUN);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_command, sc->lmc_cmdmode);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_runnin_reset_out");
- }
- /* This is what is called when you ifconfig down a device.
- * This disables the timer for the watchdog and keepalives,
- * and disables the irq for dev.
- */
- static int lmc_close (struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- /* not calling release_region() as we should */
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_close in");
- sc = dev->priv;
- sc->lmc_ok = 0;
- sc->lmc_media->set_link_status (sc, 0);
- del_timer (&sc->timer);
- lmc_proto_close(sc);
- lmc_ifdown (dev);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_close out");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Ends the transfer of packets */
- /* When the interface goes down, this is called */
- static int lmc_ifdown (struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_softc_t *sc = dev->priv;
- u32 csr6;
- int i;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_ifdown in");
- /* Don't let anything else go on right now */
- // dev->start = 0;
- sc->stats.tx_tbusy1++ ;
- /* stop interrupts */
- /* Clear the interrupt mask */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_intr, 0x00000000);
- /* Stop Tx and Rx on the chip */
- csr6 = LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_command);
- csr6 &= ~LMC_DEC_ST; /* Turn off the Transmission bit */
- csr6 &= ~LMC_DEC_SR; /* Turn off the Receive bit */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_command, csr6);
- dev->flags &= ~IFF_RUNNING;
- sc->stats.rx_missed_errors +=
- LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_missed_frames) & 0xffff;
- /* release the interrupt */
- if(sc->got_irq == 1){
- free_irq (dev->irq, dev);
- sc->got_irq = 0;
- }
- /* free skbuffs in the Rx queue */
- for (i = 0; i < LMC_RXDESCS; i++)
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb = sc->lmc_rxq[i];
- sc->lmc_rxq[i] = 0;
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].status = 0;
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].length = 0;
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].buffer1 = 0xDEADBEEF;
- if (skb != NULL)
- {
- LMC_SKB_FREE(skb, 1);
- }
- sc->lmc_rxq[i] = NULL;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < LMC_TXDESCS; i++)
- {
- if (sc->lmc_txq[i] != NULL)
- LMC_DEV_KFREE_SKB (sc->lmc_txq[i]);
- sc->lmc_txq[i] = NULL;
- }
- lmc_led_off (sc, LMC_MII16_LED_ALL);
- sc->stats.tx_tbusy0++ ;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_ifdown out");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Interrupt handling routine. This will take an incoming packet, or clean
- * up after a trasmit.
- */
- static void lmc_interrupt (int irq, void *dev_instance, struct pt_regs *regs) /*fold00*/
- {
- struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *) dev_instance;
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- u32 csr;
- int i;
- s32 stat;
- unsigned int badtx;
- u32 firstcsr;
- int max_work = LMC_RXDESCS;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_interrupt in");
- sc = dev->priv;
- spin_lock(&sc->lmc_lock);
- /*
- * Read the csr to find what interrupts we have (if any)
- */
- csr = LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status);
- /*
- * Make sure this is our interrupt
- */
- if ( ! (csr & sc->lmc_intrmask)) {
- goto lmc_int_fail_out;
- }
- firstcsr = csr;
- /* always go through this loop at least once */
- while (csr & sc->lmc_intrmask) {
- /*
- * Clear interrupt bits, we handle all case below
- */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_status, csr);
- /*
- * One of
- * - Transmit process timed out CSR5<1>
- * - Transmit jabber timeout CSR5<3>
- * - Transmit underflow CSR5<5>
- * - Transmit Receiver buffer unavailable CSR5<7>
- * - Receive process stopped CSR5<8>
- * - Receive watchdog timeout CSR5<9>
- * - Early transmit interrupt CSR5<10>
- *
- * Is this really right? Should we do a running reset for jabber?
- * (being a WAN card and all)
- */
- lmc_running_reset (dev);
- break;
- }
- if (csr & TULIP_STS_RXINTR){
- lmc_trace(dev, "rx interrupt");
- lmc_rx (dev);
- }
- int n_compl = 0 ;
- /* reset the transmit timeout detection flag -baz */
- sc->stats.tx_NoCompleteCnt = 0;
- badtx = sc->lmc_taint_tx;
- i = badtx % LMC_TXDESCS;
- while ((badtx < sc->lmc_next_tx)) {
- stat = sc->lmc_txring[i].status;
- sc->lmc_txring[i].length);
- /*
- * If bit 31 is 1 the tulip owns it break out of the loop
- */
- if (stat & 0x80000000)
- break;
- n_compl++ ; /* i.e., have an empty slot in ring */
- /*
- * If we have no skbuff or have cleared it
- * Already continue to the next buffer
- */
- if (sc->lmc_txq[i] == NULL)
- continue;
- /*
- * Check the total error summary to look for any errors
- */
- if (stat & 0x8000) {
- sc->stats.tx_errors++;
- if (stat & 0x4104)
- sc->stats.tx_aborted_errors++;
- if (stat & 0x0C00)
- sc->stats.tx_carrier_errors++;
- if (stat & 0x0200)
- sc->stats.tx_window_errors++;
- if (stat & 0x0002)
- sc->stats.tx_fifo_errors++;
- }
- else {
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20200
- sc->stats.tx_bytes += sc->lmc_txring[i].length & 0x7ff;
- #endif
- sc->stats.tx_packets++;
- }
- // LMC_DEV_KFREE_SKB (sc->lmc_txq[i]);
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(sc->lmc_txq[i]);
- sc->lmc_txq[i] = 0;
- badtx++;
- i = badtx % LMC_TXDESCS;
- }
- if (sc->lmc_next_tx - badtx > LMC_TXDESCS)
- {
- printk ("%s: out of sync pointern", dev->name);
- badtx += LMC_TXDESCS;
- }
- sc->lmc_txfull = 0;
- sc->stats.tx_tbusy0++ ;
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x20363
- mark_bh (NET_BH); /* Tell Linux to give me more packets */
- #endif
- #ifdef DEBUG
- sc->stats.dirtyTx = badtx;
- sc->stats.lmc_next_tx = sc->lmc_next_tx;
- sc->stats.lmc_txfull = sc->lmc_txfull;
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x20363
- sc->stats.tbusy = dev->tbusy;
- #endif
- #endif
- sc->lmc_taint_tx = badtx;
- /*
- * Why was there a break here???
- */
- } /* end handle transmit interrupt */
- if (csr & TULIP_STS_SYSERROR) {
- u32 error;
- printk (KERN_WARNING "%s: system bus error csr: %#8.8xn", dev->name, csr);
- error = csr>>23 & 0x7;
- switch(error){
- case 0x000:
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Parity Fault (bad)n", dev->name);
- break;
- case 0x001:
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Master Abort (naughty)n", dev->name);
- break;
- case 0x010:
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Target Abort (not so naughty)n", dev->name);
- break;
- default:
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: This bus error code was supposed to be reserved!n", dev->name);
- }
- lmc_dec_reset (sc);
- lmc_reset (sc);
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_RESET1, LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status), 0);
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16),
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 17));
- }
- if(max_work-- <= 0)
- break;
- /*
- * Get current csr status to make sure
- * we've cleared all interrupts
- */
- csr = LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status);
- } /* end interrupt loop */
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_INT, firstcsr, csr);
- lmc_int_fail_out:
- spin_unlock(&sc->lmc_lock);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_interrupt out");
- }
- static int lmc_start_xmit (struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- u32 flag;
- int entry;
- int ret = 0;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_start_xmit in");
- sc = dev->priv;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- /*
- * If the transmitter is busy
- * this must be the 5 second polling
- * from the kernel which called us.
- * Poke the chip and try to get it running
- *
- */
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x20363
- if(dev->tbusy != 0){
- u32 csr6;
- printk("%s: Xmitter busy|n", dev->name);
- sc->stats.tx_tbusy_calls++ ;
- if (jiffies - dev->trans_start < TX_TIMEOUT) {
- ret = 1;
- goto lmc_start_xmit_bug_out;
- }
- /*
- * Chip seems to have locked up
- * Reset it
- * This whips out all our decriptor
- * table and starts from scartch
- */
- LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status),
- sc->stats.tx_ProcTimeout);
- lmc_running_reset (dev);
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_RESET1, LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status), 0);
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16),
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 17));
- /* restart the tx processes */
- csr6 = LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_command);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_command, csr6 | 0x0002);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_command, csr6 | 0x2002);
- /* immediate transmit */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_txpoll, 0);
- sc->stats.tx_errors++;
- sc->stats.tx_ProcTimeout++; /* -baz */
- dev->trans_start = jiffies;
- ret = 1;
- goto lmc_start_xmit_bug_out;
- }
- #endif
- /* normal path, tbusy known to be zero */
- entry = sc->lmc_next_tx % LMC_TXDESCS;
- sc->lmc_txq[entry] = skb;
- sc->lmc_txring[entry].buffer1 = virt_to_bus (skb->data);
- LMC_CONSOLE_LOG("xmit", skb->data, skb->len);
- #ifndef GCOM
- /* If the queue is less than half full, don't interrupt */
- if (sc->lmc_next_tx - sc->lmc_taint_tx < LMC_TXDESCS / 2)
- {
- /* Do not interrupt on completion of this packet */
- flag = 0x60000000;
- }
- else if (sc->lmc_next_tx - sc->lmc_taint_tx == LMC_TXDESCS / 2)
- {
- /* This generates an interrupt on completion of this packet */
- flag = 0xe0000000;
- }
- else if (sc->lmc_next_tx - sc->lmc_taint_tx < LMC_TXDESCS - 1)
- {
- /* Do not interrupt on completion of this packet */
- flag = 0x60000000;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This generates an interrupt on completion of this packet */
- flag = 0xe0000000;
- sc->lmc_txfull = 1;
- }
- #else
- if (sc->lmc_next_tx - sc->lmc_taint_tx >= LMC_TXDESCS - 1)
- { /* ring full, go busy */
- sc->lmc_txfull = 1;
- sc->stats.tx_tbusy1++ ;
- }
- #endif
- if (entry == LMC_TXDESCS - 1) /* last descriptor in ring */
- flag |= LMC_TDES_END_OF_RING; /* flag as such for Tulip */
- /* don't pad small packets either */
- flag = sc->lmc_txring[entry].length = (skb->len) | flag |
- sc->TxDescriptControlInit;
- /* set the transmit timeout flag to be checked in
- * the watchdog timer handler. -baz
- */
- sc->stats.tx_NoCompleteCnt++;
- sc->lmc_next_tx++;
- /* give ownership to the chip */
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_XMT, flag, entry);
- sc->lmc_txring[entry].status = 0x80000000;
- /* send now! */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_txpoll, 0);
- dev->trans_start = jiffies;
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x20363
- lmc_start_xmit_bug_out:
- #endif
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_start_xmit_out");
- return ret;
- }
- static int lmc_rx (struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- int i;
- int rx_work_limit = LMC_RXDESCS;
- unsigned int next_rx;
- int rxIntLoopCnt; /* debug -baz */
- int localLengthErrCnt = 0;
- long stat;
- struct sk_buff *skb, *nsb;
- u16 len;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_rx in");
- sc = dev->priv;
- lmc_led_on(sc, LMC_DS3_LED3);
- rxIntLoopCnt = 0; /* debug -baz */
- i = sc->lmc_next_rx % LMC_RXDESCS;
- next_rx = sc->lmc_next_rx;
- while (((stat = sc->lmc_rxring[i].status) & LMC_RDES_OWN_BIT) != DESC_OWNED_BY_DC21X4)
- {
- rxIntLoopCnt++; /* debug -baz */
- if ((stat & 0x0300) != 0x0300) { /* Check first segment and last segment */
- if ((stat & 0x0000ffff) != 0x7fff) {
- /* Oversized frame */
- sc->stats.rx_length_errors++;
- goto skip_packet;
- }
- }
- if(stat & 0x00000008){ /* Catch a dribbling bit error */
- sc->stats.rx_errors++;
- sc->stats.rx_frame_errors++;
- goto skip_packet;
- }
- if(stat & 0x00000004){ /* Catch a CRC error by the Xilinx */
- sc->stats.rx_errors++;
- sc->stats.rx_crc_errors++;
- goto skip_packet;
- }
- if (len > LMC_PKT_BUF_SZ){
- sc->stats.rx_length_errors++;
- localLengthErrCnt++;
- goto skip_packet;
- }
- if (len < sc->lmc_crcSize + 2) {
- sc->stats.rx_length_errors++;
- sc->stats.rx_SmallPktCnt++;
- localLengthErrCnt++;
- goto skip_packet;
- }
- if(stat & 0x00004000){
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Receiver descriptor error, receiver out of sync?n", dev->name);
- }
- len -= sc->lmc_crcSize;
- skb = sc->lmc_rxq[i];
- /*
- * We ran out of memory at some point
- * just allocate an skb buff and continue.
- */
- if(skb == 0x0){
- nsb = dev_alloc_skb (LMC_PKT_BUF_SZ + 2);
- if (nsb) {
- LMC_SKB_FREE(nsb, 1);
- sc->lmc_rxq[i] = nsb;
- nsb->dev = dev;
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].buffer1 = virt_to_bus (nsb->tail);
- }
- sc->failed_recv_alloc = 1;
- goto skip_packet;
- }
- dev->last_rx = jiffies;
- sc->stats.rx_packets++;
- sc->stats.rx_bytes += len;
- LMC_CONSOLE_LOG("recv", skb->data, len);
- /*
- * I'm not sure of the sanity of this
- * Packets could be arriving at a constant
- * 44.210mbits/sec and we're going to copy
- * them into a new buffer??
- */
- if(len > (LMC_MTU - (LMC_MTU>>2))){ /* len > LMC_MTU * 0.75 */
- /*
- * If it's a large packet don't copy it just hand it up
- */
- give_it_anyways:
- sc->lmc_rxq[i] = 0x0;
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].buffer1 = 0x0;
- skb_put (skb, len);
- skb->protocol = lmc_proto_type(sc, skb);
- skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_WAN_PPP);
- skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
- // skb->nh.raw = skb->data;
- skb->dev = dev;
- lmc_proto_netif(sc, skb);
- /*
- * This skb will be destroyed by the upper layers, make a new one
- */
- nsb = dev_alloc_skb (LMC_PKT_BUF_SZ + 2);
- if (nsb) {
- LMC_SKB_FREE(nsb, 1);
- sc->lmc_rxq[i] = nsb;
- nsb->dev = dev;
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].buffer1 = virt_to_bus (nsb->tail);
- /* Transferred to 21140 below */
- }
- else {
- /*
- * We've run out of memory, stop trying to allocate
- * memory and exit the interrupt handler
- *
- * The chip may run out of receivers and stop
- * in which care we'll try to allocate the buffer
- * again. (once a second)
- */
- sc->stats.rx_BuffAllocErr++;
- sc->failed_recv_alloc = 1;
- goto skip_out_of_mem;
- }
- }
- else {
- nsb = dev_alloc_skb(len);
- if(!nsb) {
- goto give_it_anyways;
- }
- memcpy(skb_put(nsb, len), skb->data, len);
- nsb->protocol = lmc_proto_type(sc, skb);
- nsb->mac.raw = nsb->data;
- // nsb->nh.raw = nsb->data;
- nsb->dev = dev;
- lmc_proto_netif(sc, nsb);
- }
- skip_packet:
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].status = DESC_OWNED_BY_DC21X4;
- sc->lmc_next_rx++;
- i = sc->lmc_next_rx % LMC_RXDESCS;
- rx_work_limit--;
- if (rx_work_limit < 0)
- break;
- }
- /* detect condition for LMC1000 where DSU cable attaches and fills
- * descriptors with bogus packets
- *
- if (localLengthErrCnt > LMC_RXDESCS - 3) {
- sc->stats.rx_BadPktSurgeCnt++;
- localLengthErrCnt,
- sc->stats.rx_BadPktSurgeCnt);
- } */
- /* save max count of receive descriptors serviced */
- if (rxIntLoopCnt > sc->stats.rxIntLoopCnt) {
- sc->stats.rxIntLoopCnt = rxIntLoopCnt; /* debug -baz */
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (rxIntLoopCnt == 0)
- {
- for (i = 0; i < LMC_RXDESCS; i++)
- {
- if ((sc->lmc_rxring[i].status & LMC_RDES_OWN_BIT)
- {
- rxIntLoopCnt++;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- lmc_led_off(sc, LMC_DS3_LED3);
- skip_out_of_mem:
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_rx out");
- return 0;
- }
- static struct net_device_stats *lmc_get_stats (struct net_device *dev) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_get_stats in");
- sc = dev->priv;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- sc->stats.rx_missed_errors += LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_missed_frames) & 0xffff;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_get_stats out");
- return (struct net_device_stats *) &sc->stats;
- }
- #ifdef MODULE
- int init_module (void) /*fold00*/
- {
- printk ("lmc: module loadedn");
- /* Have lmc_probe search for all the cards, and allocate devices */
- if (lmc_probe (NULL) < 0)
- return -EIO;
- return 0;
- }
- void cleanup_module (void) /*fold00*/
- {
- struct net_device *dev, *next;
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- /* we have no pointer to our devices, since they are all dynamically
- * allocated. So, here we loop through all the network devices
- * looking for ours. When found, dispose of them properly.
- */
- for (dev = Lmc_root_dev;
- dev != NULL;
- dev = next )
- {
- next = ((lmc_softc_t *) dev->priv)->next_module; /* get it now before we deallocate it */
- printk ("%s: removing...n", dev->name);
- /* close the syncppp stuff, and release irq. Close is run on unreg net */
- lmc_close (dev);
- sc = dev->priv;
- if (sc != NULL)
- lmc_proto_detach(sc);
- /* Remove the device from the linked list */
- unregister_netdev (dev);
- /* Let go of the io region */;
- release_region (dev->base_addr, LMC_REG_RANGE);
- /* free our allocated structures. */
- kfree (dev->priv);
- dev->priv = NULL;
- kfree ((struct ppp_device *) dev);
- dev = NULL;
- }
- Lmc_root_dev = NULL;
- printk ("lmc module unloadedn");
- }
- #endif
- unsigned lmc_mii_readreg (lmc_softc_t * const sc, unsigned devaddr, unsigned regno) /*fold00*/
- {
- int i;
- int command = (0xf6 << 10) | (devaddr << 5) | regno;
- int retval = 0;
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_mii_readreg in");
- LMC_MII_SYNC (sc);
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_mii_readreg: done sync");
- for (i = 15; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- int dataval = (command & (1 << i)) ? 0x20000 : 0;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_9, dataval);
- lmc_delay ();
- /* __SLOW_DOWN_IO; */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_9, dataval | 0x10000);
- lmc_delay ();
- /* __SLOW_DOWN_IO; */
- }
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_mii_readreg: done1");
- for (i = 19; i > 0; i--)
- {
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_9, 0x40000);
- lmc_delay ();
- /* __SLOW_DOWN_IO; */
- retval = (retval << 1) | ((LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_9) & 0x80000) ? 1 : 0);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_9, 0x40000 | 0x10000);
- lmc_delay ();
- /* __SLOW_DOWN_IO; */
- }
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_mii_readreg out");
- return (retval >> 1) & 0xffff;
- }
- void lmc_mii_writereg (lmc_softc_t * const sc, unsigned devaddr, unsigned regno, unsigned data) /*fold00*/
- {
- int i = 32;
- int command = (0x5002 << 16) | (devaddr << 23) | (regno << 18) | data;
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_mii_writereg in");
- LMC_MII_SYNC (sc);
- i = 31;
- while (i >= 0)
- {
- int datav;
- if (command & (1 << i))
- datav = 0x20000;
- else
- datav = 0x00000;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_9, datav);
- lmc_delay ();
- /* __SLOW_DOWN_IO; */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_9, (datav | 0x10000));
- lmc_delay ();
- /* __SLOW_DOWN_IO; */
- i--;
- }
- i = 2;
- while (i > 0)
- {
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_9, 0x40000);
- lmc_delay ();
- /* __SLOW_DOWN_IO; */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_9, 0x50000);
- lmc_delay ();
- /* __SLOW_DOWN_IO; */
- i--;
- }
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_mii_writereg out");
- }
- static void lmc_softreset (lmc_softc_t * const sc) /*fold00*/
- {
- int i;
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_softreset in");
- /* Initialize the receive rings and buffers. */
- sc->lmc_txfull = 0;
- sc->lmc_next_rx = 0;
- sc->lmc_next_tx = 0;
- sc->lmc_taint_rx = 0;
- sc->lmc_taint_tx = 0;
- /*
- * Setup each one of the receiver buffers
- * allocate an skbuff for each one, setup the descriptor table
- * and point each buffer at the next one
- */
- for (i = 0; i < LMC_RXDESCS; i++)
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- if (sc->lmc_rxq[i] == NULL)
- {
- skb = dev_alloc_skb (LMC_PKT_BUF_SZ + 2);
- if(skb == NULL){
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: Failed to allocate receiver ring, will try againn", sc->name);
- sc->failed_ring = 1;
- break;
- }
- else{
- sc->lmc_rxq[i] = skb;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- skb = sc->lmc_rxq[i];
- }
- skb->dev = sc->lmc_device;
- LMC_SKB_FREE(skb, 1);
- /* owned by 21140 */
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].status = 0x80000000;
- /* used to be PKT_BUF_SZ now uses skb since we loose some to head room */
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].length = skb->end - skb->data;
- /* use to be tail which is dumb since you're thinking why write
- * to the end of the packj,et but since there's nothing there tail == data
- */
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].buffer1 = virt_to_bus (skb->data);
- /* This is fair since the structure is static and we have the next address */
- sc->lmc_rxring[i].buffer2 = virt_to_bus (&sc->lmc_rxring[i + 1]);
- }
- /*
- * Sets end of ring
- */
- sc->lmc_rxring[i - 1].length |= 0x02000000; /* Set end of buffers flag */
- sc->lmc_rxring[i - 1].buffer2 = virt_to_bus (&sc->lmc_rxring[0]); /* Point back to the start */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_rxlist, virt_to_bus (sc->lmc_rxring)); /* write base address */
- /* Initialize the transmit rings and buffers */
- for (i = 0; i < LMC_TXDESCS; i++)
- {
- if (sc->lmc_txq[i] != NULL){ /* have buffer */
- dev_kfree_skb(sc->lmc_txq[i]); /* free it */
- sc->stats.tx_dropped++; /* We just dropped a packet */
- }
- sc->lmc_txq[i] = 0;
- sc->lmc_txring[i].status = 0x00000000;
- sc->lmc_txring[i].buffer2 = virt_to_bus (&sc->lmc_txring[i + 1]);
- }
- sc->lmc_txring[i - 1].buffer2 = virt_to_bus (&sc->lmc_txring[0]);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_txlist, virt_to_bus (sc->lmc_txring));
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_softreset out");
- }
- static int lmc_set_config(struct net_device *dev, struct ifmap *map) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_set_config in");
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_set_config out");
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
- }
- void lmc_gpio_mkinput(lmc_softc_t * const sc, u_int32_t bits) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_gpio_mkinput in");
- sc->lmc_gpio_io &= ~bits;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, TULIP_GP_PINSET | (sc->lmc_gpio_io));
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_gpio_mkinput out");
- }
- void lmc_gpio_mkoutput(lmc_softc_t * const sc, u_int32_t bits) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_gpio_mkoutput in");
- sc->lmc_gpio_io |= bits;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, TULIP_GP_PINSET | (sc->lmc_gpio_io));
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_gpio_mkoutput out");
- }
- void lmc_led_on(lmc_softc_t * const sc, u_int32_t led) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_led_on in");
- if((~sc->lmc_miireg16) & led){ /* Already on! */
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_led_on aon out");
- return;
- }
- sc->lmc_miireg16 &= ~led;
- lmc_mii_writereg(sc, 0, 16, sc->lmc_miireg16);
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_led_on out");
- }
- void lmc_led_off(lmc_softc_t * const sc, u_int32_t led) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_led_off in");
- if(sc->lmc_miireg16 & led){ /* Already set don't do anything */
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_led_off aoff out");
- return;
- }
- sc->lmc_miireg16 |= led;
- lmc_mii_writereg(sc, 0, 16, sc->lmc_miireg16);
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_led_off out");
- }
- static void lmc_reset(lmc_softc_t * const sc) /*fold00*/
- {
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_reset in");
- sc->lmc_miireg16 |= LMC_MII16_FIFO_RESET;
- lmc_mii_writereg(sc, 0, 16, sc->lmc_miireg16);
- sc->lmc_miireg16 &= ~LMC_MII16_FIFO_RESET;
- lmc_mii_writereg(sc, 0, 16, sc->lmc_miireg16);
- /*
- * make some of the GPIO pins be outputs
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkoutput(sc, LMC_GEP_RESET);
- /*
- * RESET low to force state reset. This also forces
- * the transmitter clock to be internal, but we expect to reset
- * that later anyway.
- */
- sc->lmc_gpio &= ~(LMC_GEP_RESET);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_gp, sc->lmc_gpio);
- /*
- * hold for more than 10 microseconds
- */
- udelay(50);
- /*
- * stop driving Xilinx-related signals
- */
- lmc_gpio_mkinput(sc, LMC_GEP_RESET);
- /*
- * Call media specific init routine
- */
- sc->lmc_media->init(sc);
- sc->stats.resetCount++;
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_reset out");
- }
- static void lmc_dec_reset(lmc_softc_t * const sc) /*fold00*/
- {
- u_int32_t val;
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_dec_reset in");
- /*
- * disable all interrupts
- */
- sc->lmc_intrmask = 0;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_intr, sc->lmc_intrmask);
- /*
- * Reset the chip with a software reset command.
- * Wait 10 microseconds (actually 50 PCI cycles but at
- * 33MHz that comes to two microseconds but wait a
- * bit longer anyways)
- */
- udelay(25);
- #ifdef __sparc__
- sc->lmc_busmode = LMC_CSR_READ(sc, csr_busmode);
- sc->lmc_busmode = 0x00100000;
- sc->lmc_busmode &= ~TULIP_BUSMODE_SWRESET;
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_busmode, sc->lmc_busmode);
- #endif
- sc->lmc_cmdmode = LMC_CSR_READ(sc, csr_command);
- /*
- * We want:
- * no ethernet address in frames we write
- * disable padding (txdesc, padding disable)
- * ignore runt frames (rdes0 bit 15)
- * no receiver watchdog or transmitter jabber timer
- * (csr15 bit 0,14 == 1)
- * if using 16-bit CRC, turn off CRC (trans desc, crc disable)
- */
- sc->lmc_cmdmode |= ( TULIP_CMD_PROMISCUOUS
- );
- sc->lmc_cmdmode &= ~( TULIP_CMD_OPERMODE
- );
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_command, sc->lmc_cmdmode);
- /*
- * disable receiver watchdog and transmit jabber
- */
- val = LMC_CSR_READ(sc, csr_sia_general);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE(sc, csr_sia_general, val);
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_dec_reset out");
- }
- static void lmc_initcsrs(lmc_softc_t * const sc, lmc_csrptr_t csr_base, /*fold00*/
- size_t csr_size)
- {
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_initcsrs in");
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_busmode = csr_base + 0 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_txpoll = csr_base + 1 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_rxpoll = csr_base + 2 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_rxlist = csr_base + 3 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_txlist = csr_base + 4 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_status = csr_base + 5 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_command = csr_base + 6 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_intr = csr_base + 7 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_missed_frames = csr_base + 8 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_9 = csr_base + 9 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_10 = csr_base + 10 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_11 = csr_base + 11 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_12 = csr_base + 12 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_13 = csr_base + 13 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_14 = csr_base + 14 * csr_size;
- sc->lmc_csrs.csr_15 = csr_base + 15 * csr_size;
- lmc_trace(sc->lmc_device, "lmc_initcsrs out");
- }
- #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x20363
- static void lmc_driver_timeout(struct net_device *dev) { /*fold00*/
- lmc_softc_t *sc;
- u32 csr6;
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_driver_timeout in");
- sc = dev->priv;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- printk("%s: Xmitter busy|n", dev->name);
- sc->stats.tx_tbusy_calls++ ;
- if (jiffies - dev->trans_start < TX_TIMEOUT) {
- goto bug_out;
- }
- /*
- * Chip seems to have locked up
- * Reset it
- * This whips out all our decriptor
- * table and starts from scartch
- */
- LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status),
- sc->stats.tx_ProcTimeout);
- lmc_running_reset (dev);
- LMC_EVENT_LOG(LMC_EVENT_RESET1, LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_status), 0);
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 16),
- lmc_mii_readreg (sc, 0, 17));
- /* restart the tx processes */
- csr6 = LMC_CSR_READ (sc, csr_command);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_command, csr6 | 0x0002);
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_command, csr6 | 0x2002);
- /* immediate transmit */
- LMC_CSR_WRITE (sc, csr_txpoll, 0);
- sc->stats.tx_errors++;
- sc->stats.tx_ProcTimeout++; /* -baz */
- dev->trans_start = jiffies;
- bug_out:
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sc->lmc_lock, flags);
- lmc_trace(dev, "lmc_driver_timout out");
- }
- int lmc_setup(void) { /*FOLD00*/
- return lmc_probe(NULL);
- }
- #endif