- #define RCS_ID "$Id: scc.c,v 1.75 1998/11/04 15:15:01 jreuter Exp jreuter $"
- #define VERSION "3.0"
- /*
- * Please use z8530drv-utils-3.0 with this version.
- * ------------------
- *
- * You can find a subset of the documentation in
- * linux/Documentation/networking/z8530drv.txt.
- */
- /*
- ********************************************************************
- * SCC.C - Linux driver for Z8530 based HDLC cards for AX.25 *
- ********************************************************************
- ********************************************************************
- Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Joerg Reuter DL1BKE
- portions (c) 1993 Guido ten Dolle PE1NNZ
- ********************************************************************
- The driver and the programs in the archive are UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
- The code is likely to fail, and so your kernel could --- even
- a whole network.
- This driver is intended for Amateur Radio use. If you are running it
- for commercial purposes, please drop me a note. I am nosy...
- ...BUT:
- ! You m u s t recognize the appropriate legislations of your country !
- ! before you connect a radio to the SCC board and start to transmit or !
- ! receive. The GPL allows you to use the d r i v e r, NOT the RADIO! !
- For non-Amateur-Radio use please note that you might need a special
- allowance/licence from the designer of the SCC Board and/or the
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the (modified) GNU General Public License
- delivered with the Linux kernel source.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should find a copy of the GNU General Public License in
- /usr/src/linux/COPYING;
- ********************************************************************
- Incomplete history of z8530drv:
- -------------------------------
- 1994-09-13 started to write the driver, rescued most of my own
- code (and Hans Alblas' memory buffer pool concept) from
- an earlier project "sccdrv" which was initiated by
- Guido ten Dolle. Not much of the old driver survived,
- though. The first version I put my hands on was sccdrv1.3
- from August 1993. The memory buffer pool concept
- appeared in an unauthorized sccdrv version (1.5) from
- August 1994.
- 1995-01-31 changed copyright notice to GPL without limitations.
- .
- . <SNIP>
- .
- 1996-10-05 New semester, new driver...
- * KISS TNC emulator removed (TTY driver)
- * Source moved to drivers/net/
- * Includes Z8530 defines from drivers/net/z8530.h
- * Uses sk_buffer memory management
- * Reduced overhead of /proc/net/z8530drv output
- * Streamlined quite a lot things
- * Invents brand new bugs... ;-)
- The move to version number 3.0 reflects theses changes.
- You can use 'kissbridge' if you need a KISS TNC emulator.
- 1996-12-13 Fixed for Linux networking changes. (G4KLX)
- 1997-01-08 Fixed the remaining problems.
- 1997-04-02 Hopefully fixed the problems with the new *_timer()
- routines, added calibration code.
- 1997-10-12 Made SCC_DELAY a CONFIG option, added CONFIG_SCC_TRXECHO
- 1998-01-29 Small fix to avoid lock-up on initialization
- 1998-09-29 Fixed the "grouping" bugs, tx_inhibit works again,
- using dev->tx_queue_len now instead of MAXQUEUE now.
- 1998-10-21 Postponed the spinlock changes, would need a lot of
- testing I currently don't have the time to. Softdcd doesn't
- work.
- 1998-11-04 Softdcd does not work correctly in DPLL mode, in fact it
- never did. The DPLL locks on noise, the SYNC unit sees
- flags that aren't... Restarting the DPLL does not help
- either, it resynchronizes too slow and the first received
- frame gets lost.
- 2000-02-13 Fixed for new network driver interface changes, still
- does TX timeouts itself since it uses its own queue
- scheme.
- Thanks to all who contributed to this driver with ideas and bug
- reports!
- NB -- if you find errors, change something, please let me know
- first before you distribute it... And please don't touch
- the version number. Just replace my callsign in
- "v3.0.dl1bke" with your own. Just to avoid confusion...
- If you want to add your modification to the linux distribution
- please (!) contact me first.
- New versions of the driver will be announced on the linux-hams
- mailing list on To subscribe send an e-mail
- to with the following line in
- the body of the mail:
- subscribe linux-hams
- The content of the "Subject" field will be ignored.
- vy 73,
- Joerg Reuter ampr-net:
- Internet:
- www :
- */
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #undef SCC_LDELAY /* slow it even a bit more down */
- #undef SCC_DONT_CHECK /* don't look if the SCCs you specified are available */
- #define SCC_MAXCHIPS 4 /* number of max. supported chips */
- #define SCC_BUFSIZE 384 /* must not exceed 4096 */
- #undef SCC_DEBUG
- #define SCC_DEFAULT_CLOCK 4915200
- /* default pclock if nothing is specified */
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/signal.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/timer.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/in.h>
- #include <linux/fcntl.h>
- #include <linux/ptrace.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <linux/netdevice.h>
- #include <linux/if_ether.h>
- #include <linux/if_arp.h>
- #include <linux/socket.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/scc.h>
- #include "z8530.h"
- #include <net/ax25.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/bitops.h>
- #include <linux/ctype.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- static char banner[] __initdata = KERN_INFO "AX.25: Z8530 SCC driver version "VERSION".dl1bken";
- static void t_dwait(unsigned long);
- static void t_txdelay(unsigned long);
- static void t_tail(unsigned long);
- static void t_busy(unsigned long);
- static void t_maxkeyup(unsigned long);
- static void t_idle(unsigned long);
- static void scc_tx_done(struct scc_channel *);
- static void scc_start_tx_timer(struct scc_channel *, void (*)(unsigned long), unsigned long);
- static void scc_start_maxkeyup(struct scc_channel *);
- static void scc_start_defer(struct scc_channel *);
- static void z8530_init(void);
- static void init_channel(struct scc_channel *scc);
- static void scc_key_trx (struct scc_channel *scc, char tx);
- static void scc_isr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs);
- static void scc_init_timer(struct scc_channel *scc);
- static int scc_net_setup(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned char *name, int addev);
- static int scc_net_init(struct net_device *dev);
- static int scc_net_open(struct net_device *dev);
- static int scc_net_close(struct net_device *dev);
- static void scc_net_rx(struct scc_channel *scc, struct sk_buff *skb);
- static int scc_net_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev);
- static int scc_net_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd);
- static int scc_net_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr);
- static struct net_device_stats * scc_net_get_stats(struct net_device *dev);
- static unsigned char SCC_DriverName[] = "scc";
- static struct irqflags { unsigned char used : 1; } Ivec[NR_IRQS];
- static struct scc_channel SCC_Info[2 * SCC_MAXCHIPS]; /* information per channel */
- static struct scc_ctrl {
- io_port chan_A;
- io_port chan_B;
- int irq;
- } SCC_ctrl[SCC_MAXCHIPS+1];
- static unsigned char Driver_Initialized;
- static int Nchips;
- static io_port Vector_Latch;
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * Port Access Functions * */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* These provide interrupt save 2-step access to the Z8530 registers */
- static inline unsigned char InReg(io_port port, unsigned char reg)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- unsigned char r;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- #ifdef SCC_LDELAY
- Outb(port, reg);
- udelay(SCC_LDELAY);
- r=Inb(port);
- udelay(SCC_LDELAY);
- #else
- Outb(port, reg);
- r=Inb(port);
- #endif
- restore_flags(flags);
- return r;
- }
- static inline void OutReg(io_port port, unsigned char reg, unsigned char val)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- #ifdef SCC_LDELAY
- Outb(port, reg); udelay(SCC_LDELAY);
- Outb(port, val); udelay(SCC_LDELAY);
- #else
- Outb(port, reg);
- Outb(port, val);
- #endif
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static inline void wr(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned char reg,
- unsigned char val)
- {
- OutReg(scc->ctrl, reg, (scc->wreg[reg] = val));
- }
- static inline void or(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned char reg, unsigned char val)
- {
- OutReg(scc->ctrl, reg, (scc->wreg[reg] |= val));
- }
- static inline void cl(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned char reg, unsigned char val)
- {
- OutReg(scc->ctrl, reg, (scc->wreg[reg] &= ~val));
- }
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * Some useful macros * */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- static inline void scc_discard_buffers(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- if (scc->tx_buff != NULL)
- {
- dev_kfree_skb(scc->tx_buff);
- scc->tx_buff = NULL;
- }
- while (skb_queue_len(&scc->tx_queue))
- dev_kfree_skb(skb_dequeue(&scc->tx_queue));
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * Interrupt Service Routines * */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* ----> subroutines for the interrupt handlers <---- */
- static inline void scc_notify(struct scc_channel *scc, int event)
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- char *bp;
- if (scc->kiss.fulldup != KISS_DUPLEX_OPTIMA)
- return;
- skb = dev_alloc_skb(2);
- if (skb != NULL)
- {
- bp = skb_put(skb, 2);
- *bp++ = PARAM_HWEVENT;
- *bp++ = event;
- scc_net_rx(scc, skb);
- } else
- scc->stat.nospace++;
- }
- static inline void flush_rx_FIFO(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- int k;
- for (k=0; k<3; k++)
- Inb(scc->data);
- if(scc->rx_buff != NULL) /* did we receive something? */
- {
- scc->stat.rxerrs++; /* then count it as an error */
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(scc->rx_buff);
- scc->rx_buff = NULL;
- }
- }
- static void start_hunt(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- if ((scc->modem.clocksrc != CLK_EXTERNAL))
- OutReg(scc->ctrl,R14,SEARCH|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL: enter search mode */
- or(scc,R3,ENT_HM|RxENABLE); /* enable the receiver, hunt mode */
- }
- /* ----> four different interrupt handlers for Tx, Rx, changing of */
- /* DCD/CTS and Rx/Tx errors */
- /* Transmitter interrupt handler */
- static inline void scc_txint(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- scc->stat.txints++;
- skb = scc->tx_buff;
- /* send first octet */
- if (skb == NULL)
- {
- skb = skb_dequeue(&scc->tx_queue);
- scc->tx_buff = skb;
- netif_wake_queue(scc->dev);
- if (skb == NULL)
- {
- scc_tx_done(scc);
- Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_Tx_P);
- return;
- }
- if (skb->len == 0) /* Paranoia... */
- {
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
- scc->tx_buff = NULL;
- scc_tx_done(scc);
- Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_Tx_P);
- return;
- }
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_ACTIVE;
- OutReg(scc->ctrl, R0, RES_Tx_CRC);
- /* reset CRC generator */
- or(scc,R10,ABUNDER); /* re-install underrun protection */
- Outb(scc->data,*skb->data); /* send byte */
- skb_pull(skb, 1);
- if (!scc->enhanced) /* reset EOM latch */
- Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EOM_L);
- return;
- }
- /* End Of Frame... */
- if (skb->len == 0)
- {
- Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_Tx_P); /* reset pending int */
- cl(scc, R10, ABUNDER); /* send CRC */
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
- scc->tx_buff = NULL;
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_NEWFRAME; /* next frame... */
- return;
- }
- /* send octet */
- Outb(scc->data,*skb->data);
- skb_pull(skb, 1);
- }
- /* External/Status interrupt handler */
- static inline void scc_exint(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- unsigned char status,changes,chg_and_stat;
- scc->stat.exints++;
- status = InReg(scc->ctrl,R0);
- changes = status ^ scc->status;
- chg_and_stat = changes & status;
- /* ABORT: generated whenever DCD drops while receiving */
- if (chg_and_stat & BRK_ABRT) /* Received an ABORT */
- flush_rx_FIFO(scc);
- /* HUNT: software DCD; on = waiting for SYNC, off = receiving frame */
- if ((changes & SYNC_HUNT) && scc->kiss.softdcd)
- {
- if (status & SYNC_HUNT)
- {
- scc->dcd = 0;
- flush_rx_FIFO(scc);
- if ((scc->modem.clocksrc != CLK_EXTERNAL))
- OutReg(scc->ctrl,R14,SEARCH|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL: enter search mode */
- } else {
- scc->dcd = 1;
- }
- scc_notify(scc, scc->dcd? HWEV_DCD_OFF:HWEV_DCD_ON);
- }
- /* DCD: on = start to receive packet, off = ABORT condition */
- /* (a successfully received packet generates a special condition int) */
- if((changes & DCD) && !scc->kiss.softdcd) /* DCD input changed state */
- {
- if(status & DCD) /* DCD is now ON */
- {
- start_hunt(scc);
- scc->dcd = 1;
- } else { /* DCD is now OFF */
- cl(scc,R3,ENT_HM|RxENABLE); /* disable the receiver */
- flush_rx_FIFO(scc);
- scc->dcd = 0;
- }
- scc_notify(scc, scc->dcd? HWEV_DCD_ON:HWEV_DCD_OFF);
- }
- #ifdef notdef
- /* CTS: use external TxDelay (what's that good for?!)
- * Anyway: If we _could_ use it (BayCom USCC uses CTS for
- * own purposes) we _should_ use the "autoenable" feature
- * of the Z8530 and not this interrupt...
- */
- if (chg_and_stat & CTS) /* CTS is now ON */
- {
- if (scc->kiss.txdelay == 0) /* zero TXDELAY = wait for CTS */
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_txdelay, 0);
- }
- #endif
- if (scc->stat.tx_state == TXS_ACTIVE && (status & TxEOM))
- {
- scc->stat.tx_under++; /* oops, an underrun! count 'em */
- Outb(scc->ctrl, RES_EXT_INT); /* reset ext/status interrupts */
- if (scc->tx_buff != NULL)
- {
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(scc->tx_buff);
- scc->tx_buff = NULL;
- }
- or(scc,R10,ABUNDER);
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_txdelay, 0); /* restart transmission */
- }
- scc->status = status;
- Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT);
- }
- /* Receiver interrupt handler */
- static inline void scc_rxint(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- scc->stat.rxints++;
- if((scc->wreg[5] & RTS) && scc->kiss.fulldup == KISS_DUPLEX_HALF)
- {
- Inb(scc->data); /* discard char */
- or(scc,R3,ENT_HM); /* enter hunt mode for next flag */
- return;
- }
- skb = scc->rx_buff;
- if (skb == NULL)
- {
- skb = dev_alloc_skb(scc->stat.bufsize);
- if (skb == NULL)
- {
- scc->dev_stat.rx_dropped++;
- scc->stat.nospace++;
- Inb(scc->data);
- or(scc, R3, ENT_HM);
- return;
- }
- scc->rx_buff = skb;
- *(skb_put(skb, 1)) = 0; /* KISS data */
- }
- if (skb->len >= scc->stat.bufsize)
- {
- #ifdef notdef
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "z8530drv: oops, scc_rxint() received huge frame...n");
- #endif
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
- scc->rx_buff = NULL;
- Inb(scc->data);
- or(scc, R3, ENT_HM);
- return;
- }
- *(skb_put(skb, 1)) = Inb(scc->data);
- }
- /* Receive Special Condition interrupt handler */
- static inline void scc_spint(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- unsigned char status;
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- scc->stat.spints++;
- status = InReg(scc->ctrl,R1); /* read receiver status */
- Inb(scc->data); /* throw away Rx byte */
- skb = scc->rx_buff;
- if(status & Rx_OVR) /* receiver overrun */
- {
- scc->stat.rx_over++; /* count them */
- or(scc,R3,ENT_HM); /* enter hunt mode for next flag */
- if (skb != NULL)
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
- scc->rx_buff = skb = NULL;
- }
- if(status & END_FR && skb != NULL) /* end of frame */
- {
- /* CRC okay, frame ends on 8 bit boundary and received something ? */
- if (!(status & CRC_ERR) && (status & 0xe) == RES8 && skb->len > 0)
- {
- /* ignore last received byte (first of the CRC bytes) */
- skb_trim(skb, skb->len-1);
- scc_net_rx(scc, skb);
- scc->rx_buff = NULL;
- scc->stat.rxframes++;
- } else { /* a bad frame */
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
- scc->rx_buff = NULL;
- scc->stat.rxerrs++;
- }
- }
- Outb(scc->ctrl,ERR_RES);
- }
- /* ----> interrupt service routine for the Z8530 <---- */
- static void scc_isr_dispatch(struct scc_channel *scc, int vector)
- {
- switch (vector & VECTOR_MASK)
- {
- case TXINT: scc_txint(scc); break;
- case EXINT: scc_exint(scc); break;
- case RXINT: scc_rxint(scc); break;
- case SPINT: scc_spint(scc); break;
- }
- }
- /* If the card has a latch for the interrupt vector (like the PA0HZP card)
- use it to get the number of the chip that generated the int.
- If not: poll all defined chips.
- */
- #define SCC_IRQTIMEOUT 30000
- static void scc_isr(int irq, void *dev_id, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- unsigned char vector;
- struct scc_channel *scc;
- struct scc_ctrl *ctrl;
- int k;
- if (Vector_Latch)
- {
- for(k=0; k < SCC_IRQTIMEOUT; k++)
- {
- Outb(Vector_Latch, 0); /* Generate INTACK */
- /* Read the vector */
- if((vector=Inb(Vector_Latch)) >= 16 * Nchips) break;
- if (vector & 0x01) break;
- scc=&SCC_Info[vector >> 3 ^ 0x01];
- if (!scc->dev) break;
- scc_isr_dispatch(scc, vector);
- OutReg(scc->ctrl,R0,RES_H_IUS); /* Reset Highest IUS */
- }
- if (k == SCC_IRQTIMEOUT)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "z8530drv: endless loop in scc_isr()?n");
- return;
- }
- /* Find the SCC generating the interrupt by polling all attached SCCs
- * reading RR3A (the interrupt pending register)
- */
- ctrl = SCC_ctrl;
- while (ctrl->chan_A)
- {
- if (ctrl->irq != irq)
- {
- ctrl++;
- continue;
- }
- scc = NULL;
- for (k = 0; InReg(ctrl->chan_A,R3) && k < SCC_IRQTIMEOUT; k++)
- {
- vector=InReg(ctrl->chan_B,R2); /* Read the vector */
- if (vector & 0x01) break;
- scc = &SCC_Info[vector >> 3 ^ 0x01];
- if (!scc->dev) break;
- scc_isr_dispatch(scc, vector);
- }
- if (k == SCC_IRQTIMEOUT)
- {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "z8530drv: endless loop in scc_isr()?!n");
- break;
- }
- /* This looks weird and it is. At least the BayCom USCC doesn't
- * use the Interrupt Daisy Chain, thus we'll have to start
- * all over again to be sure not to miss an interrupt from
- * (any of) the other chip(s)...
- * Honestly, the situation *is* braindamaged...
- */
- if (scc != NULL)
- {
- OutReg(scc->ctrl,R0,RES_H_IUS);
- ctrl = SCC_ctrl;
- } else
- ctrl++;
- }
- }
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * Init Channel */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* ----> set SCC channel speed <---- */
- static inline void set_brg(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned int tc)
- {
- cl(scc,R14,BRENABL); /* disable baudrate generator */
- wr(scc,R12,tc & 255); /* brg rate LOW */
- wr(scc,R13,tc >> 8); /* brg rate HIGH */
- or(scc,R14,BRENABL); /* enable baudrate generator */
- }
- static inline void set_speed(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- disable_irq(scc->irq);
- if (scc->modem.speed > 0) /* paranoia... */
- set_brg(scc, (unsigned) (scc->clock / (scc->modem.speed * 64)) - 2);
- enable_irq(scc->irq);
- }
- /* ----> initialize a SCC channel <---- */
- static inline void init_brg(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- wr(scc, R14, BRSRC); /* BRG source = PCLK */
- OutReg(scc->ctrl, R14, SSBR|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL source = BRG */
- OutReg(scc->ctrl, R14, SNRZI|scc->wreg[R14]); /* DPLL NRZI mode */
- }
- /*
- * Initialization according to the Z8530 manual (SGS-Thomson's version):
- *
- * 1. Modes and constants
- *
- * WR9 11000000 chip reset
- * WR4 XXXXXXXX Tx/Rx control, async or sync mode
- * WR1 0XX00X00 select W/REQ (optional)
- * WR2 XXXXXXXX program interrupt vector
- * WR3 XXXXXXX0 select Rx control
- * WR5 XXXX0XXX select Tx control
- * WR6 XXXXXXXX sync character
- * WR7 XXXXXXXX sync character
- * WR9 000X0XXX select interrupt control
- * WR10 XXXXXXXX miscellaneous control (optional)
- * WR11 XXXXXXXX clock control
- * WR12 XXXXXXXX time constant lower byte (optional)
- * WR13 XXXXXXXX time constant upper byte (optional)
- * WR14 XXXXXXX0 miscellaneous control
- * WR14 XXXSSSSS commands (optional)
- *
- * 2. Enables
- *
- * WR14 000SSSS1 baud rate enable
- * WR3 SSSSSSS1 Rx enable
- * WR5 SSSS1SSS Tx enable
- * WR0 10000000 reset Tx CRG (optional)
- * WR1 XSS00S00 DMA enable (optional)
- *
- * 3. Interrupt status
- *
- * WR15 XXXXXXXX enable external/status
- * WR0 00010000 reset external status
- * WR0 00010000 reset external status twice
- * WR1 SSSXXSXX enable Rx, Tx and Ext/status
- * WR9 000SXSSS enable master interrupt enable
- *
- * 1 = set to one, 0 = reset to zero
- * X = user defined, S = same as previous init
- *
- *
- * Note that the implementation differs in some points from above scheme.
- *
- */
- static void init_channel(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- del_timer(&scc->tx_t);
- del_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- disable_irq(scc->irq);
- wr(scc,R4,X1CLK|SDLC); /* *1 clock, SDLC mode */
- wr(scc,R1,0); /* no W/REQ operation */
- wr(scc,R3,Rx8|RxCRC_ENAB); /* RX 8 bits/char, CRC, disabled */
- wr(scc,R5,Tx8|DTR|TxCRC_ENAB); /* TX 8 bits/char, disabled, DTR */
- wr(scc,R6,0); /* SDLC address zero (not used) */
- wr(scc,R7,FLAG); /* SDLC flag value */
- wr(scc,R9,VIS); /* vector includes status */
- wr(scc,R10,(scc->modem.nrz? NRZ : NRZI)|CRCPS|ABUNDER); /* abort on underrun, preset CRC generator, NRZ(I) */
- wr(scc,R14, 0);
- /* set clock sources:
- CLK_DPLL: normal halfduplex operation
- RxClk: use DPLL
- TxClk: use DPLL
- TRxC mode DPLL output
- CLK_EXTERNAL: external clocking (G3RUH or DF9IC modem)
- BayCom: others:
- TxClk = pin RTxC TxClk = pin TRxC
- RxClk = pin TRxC RxClk = pin RTxC
- RxClk = use DPLL
- TxClk = pin RTxC
- BayCom: others:
- pin TRxC = DPLL pin TRxC = BRG
- (RxClk * 1) (RxClk * 32)
- */
- switch(scc->modem.clocksrc)
- {
- case CLK_DPLL:
- init_brg(scc);
- break;
- wr(scc, R11, ((scc->brand & BAYCOM)? TRxCDP : TRxCBR) | RCDPLL|TCRTxCP|TRxCOI);
- init_brg(scc);
- break;
- wr(scc, R11, (scc->brand & BAYCOM)? RCTRxCP|TCRTxCP : RCRTxCP|TCTRxCP);
- OutReg(scc->ctrl, R14, DISDPLL);
- break;
- }
- set_speed(scc); /* set baudrate */
- if(scc->enhanced)
- {
- or(scc,R15,SHDLCE|FIFOE); /* enable FIFO, SDLC/HDLC Enhancements (From now R7 is R7') */
- wr(scc,R7,AUTOEOM);
- }
- if(scc->kiss.softdcd || (InReg(scc->ctrl,R0) & DCD))
- /* DCD is now ON */
- {
- start_hunt(scc);
- }
- /* enable ABORT, DCD & SYNC/HUNT interrupts */
- wr(scc,R15, BRKIE|TxUIE|(scc->kiss.softdcd? SYNCIE:DCDIE));
- Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT); /* reset ext/status interrupts */
- Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT); /* must be done twice */
- or(scc,R1,INT_ALL_Rx|TxINT_ENAB|EXT_INT_ENAB); /* enable interrupts */
- scc->status = InReg(scc->ctrl,R0); /* read initial status */
- or(scc,R9,MIE); /* master interrupt enable */
- scc_init_timer(scc);
- enable_irq(scc->irq);
- }
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * SCC timer functions * */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* ----> scc_key_trx sets the time constant for the baudrate
- generator and keys the transmitter <---- */
- static void scc_key_trx(struct scc_channel *scc, char tx)
- {
- unsigned int time_const;
- if (scc->brand & PRIMUS)
- Outb(scc->ctrl + 4, scc->option | (tx? 0x80 : 0));
- if (scc->modem.speed < 300)
- scc->modem.speed = 1200;
- time_const = (unsigned) (scc->clock / (scc->modem.speed * (tx? 2:64))) - 2;
- disable_irq(scc->irq);
- if (tx)
- {
- or(scc, R1, TxINT_ENAB); /* t_maxkeyup may have reset these */
- or(scc, R15, TxUIE);
- }
- if (scc->modem.clocksrc == CLK_DPLL)
- { /* force simplex operation */
- if (tx)
- {
- cl(scc, R3, RxENABLE|ENT_HM); /* switch off receiver */
- cl(scc, R15, DCDIE|SYNCIE); /* No DCD changes, please */
- #endif
- set_brg(scc, time_const); /* reprogram baudrate generator */
- /* DPLL -> Rx clk, BRG -> Tx CLK, TRxC mode output, TRxC = BRG */
- wr(scc, R11, RCDPLL|TCBR|TRxCOI|TRxCBR);
- /* By popular demand: tx_inhibit */
- if (scc->kiss.tx_inhibit)
- {
- or(scc,R5, TxENAB);
- scc->wreg[R5] |= RTS;
- } else {
- or(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB); /* set the RTS line and enable TX */
- }
- } else {
- cl(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB);
- set_brg(scc, time_const); /* reprogram baudrate generator */
- /* DPLL -> Rx clk, DPLL -> Tx CLK, TRxC mode output, TRxC = DPLL */
- if (scc->kiss.softdcd)
- #endif
- {
- or(scc,R15, scc->kiss.softdcd? SYNCIE:DCDIE);
- start_hunt(scc);
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (tx)
- {
- if (scc->kiss.fulldup == KISS_DUPLEX_HALF)
- {
- cl(scc, R3, RxENABLE);
- cl(scc, R15, DCDIE|SYNCIE);
- }
- #endif
- if (scc->kiss.tx_inhibit)
- {
- or(scc,R5, TxENAB);
- scc->wreg[R5] |= RTS;
- } else {
- or(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB); /* enable tx */
- }
- } else {
- cl(scc,R5,RTS|TxENAB); /* disable tx */
- if ((scc->kiss.fulldup == KISS_DUPLEX_HALF) &&
- scc->kiss.softdcd)
- #else
- 1)
- #endif
- {
- or(scc, R15, scc->kiss.softdcd? SYNCIE:DCDIE);
- start_hunt(scc);
- }
- }
- }
- enable_irq(scc->irq);
- }
- /* ----> SCC timer interrupt handler and friends. <---- */
- static void scc_start_tx_timer(struct scc_channel *scc, void (*handler)(unsigned long), unsigned long when)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- del_timer(&scc->tx_t);
- if (when == 0)
- {
- handler((unsigned long) scc);
- } else
- if (when != TIMER_OFF)
- {
- scc-> = (unsigned long) scc;
- scc->tx_t.function = handler;
- scc->tx_t.expires = jiffies + (when*HZ)/100;
- add_timer(&scc->tx_t);
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static void scc_start_defer(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- del_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- if (scc->kiss.maxdefer != 0 && scc->kiss.maxdefer != TIMER_OFF)
- {
- scc-> = (unsigned long) scc;
- scc->tx_wdog.function = t_busy;
- scc->tx_wdog.expires = jiffies + HZ*scc->kiss.maxdefer;
- add_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static void scc_start_maxkeyup(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- del_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- if (scc->kiss.maxkeyup != 0 && scc->kiss.maxkeyup != TIMER_OFF)
- {
- scc-> = (unsigned long) scc;
- scc->tx_wdog.function = t_maxkeyup;
- scc->tx_wdog.expires = jiffies + HZ*scc->kiss.maxkeyup;
- add_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- /*
- * This is called from scc_txint() when there are no more frames to send.
- * Not exactly a timer function, but it is a close friend of the family...
- */
- static void scc_tx_done(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- /*
- * trx remains keyed in fulldup mode 2 until t_idle expires.
- */
- switch (scc->kiss.fulldup)
- {
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_IDLE2;
- if (scc->kiss.idletime != TIMER_OFF)
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_idle, scc->kiss.idletime*100);
- break;
- scc_notify(scc, HWEV_ALL_SENT);
- break;
- default:
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_tail, scc->kiss.tailtime);
- }
- netif_wake_queue(scc->dev);
- }
- static unsigned char Rand = 17;
- static inline int is_grouped(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- int k;
- struct scc_channel *scc2;
- unsigned char grp1, grp2;
- grp1 = scc->;
- for (k = 0; k < (Nchips * 2); k++)
- {
- scc2 = &SCC_Info[k];
- grp2 = scc2->;
- if (scc2 == scc || !(scc2->dev && grp2))
- continue;
- if ((grp1 & 0x3f) == (grp2 & 0x3f))
- {
- if ( (grp1 & TXGROUP) && (scc2->wreg[R5] & RTS) )
- return 1;
- if ( (grp1 & RXGROUP) && scc2->dcd )
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* DWAIT and SLOTTIME expired
- *
- * fulldup == 0: DCD is active or Rand > P-persistence: start t_busy timer
- * else key trx and start txdelay
- * fulldup == 1: key trx and start txdelay
- * fulldup == 2: mintime expired, reset status or key trx and start txdelay
- */
- static void t_dwait(unsigned long channel)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
- if (scc->stat.tx_state == TXS_WAIT) /* maxkeyup or idle timeout */
- {
- if (skb_queue_len(&scc->tx_queue) == 0) /* nothing to send */
- {
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_IDLE;
- netif_wake_queue(scc->dev); /* t_maxkeyup locked it. */
- return;
- }
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
- }
- if (scc->kiss.fulldup == KISS_DUPLEX_HALF)
- {
- Rand = Rand * 17 + 31;
- if (scc->dcd || (scc->kiss.persist) < Rand || (scc-> && is_grouped(scc)) )
- {
- scc_start_defer(scc);
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_dwait, scc->kiss.slottime);
- return ;
- }
- }
- if ( !(scc->wreg[R5] & RTS) )
- {
- scc_key_trx(scc, TX_ON);
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_txdelay, scc->kiss.txdelay);
- } else {
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_txdelay, 0);
- }
- }
- /* TXDELAY expired
- *
- * kick transmission by a fake scc_txint(scc), start 'maxkeyup' watchdog.
- */
- static void t_txdelay(unsigned long channel)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
- scc_start_maxkeyup(scc);
- if (scc->tx_buff == NULL)
- {
- disable_irq(scc->irq);
- scc_txint(scc);
- enable_irq(scc->irq);
- }
- }
- /* TAILTIME expired
- *
- * switch off transmitter. If we were stopped by Maxkeyup restart
- * transmission after 'mintime' seconds
- */
- static void t_tail(unsigned long channel)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- del_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- scc_key_trx(scc, TX_OFF);
- restore_flags(flags);
- if (scc->stat.tx_state == TXS_TIMEOUT) /* we had a timeout? */
- {
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_WAIT;
- if (scc->kiss.mintime != TIMER_OFF) /* try it again */
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_dwait, scc->kiss.mintime*100);
- else
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_dwait, 0);
- return;
- }
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_IDLE;
- netif_wake_queue(scc->dev);
- }
- /* BUSY timeout
- *
- * throw away send buffers if DCD remains active too long.
- */
- static void t_busy(unsigned long channel)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
- del_timer(&scc->tx_t);
- netif_stop_queue(scc->dev); /* don't pile on the wabbit! */
- scc_discard_buffers(scc);
- scc->stat.txerrs++;
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_IDLE;
- netif_wake_queue(scc->dev);
- }
- /* MAXKEYUP timeout
- *
- * this is our watchdog.
- */
- static void t_maxkeyup(unsigned long channel)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- /*
- * let things settle down before we start to
- * accept new data.
- */
- netif_stop_queue(scc->dev);
- scc_discard_buffers(scc);
- del_timer(&scc->tx_t);
- cl(scc, R1, TxINT_ENAB); /* force an ABORT, but don't */
- cl(scc, R15, TxUIE); /* count it. */
- OutReg(scc->ctrl, R0, RES_Tx_P);
- restore_flags(flags);
- scc->stat.txerrs++;
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_TIMEOUT;
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_tail, scc->kiss.tailtime);
- }
- /* IDLE timeout
- *
- * in fulldup mode 2 it keys down the transmitter after 'idle' seconds
- * of inactivity. We will not restart transmission before 'mintime'
- * expires.
- */
- static void t_idle(unsigned long channel)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
- del_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- scc_key_trx(scc, TX_OFF);
- if (scc->kiss.mintime != TIMER_OFF)
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_dwait, scc->kiss.mintime*100);
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_WAIT;
- }
- static void scc_init_timer(struct scc_channel *scc)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_IDLE;
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * Set/get L1 parameters * */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /*
- * this will set the "hardware" parameters through KISS commands or ioctl()
- */
- #define CAST(x) (unsigned long)(x)
- static unsigned int scc_set_param(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned int cmd, unsigned int arg)
- {
- switch (cmd)
- {
- case PARAM_TXDELAY: scc->kiss.txdelay=arg; break;
- case PARAM_PERSIST: scc->kiss.persist=arg; break;
- case PARAM_SLOTTIME: scc->kiss.slottime=arg; break;
- case PARAM_TXTAIL: scc->kiss.tailtime=arg; break;
- case PARAM_FULLDUP: scc->kiss.fulldup=arg; break;
- case PARAM_DTR: break; /* does someone need this? */
- case PARAM_GROUP: scc->; break;
- case PARAM_IDLE: scc->kiss.idletime=arg; break;
- case PARAM_MIN: scc->kiss.mintime=arg; break;
- case PARAM_MAXKEY: scc->kiss.maxkeyup=arg; break;
- case PARAM_WAIT: scc->kiss.waittime=arg; break;
- case PARAM_MAXDEFER: scc->kiss.maxdefer=arg; break;
- case PARAM_TX: scc->kiss.tx_inhibit=arg; break;
- scc->kiss.softdcd=arg;
- if (arg)
- {
- or(scc, R15, SYNCIE);
- cl(scc, R15, DCDIE);
- start_hunt(scc);
- } else {
- or(scc, R15, DCDIE);
- cl(scc, R15, SYNCIE);
- }
- break;
- if (arg < 256)
- scc->modem.speed=arg*100;
- else
- scc->modem.speed=arg;
- if (scc->stat.tx_state == 0) /* only switch baudrate on rx... ;-) */
- set_speed(scc);
- break;
- case PARAM_RTS:
- if ( !(scc->wreg[R5] & RTS) )
- {
- if (arg != TX_OFF)
- scc_key_trx(scc, TX_ON);
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_txdelay, scc->kiss.txdelay);
- } else {
- if (arg == TX_OFF)
- {
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_tail, scc->kiss.tailtime);
- }
- }
- break;
- scc_notify(scc, scc->dcd? HWEV_DCD_ON:HWEV_DCD_OFF);
- break;
- default: return -EINVAL;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static unsigned long scc_get_param(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned int cmd)
- {
- switch (cmd)
- {
- case PARAM_TXDELAY: return CAST(scc->kiss.txdelay);
- case PARAM_PERSIST: return CAST(scc->kiss.persist);
- case PARAM_SLOTTIME: return CAST(scc->kiss.slottime);
- case PARAM_TXTAIL: return CAST(scc->kiss.tailtime);
- case PARAM_FULLDUP: return CAST(scc->kiss.fulldup);
- case PARAM_SOFTDCD: return CAST(scc->kiss.softdcd);
- case PARAM_DTR: return CAST((scc->wreg[R5] & DTR)? 1:0);
- case PARAM_RTS: return CAST((scc->wreg[R5] & RTS)? 1:0);
- case PARAM_SPEED: return CAST(scc->modem.speed);
- case PARAM_GROUP: return CAST(scc->;
- case PARAM_IDLE: return CAST(scc->kiss.idletime);
- case PARAM_MIN: return CAST(scc->kiss.mintime);
- case PARAM_MAXKEY: return CAST(scc->kiss.maxkeyup);
- case PARAM_WAIT: return CAST(scc->kiss.waittime);
- case PARAM_MAXDEFER: return CAST(scc->kiss.maxdefer);
- case PARAM_TX: return CAST(scc->kiss.tx_inhibit);
- default: return NO_SUCH_PARAM;
- }
- }
- #undef CAST
- /* ******************************************************************* */
- /* * Send calibration pattern * */
- /* ******************************************************************* */
- static void scc_stop_calibrate(unsigned long channel)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) channel;
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- del_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- scc_key_trx(scc, TX_OFF);
- wr(scc, R6, 0);
- wr(scc, R7, FLAG);
- Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT); /* reset ext/status interrupts */
- Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT);
- netif_wake_queue(scc->dev);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- static void
- scc_start_calibrate(struct scc_channel *scc, int duration, unsigned char pattern)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- netif_stop_queue(scc->dev);
- scc_discard_buffers(scc);
- del_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- scc-> = (unsigned long) scc;
- scc->tx_wdog.function = scc_stop_calibrate;
- scc->tx_wdog.expires = jiffies + HZ*duration;
- add_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- /* This doesn't seem to work. Why not? */
- wr(scc, R6, 0);
- wr(scc, R7, pattern);
- /*
- * Don't know if this works.
- * Damn, where is my Z8530 programming manual...?
- */
- Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT); /* reset ext/status interrupts */
- Outb(scc->ctrl,RES_EXT_INT);
- scc_key_trx(scc, TX_ON);
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- /* ******************************************************************* */
- /* * Init channel structures, special HW, etc... * */
- /* ******************************************************************* */
- /*
- * Reset the Z8530s and setup special hardware
- */
- static void z8530_init(void)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc;
- int chip, k;
- unsigned long flags;
- char *flag;
- printk(KERN_INFO "Init Z8530 driver: %u channels, IRQ", Nchips*2);
- flag=" ";
- for (k = 0; k < NR_IRQS; k++)
- if (Ivec[k].used)
- {
- printk("%s%d", flag, k);
- flag=",";
- }
- printk("n");
- /* reset and pre-init all chips in the system */
- for (chip = 0; chip < Nchips; chip++)
- {
- scc=&SCC_Info[2*chip];
- if (!scc->ctrl) continue;
- /* Special SCC cards */
- if(scc->brand & EAGLE) /* this is an EAGLE card */
- Outb(scc->special,0x08); /* enable interrupt on the board */
- if(scc->brand & (PC100 | PRIMUS)) /* this is a PC100/PRIMUS card */
- Outb(scc->special,scc->option); /* set the MODEM mode (0x22) */
- /* Reset and pre-init Z8530 */
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- Outb(scc->ctrl, 0);
- OutReg(scc->ctrl,R9,FHWRES); /* force hardware reset */
- udelay(100); /* give it 'a bit' more time than required */
- wr(scc, R2, chip*16); /* interrupt vector */
- wr(scc, R9, VIS); /* vector includes status */
- restore_flags(flags);
- }
- Driver_Initialized = 1;
- }
- /*
- * Allocate device structure, err, instance, and register driver
- */
- static int scc_net_setup(struct scc_channel *scc, unsigned char *name, int addev)
- {
- struct net_device *dev;
- if (dev_get(name))
- {
- printk(KERN_INFO "Z8530drv: device %s already exists.n", name);
- return -EEXIST;
- }
- if ((scc->dev = (struct net_device *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct net_device), GFP_KERNEL)) == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- dev = scc->dev;
- memset(dev, 0, sizeof(struct net_device));
- strcpy(dev->name, name);
- dev->priv = (void *) scc;
- dev->init = scc_net_init;
- if ((addev? register_netdevice(dev) : register_netdev(dev)) != 0) {
- kfree(dev);
- return -EIO;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * Network driver methods * */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- static unsigned char ax25_bcast[AX25_ADDR_LEN] =
- {'Q' << 1, 'S' << 1, 'T' << 1, ' ' << 1, ' ' << 1, ' ' << 1, '0' << 1};
- static unsigned char ax25_nocall[AX25_ADDR_LEN] =
- {'L' << 1, 'I' << 1, 'N' << 1, 'U' << 1, 'X' << 1, ' ' << 1, '1' << 1};
- /* ----> Initialize device <----- */
- static int scc_net_init(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- dev->tx_queue_len = 16; /* should be enough... */
- dev->open = scc_net_open;
- dev->stop = scc_net_close;
- dev->hard_start_xmit = scc_net_tx;
- dev->hard_header = ax25_encapsulate;
- dev->rebuild_header = ax25_rebuild_header;
- dev->set_mac_address = scc_net_set_mac_address;
- dev->get_stats = scc_net_get_stats;
- dev->do_ioctl = scc_net_ioctl;
- dev->tx_timeout = NULL;
- memcpy(dev->broadcast, ax25_bcast, AX25_ADDR_LEN);
- memcpy(dev->dev_addr, ax25_nocall, AX25_ADDR_LEN);
- dev->flags = 0;
- dev->type = ARPHRD_AX25;
- dev->hard_header_len = AX25_MAX_HEADER_LEN + AX25_BPQ_HEADER_LEN;
- dev->mtu = AX25_DEF_PACLEN;
- dev->addr_len = AX25_ADDR_LEN;
- return 0;
- }
- /* ----> open network device <---- */
- static int scc_net_open(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) dev->priv;
- if (!scc->init)
- return -EINVAL;
- scc->tx_buff = NULL;
- skb_queue_head_init(&scc->tx_queue);
- init_channel(scc);
- netif_start_queue(dev);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ----> close network device <---- */
- static int scc_net_close(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) dev->priv;
- unsigned long flags;
- netif_stop_queue(dev);
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- Outb(scc->ctrl,0); /* Make sure pointer is written */
- wr(scc,R1,0); /* disable interrupts */
- wr(scc,R3,0);
- del_timer(&scc->tx_t);
- del_timer(&scc->tx_wdog);
- restore_flags(flags);
- scc_discard_buffers(scc);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ----> receive frame, called from scc_rxint() <---- */
- static void scc_net_rx(struct scc_channel *scc, struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
- if (skb->len == 0) {
- dev_kfree_skb_irq(skb);
- return;
- }
- scc->dev_stat.rx_packets++;
- skb->dev = scc->dev;
- skb->protocol = htons(ETH_P_AX25);
- skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
- skb->pkt_type = PACKET_HOST;
- netif_rx(skb);
- return;
- }
- /* ----> transmit frame <---- */
- static int scc_net_tx(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) dev->priv;
- unsigned long flags;
- char kisscmd;
- if (skb->len > scc->stat.bufsize || skb->len < 2) {
- scc->dev_stat.tx_dropped++; /* bogus frame */
- dev_kfree_skb(skb);
- return 0;
- }
- scc->dev_stat.tx_packets++;
- scc->stat.txframes++;
- kisscmd = *skb->data & 0x1f;
- skb_pull(skb, 1);
- if (kisscmd) {
- scc_set_param(scc, kisscmd, *skb->data);
- dev_kfree_skb(skb);
- return 0;
- }
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- if (skb_queue_len(&scc->tx_queue) > scc->dev->tx_queue_len) {
- struct sk_buff *skb_del;
- skb_del = skb_dequeue(&scc->tx_queue);
- dev_kfree_skb(skb_del);
- }
- skb_queue_tail(&scc->tx_queue, skb);
- dev->trans_start = jiffies;
- /*
- * Start transmission if the trx state is idle or
- * t_idle hasn't expired yet. Use dwait/persistance/slottime
- * algorithm for normal halfduplex operation.
- */
- if(scc->stat.tx_state == TXS_IDLE || scc->stat.tx_state == TXS_IDLE2) {
- scc->stat.tx_state = TXS_BUSY;
- if (scc->kiss.fulldup == KISS_DUPLEX_HALF)
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_dwait, scc->kiss.waittime);
- else
- scc_start_tx_timer(scc, t_dwait, 0);
- }
- restore_flags(flags);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ----> ioctl functions <---- */
- /*
- * SIOCSCCCFG - configure driver arg: (struct scc_hw_config *) arg
- * SIOCSCCINI - initialize driver arg: ---
- * SIOCSCCCHANINI - initialize channel arg: (struct scc_modem *) arg
- * SIOCSCCSMEM - set memory arg: (struct scc_mem_config *) arg
- * SIOCSCCGKISS - get level 1 parameter arg: (struct scc_kiss_cmd *) arg
- * SIOCSCCSKISS - set level 1 parameter arg: (struct scc_kiss_cmd *) arg
- * SIOCSCCGSTAT - get driver status arg: (struct scc_stat *) arg
- * SIOCSCCCAL - send calib. pattern arg: (struct scc_calibrate *) arg
- */
- static int scc_net_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *ifr, int cmd)
- {
- struct scc_kiss_cmd kiss_cmd;
- struct scc_mem_config memcfg;
- struct scc_hw_config hwcfg;
- struct scc_calibrate cal;
- int chan;
- unsigned char device_name[10];
- void *arg;
- struct scc_channel *scc;
- scc = (struct scc_channel *) dev->priv;
- arg = (void *) ifr->ifr_data;
- if (!Driver_Initialized)
- {
- if (cmd == SIOCSCCCFG)
- {
- int found = 1;
- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO)) return -EPERM;
- if (!arg) return -EFAULT;
- if (Nchips >= SCC_MAXCHIPS)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (copy_from_user(&hwcfg, arg, sizeof(hwcfg)))
- return -EFAULT;
- if (hwcfg.irq == 2) hwcfg.irq = 9;
- if (hwcfg.irq <0 || hwcfg.irq > NR_IRQS)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (!Ivec[hwcfg.irq].used && hwcfg.irq)
- {
- if (request_irq(hwcfg.irq, scc_isr, SA_INTERRUPT, "AX.25 SCC", NULL))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "z8530drv: warning, cannot get IRQ %dn", hwcfg.irq);
- else
- Ivec[hwcfg.irq].used = 1;
- }
- if (hwcfg.vector_latch && !Vector_Latch) {
- if (!request_region(hwcfg.vector_latch, 1, "scc vector latch"))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "z8530drv: warning, cannot reserve vector latch port 0x%lxn, disabled.", hwcfg.vector_latch);
- else
- Vector_Latch = hwcfg.vector_latch;
- }
- if (hwcfg.clock == 0)
- hwcfg.clock = SCC_DEFAULT_CLOCK;
- #ifndef SCC_DONT_CHECK
- disable_irq(hwcfg.irq);
- check_region(scc->ctrl, 1);
- Outb(hwcfg.ctrl_a, 0);
- OutReg(hwcfg.ctrl_a, R9, FHWRES);
- udelay(100);
- OutReg(hwcfg.ctrl_a,R13,0x55); /* is this chip really there? */
- udelay(5);
- if (InReg(hwcfg.ctrl_a,R13) != 0x55)
- found = 0;
- enable_irq(hwcfg.irq);
- #endif
- if (found)
- {
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips ].ctrl = hwcfg.ctrl_a;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips ].data = hwcfg.data_a;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips ].irq = hwcfg.irq;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+1].ctrl = hwcfg.ctrl_b;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+1].data = hwcfg.data_b;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+1].irq = hwcfg.irq;
- SCC_ctrl[Nchips].chan_A = hwcfg.ctrl_a;
- SCC_ctrl[Nchips].chan_B = hwcfg.ctrl_b;
- SCC_ctrl[Nchips].irq = hwcfg.irq;
- }
- for (chan = 0; chan < 2; chan++)
- {
- sprintf(device_name, "%s%i", SCC_DriverName, 2*Nchips+chan);
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].special = hwcfg.special;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].clock = hwcfg.clock;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].brand = hwcfg.brand;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].option = hwcfg.option;
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].enhanced = hwcfg.escc;
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: data port = 0x%3.3x control port = 0x%3.3xn",
- device_name,
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].data,
- SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].ctrl);
- #else
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: data port = 0x%3.3lx control port = 0x%3.3lx -- %sn",
- device_name,
- chan? hwcfg.data_b : hwcfg.data_a,
- chan? hwcfg.ctrl_b : hwcfg.ctrl_a,
- found? "found" : "missing");
- #endif
- if (found)
- {
- request_region(SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].ctrl, 1, "scc ctrl");
- request_region(SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan].data, 1, "scc data");
- if (Nchips+chan != 0)
- scc_net_setup(&SCC_Info[2*Nchips+chan], device_name, 1);
- }
- }
- if (found) Nchips++;
- return 0;
- }
- if (cmd == SIOCSCCINI)
- {
- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO))
- return -EPERM;
- if (Nchips == 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- z8530_init();
- return 0;
- }
- return -EINVAL; /* confuse the user */
- }
- if (!scc->init)
- {
- if (cmd == SIOCSCCCHANINI)
- {
- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN)) return -EPERM;
- if (!arg) return -EINVAL;
- scc->stat.bufsize = SCC_BUFSIZE;
- if (copy_from_user(&scc->modem, arg, sizeof(struct scc_modem)))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* default KISS Params */
- if (scc->modem.speed < 4800)
- {
- scc->kiss.txdelay = 36; /* 360 ms */
- scc->kiss.persist = 42; /* 25% persistence */ /* was 25 */
- scc->kiss.slottime = 16; /* 160 ms */
- scc->kiss.tailtime = 4; /* minimal reasonable value */
- scc->kiss.fulldup = 0; /* CSMA */
- scc->kiss.waittime = 50; /* 500 ms */
- scc->kiss.maxkeyup = 10; /* 10 s */
- scc->kiss.mintime = 3; /* 3 s */
- scc->kiss.idletime = 30; /* 30 s */
- scc->kiss.maxdefer = 120; /* 2 min */
- scc->kiss.softdcd = 0; /* hardware dcd */
- } else {
- scc->kiss.txdelay = 10; /* 100 ms */
- scc->kiss.persist = 64; /* 25% persistence */ /* was 25 */
- scc->kiss.slottime = 8; /* 160 ms */
- scc->kiss.tailtime = 1; /* minimal reasonable value */
- scc->kiss.fulldup = 0; /* CSMA */
- scc->kiss.waittime = 50; /* 500 ms */
- scc->kiss.maxkeyup = 7; /* 7 s */
- scc->kiss.mintime = 3; /* 3 s */
- scc->kiss.idletime = 30; /* 30 s */
- scc->kiss.maxdefer = 120; /* 2 min */
- scc->kiss.softdcd = 0; /* hardware dcd */
- }
- scc->tx_buff = NULL;
- skb_queue_head_init(&scc->tx_queue);
- scc->init = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- switch(cmd)
- {
- return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO)) return -EPERM;
- if (!arg || copy_from_user(&memcfg, arg, sizeof(memcfg)))
- return -EINVAL;
- scc->stat.bufsize = memcfg.bufsize;
- return 0;
- if (!arg || copy_to_user(arg, &scc->stat, sizeof(scc->stat)))
- return -EINVAL;
- return 0;
- if (!arg || copy_from_user(&kiss_cmd, arg, sizeof(kiss_cmd)))
- return -EINVAL;
- kiss_cmd.param = scc_get_param(scc, kiss_cmd.command);
- if (copy_to_user(arg, &kiss_cmd, sizeof(kiss_cmd)))
- return -EINVAL;
- return 0;
- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN)) return -EPERM;
- if (!arg || copy_from_user(&kiss_cmd, arg, sizeof(kiss_cmd)))
- return -EINVAL;
- return scc_set_param(scc, kiss_cmd.command, kiss_cmd.param);
- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO)) return -EPERM;
- if (!arg || copy_from_user(&cal, arg, sizeof(cal)) || cal.time == 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- scc_start_calibrate(scc, cal.time, cal.pattern);
- return 0;
- default:
- return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
- }
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- /* ----> set interface callsign <---- */
- static int scc_net_set_mac_address(struct net_device *dev, void *addr)
- {
- struct sockaddr *sa = (struct sockaddr *) addr;
- memcpy(dev->dev_addr, sa->sa_data, dev->addr_len);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ----> get statistics <---- */
- static struct net_device_stats *scc_net_get_stats(struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc = (struct scc_channel *) dev->priv;
- scc->dev_stat.rx_errors = scc->stat.rxerrs + scc->stat.rx_over;
- scc->dev_stat.tx_errors = scc->stat.txerrs + scc->stat.tx_under;
- scc->dev_stat.rx_fifo_errors = scc->stat.rx_over;
- scc->dev_stat.tx_fifo_errors = scc->stat.tx_under;
- return &scc->dev_stat;
- }
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * dump statistics to /proc/net/z8530drv * */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- static int scc_net_get_info(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length)
- {
- struct scc_channel *scc;
- struct scc_kiss *kiss;
- struct scc_stat *stat;
- int len = 0;
- off_t pos = 0;
- off_t begin = 0;
- int k;
- len += sprintf(buffer, "z8530drv-"VERSION"n");
- if (!Driver_Initialized)
- {
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "not initializedn");
- goto done;
- }
- if (!Nchips)
- {
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "chips missingn");
- goto done;
- }
- for (k = 0; k < Nchips*2; k++)
- {
- scc = &SCC_Info[k];
- stat = &scc->stat;
- kiss = &scc->kiss;
- if (!scc->init)
- continue;
- /* dev data ctrl irq clock brand enh vector special option
- * baud nrz clocksrc softdcd bufsize
- * rxints txints exints spints
- * rcvd rxerrs over / xmit txerrs under / nospace bufsize
- * txd pers slot tail ful wait min maxk idl defr txof grp
- * W ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- * R ## ## XX ## ## ## ## ## XX ## ## ## ## ## ## ##
- */
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%st%3.3lx %3.3lx %d %lu %2.2x %d %3.3lx %3.3lx %dn",
- scc->dev->name,
- scc->data, scc->ctrl, scc->irq, scc->clock, scc->brand,
- scc->enhanced, Vector_Latch, scc->special,
- scc->option);
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "t%lu %d %d %d %dn",
- scc->modem.speed, scc->modem.nrz,
- scc->modem.clocksrc, kiss->softdcd,
- stat->bufsize);
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "t%lu %lu %lu %lun",
- stat->rxints, stat->txints, stat->exints, stat->spints);
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "t%lu %lu %d / %lu %lu %d / %d %dn",
- stat->rxframes, stat->rxerrs, stat->rx_over,
- stat->txframes, stat->txerrs, stat->tx_under,
- stat->nospace, stat->tx_state);
- #define K(x) kiss->x
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "t%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %dn",
- K(txdelay), K(persist), K(slottime), K(tailtime),
- K(fulldup), K(waittime), K(mintime), K(maxkeyup),
- K(idletime), K(maxdefer), K(tx_inhibit), K(group));
- #undef K
- #ifdef SCC_DEBUG
- {
- int reg;
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "tW ");
- for (reg = 0; reg < 16; reg++)
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%2.2x ", scc->wreg[reg]);
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "n");
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "tR %2.2x %2.2x XX ", InReg(scc->ctrl,R0), InReg(scc->ctrl,R1));
- for (reg = 3; reg < 8; reg++)
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%2.2x ", InReg(scc->ctrl, reg));
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "XX ");
- for (reg = 9; reg < 16; reg++)
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "%2.2x ", InReg(scc->ctrl, reg));
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "n");
- }
- #endif
- len += sprintf(buffer+len, "n");
- pos = begin + len;
- if (pos < offset) {
- len = 0;
- begin = pos;
- }
- if (pos > offset + length)
- break;
- }
- done:
- *start = buffer + (offset - begin);
- len -= (offset - begin);
- if (len > length) len = length;
- return len;
- }
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- /* * Init SCC driver * */
- /* ******************************************************************** */
- static int __init scc_init_driver (void)
- {
- int result;
- char devname[10];
- printk(banner);
- sprintf(devname,"%s0", SCC_DriverName);
- result = scc_net_setup(SCC_Info, devname, 0);
- if (result)
- {
- printk(KERN_ERR "z8530drv: cannot initialize modulen");
- return result;
- }
- proc_net_create("z8530drv", 0, scc_net_get_info);
- return 0;
- }
- static void __exit scc_cleanup_driver(void)
- {
- long flags;
- io_port ctrl;
- int k;
- struct scc_channel *scc;
- save_flags(flags);
- cli();
- if (Nchips == 0)
- {
- unregister_netdev(SCC_Info[0].dev);
- kfree(SCC_Info[0].dev);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < Nchips; k++)
- if ( (ctrl = SCC_ctrl[k].chan_A) )
- {
- Outb(ctrl, 0);
- OutReg(ctrl,R9,FHWRES); /* force hardware reset */
- udelay(50);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < Nchips*2; k++)
- {
- scc = &SCC_Info[k];
- if (scc->ctrl)
- {
- release_region(scc->ctrl, 1);
- release_region(scc->data, 1);
- }
- if (scc->dev)
- {
- unregister_netdev(scc->dev);
- kfree(scc->dev);
- }
- }
- for (k=0; k < NR_IRQS ; k++)
- if (Ivec[k].used) free_irq(k, NULL);
- if (Vector_Latch)
- release_region(Vector_Latch, 1);
- restore_flags(flags);
- proc_net_remove("z8530drv");
- }
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Joerg Reuter <>");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("AX.25 Device Driver for Z8530 based HDLC cards");
- MODULE_SUPPORTED_DEVICE("Z8530 based SCC cards for Amateur Radio");
- module_init(scc_init_driver);
- module_exit(scc_cleanup_driver);