- /*
- * defines, etc for the seeq8005
- */
- /*
- * This file is distributed under GPL.
- *
- * This style and layout of this file is also copied
- * from many of the other linux network device drivers.
- */
- /* The number of low I/O ports used by the ethercard. */
- #define SEEQ8005_IO_EXTENT 16
- #define SEEQ_B (ioaddr)
- #define SEEQ_CMD (SEEQ_B) /* Write only */
- #define SEEQ_STATUS (SEEQ_B) /* Read only */
- #define SEEQ_CFG1 (SEEQ_B + 2)
- #define SEEQ_CFG2 (SEEQ_B + 4)
- #define SEEQ_REA (SEEQ_B + 6) /* Receive End Area Register */
- #define SEEQ_RPR (SEEQ_B + 10) /* Receive Pointer Register */
- #define SEEQ_TPR (SEEQ_B + 12) /* Transmit Pointer Register */
- #define SEEQ_DMAAR (SEEQ_B + 14) /* DMA Address Register */
- #define SEEQ_BUFFER (SEEQ_B + 8) /* Buffer Window Register */
- #define DEFAULT_TEA (0x3f)
- #define SEEQCMD_DMA_INT_EN (0x0001) /* DMA Interrupt Enable */
- #define SEEQCMD_RX_INT_EN (0x0002) /* Receive Interrupt Enable */
- #define SEEQCMD_TX_INT_EN (0x0004) /* Transmit Interrupt Enable */
- #define SEEQCMD_WINDOW_INT_EN (0x0008) /* What the hell is this for?? */
- #define SEEQCMD_INT_MASK (0x000f)
- #define SEEQCMD_DMA_INT_ACK (0x0010) /* DMA ack */
- #define SEEQCMD_RX_INT_ACK (0x0020)
- #define SEEQCMD_TX_INT_ACK (0x0040)
- #define SEEQCMD_WINDOW_INT_ACK (0x0080)
- #define SEEQCMD_ACK_ALL (0x00f0)
- #define SEEQCMD_SET_DMA_ON (0x0100) /* Enables DMA Request logic */
- #define SEEQCMD_SET_RX_ON (0x0200) /* Enables Packet RX */
- #define SEEQCMD_SET_TX_ON (0x0400) /* Starts TX run */
- #define SEEQCMD_SET_DMA_OFF (0x0800)
- #define SEEQCMD_SET_RX_OFF (0x1000)
- #define SEEQCMD_SET_TX_OFF (0x2000)
- #define SEEQCMD_SET_ALL_OFF (0x3800) /* set all logic off */
- #define SEEQCMD_FIFO_READ (0x4000) /* Set FIFO to read mode (read from Buffer) */
- #define SEEQCMD_FIFO_WRITE (0x8000) /* Set FIFO to write mode */
- #define SEEQSTAT_DMA_INT_EN (0x0001) /* Status of interrupt enable */
- #define SEEQSTAT_RX_INT_EN (0x0002)
- #define SEEQSTAT_TX_INT_EN (0x0004)
- #define SEEQSTAT_WINDOW_INT_EN (0x0008)
- #define SEEQSTAT_DMA_INT (0x0010) /* Interrupt flagged */
- #define SEEQSTAT_RX_INT (0x0020)
- #define SEEQSTAT_TX_INT (0x0040)
- #define SEEQSTAT_WINDOW_INT (0x0080)
- #define SEEQSTAT_ANY_INT (0x00f0)
- #define SEEQSTAT_DMA_ON (0x0100) /* DMA logic on */
- #define SEEQSTAT_RX_ON (0x0200) /* Packet RX on */
- #define SEEQSTAT_TX_ON (0x0400) /* TX running */
- #define SEEQSTAT_FIFO_FULL (0x2000)
- #define SEEQSTAT_FIFO_EMPTY (0x4000)
- #define SEEQSTAT_FIFO_DIR (0x8000) /* 1=read, 0=write */
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_MASK (0x000f) /* define what maps into the BUFFER register */
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_MAC0 (0x0000) /* MAC station addresses 0-5 */
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_MAC1 (0x0001)
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_MAC2 (0x0002)
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_MAC3 (0x0003)
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_MAC4 (0x0004)
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_MAC5 (0x0005)
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_PROM (0x0006) /* The Address/CFG PROM */
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_TEA (0x0007) /* Transmit end area */
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_BUFFER (0x0008) /* Packet buffer memory */
- #define SEEQCFG1_BUFFER_INT_VEC (0x0009) /* Interrupt Vector */
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_INTVL_MASK (0x0030)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_CONT (0x0000)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_800ns (0x0010)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_1600ns (0x0020)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_3200ns (0x0030)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_LEN_MASK (0x00c0)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_LEN1 (0x0000)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_LEN2 (0x0040)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_LEN4 (0x0080)
- #define SEEQCFG1_DMA_LEN8 (0x00c0)
- #define SEEQCFG1_MAC_MASK (0x3f00) /* Dis/enable bits for MAC addresses */
- #define SEEQCFG1_MAC0_EN (0x0100)
- #define SEEQCFG1_MAC1_EN (0x0200)
- #define SEEQCFG1_MAC2_EN (0x0400)
- #define SEEQCFG1_MAC3_EN (0x0800)
- #define SEEQCFG1_MAC4_EN (0x1000)
- #define SEEQCFG1_MAC5_EN (0x2000)
- #define SEEQCFG1_MATCH_MASK (0xc000) /* Packet matching logic cfg bits */
- #define SEEQCFG1_MATCH_SPECIFIC (0x0000) /* only matching MAC addresses */
- #define SEEQCFG1_MATCH_BROAD (0x4000) /* matching and broadcast addresses */
- #define SEEQCFG1_MATCH_MULTI (0x8000) /* matching, broadcast and multicast */
- #define SEEQCFG1_MATCH_ALL (0xc000) /* Promiscuous mode */
- #define SEEQCFG2_BYTE_SWAP (0x0001) /* 0=Intel byte-order */
- #define SEEQCFG2_AUTO_REA (0x0002) /* if set, Receive End Area will be updated when reading from Buffer */
- #define SEEQCFG2_CRC_ERR_EN (0x0008) /* enables receiving of packets with CRC errors */
- #define SEEQCFG2_DRIBBLE_EN (0x0010) /* enables receiving of non-aligned packets */
- #define SEEQCFG2_SHORT_EN (0x0020) /* enables receiving of short packets */
- #define SEEQCFG2_SLOTSEL (0x0040) /* 0= standard IEEE802.3, 1= smaller,faster, non-standard */
- #define SEEQCFG2_NO_PREAM (0x0080) /* 1= user supplies Xmit preamble bytes */
- #define SEEQCFG2_ADDR_LEN (0x0100) /* 1= 2byte addresses */
- #define SEEQCFG2_REC_CRC (0x0200) /* 0= received packets will have CRC stripped from them */
- #define SEEQCFG2_XMIT_NO_CRC (0x0400) /* don't xmit CRC with each packet (user supplies it) */
- #define SEEQCFG2_LOOPBACK (0x0800)
- #define SEEQCFG2_CTRLO (0x1000)
- #define SEEQCFG2_RESET (0x8000) /* software Hard-reset bit */
- struct seeq_pkt_hdr {
- unsigned short next; /* address of next packet header */
- unsigned char babble_int:1, /* enable int on >1514 byte packet */
- coll_int:1, /* enable int on collision */
- coll_16_int:1, /* enable int on >15 collision */
- xmit_int:1, /* enable int on success (or xmit with <15 collision) */
- unused:1,
- data_follows:1, /* if not set, process this as a header and pointer only */
- chain_cont:1, /* if set, more headers in chain only cmd bit valid in recv header */
- xmit_recv:1; /* if set, a xmit packet, else a receive packet.*/
- unsigned char status;
- };
- #define SEEQPKTH_BAB_INT_EN (0x01) /* xmit only */
- #define SEEQPKTH_COL_INT_EN (0x02) /* xmit only */
- #define SEEQPKTH_COL16_INT_EN (0x04) /* xmit only */
- #define SEEQPKTH_XMIT_INT_EN (0x08) /* xmit only */
- #define SEEQPKTH_DATA_FOLLOWS (0x20) /* supposedly in xmit only */
- #define SEEQPKTH_CHAIN (0x40) /* more headers follow */
- #define SEEQPKTH_XMIT (0x80)
- #define SEEQPKTS_BABBLE (0x0100) /* xmit only */
- #define SEEQPKTS_OVERSIZE (0x0100) /* recv only */
- #define SEEQPKTS_COLLISION (0x0200) /* xmit only */
- #define SEEQPKTS_CRC_ERR (0x0200) /* recv only */
- #define SEEQPKTS_COLL16 (0x0400) /* xmit only */
- #define SEEQPKTS_DRIB (0x0400) /* recv only */
- #define SEEQPKTS_SHORT (0x0800) /* recv only */
- #define SEEQPKTS_DONE (0x8000)
- #define SEEQPKTS_ANY_ERROR (0x0f00)