资源名称:电子邮件收发系统.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "base64"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Option Explicit
- Private Const CHAR_EQUAL As Byte = 61
- Private Const CHAR_CR As Byte = 13
- Private Const CHAR_LF As Byte = 10
- Private m_ReverseIndex1(0 To 255) As Byte
- Private m_ReverseIndex2(0 To 255, 0 To 1) As Byte
- Private m_ReverseIndex3(0 To 255, 0 To 1) As Byte
- Private m_ReverseIndex4(0 To 255) As Byte
- 'Decode a string to a string.
- Public Function Decode(sInput As String) As String
- Dim bTemp() As Byte
- 'Convert to a byte array then convert.
- 'This is faster the repetitive calls to asc() or chr$()
- bTemp = StrConv(sInput, vbFromUnicode)
- Decode = StrConv(DecodeArr(bTemp), vbUnicode)
- End Function
- Public Sub DecodeToFile(sInput As String, sOutputFile As String)
- Dim bTemp() As Byte
- Dim fh As Long
- bTemp = StrConv(sInput, vbFromUnicode)
- bTemp = DecodeArr(bTemp)
- fh = FreeFile(0)
- Open sOutputFile For Binary Access Write As fh
- Put fh, , bTemp
- Close fh
- End Sub
- Public Sub DecodeFile(sInputFile As String, sOutputFile As String)
- Dim bTemp() As Byte
- Dim fh As Long
- fh = FreeFile(0)
- Open sInputFile For Binary Access Read As fh
- ReDim bTemp(0 To LOF(fh) - 1)
- Get fh, , bTemp
- Close fh
- bTemp = DecodeArr(bTemp)
- Open sOutputFile For Binary Access Write As fh
- Put fh, , bTemp
- Close fh
- End Sub
- Private Function DecodeArr(bInput() As Byte) As Byte()
- Dim bOutput() As Byte
- Dim OutLength As Long
- Dim CurrentOut As Long
- Dim k As Long
- Dim l As Long
- Dim I As Long
- Dim b As Byte
- Dim c As Byte
- Dim d As Byte
- Dim e As Byte
- k = LBound(bInput)
- l = UBound(bInput)
- 'Calculate the length of the input
- I = l - k + 1
- 'Allocate the output
- Dim BytesDataIn As Long ':(燤ove line to top of current Function
- Dim BytesDataOut As Long ':(燤ove line to top of current Function
- Dim ExtraBytes As Integer ':(燤ove line to top of current Function
- If bInput(l) = 61 Then
- ExtraBytes = 1
- If bInput(l - 1) = 61 Then
- ExtraBytes = 2
- End If
- End If
- BytesDataIn = l + 1 'BytesDataIn of the string
- BytesDataOut = (BytesDataIn * 0.75) - ExtraBytes ' how many bytes will the decoded string have
- ReDim bOutput(BytesDataOut - 1)
- CurrentOut = 0
- For I = k To l
- Select Case bInput(I)
- Case CHAR_CR
- 'Do nothing
- Case CHAR_LF
- 'Do nothing
- Case Else
- If l - I >= 3 Then
- b = bInput(I)
- c = bInput(I + 1)
- d = bInput(I + 2)
- e = bInput(I + 3)
- If e <> CHAR_EQUAL Then
- bOutput(CurrentOut) = m_ReverseIndex1(b) Or m_ReverseIndex2(c, 0)
- bOutput(CurrentOut + 1) = m_ReverseIndex2(c, 1) Or m_ReverseIndex3(d, 0)
- bOutput(CurrentOut + 2) = m_ReverseIndex3(d, 1) Or m_ReverseIndex4(e)
- CurrentOut = CurrentOut + 3
- I = I + 3 ':(燤odifies active For-Variable
- ElseIf d <> CHAR_EQUAL Then 'NOT E...
- bOutput(CurrentOut) = m_ReverseIndex1(b) Or m_ReverseIndex2(c, 0)
- bOutput(CurrentOut + 1) = m_ReverseIndex2(c, 1) Or m_ReverseIndex3(d, 0)
- CurrentOut = CurrentOut + 2
- I = I + 3 ':(燤odifies active For-Variable
- Else 'NOT D...
- bOutput(CurrentOut) = m_ReverseIndex1(b) Or m_ReverseIndex2(c, 0)
- CurrentOut = CurrentOut + 1
- I = I + 3 ':(燤odifies active For-Variable
- End If
- Else 'NOT L...
- 'Possible input code error, but may also be
- 'an extra CrLf, so we will ignore it.
- End If
- End Select
- Next I
- 'On properly formed input we should have to do this.
- If OutLength <> CurrentOut + 1 Then
- ReDim Preserve bOutput(0 To CurrentOut - 1)
- End If
- DecodeArr = bOutput
- End Function