资源名称:电子邮件收发系统.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- Attribute VB_Name = "rtf2html"
- Option Explicit
- Private strCurPhrase As String
- Private strHTML As String
- Private Codes() As String
- Private NextCodes() As String
- Private CodesBeg() As String 'beginning codes
- Private NextCodesBeg() As String 'beginning codes for next text
- Private CodesTmp() As String 'temp stack for copying
- Private CodesTmpBeg() As String 'temp stack for copying beg
- Public strCR As String 'string to use for CRs - blank if +CR not chosen in options
- Private strBeforeText As String
- Private strBeforeText2 As String
- Private strBeforeText3 As String
- Private gPlain As Boolean 'true if all codes shouls be popped before next text
- Private strColorTable() As String 'table of colors
- Private lColors As Long '# of colors
- Private strFontTable() As String 'table of fonts
- Private lFonts As Long '# of fonts
- Private strEOL As String 'string to include before <br>
- Private lSkipWords As Long 'number od words to skip from current
- Private gBOL As Boolean 'a <br> was inserted but no non-whitespace text has been inserted
- Private strFont As String
- Private strTable As String
- Private strFontColor As String 'current font color for setting up fontstring
- Private strFontSize As String 'current font size for setting up fontstring
- Private lFontSize As Long
- Function ClearCodes()
- ReDim Codes(0)
- ReDim NextCodes(0)
- ReDim CodesBeg(0)
- ReDim NextCodesBeg(0)
- End Function
- Function ClearFont()
- strFont = ""
- strTable = ""
- strFontColor = ""
- strFontSize = ""
- lFontSize = 0
- End Function
- Function Codes2NextTill(strCode As String)
- Dim l As Long
- l = UBound(Codes)
- While Codes(l) <> strCode And l >= 0
- l = l - 1
- Wend
- CodesBeg(l) = ""
- l = l + 1
- While l <= UBound(Codes)
- PushNext (Codes(l))
- PushNextBeg (CodesBeg(l))
- CodesBeg(l) = ""
- l = l + 1
- Wend
- End Function
- Function GetColorTable(strSecTmp As String, strColorTable() As String)
- 'get color table data and fill in strColorTable array
- Dim lColors As Long
- Dim lBOS As Long
- Dim lEOS As Long
- Dim strTmp As String
- lBOS = InStr(strSecTmp, "colortbl")
- ReDim strColorTable(0)
- lColors = 1
- If lBOS <> 0 Then
- lEOS = InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, ";}")
- If lEOS <> 0 Then
- lBOS = InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, "red")
- While ((lBOS <= lEOS) And (lBOS <> 0))
- ReDim Preserve strColorTable(lColors)
- strTmp = Trim(Hex(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 4, 1) & IIf(IsNumeric(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 5, 1)), Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 5, 1), "") & IIf(IsNumeric(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 6, 1)), Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 6, 1), "")))
- If Len(strTmp) = 1 Then strTmp = "0" & strTmp
- strColorTable(lColors) = strColorTable(lColors) & strTmp
- lBOS = InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, "green")
- strTmp = Trim(Hex(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 6, 1) & IIf(IsNumeric(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 7, 1)), Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 7, 1), "") & IIf(IsNumeric(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 8, 1)), Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 8, 1), "")))
- If Len(strTmp) = 1 Then strTmp = "0" & strTmp
- strColorTable(lColors) = strColorTable(lColors) & strTmp
- lBOS = InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, "blue")
- strTmp = Trim(Hex(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 5, 1) & IIf(IsNumeric(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 6, 1)), Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 6, 1), "") & IIf(IsNumeric(Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 7, 1)), Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS + 7, 1), "")))
- If Len(strTmp) = 1 Then strTmp = "0" & strTmp
- strColorTable(lColors) = strColorTable(lColors) & strTmp
- lBOS = InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, "red")
- lColors = lColors + 1
- Wend
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Function GetFontTable(strSecTmp As String, strFontTable() As String)
- 'get font table data and fill in strFontTable array
- Dim lFonts As Long
- Dim lBOS As Long
- Dim lEOS As Long
- Dim strTmp As String
- lBOS = InStr(strSecTmp, "fonttbl")
- ReDim strFontTable(0)
- lFonts = 0
- If lBOS <> 0 Then
- lEOS = InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, ";}}")
- If lEOS <> 0 Then
- lBOS = InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, "f0")
- While ((lBOS <= lEOS) And (lBOS <> 0))
- ReDim Preserve strFontTable(lFonts)
- While ((Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS, 1) <> " ") And (lBOS <= lEOS))
- lBOS = lBOS + 1
- Wend
- lBOS = lBOS + 1
- strTmp = Mid(strSecTmp, lBOS, InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, ";") - lBOS)
- strFontTable(lFonts) = strFontTable(lFonts) & strTmp
- lBOS = InStr(lBOS, strSecTmp, "f" & (lFonts + 1))
- lFonts = lFonts + 1
- Wend
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Function InNext(strTmp) As Boolean
- Dim gTmp As Boolean
- Dim l As Long
- l = 1
- gTmp = False
- While l <= UBound(NextCodes) And Not gTmp
- If NextCodes(l) = strTmp Then gTmp = True
- l = l + 1
- Wend
- InNext = gTmp
- End Function
- Function InCodes(strTmp) As Boolean
- Dim gTmp As Boolean
- Dim l As Long
- l = 1
- gTmp = False
- While l <= UBound(Codes) And Not gTmp
- If Codes(l) = strTmp And Len(CodesBeg(l)) > 0 Then gTmp = True
- l = l + 1
- Wend
- InCodes = gTmp
- End Function
- Function NabNextLine(strRTF As String) As String
- Dim l As Long
- l = InStr(strRTF, vbCrLf)
- If l = 0 Then l = Len(strRTF)
- NabNextLine = TrimAll(Left(strRTF, l))
- If l = Len(strRTF) Then
- strRTF = ""
- Else
- strRTF = TrimAll(Mid(strRTF, l))
- End If
- End Function
- Function NabNextWord(strLine As String) As String
- Dim l As Long
- Dim lvl As Integer
- Dim gEndofWord As Boolean
- Dim gInCommand As Boolean 'current word is command instead of plain word
- gInCommand = False
- l = 0
- lvl = 0
- 'strLine = TrimifCmd(strLine)
- If Left(strLine, 1) = "}" Then
- strLine = Mid(strLine, 2)
- NabNextWord = "}"
- GoTo finally
- End If
- While Not gEndofWord
- l = l + 1
- If l >= Len(strLine) Then
- If l = Len(strLine) Then l = l + 1
- gEndofWord = True
- ElseIf InStr("{}", Mid(strLine, l, 1)) Then
- If l = 1 And Mid(strLine, l, 1) = "" Then gInCommand = True
- If Mid(strLine, l + 1, 1) <> "" And l > 1 And lvl = 0 Then
- gEndofWord = True
- End If
- ElseIf Mid(strLine, l, 1) = " " And lvl = 0 And gInCommand Then
- gEndofWord = True
- End If
- Wend
- If l = 0 Then l = Len(strLine)
- NabNextWord = Left(strLine, l - 1)
- While Len(NabNextWord) > 0 And InStr("{}", Right(NabNextWord, 1))
- NabNextWord = Left(NabNextWord, Len(NabNextWord) - 1)
- Wend
- While Len(NabNextWord) > 0 And InStr("{}", Left(NabNextWord, 1))
- NabNextWord = Right(NabNextWord, Len(NabNextWord) - 1)
- Wend
- strLine = Mid(strLine, l)
- If Left(strLine, 1) = " " Then strLine = Mid(strLine, 2)
- finally:
- End Function
- Function NabSection(strRTF As String, lPos As Long) As String
- 'grab section surrounding lPos, strip section out of strRTF and return it
- Dim lBOS As Long 'beginning of section
- Dim lEOS As Long 'ending of section
- Dim strChar As String
- Dim lLev As Long 'level of brackets/parens
- Dim lRTFLen As Long
- lRTFLen = Len(strRTF)
- lBOS = lPos
- strChar = Mid(strRTF, lBOS, 1)
- lLev = 1
- While lLev > 0
- lBOS = lBOS - 1
- If lBOS <= 0 Then
- lLev = lLev - 1
- Else
- strChar = Mid(strRTF, lBOS, 1)
- If strChar = "}" Then
- lLev = lLev + 1
- ElseIf strChar = "{" Then
- lLev = lLev - 1
- End If
- End If
- Wend
- lBOS = lBOS - 1
- If lBOS < 1 Then lBOS = 1
- lEOS = lPos
- strChar = Mid(strRTF, lEOS, 1)
- lLev = 1
- While lLev > 0
- lEOS = lEOS + 1
- If lEOS >= lRTFLen Then
- lLev = lLev - 1
- Else
- strChar = Mid(strRTF, lEOS, 1)
- If strChar = "{" Then
- lLev = lLev + 1
- ElseIf strChar = "}" Then
- lLev = lLev - 1
- End If
- End If
- Wend
- lEOS = lEOS + 1
- If lEOS > lRTFLen Then lEOS = lRTFLen
- NabSection = Mid(strRTF, lBOS + 1, lEOS - lBOS - 1)
- strRTF = Mid(strRTF, 1, lBOS) & Mid(strRTF, lEOS)
- strRTF = rtf2html_replace(strRTF, vbCrLf & vbCrLf, vbCrLf)
- End Function
- Function Next2Codes()
- 'move codes from pending ("next") stack to current stack
- Dim lNumCodes As Long
- Dim l As Long
- If UBound(NextCodes) > 0 Then
- lNumCodes = UBound(Codes)
- ReDim Preserve Codes(lNumCodes + UBound(NextCodes))
- ReDim Preserve CodesBeg(lNumCodes + UBound(NextCodes))
- For l = 1 To UBound(NextCodes)
- Codes(lNumCodes + l) = NextCodes(l)
- CodesBeg(lNumCodes + l) = NextCodesBeg(l)
- Next l
- ReDim NextCodes(0)
- ReDim NextCodesBeg(0)
- End If
- End Function
- Function Codes2Next()
- 'move codes from "current" stack to pending ("next") stack
- Dim lNumCodes As Long
- Dim l As Long
- If UBound(Codes) > 0 Then
- lNumCodes = UBound(NextCodes)
- ReDim Preserve NextCodes(lNumCodes + UBound(Codes))
- ReDim Preserve NextCodesBeg(lNumCodes + UBound(Codes))
- For l = 1 To UBound(Codes)
- NextCodes(lNumCodes + l) = Codes(l)
- NextCodesBeg(lNumCodes + l) = CodesBeg(l)
- Next l
- ReDim Codes(0)
- ReDim CodesBeg(0)
- End If
- End Function
- Function ParseFont(strColor As String, strSize As String) As String
- Dim strTmpFont As String
- strTmpFont = "<font"
- If strColor <> "" Then
- strTmpFont = strTmpFont & " color=""" & strColor & """"
- End If
- If strSize <> "" And strSize <> "2" Then
- strTmpFont = strTmpFont & " size=" & strSize
- End If
- strTmpFont = strTmpFont & ">"
- ParseFont = strTmpFont
- End Function
- Function PopCode() As String
- If UBound(Codes) > 0 Then
- PopCode = Codes(UBound(Codes))
- ReDim Preserve Codes(UBound(Codes) - 1)
- End If
- End Function
- Function GetAllCodes() As String
- Dim strTmp As String
- Dim l As Long
- strTmp = ""
- If UBound(Codes) > 0 Then
- For l = UBound(Codes) To 1 Step -1
- strTmp = strTmp & Codes(l)
- Next l
- End If
- GetAllCodes = strTmp
- End Function
- Function GetAllNextCodes() As String
- Dim strTmp As String
- Dim l As Long
- strTmp = ""
- If UBound(NextCodes) > 0 Then
- For l = 1 To UBound(NextCodes)
- strTmp = strTmp & NextCodes(l)
- Next l
- End If
- GetAllNextCodes = strTmp
- End Function
- Function GetAllCodesBeg() As String
- Dim strTmp As String
- Dim l As Long
- strTmp = ""
- If UBound(CodesBeg) > 0 Then
- For l = 1 To UBound(CodesBeg)
- strTmp = strTmp & CodesBeg(l)
- Next l
- End If
- GetAllCodesBeg = strTmp
- End Function
- Function GetAllNextCodesBeg() As String
- Dim strTmp As String
- Dim l As Long
- strTmp = ""
- If UBound(NextCodesBeg) > 0 Then
- For l = 1 To UBound(NextCodesBeg)
- strTmp = strTmp & NextCodesBeg(l)
- Next l
- End If
- GetAllNextCodesBeg = strTmp
- End Function
- Function PopCodeBeg() As String
- If UBound(CodesBeg) > 0 Then
- PopCodeBeg = CodesBeg(UBound(CodesBeg))
- ReDim Preserve CodesBeg(UBound(CodesBeg) - 1)
- End If
- End Function
- Function PopTmp() As String
- If UBound(CodesTmp) > 0 Then
- PopTmp = CodesTmp(UBound(CodesTmp))
- ReDim Preserve CodesTmp(UBound(CodesTmp) - 1)
- End If
- End Function
- Function PopTmpBeg() As String
- If UBound(CodesTmp) > 0 Then
- PopTmpBeg = CodesTmpBeg(UBound(CodesTmpBeg))
- ReDim Preserve CodesTmpBeg(UBound(CodesTmpBeg) - 1)
- End If
- End Function
- Function PopNext() As String
- If UBound(NextCodes) > 0 Then
- PopNext = NextCodes(UBound(NextCodes))
- ReDim Preserve NextCodes(UBound(NextCodes) - 1)
- End If
- End Function
- Function PopNextBeg() As String
- If UBound(NextCodesBeg) > 0 Then
- PopNextBeg = NextCodesBeg(UBound(NextCodesBeg))
- ReDim Preserve NextCodesBeg(UBound(NextCodesBeg) - 1)
- End If
- End Function
- Function ProcessWord(strWord As String)
- Dim l As Long
- Dim strTableAlign As String 'current table alignment for setting up tablestring
- Dim strTableWidth As String 'current table width for setting up tablestring
- If lSkipWords > 0 Then
- lSkipWords = lSkipWords - 1
- Exit Function
- End If
- If Left(strWord, 1) = "" Or Left(strWord, 1) = "{" Or Left(strWord, 1) = "}" Then
- Select Case Left(strWord, 2)
- Case "}"
- For l = 1 To UBound(CodesBeg)
- CodesBeg(l) = ""
- Next l
- ClearFont
- Case "b" 'bold
- If strWord = "b" Then
- If Codes(UBound(Codes)) <> "</b>" Or (Codes(UBound(Codes)) = "</b>" And CodesBeg(UBound(Codes)) = "") Then
- PushNext ("</b>")
- PushNextBeg ("<b>")
- End If
- ElseIf strWord = "bullet" Then
- ElseIf strWord = "b0" Then 'bold off
- If InCodes("</b>") Then
- Codes2NextTill ("</b>")
- ElseIf InNext("</b>") Then
- RemoveFromNext ("</b>")
- End If
- End If
- Case "c"
- If strWord = "cf0" Then 'color font off
- If InCodes("</font>") Then
- Codes2NextTill ("</font>")
- ElseIf InNext("</font>") Then
- RemoveFromNext ("</font>")
- End If
- ElseIf Left(strWord, 3) = "cf" And IsNumeric(Mid(strWord, 4)) Then 'color font
- 'get color code
- l = Val(Mid(strWord, 4))
- If l <= UBound(strColorTable) And l > 0 Then
- strFontColor = "#" & strColorTable(l)
- End If
- 'insert color
- If strFontColor <> "#" Then
- strFont = ParseFont(strFontColor, strFontSize)
- If InNext("</font>") Then
- ReplaceInNextBeg "</font>", strFont
- ElseIf InCodes("</font>") Then
- PushNext ("</font>")
- PushNextBeg (strFont)
- Codes2NextTill "</font>"
- Else
- PushNext ("</font>")
- PushNextBeg (strFont)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Case "f"
- If Left(strWord, 3) = "fs" And IsNumeric(Mid(strWord, 4)) Then 'font size
- l = Val(Mid(strWord, 4))
- lFontSize = Int((l / 6) - 0) 'calc to convert RTF to HTML sizes
- If lFontSize > 8 Then lFontSize = 8
- If lFontSize < 1 Then lFontSize = 1
- strFontSize = Trim(lFontSize)
- 'insert size
- If strFontSize <> "2" And strFontSize <> "" Then
- strFont = ParseFont(strFontColor, strFontSize)
- If InNext("</font>") Then
- ReplaceInNextBeg "</font>", strFont
- ElseIf InCodes("</font>") Then
- PushNext ("</font>")
- PushNextBeg (strFont)
- Codes2NextTill "</font>"
- Else
- PushNext ("</font>")
- PushNextBeg (strFont)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- Case "i"
- If strWord = "i" Then 'italics
- If Codes(UBound(Codes)) <> "</i>" Or (Codes(UBound(Codes)) = "</i>" And CodesBeg(UBound(Codes)) = "") Then
- PushNext ("</i>")
- PushNextBeg ("<i>")
- End If
- ElseIf strWord = "i0" Then 'italics off
- If InCodes("</i>") Then
- Codes2NextTill ("</i>")
- ElseIf InNext("</i>") Then
- RemoveFromNext ("</i>")
- End If
- End If
- Case "l"
- 'If strWord = "listname" Then
- ' lSkipWords = 1
- 'End If
- Case "p"
- If strWord = "par" Then
- strBeforeText2 = strBeforeText2 & strEOL & "<br>" & strCR
- gBOL = True
- 'If Len(strBOL) > 0 Then
- ' PushNext ("</li>")
- ' PushNextBeg ("<li>")
- 'End If
- ElseIf strWord = "pard" Then
- For l = 1 To UBound(CodesBeg)
- CodesBeg(l) = ""
- Next l
- ClearFont
- ElseIf strWord = "plain" Then
- For l = 1 To UBound(CodesBeg)
- CodesBeg(l) = ""
- Next l
- ClearFont
- ElseIf strWord = "pnlvlblt" Then 'bulleted list
- 'If Codes(UBound(Codes)) = "</u>" Then
- ' strTmp = PopCode
- ' strTmp = PopCodeBeg
- 'End If
- 'PushNext ("</ul>")
- 'PushNextBeg ("<ul>")
- 'strBOS = "<UL>"
- 'strBOL = "<li>"
- 'strEOL = "</li>"
- 'strEOP = "</UL>"
- ElseIf strWord = "pntxta" Then 'numbered list?
- lSkipWords = 1
- ElseIf strWord = "pntxtb" Then 'numbered list?
- lSkipWords = 1
- End If
- Case "q"
- If strWord = "qc" Then 'centered
- strTableAlign = "center"
- strTableWidth = "100%"
- If InNext("</td></tr></table>") Then
- '?
- Else
- strTable = "<table width=" & strTableWidth & "><tr><td align=""" & strTableAlign & """>"
- End If
- If InNext("</td></tr></table>") Then
- ReplaceInNextBeg "</td></tr></table>", strTable
- ElseIf InCodes("</td></tr></table>") Then
- PushNext ("</td></tr></table>")
- PushNextBeg (strTable)
- Codes2NextTill "</td></tr></table>"
- Else
- PushNext ("</td></tr></table>")
- PushNextBeg (strTable)
- End If
- ElseIf strWord = "qr" Then 'right justified
- strTableAlign = "right"
- strTableWidth = "100%"
- If InNext("</td></tr></table>") Then
- '?
- Else
- strTable = "<table width=" & strTableWidth & "><tr><td align=""" & strTableAlign & """>"
- End If
- If InNext("</td></tr></table>") Then
- ReplaceInNextBeg "</td></tr></table>", strTable
- ElseIf InCodes("</td></tr></table>") Then
- PushNext ("</td></tr></table>")
- PushNextBeg (strTable)
- Codes2NextTill "</td></tr></table>"
- Else
- PushNext ("</td></tr></table>")
- PushNextBeg (strTable)
- End If
- End If
- Case "s"
- 'If strWord = "snext0" Then 'style
- ' lSkipWords = 1
- 'End If
- Case "u"
- If strWord = "ul" Then 'underline
- If Codes(UBound(Codes)) <> "</u>" Or (Codes(UBound(Codes)) = "</u>" And CodesBeg(UBound(Codes)) = "") Then
- PushNext ("</u>")
- PushNextBeg ("<u>")
- End If
- ElseIf strWord = "ulnone" Then 'stop underline
- If InCodes("</u>") Then
- Codes2NextTill ("</u>")
- ElseIf InNext("</u>") Then
- RemoveFromNext ("</u>")
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- Else
- If Len(strWord) > 0 Then
- If Trim(strWord) = "" Then
- If gBOL Then strWord = rtf2html_replace(strWord, " ", " ")
- strCurPhrase = strCurPhrase & strBeforeText3 & strWord
- Else
- strBeforeText = strBeforeText & GetAllCodes
- Next2Codes
- strBeforeText3 = GetAllCodesBeg
- RemoveBlanks
- strCurPhrase = strCurPhrase & strBeforeText
- strBeforeText = ""
- strCurPhrase = strCurPhrase & strBeforeText2
- strBeforeText2 = ""
- strCurPhrase = strCurPhrase & strBeforeText3 & strWord
- strBeforeText3 = ""
- gBOL = False
- End If
- End If
- End If
- 'MsgBox (strWord)
- End Function
- Function PushCode(strCode As String)
- ReDim Preserve Codes(UBound(Codes) + 1)
- Codes(UBound(Codes)) = strCode
- End Function
- Function PushTmp(strCode As String)
- ReDim Preserve CodesTmp(UBound(CodesTmp) + 1)
- CodesTmp(UBound(CodesTmp)) = strCode
- End Function
- Function PushTmpBeg(strCode As String)
- ReDim Preserve CodesTmpBeg(UBound(CodesTmpBeg) + 1)
- CodesTmpBeg(UBound(CodesTmpBeg)) = strCode
- End Function
- Function PushCodeBeg(strCode As String)
- ReDim Preserve CodesBeg(UBound(CodesBeg) + 1)
- CodesBeg(UBound(CodesBeg)) = strCode
- End Function
- Function PushNext(strCode As String)
- If Len(strCode) > 0 Then
- ReDim Preserve NextCodes(UBound(NextCodes) + 1)
- NextCodes(UBound(NextCodes)) = strCode
- End If
- End Function
- Function PushNextBeg(strCode As String)
- ReDim Preserve NextCodesBeg(UBound(NextCodesBeg) + 1)
- NextCodesBeg(UBound(NextCodesBeg)) = strCode
- End Function
- Function RemoveBlanks()
- Dim l As Long
- Dim lOffSet As Long
- l = 1
- lOffSet = 0
- While l <= UBound(CodesBeg) And l + lOffSet <= UBound(CodesBeg)
- If CodesBeg(l) = "" Then
- lOffSet = lOffSet + 1
- Else
- l = l + 1
- End If
- If l + lOffSet <= UBound(CodesBeg) Then
- Codes(l) = Codes(l + lOffSet)
- CodesBeg(l) = CodesBeg(l + lOffSet)
- End If
- Wend
- If lOffSet > 0 Then
- ReDim Preserve Codes(UBound(Codes) - lOffSet)
- ReDim Preserve CodesBeg(UBound(CodesBeg) - lOffSet)
- End If
- End Function
- Function RemoveFromNext(strRem As String)
- Dim l As Long
- Dim m As Long
- l = 1
- While l < UBound(NextCodes)
- If NextCodes(l) = strRem Then
- For m = l To UBound(NextCodes) - 1
- NextCodes(m) = NextCodes(m + 1)
- NextCodesBeg(m) = NextCodesBeg(m + 1)
- Next m
- l = m
- Else
- l = l + 1
- End If
- Wend
- ReDim Preserve NextCodes(UBound(NextCodes) - 1)
- ReDim Preserve NextCodesBeg(UBound(NextCodesBeg) - 1)
- End Function
- Function rtf2html_replace(ByVal strIn As String, ByVal strRepl As String, ByVal strWith As String) As String
- 'replace all instances of strRepl in strIn with strWith
- Dim I As Integer
- If ((Len(strRepl) = 0) Or (Len(strIn) = 0)) Then
- rtf2html_replace = strIn
- Exit Function
- End If
- I = InStr(strIn, strRepl)
- While I <> 0
- strIn = Left(strIn, I - 1) & strWith & Mid(strIn, I + Len(strRepl))
- I = InStr(I + Len(strWith), strIn, strRepl)
- Wend
- rtf2html_replace = strIn
- End Function
- Function ReplaceInNextBeg(strCode As String, strWith As String)
- Dim l As Long
- l = 1
- While l <= UBound(NextCodes) And NextCodes(l) <> strCode
- l = l + 1
- Wend
- If NextCodes(l) = strCode Then
- NextCodesBeg(l) = strWith
- End If
- End Function
- Function rtf2html(strRTF As String, Optional strOptions As String) As String
- 'Version 3.01b04
- 'Copyright Brady Hegberg 2000
- ' I'm not licensing this software but I'd appreciate it if
- ' you'd to consider it to be under an lgpl sort of license
- 'More information can be found at
- 'http://www2.bitstream.net/~bradyh/downloads/rtf2htmlrm.html
- 'Converts Rich Text encoded text to HTML format
- 'if you find some text that this function doesn't
- 'convert properly please email the text to
- 'bradyh@bitstream.net
- 'Options:
- '+H add an HTML header and footer
- '+G add a generator Metatag
- '+T="MyTitle" add a title (only works if +H is used)
- '+CR add a carraige return after all <br>s
- '+I keep html codes intact
- Dim strHTML As String
- Dim strRTFTmp As String
- Dim lBOS As Long 'beginning of section 'end of section
- Dim gHTML As Boolean 'true if html codes should be left intact
- Dim strSecTmp As String 'temporary section buffer
- Dim strWordTmp As String 'temporary word buffer
- Dim strEndText As String 'ending text
- Dim strHtmlBody As String
- ClearCodes
- strHTML = ""
- gPlain = False
- gBOL = True
- 'setup +CR option
- If InStr(strOptions, "+CR") <> 0 Then strCR = vbCrLf Else strCR = ""
- 'setup +HTML option
- If InStr(strOptions, "+I") <> 0 Then gHTML = True Else gHTML = False
- strRTFTmp = TrimAll(strRTF)
- If Left(strRTFTmp, 1) = "{" And Right(strRTFTmp, 1) = "}" Then strRTFTmp = Mid(strRTFTmp, 2, Len(strRTFTmp) - 2)
- 'setup color table
- lBOS = InStr(strRTFTmp, "colortbl")
- If lBOS > 0 Then
- strSecTmp = NabSection(strRTFTmp, lBOS)
- GetColorTable strSecTmp, strColorTable()
- End If
- 'setup font table
- lBOS = InStr(strRTFTmp, "fonttbl")
- If lBOS > 0 Then
- strSecTmp = NabSection(strRTFTmp, lBOS)
- GetFontTable strSecTmp, strFontTable()
- End If
- 'setup stylesheets
- lBOS = InStr(strRTFTmp, "stylesheet")
- If lBOS > 0 Then
- strSecTmp = NabSection(strRTFTmp, lBOS)
- 'ignore stylesheets for now
- End If
- 'setup info
- lBOS = InStr(strRTFTmp, "info")
- If lBOS > 0 Then
- strSecTmp = NabSection(strRTFTmp, lBOS)
- 'ignore info for now
- End If
- 'list table
- lBOS = InStr(strRTFTmp, "listtable")
- If lBOS > 0 Then
- strSecTmp = NabSection(strRTFTmp, lBOS)
- 'ignore info for now
- End If
- 'list override table
- lBOS = InStr(strRTFTmp, "listoverridetable")
- If lBOS > 0 Then
- strSecTmp = NabSection(strRTFTmp, lBOS)
- 'ignore info for now
- End If
- While Len(strRTFTmp) > 0
- strSecTmp = NabNextLine(strRTFTmp)
- While Len(strSecTmp) > 0
- strWordTmp = NabNextWord(strSecTmp)
- If Len(strWordTmp) > 0 Then ProcessWord strWordTmp
- Wend
- Wend
- 'get any remaining codes in stack
- Next2Codes
- strEndText = strEndText & GetAllCodes
- strBeforeText2 = rtf2html_replace(strBeforeText2, "<br>", "")
- strBeforeText2 = rtf2html_replace(strBeforeText2, vbCrLf, "")
- strCurPhrase = strCurPhrase & strBeforeText & strBeforeText2 & strEndText
- strBeforeText = ""
- strBeforeText2 = ""
- strBeforeText3 = ""
- strHTML = strHTML & strCurPhrase
- strCurPhrase = ""
- Dim strTitel As String
- If InStr(strOptions, "+T=") > 0 Then
- strTitel = GetTitel(0, "+T=", strOptions)
- End If
- If InStr(strOptions, "+H") > 0 Then
- strHtmlBody = strHtmlBody + "<HTML>" + strCR
- strHtmlBody = strHtmlBody + "<HEAD>" + strCR
- strHtmlBody = strHtmlBody + "<TITLE>" + strTitel + "</TITLE>" + strCR
- strHtmlBody = strHtmlBody + "</HEAD>" + strCR
- strHtmlBody = strHtmlBody + "<BODY bgcolor=" + "white" + " text=" + "black" + ">" + strCR
- rtf2html = strHtmlBody + strHTML + "</BODY>" + strCR + "</HTML>"
- Else
- rtf2html = strHTML
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function GetTitel(intPosition As Long, SearchStr As String, ByRef strarray As String) As String
- Dim strTemp As String
- Dim strValue As String
- Dim Counter As Integer
- Dim StartPosi As Integer
- On Error GoTo error
- StartPosi = InStr(LCase$(strarray), SearchStr) + Len(SearchStr)
- Do
- strValue = strValue + strTemp
- strTemp = Mid$(strarray, StartPosi + Counter, 1)
- Counter = Counter + 1
- Loop Until strTemp = vbCrLf Or Counter = Len(strarray)
- 'Remove the ""
- If Left$(strValue, 1) = Chr$(34) Then strValue = Right$(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
- If Right$(strValue, 1) = Chr$(34) Then strValue = Left$(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
- GetTitel = Replace(strValue, " ", "")
- Exit Function
- error:
- GetTitel = ""
- End Function
- Function ShowCodes()
- Dim strTmp As String
- Dim l As Long
- strTmp = "Codes: "
- For l = 1 To UBound(Codes)
- strTmp = strTmp & Codes(l) & ", "
- Next l
- strTmp = strTmp & vbCrLf & "BegCodes: "
- For l = 1 To UBound(CodesBeg)
- strTmp = strTmp & CodesBeg(l) & ", "
- Next l
- strTmp = strTmp & vbCrLf & "NextCodes: "
- For l = 1 To UBound(NextCodes)
- strTmp = strTmp & NextCodes(l) & ", "
- Next l
- strTmp = strTmp & vbCrLf & "NextBegCodes: "
- For l = 1 To UBound(NextCodesBeg)
- strTmp = strTmp & NextCodesBeg(l) & ", "
- Next l
- MsgBox (strTmp)
- End Function
- Function TrimAll(ByVal strTmp As String) As String
- Dim l As Long
- strTmp = Trim(strTmp)
- l = Len(strTmp) + 1
- While l <> Len(strTmp)
- l = Len(strTmp)
- If Right(strTmp, 1) = vbCrLf Then strTmp = Left(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)
- If Left(strTmp, 1) = vbCrLf Then strTmp = Right(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)
- If Right(strTmp, 1) = vbCr Then strTmp = Left(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)
- If Left(strTmp, 1) = vbCr Then strTmp = Right(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)
- If Right(strTmp, 1) = vbLf Then strTmp = Left(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)
- If Left(strTmp, 1) = vbLf Then strTmp = Right(strTmp, Len(strTmp) - 1)
- Wend
- TrimAll = strTmp
- End Function
- Function HTMLCode(strRTFCode As String) As String
- 'given rtf code return html code
- Select Case strRTFCode
- Case "00"
- HTMLCode = " "
- Case "a9"
- HTMLCode = "©"
- Case "b4"
- HTMLCode = "´"
- Case "ab"
- HTMLCode = "«"
- Case "bb"
- HTMLCode = "»"
- Case "a1"
- HTMLCode = "¡"
- Case "bf"
- HTMLCode = "¿"
- Case "c0"
- HTMLCode = "À"
- Case "e0"
- HTMLCode = "à"
- Case "c1"
- HTMLCode = "Á"
- Case "e1"
- HTMLCode = "á"
- Case "c2"
- HTMLCode = "Â"
- Case "e2"
- HTMLCode = "â"
- Case "c3"
- HTMLCode = "Ã"
- Case "e3"
- HTMLCode = "ã"
- Case "c4"
- HTMLCode = "Ä"
- Case "e4"
- HTMLCode = "<FONT SIZE=""-1""><SUP>TM</SUP></FONT>"
- Case "c5"
- HTMLCode = "Å"
- Case "e5"
- HTMLCode = "å"
- Case "c6"
- HTMLCode = "Æ"
- Case "e6"
- HTMLCode = "æ"
- Case "c7"
- HTMLCode = "Ç"
- Case "e7"
- HTMLCode = "ç"
- Case "d0"
- HTMLCode = "Ð"
- Case "f0"
- HTMLCode = "ð"
- Case "c8"
- HTMLCode = "È"
- Case "e8"
- HTMLCode = "è"
- Case "c9"
- HTMLCode = "É"
- Case "e9"
- HTMLCode = "é"
- Case "ca"
- HTMLCode = "Ê"
- Case "ea"
- HTMLCode = "ê"
- Case "cb"
- HTMLCode = "Ë"
- Case "eb"
- HTMLCode = "ë"
- Case "cc"
- HTMLCode = "Ì"
- Case "ec"
- HTMLCode = "ì"
- Case "cd"
- HTMLCode = "Í"
- Case "ed"
- HTMLCode = "í"
- Case "ce"
- HTMLCode = "Î"
- Case "ee"
- HTMLCode = "î"
- Case "cf"
- HTMLCode = "Ï"
- Case "ef"
- HTMLCode = "ï"
- Case "d1"
- HTMLCode = "Ñ"
- Case "f1"
- HTMLCode = "ñ"
- Case "d2"
- HTMLCode = "Ò"
- Case "f2"
- HTMLCode = "ò"
- Case "d3"
- HTMLCode = "Ó"
- Case "f3"
- HTMLCode = "ó"
- Case "d4"
- HTMLCode = "Ô"
- Case "f4"
- HTMLCode = "ô"
- Case "d5"
- HTMLCode = "Õ"
- Case "f5"
- HTMLCode = "õ"
- Case "d6"
- HTMLCode = "Ö"
- Case "f6"
- HTMLCode = "ö"
- Case "d8"
- HTMLCode = "Ø"
- Case "f8"
- HTMLCode = "ø"
- Case "d9"
- HTMLCode = "Ù"
- Case "f9"
- HTMLCode = "ù"
- Case "da"
- HTMLCode = "Ú"
- Case "fa"
- HTMLCode = "ú"
- Case "db"
- HTMLCode = "Û"
- Case "fb"
- HTMLCode = "û"
- Case "dc"
- HTMLCode = "Ü"
- Case "fc"
- HTMLCode = "ü"
- Case "dd"
- HTMLCode = "Ý"
- Case "fd"
- HTMLCode = "ý"
- Case "ff"
- HTMLCode = "ÿ"
- Case "de"
- HTMLCode = "Þ"
- Case "fe"
- HTMLCode = "þ"
- Case "df"
- HTMLCode = "ß"
- Case "a7"
- HTMLCode = "§"
- Case "b6"
- HTMLCode = "¶"
- Case "b5"
- HTMLCode = "µ"
- Case "a6"
- HTMLCode = "¦"
- Case "b1"
- HTMLCode = "±"
- Case "b7"
- HTMLCode = "·"
- Case "a8"
- HTMLCode = "¨"
- Case "b8"
- HTMLCode = "¸"
- Case "aa"
- HTMLCode = "ª"
- Case "ba"
- HTMLCode = "º"
- Case "ac"
- HTMLCode = "¬"
- Case "ad"
- HTMLCode = "­"
- Case "af"
- HTMLCode = "¯"
- Case "b0"
- HTMLCode = "°"
- Case "b9"
- HTMLCode = "¹"
- Case "b2"
- HTMLCode = "²"
- Case "b3"
- HTMLCode = "³"
- Case "bc"
- HTMLCode = "¼"
- Case "bd"
- HTMLCode = "½"
- Case "be"
- HTMLCode = "¾"
- Case "d7"
- HTMLCode = "×"
- Case "f7"
- HTMLCode = "÷"
- Case "a2"
- HTMLCode = "¢"
- Case "a3"
- HTMLCode = "£"
- Case "a4"
- HTMLCode = "¤"
- Case "a5"
- HTMLCode = "¥"
- Case "85"
- HTMLCode = "..."
- End Select
- End Function
- Function TrimifCmd(ByVal strTmp As String) As String
- Dim l As Long
- l = 1
- While Mid(strTmp, l, 1) = " "
- l = l + 1
- Wend
- If Mid(strTmp, l, 1) = "" Or Mid(strTmp, l, 1) = "{" Then
- strTmp = Trim(strTmp)
- Else
- If Left(strTmp, 1) = " " Then strTmp = Mid(strTmp, 2)
- strTmp = RTrim(strTmp)
- End If
- TrimifCmd = strTmp
- End Function