资源名称:电子邮件收发系统.rar [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- MultiUse = -1 'True
- Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
- DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
- MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
- Attribute VB_Name = "vbMime"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = True
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Option Explicit
- Option Base 0
- 'Base64
- Private Const CHAR_EQUAL As Byte = 61
- Private Const CHAR_CR As Byte = 13
- Private Const CHAR_LF As Byte = 10
- Private m_ReverseIndex1(0 To 255) As Byte
- Private m_ReverseIndex2(0 To 255, 0 To 1) As Byte
- Private m_ReverseIndex3(0 To 255, 0 To 1) As Byte
- Private m_ReverseIndex4(0 To 255) As Byte
- 'Mime
- Private m_strMessageText As String
- Private m_strMessageBody As String
- Private m_strHeaders As String
- 'Pop3 Class
- 'Dim intMailSelected As Integer
- Private Enum POP3States
- POP3_Connect
- Pop3_retr
- Pop3_dele
- End Enum
- Private m_State As POP3States
- Private m_strPop3Host As String
- Private m_strUsername As String
- Private m_strPassword As String
- Private bolDelMail As Boolean
- Private pbExitImmediately As Boolean
- Private bRaiseTimeOutError As Boolean
- Private pbConnected As Boolean
- Private intMessages As Integer
- Private intCurrentMessage As Integer
- Private strBuffer As String
- Private DataPointer&
- Private Const BlockSize = 2048
- ' Class Events
- Private WithEvents Pop3sck As CSocket
- Attribute Pop3sck.VB_VarHelpID = -1
- Public Event ReceivedSuccesful()
- Public Event MimeFailed(Explanation As String)
- Public Event Pop3Status(Status As String)
- Public Event Progress(PercentComplete As Long)
- 'For WaitUntilTrue()
- Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
- Dim vbBase64 As New base64
- '==========
- ' Class_Initialize;
- ' initializes codec tables.
- '==========
- Private Sub Class_Initialize()
- 'Initiate Winsock
- Set Pop3sck = New CSocket
- 'initialize the base64 table
- Dim I As Long
- 'Setup the encodeing and decoding lookup arrays.
- 'Essentially we speed up the routine by pre-shifting
- 'the data so it only needs combined with And and Or.
- m_ReverseIndex4(65) = 0 'Asc("A")
- m_ReverseIndex4(66) = 1 'Asc("B")
- m_ReverseIndex4(67) = 2 'Asc("C")
- m_ReverseIndex4(68) = 3 'Asc("D")
- m_ReverseIndex4(69) = 4 'Asc("E")
- m_ReverseIndex4(70) = 5 'Asc("F")
- m_ReverseIndex4(71) = 6 'Asc("G")
- m_ReverseIndex4(72) = 7 'Asc("H")
- m_ReverseIndex4(73) = 8 'Asc("I")
- m_ReverseIndex4(74) = 9 'Asc("J")
- m_ReverseIndex4(75) = 10 'Asc("K")
- m_ReverseIndex4(76) = 11 'Asc("L")
- m_ReverseIndex4(77) = 12 'Asc("M")
- m_ReverseIndex4(78) = 13 'Asc("N")
- m_ReverseIndex4(79) = 14 'Asc("O")
- m_ReverseIndex4(80) = 15 'Asc("P")
- m_ReverseIndex4(81) = 16 'Asc("Q")
- m_ReverseIndex4(82) = 17 'Asc("R")
- m_ReverseIndex4(83) = 18 'Asc("S")
- m_ReverseIndex4(84) = 19 'Asc("T")
- m_ReverseIndex4(85) = 20 'Asc("U")
- m_ReverseIndex4(86) = 21 'Asc("V")
- m_ReverseIndex4(87) = 22 'Asc("W")
- m_ReverseIndex4(88) = 23 'Asc("X")
- m_ReverseIndex4(89) = 24 'Asc("Y")
- m_ReverseIndex4(90) = 25 'Asc("Z")
- m_ReverseIndex4(97) = 26 'Asc("a")
- m_ReverseIndex4(98) = 27 'Asc("b")
- m_ReverseIndex4(99) = 28 'Asc("c")
- m_ReverseIndex4(100) = 29 'Asc("d")
- m_ReverseIndex4(101) = 30 'Asc("e")
- m_ReverseIndex4(102) = 31 'Asc("f")
- m_ReverseIndex4(103) = 32 'Asc("g")
- m_ReverseIndex4(104) = 33 'Asc("h")
- m_ReverseIndex4(105) = 34 'Asc("i")
- m_ReverseIndex4(106) = 35 'Asc("j")
- m_ReverseIndex4(107) = 36 'Asc("k")
- m_ReverseIndex4(108) = 37 'Asc("l")
- m_ReverseIndex4(109) = 38 'Asc("m")
- m_ReverseIndex4(110) = 39 'Asc("n")
- m_ReverseIndex4(111) = 40 'Asc("o")
- m_ReverseIndex4(112) = 41 'Asc("p")
- m_ReverseIndex4(113) = 42 'Asc("q")
- m_ReverseIndex4(114) = 43 'Asc("r")
- m_ReverseIndex4(115) = 44 'Asc("s")
- m_ReverseIndex4(116) = 45 'Asc("t")
- m_ReverseIndex4(117) = 46 'Asc("u")
- m_ReverseIndex4(118) = 47 'Asc("v")
- m_ReverseIndex4(119) = 48 'Asc("w")
- m_ReverseIndex4(120) = 49 'Asc("x")
- m_ReverseIndex4(121) = 50 'Asc("y")
- m_ReverseIndex4(122) = 51 'Asc("z")
- m_ReverseIndex4(48) = 52 'Asc("0")
- m_ReverseIndex4(49) = 53 'Asc("1")
- m_ReverseIndex4(50) = 54 'Asc("2")
- m_ReverseIndex4(51) = 55 'Asc("3")
- m_ReverseIndex4(52) = 56 'Asc("4")
- m_ReverseIndex4(53) = 57 'Asc("5")
- m_ReverseIndex4(54) = 58 'Asc("6")
- m_ReverseIndex4(55) = 59 'Asc("7")
- m_ReverseIndex4(56) = 60 'Asc("8")
- m_ReverseIndex4(57) = 61 'Asc("9")
- m_ReverseIndex4(43) = 62 'Asc("+")
- m_ReverseIndex4(47) = 63 'Asc("/")
- 'Calculate the other arrays.
- For I = 0 To 255
- If m_ReverseIndex4(I) <> 0 Then
- m_ReverseIndex1(I) = m_ReverseIndex4(I) * 4
- m_ReverseIndex2(I, 0) = m_ReverseIndex4(I) 16
- m_ReverseIndex2(I, 1) = (m_ReverseIndex4(I) And &HF) * 16
- m_ReverseIndex3(I, 0) = m_ReverseIndex4(I) 4
- m_ReverseIndex3(I, 1) = (m_ReverseIndex4(I) And &H3) * 64
- End If
- Next I
- End Sub
- Private Sub Class_Terminate()
- ' make sure sckMail is closed
- If Pop3sck.State <> sckClosed Then
- Pop3sck.CloseSocket
- End If
- ' release memory
- Set Pop3sck = Nothing
- End Sub
- Public Sub GetMail(strUsername As String, strPassword As String, strHost As String, Optional intPort As Integer)
- m_strPop3Host = strHost
- m_strUsername = strUsername
- m_strPassword = strPassword
- 'Change current state of session
- m_State = POP3_Connect
- '
- 'Reset current state of socket
- Pop3sck.CloseSocket
- '
- 'Reset local port value to prevent "Address in use" error
- Pop3sck.LocalPort = 0
- '
- 'POP3 server software is listening for client connection
- 'requests on 110 port, therefore we need connect to host
- 'on 110 port
- If intPort = 0 Then
- intPort = 110
- End If
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("Connecting to Pop3 Server...")
- Pop3sck.Connect m_strPop3Host, intPort
- Call WaitUntilTrue(pbConnected, 30, True)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Pop3sck_OnConnect()
- pbConnected = True
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("")
- End Sub
- 'Retrieves all waiting E-Mails and send the raw E-Mail to the
- 'ParseMail function
- Private Sub Pop3sck_OnDataArrival(ByVal lngBytesTotal As Long)
- Dim strData As String
- ' Static intMessages As Integer
- ' Static intCurrentMessage As Integer
- ' Static strBuffer As String
- 'Dim intSwap As Integer
- ' On Error GoTo error
- 'Retrieve, received from server, data.
- Pop3sck.GetData strData
- If Left$(strData, 1) = "+" Or m_State = Pop3_retr Then
- 'If first symbol of server response is "+"
- 'server has accepted previous client command
- 'and it is waiting for next actions.
- Select Case m_State
- 'This should be tohe most realistic case
- Case Pop3_retr
- '
- 'Accumulate message data in strBuffer static variable
- 'Set initial condition
- If Len(strBuffer) = 0 Then DataPointer = 1
- 'Test to see if new string will fit within current strBuffer
- If (DataPointer + Len(strData)) > Len(strBuffer) Then
- 'If not, allocate more memory
- strBuffer = strBuffer & Space$(Len(strData) + BlockSize)
- End If
- 'Assign the new data
- Mid$(strBuffer, DataPointer, Len(strData)) = strData
- 'Move pointer to end of new data
- DataPointer = DataPointer + Len(strData)
- '
- 'Until we have been found single dot symbol on a line.
- If InStr(1, strBuffer, vbLf & "." & vbCrLf) Then
- '
- 'OK! We have received a message.
- '
- 'Remove server response string
- strBuffer = Mid$(strBuffer, InStr(1, strBuffer, vbCrLf) + 2)
- '
- 'Remove dot symbol that is at the end of a message
- strBuffer = Left$(strBuffer, Len(strBuffer) - 3)
- '
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("Decode Mail..." & CStr(intCurrentMessage))
- ParseMail strBuffer, intCurrentMessage
- '
- 'Clear buffer for next message
- strBuffer = ""
- '
- If intCurrentMessage = intMessages Then
- '
- 'We have received all messages, and
- 'we need say QUIT
- AttachmentCounter = 0
- intCurrentMessage = 1
- If bolDelMail Then
- m_State = Pop3_dele
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("All mails received!")
- Pop3sck.SendData "DELE " & intCurrentMessage & vbCrLf
- Else
- m_State = POP3_QUIT
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("All mails received!")
- Pop3sck.SendData "QUIT" & vbCrLf
- End If
- Else
- '
- 'We have messages to download
- 'Increase message counter
- intCurrentMessage = intCurrentMessage + 1
- '
- 'Change current state of session
- m_State = Pop3_retr
- '
- 'Send RETR command to download next message
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("Receive next mail...")
- Pop3sck.SendData "RETR " & _
- CStr(intCurrentMessage) & vbCrLf
- End If
- End If
- Case POP3_Connect
- '
- 'Reset message counter
- intMessages = 0
- intCurrentMessage = 0
- '
- 'Change current state of session
- m_State = POP3_USER
- '
- 'Send to server USER command to tell him
- 'which mailbox we want check out
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("Authenticate User...")
- Pop3sck.SendData "USER " & m_strUsername & vbCrLf
- Case POP3_USER
- '
- 'Change current state of session
- m_State = POP3_PASS
- '
- 'Send password with PASS command
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("Send Password...")
- Pop3sck.SendData "PASS " & m_strPassword & vbCrLf
- Case POP3_PASS
- '
- 'Change current state of session
- m_State = POP3_STAT
- '
- 'Send STAT command to know how many
- 'messages in the mailbox
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("Get Number of E-Mails...")
- Pop3sck.SendData "STAT" & vbCrLf
- Case POP3_STAT
- '
- 'Parse server response to get number
- 'of messages in the mailbox
- intMessages = CInt(Mid$(strData, 5, _
- InStr(5, strData, " ") - 5))
- If intMessages > 0 Then
- 'Redim Buffer to download all Mails
- ReDim Mails(intMessages - 1)
- '
- 'OK! We have one or more.
- 'Change current state of session
- m_State = Pop3_retr
- '
- 'Increase counter to know wich message
- 'we will retrieving
- intCurrentMessage = intCurrentMessage + 1
- '
- 'And send RETR command to download
- 'first message
- Pop3sck.SendData "RETR 1" & vbCrLf
- Else
- '
- 'We have not any message in the mailbox.
- 'Send QUIT command and show to user a message
- 'that she or he has not mail.
- m_State = POP3_QUIT
- Pop3sck.SendData "QUIT" & vbCrLf
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("You have not mail!")
- End If
- Case Pop3_dele
- If intCurrentMessage = intMessages Then
- m_State = POP3_QUIT
- Pop3sck.SendData "QUIT" & vbCrLf
- Else
- m_State = Pop3_dele
- intCurrentMessage = intCurrentMessage + 1
- Pop3sck.SendData "DELE " & intCurrentMessage & vbCrLf
- End If
- Case POP3_QUIT
- AttachmentCounter = 0
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("")
- RaiseEvent ReceivedSuccesful
- Pop3sck.CloseSocket
- End Select
- Else
- error:
- 'Hide Status
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("")
- 'Show Error
- RaiseEvent MimeFailed(strData)
- Pop3sck.CloseSocket
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Pop3sck_OnError(ByVal intNumber As Integer, strDescription As String, ByVal lngScode As Long, ByVal strSource As String, ByVal strHelpFile As String, ByVal lngHelpContext As Long, fCancelDisplay As Boolean)
- RaiseEvent MimeFailed("Winsock Error: #" & intNumber & "Desc: " & strDescription)
- End Sub
- Public Sub ParseMail(strMessage As String, MailCounter As Integer)
- Dim intPosA As Long
- Dim intPosB As Long
- Dim intPos As Long
- Dim intCount As Long
- Dim intFrom As Long
- Dim intTo As Long
- Dim intTemp As Long
- Dim EndBoundary As Long
- 'Dim Counter As Long
- Dim Counter2 As Long
- Dim vHeaders As Variant
- Dim strTemp As String
- Dim BoundArray As Variant
- Dim strHeader As String
- Dim strHeaderName As String
- Dim strHeaderValue As String
- Dim TmpString As String
- Dim Boundary As String
- Dim BoundaryVal As String
- Dim strFilename As String
- Dim MimeHeaders() As String
- intPosA = InStr(1, strMessage, vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
- 'A little Error Check
- If Not intPosA > 0 Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- 'Only the Mail Headers
- m_strHeaders = Left$(strMessage, intPosA - 1)
- 'E-Mail + Attachments
- m_strMessageBody = Right$(strMessage, Len(strMessage) - intPosA - 3)
- 'Whole E-Mail (Header + Message + Attachments)
- m_strMessageText = strMessage
- 'Hmm I try to unfold the Mail Header...
- m_strHeaders = Replace(m_strHeaders, vbCrLf + Chr$(9), " ")
- m_strHeaders = Replace(m_strHeaders, vbCrLf + Chr$(11), " ")
- m_strHeaders = Replace(m_strHeaders, vbCrLf + Chr$(32), " ")
- m_strHeaders = Replace(m_strHeaders, vbCrLf + Chr$(255), " ")
- 'Parse Mail Header and save data
- vHeaders = Split(m_strHeaders, vbCrLf)
- intFrom = LBound(vHeaders)
- intTo = UBound(vHeaders)
- For intTemp = intFrom To intTo
- strHeader = vHeaders(intTemp)
- intPosA = InStr(1, strHeader, ":")
- If intPosA Then
- strHeaderName = LCase$(Left$(strHeader, intPosA - 1))
- Else
- strHeaderName = ""
- End If
- strHeaderValue = Trim$(Right$(strHeader, Len(strHeader) - intPosA))
- With Mails(MailCounter - 1)
- Select Case LCase$(strHeaderName)
- Case "from"
- .from = DecodeIso(strHeaderValue)
- Case "to"
- .To = DecodeIso(strHeaderValue)
- Case "subject"
- .Subject = DecodeIso(strHeaderValue)
- Case "date"
- .Date = DecodeIso(strHeaderValue)
- End Select
- End With
- intFrom = 0
- intTo = 0
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).Size = Len(m_strMessageText)
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).Header = m_strHeaders
- '+++++++++++++++++++++ All Headers Processed, now decode the Mail!++++++++++++++++++
- 'Load the Mail line by line into an array
- strlines = Split(m_strMessageText, vbCrLf)
- 'Free some Memory
- m_strMessageText = ""
- m_strHeaders = ""
- 'Search for Attachments
- Boundary = "boundary="
- intPosA = findLine(0, Boundary, strlines(), True)
- 'Check if the Mail have Mime Attachments
- If intPosA = -1 Then
- GoTo Plaintext
- End If
- 'Get all boundary Strings
- Do Until intPosA = -1
- intPosA = findLine(intPosA, Boundary, strlines(), True)
- If intPosA <> -1 Then
- strTemp = GetInfo(intPosA, Boundary, strlines())
- BoundaryVal = BoundaryVal + " " + "--" + strTemp
- intPosA = intPosA + 1
- End If
- Loop
- 'Convert to Array
- BoundArray = Split(Trim$(BoundaryVal), " ")
- intFrom = LBound(BoundArray)
- intTo = UBound(BoundArray)
- 'Now we extract all Attachments!
- intTemp = findLine(0, Boundary, strlines())
- For Counter2 = intFrom To intTo
- BoundaryVal = BoundArray(Counter2)
- intPosA = intTemp
- 'Search Last Boundary
- EndBoundary = RevfindLine(BoundaryVal + "--", strlines())
- If EndBoundary = -1 Then
- EndBoundary = RevfindEmptyLine(strlines())
- End If
- Do Until intPosA >= EndBoundary
- intPosA = findLine(intPosA, BoundaryVal, strlines())
- intPosB = findLine(intPosA + 1, BoundaryVal, strlines())
- If intPosB = -1 Then
- intPosB = RevfindEmptyLine(strlines())
- End If
- intPos = findLine(intPosA, "Content-Type:", strlines())
- 'Prevent extracting several "Sub"Attachments
- If intPos <> -1 Then
- If InStr(LCase$(strlines(intPos)), "boundary=") > 0 Then
- GoTo Skip
- End If
- End If
- 'Extract Attachment
- 'First copy Mail to temp Array
- ptSpan = strlines
- 'Move temp Array to destination array
- MoveStringArray ptSpan, strLine, intPosA + 1, intPosB - 1
- intCount = 0
- 'This Part should be worked out => please Mail me your suggestions
- 'It's pure US Plaintext
- If intPos = -1 Then
- TmpString = DecodeAttachment(strLine)
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).Message = TmpString
- GoTo Skip
- End If
- If InStr(LCase$(strlines(intPos)), "text/html") > 0 Then
- TmpString = DecodeAttachment(strLine)
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).HTMLMessage = TmpString
- GoTo Skip
- End If
- If InStr(LCase$(strlines(intPos)), "text") > 0 Then
- TmpString = DecodeAttachment(strLine)
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).Message = TmpString
- GoTo Skip
- End If
- If InStr(LCase$(strlines(intPos)), "multipart") > 0 Then
- TmpString = DecodeAttachment(strLine)
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).Message = TmpString
- GoTo Skip
- End If
- 'Search the Filename
- intPos = findEmptyLine(0, strLine)
- If intPos <> -1 Then
- MimeHeaders = UnfoldArray(0, intPos, strLine)
- intPos = findLine(0, "name=", MimeHeaders, True)
- strFilename = GetInfo(intPos, "name=", MimeHeaders)
- Else
- intPos = findLine(0, "name=", strLine(), True)
- strFilename = GetInfo(intPos, "name=", strLine())
- End If
- strFilename = DecodeIso(strFilename)
- If strFilename = "" Then
- strFilename = "unnamed"
- End If
- 'Save Attachment
- AddAttachment MailCounter - 1, strLine, strFilename
- AttachmentCounter = AttachmentCounter + 1
- Skip:
- intPosA = intPosB
- Loop
- Next Counter2
- AttachmentCounter = 0
- Exit Sub
- Plaintext:
- intPos = findLine(1, "Content-Type:", strlines())
- m_strMessageBody = DecodeAttachment(strlines())
- If intPos > 0 Then
- If InStr(LCase$(strlines(intPos)), "text/html") > 0 Then
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).HTMLMessage = m_strMessageBody
- Else
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).Message = m_strMessageBody
- End If
- Else
- 'Save the E-Mail
- Mails(MailCounter - 1).Message = m_strMessageBody
- End If
- AttachmentCounter = 0
- Erase strlines
- End Sub
- Public Function DecodeAttachment(ByRef Encoded() As String) As String
- Dim tmpEncoding As String
- Dim tmpAttachment As String
- Dim intPosA As Long
- Dim intPosB As Long
- 'Dim Counter As Long
- Dim tmplong As Long
- Dim Attachment() As String
- On Error GoTo error
- Attachment = Encoded
- tmplong = UBound(Attachment)
- If Not tmplong > 0 Then
- DecodeAttachment = ""
- Exit Function
- End If
- '1. What kind of Attachment is it?
- 'Get Encoding-Type
- intPosA = findLine(0, "Content-Transfer-Encoding:", Attachment())
- If intPosA <> -1 Then
- tmpEncoding = GetInfo(intPosA, "Content-Transfer-Encoding:", Attachment())
- Else
- intPosA = 0
- End If
- 'After the empty line the attachment waits for us!
- intPosA = findEmptyLine(intPosA, Attachment()) + 1
- 'Extract Attachment
- '2. Decode it
- Select Case True
- Case InStr(LCase$(tmpEncoding), "base64") > 0
- 'Very Fast Array Copy Routine (about 10x)!
- MoveStringArray Attachment, ptSpan, intPosA, tmplong
- tmpAttachment = Join(ptSpan, "")
- 'tmpEncoding = tmpAttachment
- '2x times faster (65 ms 120 ms)
- tmpAttachment = Decode(tmpAttachment)
- Case InStr(LCase$(tmpEncoding), "x-uue") > 0
- tmplong = RevfindLine("end", Attachment) - 1
- If tmplong = -1 Then
- tmplong = UBound(Attachment)
- End If
- 'Very Fast Array Copy Routine (about 10x)!
- MoveStringArray Attachment, ptSpan, intPosA, tmplong
- intPosB = 0
- tmpAttachment = Join(ptSpan, vbCrLf)
- tmpAttachment = Replace(tmpAttachment, Chr$(0), "")
- tmpAttachment = DecodeUUE(tmpAttachment)
- Case InStr(LCase$(tmpEncoding), "quoted-printable") > 0
- 'Very Fast Array Copy Routine (about 10x)!
- MoveStringArray Attachment, ptSpan, intPosA, tmplong
- tmpAttachment = Join(ptSpan, "=_")
- tmpAttachment = Replace(tmpAttachment, Chr$(0), "")
- tmpAttachment = DecodeQP(tmpAttachment)
- Case Else
- 'Very Fast Array Copy Routine (about 10x)!
- MoveStringArray Attachment, ptSpan, intPosA, tmplong
- tmpAttachment = Join(ptSpan, vbCrLf)
- tmpAttachment = Replace(tmpAttachment, Chr$(0), "")
- End Select
- DecodeAttachment = tmpAttachment
- Erase ptSpan
- Exit Function
- error:
- DecodeAttachment = ""
- End Function
- 'Saves the attachment into an UDT
- Private Sub AddAttachment(intMail As Integer, strLine() As String, strFilename As String)
- Dim intElements As Integer
- Dim intBlockSize As Integer
- Dim intCounter As Integer
- On Error GoTo error
- intCounter = Mails(intMail).AttachedFiles + 1
- intElements = UBound(Mails(intMail).Attachments())
- If intElements > 0 Then
- intBlockSize = 10
- If intCounter - 1 > intElements Then
- ReDim Preserve Mails(intMail).Attachments(intElements + intBlockSize)
- End If
- Else
- 'Initiate the Mail UDT for the first time
- error:
- intBlockSize = 10
- ReDim Mails(intMail).Attachments(intBlockSize - 1)
- End If
- intElements = UBound(Mails(intMail).Attachments())
- 'Save Attachment
- Mails(intMail).Attachments(intCounter - 1).Data = strLine
- Mails(intMail).Attachments(intCounter - 1).Name = DecodeIso(strFilename)
- Mails(intMail).AttachedFiles = intCounter
- End Sub
- 'Clear all Mails
- Public Sub ClearMails()
- Erase Mails
- End Sub
- ''**************************************************************************************
- ' Base64 Decode
- '
- ' This is an optimized version of the common Base 64 encode/decode.
- ' This version eliminates the repeditive calls to chr$() and asc(),
- ' as well as the linear searches I've seen in some routines.
- '
- ' This method does use a bit more memory in permanent lookup tables
- ' than most do. However, this eliminates the need for using vb's
- ' rather slow method of bit shifting (multiplication and division).
- ' This appears not to make much difference in the IDE, but make
- ' a huge difference in the exe.
- ' Encodeing Index = 834 vs. 64 bytes standard
- ' Decoding Index = 1536 vs. 64 to 256 standard
- '
- ' This routine also adds the CrLf on the fly rather than making
- ' a temporary copy of the encoded string then adding the crlf
- '
- ' Encoding/Decoding data from and to a file should be changed to
- ' use a fixed buffer to reduce the memory requirements of EncodeFile, etc.
- '
- ' All of this results in a speed increase:
- ' Encode:
- ' 100 reps on a string of 28311 bytes
- ' Base64 2824 300 (220 w/no overflow & array bound checks)
- ' Base64a (unknown author) 375500* 185300*
- ' Base64b (Wil Johnson) 2814 512 (410 w/no overflow & array bound checks)
- ' *Extrapolated (based on 1 rep, I didn't have time to wait 30 minutes for 100)
- ' *Unknown code is from ftp:altecdata.com/base64.cls
- '
- ' Decode
- ' 100 reps on a string of 28311 bytes
- ' Base64 3384 351 (271 w/no overflow & array bound checks)
- ' Base64a (unknown author)
- ' Base64b (Wil Johnson) 5969 1191 (981 w/no overflow & array bound checks)
- ' *Failed
- ' *Unknown code is from ftp:altecdata.com/base64.cls
- '
- '
- ' Author: Tim Arheit - tarheit@wcoil.com
- ' Version: 1.0
- '
- ' This code is provided as-is. You are free to use and modify it
- ' as you wish. Please report bugs, fixes and enhancements to the
- ' author.
- '
- ' History:
- ' 11/13/00 - Code release. It appears to work.
- '
- ' 09/02/02 I clean the source code and remove the encoding routines
- 'Decode a string to a string.
- Public Function Decode(sInput As String) As String
- Dim bTemp() As Byte
- 'Convert to a byte array then convert.
- 'This is faster the repetitive calls to asc() or chr$()
- bTemp = StrConv(sInput, vbFromUnicode)
- Decode = StrConv(DecodeArr(bTemp), vbUnicode)
- End Function
- Public Sub DecodeToFile(sInput As String, sOutputFile As String)
- Dim bTemp() As Byte
- Dim fh As Long
- bTemp = StrConv(sInput, vbFromUnicode)
- bTemp = DecodeArr(bTemp)
- fh = FreeFile(0)
- Open sOutputFile For Binary Access Write As fh
- Put fh, , bTemp
- Close fh
- End Sub
- Public Sub DecodeFile(sInputFile As String, sOutputFile As String)
- Dim bTemp() As Byte
- Dim fh As Long
- fh = FreeFile(0)
- Open sInputFile For Binary Access Read As fh
- ReDim bTemp(0 To LOF(fh) - 1)
- Get fh, , bTemp
- Close fh
- bTemp = DecodeArr(bTemp)
- Open sOutputFile For Binary Access Write As fh
- Put fh, , bTemp
- Close fh
- End Sub
- Private Function DecodeArr(bInput() As Byte) As Byte()
- Dim bOutput() As Byte
- Dim OutLength As Long
- Dim CurrentOut As Long
- Dim k As Long
- Dim l As Long
- Dim I As Long
- Dim b As Byte
- Dim c As Byte
- Dim d As Byte
- Dim e As Byte
- k = LBound(bInput)
- l = UBound(bInput)
- 'Calculate the length of the input
- I = l - k + 1
- 'Allocate the output
- Dim BytesDataIn As Long ':(燤ove line to top of current Function
- Dim BytesDataOut As Long ':(燤ove line to top of current Function
- Dim ExtraBytes As Integer ':(燤ove line to top of current Function
- If bInput(l) = 61 Then
- ExtraBytes = 1
- If bInput(l - 1) = 61 Then
- ExtraBytes = 2
- End If
- End If
- BytesDataIn = l + 1 'BytesDataIn of the string
- BytesDataOut = (BytesDataIn * 0.75) - ExtraBytes ' how many bytes will the decoded string have
- ReDim bOutput(BytesDataOut - 1)
- CurrentOut = 0
- For I = k To l
- Select Case bInput(I)
- Case CHAR_CR
- 'Do nothing
- Case CHAR_LF
- 'Do nothing
- Case Else
- If l - I >= 3 Then
- b = bInput(I)
- c = bInput(I + 1)
- d = bInput(I + 2)
- e = bInput(I + 3)
- If e <> CHAR_EQUAL Then
- bOutput(CurrentOut) = m_ReverseIndex1(b) Or m_ReverseIndex2(c, 0)
- bOutput(CurrentOut + 1) = m_ReverseIndex2(c, 1) Or m_ReverseIndex3(d, 0)
- bOutput(CurrentOut + 2) = m_ReverseIndex3(d, 1) Or m_ReverseIndex4(e)
- CurrentOut = CurrentOut + 3
- I = I + 3 ':(燤odifies active For-Variable
- ElseIf d <> CHAR_EQUAL Then 'NOT E...
- bOutput(CurrentOut) = m_ReverseIndex1(b) Or m_ReverseIndex2(c, 0)
- bOutput(CurrentOut + 1) = m_ReverseIndex2(c, 1) Or m_ReverseIndex3(d, 0)
- CurrentOut = CurrentOut + 2
- I = I + 3 ':(燤odifies active For-Variable
- Else 'NOT D...
- bOutput(CurrentOut) = m_ReverseIndex1(b) Or m_ReverseIndex2(c, 0)
- CurrentOut = CurrentOut + 1
- I = I + 3 ':(燤odifies active For-Variable
- End If
- Else 'NOT L...
- 'Possible input code error, but may also be
- 'an extra CrLf, so we will ignore it.
- End If
- End Select
- Next I
- 'On properly formed input we should have to do this.
- If OutLength <> CurrentOut + 1 Then
- ReDim Preserve bOutput(0 To CurrentOut - 1)
- End If
- DecodeArr = bOutput
- End Function
- 'Saves a String to a File
- Public Sub SaveStr2File(strInput As String, strPathName As String)
- Dim iFreeFile As Integer
- '-----
- ' Reference to a free file
- '-----
- iFreeFile = FreeFile
- Open strPathName For Binary As iFreeFile
- '-----
- ' Save the total size of the array in a variable, this stops
- ' VB to calculate the size each time it comes into the loop,
- ' which of course, takes (much) more time then this sollution
- '-----
- Put iFreeFile, , strInput
- Close iFreeFile
- End Sub
- '==========
- ' StrToAry;
- ' Convert the string into a byte array
- '==========
- Public Sub StringToByteArray(ByVal strIn As String, ByRef pbArrayOutput() As Byte)
- pbArrayOutput = StrConv(strIn, vbFromUnicode)
- End Sub
- '==========
- ' AryToSr;
- ' Convert the byte array into a string
- '==========
- Public Sub ByteArrayToString(ByRef pbArrayInput() As Byte, ByRef strOut As String)
- strOut = StrConv(pbArrayInput, vbUnicode)
- End Sub
- Public Function StringArrayToString(pbIn() As String) As String
- Dim lSize As Long
- Dim lNow As Long
- Dim lTotal As Long
- Dim lNowArray As Long
- Dim lNow2 As Long
- Dim lTotal2 As Long
- Dim tTemp As String
- Dim bTemp() As Byte
- '-----
- ' Calculate size of inputarray
- '-----
- lSize = 0
- lTotal = UBound(pbIn)
- For lNow = 0 To lTotal
- lSize = lSize + Len(pbIn(lNow))
- Next lNow
- '-----
- ' Create byte array which is big
- ' enough to hold all the bytes
- '-----
- ReDim bTemp(0 To lSize)
- '-----
- ' Convert the string array to a byte array
- '-----
- lNow = 0
- lNowArray = 0
- While lNow <> lSize
- tTemp = pbIn(lNowArray)
- lTotal2 = Len(tTemp)
- '-----
- ' Loop through the temp string
- ' and place the byte character
- ' in the correct position
- ' Mid$(...) is faster then Mid$(...)
- '-----
- For lNow2 = 0 To lTotal2 - 1
- bTemp(lNow + lNow2) = Asc(Mid$(tTemp, lNow2 + 1, 1))
- Next lNow2
- lNow = lNow + lTotal2
- lNowArray = lNowArray + 1
- Wend
- '-----
- ' Convert byte array to string
- '-----
- StringArrayToString = StrConv(bTemp(), vbUnicode)
- End Function
- '**************************************************************************************
- 'UUE decoding class
- '
- 'Author: PSC
- '
- 'Desc:
- '
- 'This class have several routines that support the decoding UU
- 'encoded attachments
- ''**************************************************************************************
- Public Function DecodeUUE(strUUCodeData As String) As String
- Dim vDataLine As Variant
- Dim vDataLines As Variant
- Dim strDataLine As String
- Dim intSymbols As Integer
- Dim strTemp As String
- Dim strUUDecode As String
- Dim I As Long
- On Error GoTo error
- 'remove begin marker
- If Left$(strUUCodeData, 6) = "begin " Then
- strUUCodeData = Mid$(strUUCodeData, InStr(1, strUUCodeData, vbLf) + 1)
- End If
- '
- 'remove end marker
- If Right$(strUUCodeData, 5) = "end" + vbCrLf Then
- strUUCodeData = Left$(strUUCodeData, Len(strUUCodeData) - 10)
- End If
- 'Split encoded data to vDataLines array.
- 'Now each array member contains a line of encoded data
- vDataLines = Split(strUUCodeData, vbCrLf)
- For Each vDataLine In vDataLines
- 'Decode data line by line
- '
- strDataLine = CStr(vDataLine)
- If strDataLine = "" Then
- GoTo Skip
- End If
- 'Get quantity of symbols in a line
- intSymbols = Asc(Left$(strDataLine, 1)) - 32
- 'remove first symbol that just informs
- 'about quantity of symbols
- strDataLine = Mid$(strDataLine, 2)
- 'replace "`" with " "
- strDataLine = Replace(strDataLine, "`", " ")
- 'Convert every 4-byte chunk to 3-byte chunk by
- For I = 1 To Len(strDataLine) Step 4
- '1 byte
- strTemp = strTemp + Chr$((Asc(Mid$(strDataLine, I, 1)) - 32) * 4 + _
- (Asc(Mid$(strDataLine, I + 1, 1)) - 32) 16)
- '2 byte
- strTemp = strTemp + Chr$((Asc(Mid$(strDataLine, I + 1, 1)) Mod 16) * 16 + _
- (Asc(Mid$(strDataLine, I + 2, 1)) - 32) 4)
- '3 byte
- strTemp = strTemp + Chr$((Asc(Mid$(strDataLine, I + 2, 1)) Mod 4) * 64 + _
- Asc(Mid$(strDataLine, I + 3, 1)) - 32)
- Next I
- '
- strTemp = Left$(strTemp, intSymbols)
- 'write decoded line to the file
- strUUDecode = strUUDecode + strTemp
- 'clear buffer for next line
- strTemp = ""
- Skip:
- Next vDataLine
- DecodeUUE = strUUDecode
- error:
- End Function
- '**************************************************************************************
- 'Quoted printable decoding class
- '
- 'Author: PSC
- '
- 'Desc:
- '
- 'This class have several routines that support the decoding of quoted printable
- 'encoded attachments
- ''**************************************************************************************
- Public Function DecodeQP(ByRef StrToDecode As String) As String
- Dim sTemp As String
- Dim strChar As String
- Dim I As Integer
- sTemp = StrToDecode
- sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "==_", "")
- sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "=_", vbCrLf)
- For I = 255 To 16 Step -1
- strChar = UCase$(Hex$(I))
- If InStr(1, sTemp, "=" & strChar) <> 0 Then sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "=" & strChar, Chr$(I) + Chr$(0))
- Next I
- For I = 15 To 1 Step -1
- strChar = UCase$(Hex$(I))
- If InStr(1, sTemp, "=" & "0" & strChar) <> 0 Then
- sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "=" & "0" & strChar, Chr$(I) + Chr$(0))
- End If
- Next I
- sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr$(0), "")
- sTemp = Replace(sTemp, "=00", Chr$(0))
- sTemp = Replace(sTemp, Chr$(255) & Chr$(254), "=")
- DecodeQP = sTemp
- End Function
- '*************************************************************************************
- 'Function to decode ?iso? encoded Strings
- '
- '
- 'Author: David Bue Pedersen + Sebastian Fahrenkrog
- '*************************************************************************************
- Function DecodeIso(strEncoded As String)
- 'Dim StrtoReplace As String
- 'Dim StrReplacement As String
- Dim StringtoDecode As String
- Dim strLookup As String
- Dim b As Boolean
- On Error GoTo error
- StringtoDecode = strEncoded
- If IsNull(StringtoDecode) Then
- Exit Function
- ElseIf InStr(1, LCase$(StringtoDecode), "=?iso-") <= 0 Then
- DecodeIso = StringtoDecode
- Exit Function
- End If
- Dim IsoArray As Variant
- Dim UCounter As Integer
- Dim Counter As Integer
- Dim Pattern As String
- IsoArray = StringtoDecode
- IsoArray = Split(StringtoDecode, "?")
- UCounter = UBound(IsoArray)
- For Counter = 0 To UCounter
- strLookup = IsoArray(Counter)
- Select Case strLookup
- Case "="
- Case "= ="
- Case "=="
- Case "Q"
- b = False
- Case "B"
- b = True
- Case Else
- Pattern = "ISO-" & "[0-9]" & "[0-9]" & "[0-9]" & "[0-9]" & "-" & "*"
- If Not UCase(IsoArray(Counter)) Like Pattern Then
- If b Then 'Decode Base64
- StringtoDecode = IsoArray(Counter)
- StringtoDecode = Decode(StringtoDecode)
- DecodeIso = DecodeIso + StringtoDecode
- Else 'dann quoted printable
- StringtoDecode = IsoArray(Counter)
- StringtoDecode = DecodeQP(StringtoDecode)
- DecodeIso = DecodeIso + StringtoDecode
- End If
- End If
- End Select
- Next Counter
- Exit Function
- error:
- 'Return original String
- DecodeIso = strEncoded
- End Function
- Public Property Let DelMail(bolDeleteMail As Boolean)
- bolDelMail = bolDeleteMail
- End Property
- Public Property Get DelMail() As Boolean
- DelMail = bolDelMail
- End Property
- Private Function WaitUntilTrue(ByRef Flag As Boolean, ByVal SecondsToWait As Long, Optional ByVal bRaiseTimeOutError As Boolean = True) As Boolean
- Dim fStart As Single
- Dim fTimetoQuit As Single
- If SecondsToWait < 1 Then Exit Function
- fStart = Timer
- ' Deal with timer being reset at Midnight
- If fStart + SecondsToWait < 86400 Then
- fTimetoQuit = fStart + SecondsToWait
- Else
- fTimetoQuit = (fStart - 86400) + SecondsToWait
- End If
- Do Until Flag = True
- If Timer >= fTimetoQuit Then
- If bRaiseTimeOutError Then Timeout
- Exit Function
- End If
- If pbExitImmediately Then Exit Function
- DoEvents
- Sleep (10) ' added to reduce CPU load during wait periods
- Loop
- WaitUntilTrue = Flag
- End Function
- Private Sub Timeout()
- ' time out occured
- 'Hide Status
- RaiseEvent Pop3Status("")
- 'Show Error
- RaiseEvent MimeFailed("Can't connect to the server!")
- Pop3sck.CloseSocket
- End Sub