- % MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 3.7.
- % Demonstration script for LSSB-AM demodulation. The message signal
- % is +1 for 0 < t < t0/3, -2 for t0/3 < t < 2t0/3, and zero otherwise.
- echo on
- t0=.15; % signal duration
- ts=1/1500; % sampling interval
- fc=250; % carrier frequency
- fs=1/ts; % sampling frequency
- df=0.25; % desired freq.resolution
- t=[0:ts:t0]; % time vector
- % the message vector
- m=[ones(1,t0/(3*ts)),-2*ones(1,t0/(3*ts)),zeros(1,t0/(3*ts)+1)];
- c=cos(2*pi*fc.*t); % carrier vector
- udsb=m.*c; % DSB modulated signal
- [UDSB,udsb,df1]=fftseq(udsb,ts,df); % Fourier transform
- UDSB=UDSB/fs; % scaling
- n2=ceil(fc/df1); % location of carrier in freq. vector
- % Remove the upper sideband from DSB.
- UDSB(n2:length(UDSB)-n2)=zeros(size(UDSB(n2:length(UDSB)-n2)));
- ULSSB=UDSB; % Generate LSSB-AM spectrum.
- [M,m,df1]=fftseq(m,ts,df); % spectrum of the message signal
- M=M/fs; % scaling
- f=[0:df1:df1*(length(M)-1)]-fs/2; % frequency vector
- u=real(ifft(ULSSB))*fs; % Generate LSSB signal from spectrum.
- % mixing
- y=u.*cos(2*pi*fc*[0:ts:ts*(length(u)-1)]);
- [Y,y,df1]=fftseq(y,ts,df); % spectrum of the output of the mixer
- Y=Y/fs; % scaling
- f_cutoff=150; % Choose the cutoff freq. of the filter.
- n_cutoff=floor(150/df); % Design the filter.
- H=zeros(size(f));
- H(1:n_cutoff)=4*ones(1,n_cutoff);
- % spectrum of the filter output
- H(length(f)-n_cutoff+1:length(f))=4*ones(1,n_cutoff);
- DEM=H.*Y; % spectrum of the filter output
- dem=real(ifft(DEM))*fs; % filter output
- pause % Press a key to see the effect of mixing.
- clf
- subplot(3,1,1)
- plot(f,fftshift(abs(M)))
- title('Spectrum of the Message Signal')
- xlabel('Frequency')
- subplot(3,1,2)
- plot(f,fftshift(abs(ULSSB)))
- title('Spectrum of the Modulated Signal')
- xlabel('Frequency')
- subplot(3,1,3)
- plot(f,fftshift(abs(Y)))
- title('Spectrum of the Mixer Output')
- xlabel('Frequency')
- pause % Press a key to see the effect of filtering on the mixer output.
- clf
- subplot(3,1,1)
- plot(f,fftshift(abs(Y)))
- title('Spectrum of the Mixer Output')
- xlabel('Frequency')
- subplot(3,1,2)
- plot(f,fftshift(abs(H)))
- title('Lowpass Filter Characteristics')
- xlabel('Frequency')
- subplot(3,1,3)
- plot(f,fftshift(abs(DEM)))
- title('Spectrum of the Demodulator output')
- xlabel('Frequency')
- pause % Press a key to see the message and the demodulator output signals.
- subplot(2,1,1)
- plot(t,m(1:length(t)))
- title('The Message Signal')
- xlabel('Time')
- subplot(2,1,2)
- plot(t,dem(1:length(t)))
- title('The Demodulator Output')
- xlabel('Time')