- % MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 3.2.
- % Matlab demonstration script for DSB-AM modulation. The message signal
- % is m(t)=sinc(100t).
- echo on
- t0=.2; % signal duration
- ts=0.001; % sampling interval
- fc=250; % carrier frequency
- snr=20; % SNR in dB (logarithmic)
- fs=1/ts; % sampling frequency
- df=0.3; % required freq. resolution
- t=[-t0/2:ts:t0/2]; % time vector
- snr_lin=10^(snr/10); % linear SNR
- m=sinc(100*t); % the message signal
- c=cos(2*pi*fc.*t); % the carrier signal
- u=m.*c; % the DSB-AM modulated signal
- [M,m,df1]=fftseq(m,ts,df); % Fourier transform
- M=M/fs; % scaling
- [U,u,df1]=fftseq(u,ts,df); % Fourier transform
- U=U/fs; % scaling
- f=[0:df1:df1*(length(m)-1)]-fs/2; % frequency vector
- signal_power=spower(u(1:length(t))); % Compute modulated signal power.
- noise_power=signal_power/snr_lin; % Compute noise power.
- noise_std=sqrt(noise_power); % Compute noise standard deviation.
- noise=noise_std*randn(1,length(u)); % Generate noise sequence.
- r=u+noise; % add noise to the modulated signal
- [R,r,df1]=fftseq(r,ts,df); % Fourier transform
- R=R/fs; % scaling
- pause % Press a key to show the modulated signal power.
- signal_power
- pause %Press any key to see a plot of the message.
- clf
- subplot(2,2,1)
- plot(t,m(1:length(t)))
- xlabel('Time')
- title('The message signal')
- pause % Press any key to see a plot of the carrier.
- subplot(2,2,2)
- plot(t,c(1:length(t)))
- xlabel('Time')
- title('The carrier')
- pause % Press any key to see a plot of the modulated signal.
- subplot(2,2,3)
- plot(t,u(1:length(t)))
- xlabel('Time')
- title('The modulated signal')
- pause % Press any key to see a plot of the magnitude of the message and the
- % modulated signal in the frequency domain.
- subplot(2,1,1)
- plot(f,abs(fftshift(M)))
- xlabel('Frequency')
- title('Spectrum of the message signal')
- subplot(2,1,2)
- plot(f,abs(fftshift(U)))
- title('Spectrum of the modulated signal')
- xlabel('Frequency')
- pause % Press a key to see a noise sample.
- subplot(2,1,1)
- plot(t,noise(1:length(t)))
- title('Noise sample')
- xlabel('Time')
- pause % Press a key to see the modulated signal and noise.
- subplot(2,1,2)
- plot(t,r(1:length(t)))
- title('Signal and noise')
- xlabel('Time')
- pause % Press a key to see the modulated signal and noise in freq. domain.
- subplot(2,1,1)
- plot(f,abs(fftshift(U)))
- title('Signal spectrum')
- xlabel('Frequency')
- subplot(2,1,2)
- plot(f,abs(fftshift(R)))
- title('Signal and noise spectrum')
- xlabel('Frequency')