- % MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 3, Chapter 1.
- echo on
- fnct='normal';
- a=-6;
- b=6;
- n=24;
- tol=0.1;
- xx=fseries(fnct,a,b,n,tol,0,1);
- xx1=xx(n+1:-1:2);
- xx1=[conj(xx1),xx];
- absxx1=abs(xx1);
- pause % Press any key to see a plot of the magnitude.
- n1=[-n:n];
- stem(n1,absxx1)
- title('The Discrete Magnitude Spectrum')
- phasexx1=angle(xx1);
- pause % Press any key to see a plot of the phase.
- stem(n1,phasexx1)
- title('The Discrete Phase Spectrum')