- % MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 6, Chapter 6.
- echo on
- N=52;
- noise_var=0.25;
- sigma=sqrt(noise_var); % standard deviation of the noise
- for i=1:N, % generate data sequence
- if (rand<0.5),
- I(i)=1;
- else
- I(i)=-1;
- end;
- echo off ;
- end;
- echo on ;
- % for channel1:
- A=1;
- B=[0.1 -0.25 1 -0.25 0.1];
- rec_sig1=filter(B,A,I); % the received signal without noise for channel 1
- rec_sig1=rec_sig1([3:N]); % to compensate for the delay in filtering
- for i=1:N-2,
- noise(i)=gngauss(sigma);
- echo off ;
- end;
- echo on ;
- y1=rec_sig1+noise; % received signal with noise for channel 1
- % for channel 2:
- A=1;
- B=[-0.2 0.5 1 0.5 -0.2];
- rec_sig2=filter(B,A,I); % the received signal without noise for channel 2
- rec_sig2=rec_sig2(3:N); % to compensate for the delay in filtering
- for i=1:N-2,
- noise(i)=gngauss(sigma);
- echo off ;
- end;
- echo on ;
- y2=rec_sig2+noise; % received signal with noise for channel 2
- % plotting commands follow