- function [p]=cm_sm34(snr_in_dB)
- % [p]=cm_sm34(snr_in_dB)
- % CM_SM34 finds the probability of error for the given
- % value of snr_in_dB, signal-to-noise ratio in dB.
- N=10000;
- E=1; % energy per symbol
- snr=10^(snr_in_dB/10); % signal-to-noise ratio
- sgma=sqrt(E/(4*snr)); % noise variance
- % Generation of the data source follows.
- for i=1:2*N,
- temp=rand; % a uniform random variable between 0 and 1
- if (temp<0.5),
- dsource(i)=0; % With probability 1/2, source output is "0."
- else.
- dsource(i)=1; % With probability 1/2, source output is "1"
- end;
- end;
- % Differential encoding of the data source follows
- mapping=[0 1 3 2];
- M=4;
- [diff_enc_output] = cm_dpske(E,M,mapping,dsource);
- % Received signal is then
- for i=1:N,
- [n(1) n(2)]=gngauss(sgma);
- r(i,:)=diff_enc_output(i,:)+n;
- end;
- % detection and the probability of error calculation
- numoferr=0;
- prev_theta=0;
- for i=1:N,
- theta=angle(r(i,1)+j*r(i,2));
- delta_theta=mod(theta-prev_theta,2*pi);
- if ((delta_theta<pi/4) | (delta_theta>7*pi/4)),
- decis=[0 0];
- elseif (delta_theta<3*pi/4),
- decis=[0 1];
- elseif (delta_theta<5*pi/4)
- decis=[1 1];
- else
- decis=[1 0];
- end;
- prev_theta=theta;
- % Increase the error counter, if the decision is not correct.
- if ((decis(1)~=dsource(2*i-1)) | (decis(2)~=dsource(2*i))),
- numoferr=numoferr+1;
- end;
- end;
- p=numoferr/N;