- function [p]=cm_sm41(snr_in_dB)
- % [p]=cm_sm41(snr_in_dB)
- % CM_SM41 finds the probability of error for the given
- % value of snr_in_dB, SNR in dB.
- N=10000;
- d=1; % min. distance between symbols
- Eav=10*d^2; % energy per symbol
- snr=10^(snr_in_dB/10); % SNR per bit (given)
- sgma=sqrt(Eav/(8*snr)); % noise variance
- M=16;
- % Generation of the data source follows.
- for i=1:N,
- temp=rand; % a uniform R.V. between 0 and 1
- dsource(i)=1+floor(M*temp); % a number between 1 and 16, uniform
- end;
- % Mapping to the signal constellation follows.
- mapping=[-3*d 3*d;
- -d 3*d;
- d 3*d;
- 3*d 3*d;
- -3*d d;
- -d d;
- d d;
- 3*d d;
- -3*d -d;
- -d -d;
- d -d;
- 3*d -d;
- -3*d -3*d;
- -d -3*d;
- d -3*d;
- 3*d -3*d];
- for i=1:N,
- qam_sig(i,:)=mapping(dsource(i),:);
- end;
- % received signal
- for i=1:N,
- [n(1) n(2)]=gngauss(sgma);
- r(i,:)=qam_sig(i,:)+n;
- end;
- % detection and error probability calculation
- numoferr=0;
- for i=1:N,
- % Metric computation follows.
- for j=1:M,
- metrics(j)=(r(i,1)-mapping(j,1))^2+(r(i,2)-mapping(j,2))^2;
- end;
- [min_metric decis] = min(metrics);
- if (decis~=dsource(i)),
- numoferr=numoferr+1;
- end;
- end;
- p=numoferr/(N);