- function bwthui(cfreq,action)
- %impulse response and frequency response of Butterworth Lowpass
- if nargin == 0 cfreq = 5/(4*pi); end;
- if isstr(cfreq) cfreq = str2num(alpha); end;
- if (cfreq>1) cfreq = 1; end;
- if (cfreq<0) cfreq = 0; end;
- if (nargin<2)
- action = 'start';
- end;
- if (strcmp(action,'start') | strcmp(action,'update'))
- % define constants
- laenge = 5;
- aufloesung = 20; % Samples per unit
- % identical values as in Simulink
- order = 4;
- cf = 4*tan(pi*cfreq/(aufloesung/4)/2);
- % get zeros, poles and gain
- z = [];
- p = exp(sqrt(-1)*(pi*(1:2:2*order-1)/(2*order)+pi/2)).';
- k = real(prod(-p));
- % Compute transfer function
- p1 = cfreq * p;
- f1=linspace(-1,1);
- w1 = i*f1;
- w1=repmat(w1,order,1);
- p1=repmat(p1,1,length(f1));
- prod(w1-p1);
- Sf1 = k./prod(w1-p1);
- h1 = abs(Sf1);
- h1 = h1/max(h1);
- % Compute impulse response
- % first transform from s-space to state space
- p = p(isfinite(p));
- z = z(isfinite(z));
- np = length(p);
- nz = length(z);
- z = cplxpair(z,1e6*nz*norm(z)*eps + eps);
- p = cplxpair(p,1e6*np*norm(p)*eps + eps);
- a=[]; b=zeros(0,1); c=ones(1,0); d=1;
- if rem(np,2) & rem(nz,2)
- a = p(np);
- b = 1;
- c = p(np) - z(nz);
- d = 1;
- np = np - 1;
- nz = nz - 1;
- end
- if rem(np,2)
- a = p(np);
- b = 1;
- c = 1;
- d = 0;
- np = np - 1;
- end
- if rem(nz,2)
- num = real(poly(z(nz)));
- den = real(poly(p(np-1:np)));
- wn = sqrt(prod(abs(p(np-1:np))));
- if wn == 0, wn = 1; end
- t_temp = diag([1 1/wn]);
- a = t_temp[-den(2) -den(3); 1 0]*t_temp;
- b = t_temp[1; 0];
- c = [1 num(2)]*t_temp;
- d = 0;
- nz = nz - 1;
- np = np - 2;
- end
- v = 1;
- while v < nz
- index = v:v+1;
- num = real(poly(z(index)));
- den = real(poly(p(index)));
- wn = sqrt(prod(abs(p(index))));
- if wn == 0, wn = 1; end
- t_temp = diag([1 1/wn]);
- a1 = t_temp[-den(2) -den(3); 1 0]*t_temp;
- b1 = t_temp[1; 0];
- c1 = [num(2)-den(2) num(3)-den(3)]*t_temp;
- d1 = 1;
- [ma1,na1] = size(a);
- [ma2,na2] = size(a1);
- a = [a zeros(ma1,na2); b1*c a1];
- b = [b; b1*d];
- c = [d1*c c1];
- d = d1*d;
- v = v + 2;
- end
- while v < np
- den = real(poly(p(v:v+1)));
- wn = sqrt(prod(abs(p(v:v+1))));
- if wn == 0, wn = 1; end
- t_temp = diag([1 1/wn]);
- a1 = t_temp[-den(2) -den(3); 1 0]*t_temp;
- b1 = t_temp[1; 0];
- c1 = [0 1]*t_temp;
- d1 = 0;
- [ma1,na1] = size(a);
- [ma2,na2] = size(a1);
- a = [a zeros(ma1,na2); b1*c a1];
- b = [b; b1*d];
- c = [d1*c c1];
- d = d1*d;
- v = v + 2;
- end
- % Consider cutoff frequency
- a = a * cf;
- b= b * cf;
- t_temp = 1/2;
- r_temp = sqrt(t_temp);
- t1_temp = eye(size(a)) + a*t_temp/2;
- t2_temp = eye(size(a)) - a*t_temp/2;
- a = t2_tempt1_temp;
- b = t_temp/r_temp*(t2_tempb);
- a = poly(a);
- cf = 2*atan2(cf,4);
- r = -ones(order,1);
- w = 0;
- b = poly(r);
- ehochj = exp(-j*w*(0:length(b)-1));
- b = real(b*(ehochj*a(:))/(ehochj*b(:)));
- % compute impulse response
- t = (0:(laenge*aufloesung-1))';
- imp = filter(b,a,t==0);
- t = t/aufloesung;
- % response to rectangular pulse
- x = [ones(aufloesung,1); zeros((laenge-1)*aufloesung,1)];
- rec = filter(b,a,x);
- end;
- if strcmp(action,'start')
- % open window
- set(0,'Units','pixels');
- scnsize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- figure ('Position', [0.05*scnsize(3) 0.3*scnsize(4) 0.9*scnsize(3) 0.4*scnsize(4)], ...
- 'Name', 'Impulse Response, Rectangular Response and Frequency Response of 4th Order Butterworth Lowpass', ...
- 'Tag', 'Butterworth', ...
- 'NumberTitle', 'off' ...
- );
- % ----------------------------------
- % Slider for cuttoff frequency
- % ----------------------------------
- text = uicontrol(gcf, ...
- 'Tag', 'BwthTextfeld', ...
- 'Style', 'text', ...
- 'Units', 'normalized', ...
- 'Position', [.01 .82 .08 .13], ...
- 'BackgroundColor', 'red', ...
- 'ForegroundColor', 'white', ...
- 'String', sprintf('Cut-offnfrequencyn%1.3f',cfreq) ...
- );
- cb = 'bwthui(get(findobj(gcf,''Tag'',''BwthSlider''),''Value''),''update'');';
- slider = uicontrol(gcf, ...
- 'Tag', 'BwthSlider', ...
- 'Style', 'slider', ...
- 'Units', 'normalized', ...
- 'Position', [.04 .2 .02 .6], ...
- 'Min', 0, ...
- 'Max', 1, ...
- 'Value', cfreq, ...
- 'Callback', cb ...
- );
- % -------------------------------------------
- % Plot 1: impulse response
- % -------------------------------------------
- subplot(1,3,1);
- plot(t,imp,'EraseMode','background');
- set(gca, 'Tag', 'BwthImpulsantwort');
- set(gcf,'DefaultTextColor','m')
- xlabel('t/T');
- ylabel('g(t/T)');
- title('Impulse Response');
- set(gca,'XLimMode','manual');
- set(gca,'XLim', [0 laenge]);
- set(gca,'XTick', [0 : 1 : laenge]);
- set(gca,'YLimMode','manual');
- set(gca,'YLim', [-.025 .125]);
- grid
- % -------------------------------------------
- % Plot 2: response to rectangular pulse
- % -------------------------------------------
- subplot(1,3,2);
- plot(t,rec,t,x,'EraseMode','background');
- set(gca, 'Tag', 'BwthRechteckantwort');
- set(gcf,'DefaultTextColor','m')
- xlabel('t/T');
- ylabel('g_r(t/T)');
- title('Response to Rectangular Pulse');
- set(gca,'XLimMode','manual');
- set(gca,'XLim', [0 laenge]);
- set(gca,'XTick', [0 : 1 : laenge]);
- set(gca,'YLimMode','manual');
- set(gca,'YLim', [-.25 1.25]);
- grid
- % -----------------------
- % Plot 3: Frequency Response
- % -----------------------
- subplot(1,3,3);
- plot(f1,h1,'EraseMode','background');
- set(gca, 'Tag', 'BwthFrequenzgang');
- set(gcf,'DefaultTextColor','m')
- xlabel('f T');
- ylabel('G(f/T)/T');
- title('Fourier Transform');
- set(gca,'XLimMode','manual');
- set(gca,'XLim', [-1 1]);
- set(gca,'YLimMode','manual');
- set(gca,'YLim', [ 0 1.125]);
- grid
- drawnow;
- end;
- if strcmp(action, 'update')
- set(0,'CurrentFigure',findobj(0,'Tag', 'Butterworth'));
- set(findobj(gcf,'Tag','BwthTextfeld'),'String', sprintf('Cut-offnfrequencyn%1.3f',cfreq));
- set(get(findobj(gcf,'Tag','BwthImpulsantwort'),'Children'),'YData',imp);
- chld = get(findobj(gcf,'Tag','BwthRechteckantwort'),'Children');
- set(chld(1),'YData',x); set(chld(2),'YData',rec); clear chld;
- set(get(findobj(gcf,'Tag','BwthFrequenzgang'),'Children'),'YData',h1);
- drawnow;
- end;
- clear action;