- %% $RCSfile: sdsprandsrc2.tlc,v $
- %% $Revision: 1.9 $
- %% $Date: 2001/04/25 18:24:31 $
- %%
- %% Copyright 1995-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- %%
- %% Abstract: Generate Uniform or Normal (Gaussian) Random Numbers
- %%
- %implements "sdsprandsrc2" "C"
- %% Function: BlockTypeSetup ================================================
- %% Abstract:
- %%
- %function BlockTypeSetup(block, system) void
- %% Render a DSP_InitializeSeed function once for use by all sdsprandsrc blocks.
- %% Needed for both the Uniform and Gaussian cases.
- %% First, cache the function prototype for DSP_InitializeSeed:
- %%
- %openfile InitSeedBuff
- extern void DSP_InitializeSeed(uint32_T *urandSeed, real_T initSeed);
- %closefile InitSeedBuff
- %<DSPAddToFileHeader(InitSeedBuff)>
- %% Next, cache the DSP_InitializeSeed function itself:
- %%
- %openfile InitSeedBuff
- /* Function: DSP_InitializeSeed
- * Bit-shift the given initial seed
- */
- extern void DSP_InitializeSeed(uint32_T *urandSeed, real_T initSeed)
- {
- const uint32_T maxseed = 2147483646; /* 2^31-2 */
- const uint32_T seed0 = 1144108930; /* Seed #6, starting from seed = 1 */
- const uint32_T bit16 = 32768; /* 2^15 */
- *urandSeed = (uint32_T)initSeed;
- /* Interchange bits 1-15 and 17-31 */
- {
- int_T r = *urandSeed >> 16;
- int_T t = *urandSeed & bit16;
- *urandSeed = ((*urandSeed - (r << 16) - t) << 16) + t + r;
- }
- if (*urandSeed < 1) {
- *urandSeed = seed0;
- }
- if (*urandSeed > maxseed) {
- *urandSeed = maxseed;
- }
- } /* end DSP_InitializeSeed */
- %closefile InitSeedBuff
- %<DSPAddToFile(InitSeedBuff)>
- %endfunction %% BlockTypeSetup
- %% Function: BlockInstanceSetup ================================================
- %% Abstract:
- %%
- %function BlockInstanceSetup(block, system) void
- %assign src_type = block.SFcnParamSettings.SrcType
- %if src_type == "Uniform"
- %<RenderUniformRandFcn()>
- %else
- %<RenderUniformRandFcn()>
- %<RenderNormalRandFcn()>
- %endif
- %assign IS_COMPLEX = LibBlockOutputSignalIsComplex(0)
- %assign INHERIT_ON = (block.SFcnParamSettings.InheritOn == "Yes")
- %assign block = block + IS_COMPLEX + src_type + INHERIT_ON
- %endfunction %% BlockInstanceSetup
- %% Function: Start ================================================
- %% Abstract:
- %% Initialize the real and/or imag seeds for all channels.
- %% Compute the first random seed
- %%
- %function Start(block, system) Output
- /* DSP Blockset Random Source (%<ParamSettings.FunctionName>) - %<Name> */
- /* Initialize the Random Seeds */
- %assign OUTPORT_NUM = 0
- %assign numDims = LibBlockOutputSignalNumDimensions(OUTPORT_NUM)
- %assign dims = LibBlockOutputSignalDimensions(OUTPORT_NUM)
- %assign nchans = DetermineChannels()
- %assign multipleChans = (nchans > 1)
- %if multipleChans
- {
- %endif
- %assign seedLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(InitSeed.Value)
- %%
- %% Determine datatype for the random seed:
- %%
- %assign urandDType = (IS_COMPLEX) ? "cuint32_T *" : "uint32_T *"
- %if multipleChans
- %<urandDType>urandSeed = (%<urandDType>)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>;
- %endif
- %<DSP_RenderInitializeSeedLoop(nchans,multipleChans,IS_COMPLEX,seedLen)>
- %if multipleChans
- }
- %endif
- %endfunction
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %% Function: Outputs =============================================================
- %%
- %function Outputs(block, system) Output
- /* DSP Blockset Random Source (%<ParamSettings.FunctionName>) - %<Name> */
- /* Create the Random Numbers */
- %assign OUTPORT_NUM = 0
- %assign IS_UNIFORM = CAST("Boolean",(src_type == "Uniform"))
- %%
- %assign numDims = LibBlockOutputSignalNumDimensions(OUTPORT_NUM)
- %assign dims = LibBlockOutputSignalDimensions(OUTPORT_NUM)
- %assign nchans = DetermineChannels()
- %assign frameSize = dims[0]/nchans
- %else
- %assign frameSize = (SFcnParamSettings.IsDiscrete=="Yes")?dims[0]:1
- %endif
- %%
- %assign multipleChans = (nchans >1)
- %assign isScalar = (!multipleChans && frameSize == 1)
- %assign isUniformScalar = CAST("Boolean",0)
- %assign isGaussianScalar = CAST("Boolean",0)
- %%
- %% Determine datatype for the random seed:
- %assign urandDType = (IS_COMPLEX) ? "cuint32_T *" : "uint32_T *"
- %assign outDType = (IS_COMPLEX) ? "creal_T *" : "real_T *"
- %%
- %if (IS_UNIFORM)
- %assign maxVal = Max.Value
- %assign maxLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(maxVal)
- %assign minVal = Min.Value
- %assign minLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(minVal)
- %assign isUniformScalar = CAST("Boolean",(minLen == 1 && maxLen == 1 && isScalar))
- %else
- %assign meanVal = Mean.Value
- %assign meanLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(meanVal)
- %assign varVal = Variance.Value
- %assign varLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(varVal)
- %assign isMeanComplex = CAST("Boolean",(Mean.ComplexSignal == "yes"))
- %assign meanDType = (isMeanComplex) ? "creal_T *" : "real_T *"
- %assign isGaussianScalar = CAST("Boolean",(meanLen == 1 && varLen == 1 && isScalar))
- %endif
- %%
- %if isUniformScalar && nchans == 1
- %<DSP_ScalarUniformNumGen(IS_COMPLEX,OUTPORT_NUM)>
- %elseif isGaussianScalar && nchans == 1
- %<DSP_ScalarGaussianNumGen(IS_COMPLEX,OUTPORT_NUM)>
- %else
- {
- %<outDType>y = (%<outDType>)%<LibBlockOutputSignalAddr(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>;
- %<urandDType>urandSeed = (%<urandDType>)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>;
- %%
- %if (IS_UNIFORM)
- real_T *pMin = (real_T *)%<LibBlockParameterAddr(Min,"","",0)>;
- real_T *pMax = (real_T *)%<LibBlockParameterAddr(Max,"","",0)>;
- %else
- %<meanDType>pMean = (%<meanDType>)%<LibBlockParameterAddr(Mean,"","",0)>;
- real_T *pVar = (real_T *)%<LibBlockParameterAddr(Variance,"","",0)>;
- %endif
- %%
- %if multipleChans
- int_T i;
- for(i=0;i<%<nchans>;i++) {
- %endif
- %if (frameSize > 1) %%%<InputIsNonscalarFrame(frameSize,TID)>
- int_T j;
- for(j=0;j<%<frameSize>;j++ ) {
- %endif
- %%
- %<DSP_CallRandomNumberGenerator(IS_COMPLEX,IS_UNIFORM)>
- %%
- %if (frameSize > 1) %%%<InputIsNonscalarFrame(frameSize,TID)>
- }
- %endif
- %%
- %if multipleChans
- urandSeed++;
- %if (IS_UNIFORM)
- %if (maxLen > 1)
- pMax++;
- %endif
- %if (minLen > 1)
- pMin++;
- %endif
- %else
- %if (varLen > 1)
- pVar++;
- %endif
- %if (meanLen > 1)
- pMean++;
- %endif
- %endif
- }
- %endif
- }
- %endif
- %endfunction
- %% Function: RenderUniformRandFcn ==============================================
- %% Abstract:
- %% Render the DSP_UniformRand function and prototype.
- %% Only render the content ONCE. Any additional calls
- %% are simply ignored.
- %%
- %function RenderUniformRandFcn() void
- %assign database_entry = "sdsprandsrc_uniformrand_fcn"
- %assign model_cache = "::CompiledModel." + database_entry
- %% Check info so that we do not define this function more than once:
- %if !EXISTS("%<model_cache>")
- %% Retain definition to prevent multiple identical defines:
- %%
- %assign %<database_entry> = 1
- %assign ::CompiledModel = ::CompiledModel + %<database_entry>
- %undef %<database_entry> %%Remove from block scope
- %% First, cache the function prototype for DSP_UniformRand:
- %%
- %% Render a DSP_UniformRand function once for use by all sdsprandsrc blocks.
- %openfile DSP_RandBuff
- /* DSP Blockset Random Source block Uniform random number generator */
- extern real_T DSP_UniformRand(uint32_T *seed);
- %closefile DSP_RandBuff
- %<DSPAddToFileHeader(DSP_RandBuff)>
- %% Next, cache the DSP_UniformRand function itself:
- %%
- %openfile DSP_RandBuff
- /*
- * DSP Blockset Random Source block
- * Uniform random number generator
- * Generates random number in range (0,1)
- */
- extern real_T DSP_UniformRand(uint32_T *seed) /* pointer to a running seed */
- {
- const uint32_T IA = 16807; /* magic multiplier = 7^5 */
- const uint32_T IM = 2147483647; /* modulus = 2^31-1 */
- const uint32_T IQ = 127773; /* IM div IA */
- const uint32_T IR = 2836; /* IM modulo IA */
- const real_T S = 4.656612875245797e-10; /* reciprocal of 2^31-1 */
- uint32_T hi = *seed / IQ;
- uint32_T lo = *seed % IQ;
- int32_T test = IA * lo - IR * hi; /* never overflows */
- *seed = ((test < 0) ? (unsigned int)(test + IM) : (unsigned int)test);
- return( (real_T) ((*seed) * S) );
- } /* end DSP_UniformRand */
- %closefile DSP_RandBuff
- %<DSPAddToFile(DSP_RandBuff)>
- %endif
- %endfunction %% RenderUniformRandFcn
- %% Function: RenderNormalRandFcn ==============================================
- %% Abstract:
- %% Render the DSP_NormalRand function and prototype.
- %% Only render the content ONCE. Any additional calls
- %% are simply ignored.
- %%
- %function RenderNormalRandFcn() void
- %assign database_entry = "sdsprandsrc_normrand_fcn"
- %assign model_cache = "::CompiledModel." + database_entry
- %% Check info so that we do not define this function more than once:
- %if !EXISTS("%<model_cache>")
- %% Retain definition to prevent multiple identical defines:
- %%
- %assign %<database_entry> = 1
- %assign ::CompiledModel = ::CompiledModel + %<database_entry>
- %undef %<database_entry> %%Remove from block scope
- %% First, cache the function prototype for DSP_NormalRand:
- %%
- %openfile DSP_RandBuff
- /* DSP Blockset Random Source block Gaussian random number generator */
- extern real_T DSP_NormalRand(uint32_T *seed);
- %closefile DSP_RandBuff
- %<DSPAddToFileHeader(DSP_RandBuff)>
- %% Next, cache the DSP_NormalRand function itself:
- %%
- %openfile DSP_RandBuff
- /* Function: DSP_NormalRand
- * Normal (Gaussian) random number generator
- */
- extern real_T DSP_NormalRand(unsigned int *seed)
- {
- real_T sr, si, t;
- do {
- sr = 2.0 * DSP_UniformRand(seed) - 1.0;
- si = 2.0 * DSP_UniformRand(seed) - 1.0;
- t = sr * sr + si * si;
- } while (t > 1.0);
- return(sr * sqrt((-2.0 * log(t)) / t));
- } /* end DSP_NormalRand */
- %closefile DSP_RandBuff
- %<DSPAddToFile(DSP_RandBuff)>
- %endif
- %endfunction %% RenderNormalRandFcn
- %% Function: ================================================
- %% Abstract: Render the channel and frame loops and call to initialize the seed
- %%
- %function DSP_RenderInitializeSeedLoop(nchans,multipleChans,IS_COMPLEX,seedLen) Output
- %%
- %if multipleChans
- int_T i;
- %if seedLen == 1
- real_T seedVal = %<LibBlockParameter(InitSeed,"","",0)>;
- %else
- real_T *pSeeds = (real_T *)%<LibBlockParameterAddr(InitSeed,"","",0)>;
- %endif
- for (i=0;i<%<nchans>;i++) {
- %if seedLen > 1
- real_T seedVal = pSeeds[i];
- %endif
- %endif
- %%
- %<DSP_Call_To_InitializeSeed(multipleChans,IS_COMPLEX,seedLen)>
- %%
- %if multipleChans
- %if seedLen == 1
- seedVal += 2.0;
- %endif
- }
- %endif
- %endfunction %% DSP_RenderInitializeSeedLoop
- %% Function: ================================================
- %% Abstract: Call the function to initialize the seeds based on complexity
- %%
- %function DSP_Call_To_InitializeSeed(multipleChans,IS_COMPLEX,seedLen) Output
- %%
- %if (IS_COMPLEX)
- %if multipleChans
- DSP_InitializeSeed(&urandSeed->re,seedVal);
- DSP_InitializeSeed(&urandSeed->im,seedVal+1);
- urandSeed++;
- %else
- DSP_InitializeSeed((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re,%<LibBlockParameter(InitSeed,"","",0)>);
- DSP_InitializeSeed((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im,%<LibBlockParameter(InitSeed,"","",0)>+1);
- %endif
- %else
- %if multipleChans
- DSP_InitializeSeed(urandSeed++,seedVal);
- %else
- DSP_InitializeSeed((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>,%<LibBlockParameter(InitSeed,"","",0)>);
- %endif
- %endif
- %endfunction %% DSP_Call_To_InitializeSeed
- %% Function: ================================================
- %% Abstract:
- %function DSP_CallRandomNumberGenerator(IS_COMPLEX,IS_UNIFORM) Output
- %%
- %if (IS_COMPLEX)
- %if (IS_UNIFORM)
- /* Generate complex uniform random numbers */
- y->re = DSP_UniformRand(&urandSeed->re) * (*pMax - *pMin) + *pMin;
- (y++)->im = DSP_UniformRand(&urandSeed->im) * (*pMax - *pMin) + *pMin;
- %else
- /* Generate complex normal (gaussian) random numbers */
- %assign isMeanComplex = CAST("Boolean",(Mean.ComplexSignal == "yes"))
- %if (isMeanComplex)
- y->re = DSP_NormalRand(&urandSeed->re) * sqrt(*pVar/2) + pMean->re;
- (y++)->im = DSP_NormalRand(&urandSeed->im) * sqrt(*pVar/2) + pMean->im;
- %else
- y->re = DSP_NormalRand(&urandSeed->re) * sqrt(*pVar/2) + *pMean;
- (y++)->im = DSP_NormalRand(&urandSeed->im) * sqrt(*pVar/2);
- %endif
- %endif
- %else
- %% Real Case
- %if (IS_UNIFORM)
- /* Generate real uniform random numbers */
- *y++ = DSP_UniformRand(urandSeed) * (*pMax - *pMin) + *pMin;
- %else
- /* Generate real normal (gaussian) random numbers */
- *y++ = DSP_NormalRand(urandSeed) * sqrt(*pVar) + *pMean;
- %endif
- %endif
- %endfunction %% DSP_CallRandomNumberGenerator
- %% Function: ================================================
- %% Abstract:
- %% Determine if data is a non-scalar frame.
- %% Note that frameSize must be > 1 even when the input
- %% is continuous, e.g., could not be a frame.
- %%
- %function InputIsNonscalarFrame(frameSize, TID) void
- %return (LibIsDiscrete(TID) && frameSize > 1)
- %endfunction %% InputIsNonscalarFrame
- %% Function: ================================================
- %% Abstract:
- %function DSP_ScalarUniformNumGen(IS_COMPLEX,OUTPORT_NUM) Output
- %%
- %assign minVal = LibBlockParameterValue(Min,0)
- %assign scale = LibBlockParameterValue(Max,0) - minVal
- /* Uniform: all scalar inputs */
- %if (IS_COMPLEX)
- /* Generate complex uniform random numbers */
- %%
- %if scale == 1 && minVal == 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re);
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im);
- %%
- %elseif scale == 1 && minVal != 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re)
- + %<minVal>;;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im)
- + %<minVal>;;
- %%
- %elseif LibBlockParameterValue(Min,0) == 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re)
- * %<scale>;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im)
- * %<scale>;
- %else
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re)
- * %<scale> + %<minVal>;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im)
- * %<scale> + %<minVal>;
- %endif
- %else %% Real Case
- /* Generate real uniform random numbers */
- %if scale == 1 && minVal == 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>);
- %%
- %elseif scale == 1 && minVal != 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>)
- + %<minVal>;
- %elseif LibBlockParameterValue(Min,0) == 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>)
- * %<scale>;
- %else
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = DSP_UniformRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>)
- * %<scale> + %<minVal>;
- %endif
- %endif
- %endfunction %% DSP_ScalarUniformNumGen
- %% Function: ================================================
- %% Abstract:
- %function DSP_ScalarGaussianNumGen(IS_COMPLEX,OUTPORT_NUM) Output
- %%
- %assign varVal = LibBlockParameterValue(Variance,0)
- %%
- %if (IS_COMPLEX)
- /* Generate complex normal (gaussian) random numbers */
- %%
- %assign isMeanComplex = CAST("Boolean",(Mean.ComplexSignal == "yes"))
- %assign meanVal_re = CAST("Number",LibBlockParameterValue(Mean,"%<tRealPart>0"))
- %%
- %if varVal != 0 && varVal != 2
- {
- real_T sqrt_var = sqrt(%<varVal>/2);
- %endif
- %%
- %if (isMeanComplex)
- %%
- %assign meanVal_im = CAST("Number",LibBlockParameterValue(Mean,"%<tImagPart>0"))
- %%
- %if varVal == 0 && meanVal_re != 0 && meanVal_im != 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = %<meanVal_re>;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = %<meanVal_im>;
- %%
- %elseif varVal == 2 && meanVal_re == 0 && meanVal_im != 0
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re);
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im) + %<meanVal_im>;
- %%
- %elseif varVal == 2 && meanVal_re != 0 && meanVal_im != 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re) + %<meanVal_re>;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im) + %<meanVal_im>;
- %else
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re) * sqrt_var + %<meanVal_re>;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im) * sqrt_var + %<meanVal_im>;
- %endif
- %%
- %else %% Output is Complex, Mean is not complex
- %%
- %if varVal == 0 && meanVal_re == 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = 0.0;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = 0.0;
- %%
- %elseif varVal == 0 && meanVal_re != 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = %<meanVal_re>;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = 0.0;
- %%
- %elseif varVal == 2 && meanVal_re == 0
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re);
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im);
- %%
- %elseif varVal == 2 && meanVal_re != 0
- %%
- /* start real mean variance = 2 */
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.re) + %<meanVal_re>;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im);
- /* end real mean var = 2 */
- %%
- %elseif meanVal_re == 0 && varVal != 0
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>) * sqrt_var;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>.im) * sqrt_var;
- %%
- %else
- %%
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.re = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","","%<tRealPart>0")>) * sqrt_var + %<meanVal_re>;
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"","",0)>.im = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","","%<tImagPart>0")>) * sqrt_var;
- %endif
- %endif
- %%
- %if varVal != 0 && varVal != 2
- }
- %endif
- %else %% Real Case
- /* Generate real normal (gaussian) random numbers */
- %%
- %assign meanVal = LibBlockParameterValue(Mean,0)
- %%
- %if varVal != 0 && varVal != 1
- {
- real_T sqrt_var = sqrt(%<varVal>);
- %endif
- %%
- %if varVal == 1 && meanVal == 0
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>);
- %%
- %elseif varVal == 0
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = %<meanVal>;
- %%
- %elseif varVal == 1
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>) + %<meanVal>;
- %%
- %elseif meanVal == 0
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>) * sqrt_var;
- %%
- %else
- %<LibBlockOutputSignal(OUTPORT_NUM,"0","",0)> = DSP_NormalRand((uint32_T *)%<LibBlockDWorkAddr(RAND_SEED,"","",0)>) * sqrt_var + %<meanVal>;
- %endif
- %%
- %if varVal != 0 && varVal != 1
- }
- %endif
- %endif
- %endfunction %% DSP_ScalarGaussianNumGen
- %% Function: DetermineChannels ================================================
- %% Abstract:
- %% Determine how many channels this block has
- %%
- %function DetermineChannels() void
- %assign OUTPORT_NUM = 0
- %if (SFcnParamSettings.IsDiscrete == "Yes")
- %assign seedLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(InitSeed.Value)
- %if src_type == "Uniform"
- %assign maxVal = Max.Value
- %assign maxLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(maxVal)
- %assign minVal = Min.Value
- %assign minLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(minVal)
- %% Number of channels == the longest parameter length
- %assign nchans = MAX(MAX(minLen,maxLen),seedLen)
- %else
- %assign meanVal = Mean.Value
- %assign meanLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(meanVal)
- %assign varVal = Variance.Value
- %assign varLen = LibGetNumberOfElements(varVal)
- %% Number of channels == the longest parameter length
- %assign nchans = MAX(MAX(meanLen,varLen),seedLen)
- %endif
- %% If we are back-propagating output dimensions/frames
- %% then we need to take into account that the output
- %% size may be larger than the sizes of any param vectors
- %% This is true if we have multiple channels in output
- %% and num output channels greater than any param vector length.
- %assign numDims = LibBlockOutputSignalNumDimensions(OUTPORT_NUM)
- %assign dims = LibBlockOutputSignalDimensions(OUTPORT_NUM)
- %if (numDims > 1)
- %% If num cols > 1, then multiple channels.
- %if (dims[1] > 1)
- %assign nchans = MAX(nchans,dims[1])
- %endif
- %% We are not taking into account the following:
- %% 1) Column vector, sample-based (nchans = width)
- %% 2) 1-D vector (nchans = width)
- %endif
- %endif
- %else
- %% Continuous output
- %assign nchans = LibBlockOutputSignalWidth(OUTPORT_NUM)
- %endif
- %return nchans
- %endfunction
- %% [EOF] sdsprandsrc.tlc