- function xx = constlay(k, flag)
- % CONSTLAY Layout the constellation for square QASK.
- % X = CONSTLAY(K) is an internal utility function.
- % Copyright 1996-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.9 $
- if nargin < 2
- flag = 0;
- end;
- a = [1, 0;3, 2];
- b = a;
- xx = a;
- k = k - 2;
- while k >= 1
- xx = subconstlay(xx);
- k = k - 2;
- end
- [leny, lenx] = size(xx);
- if k < 0
- xx = xx(1:lenx/2, :);
- [leny, lenx] = size(xx);
- if lenx >= 4
- xx = [xx(:, lenx/2:lenx), xx(:, 1:lenx/2-1)];
- end
- if lenx >= 8
- xx = [xx(lenx/4+2:lenx/2, :); xx(1:lenx/4+1, :)];
- if flag
- appd = NaN*ones(lenx/8, lenx/8);
- xx = [appd xx(:, 1:lenx/8)' appd; ...
- xx(:, lenx/8+1 : lenx - lenx/8);...
- appd xx(:, lenx - lenx/8 + 1 : lenx)' appd];
- else
- % for the simulink use. This is to make up the conner.
- [appd1, appd] = meshgrid(xx(1, lenx/8+1:lenx/4), xx(1, 1:lenx/8)');
- appd1 = tril(appd1) + triu(appd) - diag(diag(appd));
- [appd2, appd] = meshgrid(xx(1, lenx-lenx/4+1:lenx-lenx/8)',...
- xx(leny, 1:lenx/8));
- appd2 = flipud(appd2);
- appd = flipud(appd);
- appd2 = tril(appd) + triu(appd2) - diag(diag(appd));
- appd2 = flipud(appd2);
- [appd3, appd] = meshgrid(xx(leny, lenx/8+1:lenx/4),...
- xx(1, lenx-lenx/8+1:lenx)');
- appd3 = fliplr(appd3);
- appd = fliplr(appd);
- appd3 = tril(appd) + triu(appd3) - diag(diag(appd));
- appd3 = fliplr(appd3);
- [appd4, appd] = meshgrid(xx(leny, lenx-lenx/4+1:lenx-lenx/8)',...
- xx(leny, lenx-lenx/8+1:lenx));
- appd4 = tril(appd) + triu(appd4) - diag(diag(appd));
- xx = [appd1 xx(:, 1:lenx/8)' appd2; ...
- xx(:, lenx/8+1 : lenx - lenx/8);...
- appd3 xx(:, lenx - lenx/8 + 1 : lenx)' appd4];
- end;
- end
- else
- if lenx >= 4
- xx = [xx(:, lenx/2:lenx), xx(:, 1:lenx/2-1)];
- xx = [xx(lenx/2+2:lenx, :); xx(1:lenx/2+1, :)];
- end
- end
- % verify the correctness To have it turned on, change "if 0" to "if 1"
- if 0 & (k >=0)
- for i = 1 : length(xx)-1
- for j= 1 : length(xx)-1
- zz = [sum(de2bi(bitxor(xx(i,j), xx(i, j+1)))); ...
- sum(de2bi(bitxor(xx(i,j), xx(i+1, j))))];
- yy = max(zz);
- if yy > 1
- fprintf('When i = %d and j = %d, the distance is > 1n', i, j);
- end
- end
- end
- end
- % end of constlay
- % The basic building function.
- function xx = subconstlay(a)
- b = [1, 0;3, 2];
- for i = 1 : 2
- for j = 1 : 2
- bb{i,j} = fliplr(de2bi(b(i,j), 2));
- aa{i,j} = a;
- end
- end
- for i = 1 : 2
- for j = 1 : 2
- if bb{i, j}(1) == 1
- aa{i, j} = flipud(aa{i,j});
- end
- if bb{i,j}(2) == 1
- aa{i, j} = fliplr(aa{i, j});
- end
- end
- end
- mul = max(max(aa{1,1}))+1;
- xx = [aa{1, 1}+b(1,1)*mul, aa{1, 2}+b(1,2)*mul; ...
- aa{2, 1}+b(2,1)*mul, aa{2, 2}+b(2,2)*mul];
- %end of subconstlay