- function y = modmap(x, Fd, Fs, method, M, opt2, opt3)
- %MODMAP Map a digital signal to an analog signal.
- %
- % Plotting syntaxes:
- % MODMAP(METHOD...) plots the signal constellation associated with
- % the specified mapping method.
- %
- % Mapping syntaxes:
- % Y = MODMAP(X, Fd, Fs, METHOD...) maps the digital signal X to
- % an analog signal Y. This syntax only maps; it does not modulate.
- %
- % More help for all syntaxes:
- % ---------------------------
- % For information about METHOD and subsequent parameters, and about
- % using a specific technique, type one of these commands at the MATLAB
- % prompt:
- %
- % modmap ask % M-ary amplitude shift keying
- % modmap psk % M-ary phase shift keying
- % modmap qask % M-ary quadrature amplitude shift keying
- % modmap fsk % M-ary frequency shift keying
- % modmap msk % Minimum shift keying
- %
- % For digital modulation, use DMOD for passband simulation and
- % DMODCE for baseband simulation.
- %
- % Copyright 1996-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.16 $
- opt_pos = 5; % position of 1st optional parameter
- plot_const = 0;
- if nargin < 1
- feval('help','modmap')
- return;
- elseif isstr(x)
- if exist('method', 'var')
- tmp_sto = method;
- end
- method = lower(deblank(x));
- if findstr(method, 'samp')
- method = 'samp';
- end
- if nargin == 1
- % help lines for individual modulation method.
- if strcmp(method, '')
- method = 'ask';
- end
- hand = fopen('modmap.hlp');
- if hand<=0
- error('The Communications Toolbox on your computer is not completely installed.')
- else
- x = fscanf(hand, '%c', Inf);
- index_begin = findstr(x, [method,'_help_begin']);
- index_end = findstr(x, [method,'_help_end']);
- if index_end > index_begin
- x = x(index_begin+12+length(method):index_end-1);
- fprintf('%s', x);
- disp(' ')
- else
- disp(['No help for ', method]);
- end
- end
- fclose(hand);
- return;
- else
- plot_const = 1;
- opt_pos = opt_pos - 3;
- M = Fd;
- if nargin > opt_pos
- opt2 = Fs;
- end
- if nargin > opt_pos+1
- opt3 = tmp_sto;
- end
- end
- else
- if nargin < 3
- error('Usage: Y=MODMAP(X, Fd, Fs, METHOD, OPT1, OPT2, OPT3) for modulation mapping');
- elseif nargin < opt_pos-1
- method = 'sample';
- end
- if length(Fs)~=1 | ~isfinite(Fs) | ~isreal(Fs) | Fs<=0
- error('Fs must be a positive number.');
- elseif length(Fd)~=1 | ~isfinite(Fd) | ~isreal(Fd) | Fd<=0
- error('Fd must be a positive number.');
- else
- FsDFd = Fs / Fd;
- if ceil(FsDFd) ~= FsDFd
- error('Fs/Fd must be a positive integer.');
- end
- end
- % determine M
- if isempty(findstr(method, '/arb')) & isempty(findstr(method, '/cir'))
- if nargin < opt_pos
- M = max(max(x)) + 1;
- M = 2^(ceil(log(M)/log(2)));
- M = max(2, M);
- elseif length(M) ~= 1 | ~isfinite(M) | ~isreal(M) | M <= 0 | ceil(M) ~= M
- error('Alphabet size M must be a positive integer.');
- end
- end
- if isempty(x)
- y = [];
- return;
- end
- [r, c] = size(x);
- if r == 1
- x = x(:);
- len_x = c;
- else
- len_x = r;
- end
- if ~(strncmpi(method, 'qask', 4) | strncmpi(method, 'qam', 3) |...
- strncmpi(method, 'qsk', 3)) & ...
- (~isreal(x) | all(ceil(x)~=x) | any(any(x<0)) | any(any(x>M-1)))
- error('Elements of input X must be integers in [0, M-1].');
- end
- yy = [];
- for i = 1 : size(x, 2)
- tmp = x(:, ones(1, FsDFd)*i)';
- yy = [yy tmp(:)];
- end
- x = yy;
- clear yy tmp;
- end
- method = lower(method);
- if strncmpi(method, 'ask', 3)
- if plot_const
- plot([0 0], [-1.1 1.1], 'w-', [-1.1, 1.1], [0 0], 'w-', ([0:M-1] - (M - 1) / 2 ) * 2 / (M - 1), zeros(1, M), '*');
- axis([-1.1 1.1 -1.1 1.1])
- xlabel('In-phase component');
- title('ASK constellation')
- else
- y = (x - (M - 1) / 2 ) * 2 / (M - 1);
- if r==1 & ~isempty(y)
- y = y.';
- end
- end
- elseif strncmpi(method, 'fsk', 3)
- if nargin < opt_pos + 1
- Tone = Fd;
- else
- Tone = opt2;
- end
- if plot_const
- maxTone = Tone*(M-1);
- x = [0 : Tone : maxTone];
- tmp = ones(1, M);
- tmp(1) = 2;
- stem(x, tmp);
- axis([-1, maxTone+1, 0, 2]);
- xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
- title('FSK constellation');
- else
- y = x * Tone;
- if r==1 & ~isempty(y)
- y = y.';
- end
- end
- elseif strncmpi(method, 'psk', 3)
- if plot_const
- apkconst(M);
- else
- y = modmap(x, Fs, Fs, 'qask/cir', M);
- end
- elseif strncmpi(method, 'msk', 3)
- % This is a special case of fsk.
- if plot_const
- stem([0 Fd], [2 1]);
- axis([-1, Fd+1, 0, 2]);
- xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
- title('MSK constellation');
- else
- M = 2;
- Tone = Fd/2;
- y = x * Tone;
- if r==1 & ~isempty(y)
- y = y.';
- end
- end
- elseif ( strncmpi(method, 'qask', 4) | strncmpi(method, 'qam', 3) |...
- strncmpi(method, 'qsk', 3) )
- if findstr(method, '/ar') % arbitrary constellation
- if nargin < opt_pos + 1
- error('Incorrect format for METHOD=''qask/arbitrary''.');
- end
- I = M;
- Q = opt2;
- M = length(I);
- if plot_const
- axx = max(max(abs(I))) * [-1 1] + [-.1 .1];
- axy = max(max(abs(Q))) * [-1 1] + [-.1 .1];
- plot(I, Q, 'r*', axx, [0 0], 'w-', [0 0], axy, 'w-');
- axis('equal');
- axis('off');
- text(axx(1) + (axx(2) - axx(1))/4, axy(1) - (axy(2) - axy(1))/30, 'QASK Constellation');
- return;
- else
- % leave to the end for processing
- end
- elseif findstr(method, '/ci') % circular constellation
- if nargin < opt_pos
- error('Incorrect format for METHOD=''qask/circle''.');
- end
- NIC = M;
- M = length(NIC);
- if nargin < opt_pos+1
- AIC = [1 : M];
- else
- AIC = opt2;
- end
- if nargin < opt_pos + 2
- PIC = NIC * 0;
- else
- PIC = opt3;
- end
- if plot_const
- apkconst(NIC, AIC, PIC);
- return;
- else
- inx = apkconst(NIC, AIC, PIC);
- I = real(inx);
- Q = imag(inx);
- M = sum(NIC);
- end
- else % square constellation
- if plot_const
- qaskenco(M);
- return;
- else
- [I, Q] = qaskenco(M);
- end
- end
- y = [];
- x = x + 1;
- if (min(min(x)) < 1) | (max(max(x)) > M)
- error('An element in input X is outside the permitted range.');
- end
- for i = 1 : size(x, 2)
- tmp = I(x(:, i));
- y = [y tmp(:)];
- tmp = Q(x(:, i));
- y = [y tmp(:)];
- end
- elseif strncmpi(method, 'samp', 4)
- %This is made possible to convert an input signal from sampling frequency Fd
- %to sampling frequency Fs.
- y = x;
- if r==1 & ~isempty(y)
- y = y.';
- end
- else % invalid method
- error(sprintf(['You have used an invalid method.n',...
- 'The method should be one of the following strings:n',...
- 't''ask'' Amplitude shift keying modulation;n',...
- 't''psk'' Phase shift keying modulation;n',...
- 't''qask'' Quadrature amplitude shift-keying modulation, square constellation;n',...
- 't''qask/cir'' Quadrature amplitude shift-keying modulation, circle constellation;n',...
- 't''qask/arb'' Quadrature amplitude shift-keying modulation, user defined constellation;n',...
- 't''fsk'' Frequency shift keying modulation;n',...
- 't''msk'' Minimum shift keying modulation.']));
- end
- % [EOF]