- function yy=apkconst(nir, air, pir, plot_type)
- %APKCONST Plot a combined circular ASK-PSK signal constellation.
- % APKCONST(NUMSIG, AMP, PHASE) plots a circle signal constellation whose kth
- % circle has NUMSIG(k) evenly spaced constellation points at radius AMP(k).
- % One point on the kth circle has phase PHASE(k). NUMSIG, AMP, and PHASE are
- % vectors of the same length.
- %
- % APKCONST(NUMSIG, AMP) is the same as the syntax above, except that one
- % point on each circle has zero phase.
- %
- % APKCONST(NUMSIG) is the same as the syntax above, except that the kth
- % circle has radius k.
- %
- % Y = APKCONST(...) outputs a complex vector whose real part is the in-phase
- % component and whose imaginary part is the quadrature component. This
- % syntax does not produce a plot.
- % Copyright 1996-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.11 $
- error(nargchk(1,4,nargin));
- m = length(nir);
- if nargin <= 1
- air = [1:m];
- end;
- if nargin <= 2
- pir = zeros(1,m);
- end;
- if nargin <= 3
- plot_type = 'r*';
- end;
- if isempty(plot_type)
- plot_type = 'r*';
- end
- if nargout < 1
- plot_flag = 1;
- else
- plot_flag = 0;
- end;
- j=sqrt(-1);
- z = exp(j*[0:100]*pi/50);
- x=real(z); y=imag(z);
- if plot_flag
- cax = newplot;
- hold_state = ishold;
- plot(x*max(air), y*max(air));
- if ~hold_state
- hold on
- end;
- zz=axis*1.05;
- plot(zz(1:2),[0,0],'k');
- plot([0,0],zz(3:4),'k');
- end;
- z=[];
- for i = 1:m
- for k = 1:nir(i)
- z = [z air(i)*exp(j*((k-1)*2*pi/nir(i)+pir(i)))];
- end;
- if plot_flag
- if (i ~= m)
- plot(x*air(i), y*air(i));
- end;
- end;
- end;
- % plot the ASK/PSK signal.
- if plot_flag
- if findstr(lower(plot_type), 'n')
- tmp = plot(z, 'r.');
- set(tmp, 'MarkerSize', 12)
- for i = 1 : length(z)
- text(real(z(i)), imag(z(i)), num2str(i-1));
- end
- else
- tmp = plot(z, plot_type);
- if findstr(lower(plot_type), '.')
- set(tmp, 'MarkerSize', 12)
- end;
- end
- if ~hold_state
- axis('equal');
- axis('off');
- text(zz(1)+(zz(2)-zz(1))/4, zz(3)-(zz(4)-zz(3))/15, 'ASK/PSK Constellation');
- hold off;
- end;
- else
- yy = z;
- end;