- function [b,a]=firrcos(varargin)
- %FIRRCOS Raised Cosine FIR Filter design.
- % B=FIRRCOS(N,Fc,DF,Fs) returns an order N low pass linear phase FIR
- % filter with a raised cosine transition band. The filter has cutoff
- % frequency Fc, sampling frequency Fs and transition bandwidth DF
- % (all in Hz).
- %
- % Fc +/- DF/2 must be in the range [0,Fs/2].
- %
- % The coefficients of B are normalized so that the nominal passband
- % gain is always equal to one.
- %
- % FIRRCOS(N,Fc,DF) uses a default sampling frequency of Fs = 2.
- %
- % B=FIRRCOS(N,Fc,R,Fs,'rolloff') interprets the third argument as the
- % rolloff factor instead of as a transition bandwidth. Alternatively,
- % you can specify B=FIRRCOS(N,Fc,DF,Fs,'bandwidth') which is
- % equivalent to B=FIRRCOS(N,Fc,DF,Fs).
- %
- % R must be in the range [0,1].
- %
- % B=FIRRCOS(N,Fc,DF,Fs,TYPE) or B=FIRRCOS(N,Fc,R,Fs,'rolloff',TYPE)
- % will design a regular FIR raised cosine filter when TYPE is
- % 'normal' or set to an empty matrix. If TYPE is 'sqrt', B is the
- % square root FIR raised cosine filter.
- %
- % B=FIRRCOS(...,TYPE,DELAY) allows for a variable integer delay to be
- % specified. When omitted or left empty, DELAY defaults to N/2 or
- % (N+1)/2 depending on whether N is even or odd.
- %
- % DELAY must be an integer in the range [0, N+1].
- %
- % B=FIRRCOS(...,DELAY,WINDOW) applies a length N+1 window to the
- % designed filter in order to reduce the ripple in the frequency
- % response. WINDOW must be a N+1 long column vector. If no window
- % is specified a boxcar (rectangular) window is used.
- %
- % WARNING: Care must be exercised when using a window with a delay
- % other than the default.
- %
- % [B,A]=FIRRCOS(...) will always return A = 1.
- %
- % See also FIRLS, FIR1, FIR2.
- % Author(s): R. Losada and D. Orofino
- % Copyright 1988-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.11 $ $Date: 2001/04/02 20:21:59 $
- error(nargchk(3,8,nargin));
- [n,fc,fs,R,designType,window,msg] = parse_inputs(varargin{:});
- error(msg);
- switch designType
- case 'normal' %normal raised cosine design
- b = normal_design(n,fc,fs,R);
- case 'sqrt' % square root raised cosine design
- b = sqrt_design(n,fc,fs,R);
- end
- if ~isempty(window),
- [b,msg] = apply_win(b,window);
- error(msg);
- end
- if nargout > 1
- a = 1.0;
- end
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function b = normal_design(n,fc,fs,R)
- ind1 = find(abs(abs(4.*R.*fc.*n) - 1.0) > sqrt(eps));
- if ~isempty(ind1),
- nind = n(ind1);
- b(ind1) = sinc(2.*fc.*nind)./fs ...
- .* cos(2.*pi.*R.*fc.*nind) ...
- ./ (1.0 - (4.*R.*fc.*nind).^2);
- end
- ind = 1:length(n);
- ind(ind1) = [];
- b(ind) = R ./ (2.*fs) .* sin(pi ./ (2.*R));
- b = 2.*fc.*b;
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function b = sqrt_design(n,fc,fs,R)
- ind1 = find(n == 0);
- if ~isempty(ind1),
- b(ind1) = - sqrt(2.*fc) ./ (pi.*fs) .* (pi.*(R-1) - 4.*R );
- end
- ind2 = find(abs(abs(8.*R.*fc.*n) - 1.0) < sqrt(eps));
- if ~isempty(ind2),
- b(ind2) = sqrt(2.*fc) ./ (2.*pi.*fs) ...
- * ( pi.*(R+1) .* sin(pi.*(R+1)./(4.*R)) ...
- - 4.*R .* sin(pi.*(R-1)./(4.*R)) ...
- + pi.*(R-1) .* cos(pi.*(R-1)./(4.*R)) ...
- );
- end
- ind = 1:length(n);
- ind([ind1 ind2]) = [];
- nind = n(ind);
- b(ind) = -4.*R./fs .* ( cos((1+R).*2.*pi.*fc.*nind) + ...
- sin((1-R).*2.*pi.*fc.*nind) ./ (8.*R.*fc.*nind) ) ...
- ./ (pi .* sqrt(1./(2.*fc)) .* ((8.*R.*fc.*nind).^2 - 1));
- b = sqrt(2.*fc) .* b;
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function [b,msg] = apply_win(b,window)
- msg = '';
- if length(window) ~= length(b),
- msg = 'WINDOW must be of the same length as the filter.';
- return
- else
- b = b .* window(:).';
- end
- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function [n,fc,fs,R,designType,window,msg] = parse_inputs(varargin)
- % Initialize in case of early return
- n = [];
- fc = [];
- fs = [];
- R = [];
- designType = '';
- window = [];
- msg = '';
- N = varargin{1};
- if isempty(N) | round(N) ~= N | N < 0,
- msg = 'Order must be a positive integer.';
- return
- end
- L = N+1; % Length of window
- fc = varargin{2};
- R = varargin{3}; % DF or R
- % If optional arguments are not passed, substitute with empty:
- for i = nargin+1:8,
- varargin{i}=[];
- end
- arg5opts = {'rolloff','sqrt','normal','bandwidth'};
- % map 5th arg to one of 4 possible choices:
- if isempty(varargin{5}),
- varargin{5} = arg5opts{3};
- else
- idx = strmatch(lower(varargin{5}), arg5opts);
- if isempty(idx),
- msg = 'Argument 5 is unknown - must be one of: rolloff, bandwidth, sqrt, or normal.';
- return
- end
- varargin{5} = arg5opts{idx};
- end
- % Apply defaults as appropriate:
- %
- % Set up default values
- fs = 2;
- designType = arg5opts{3};
- if rem(L,2),
- delay = (L-1)/2;
- else
- delay = L/2;
- end
- % Setup arg translation:
- params = {'fs','designType','delay','window'};
- % We define a flag to indicate whether a string for the transition region type was specified
- isTranRegionStr = strcmp(varargin{5},'rolloff') | strcmp(varargin{5},'bandwidth');
- if isTranRegionStr,
- xlat = [4 6:8];
- else
- xlat = 4:7;
- end
- % Override defaults when needed:
- for i=1:length(xlat),
- arg = varargin{xlat(i)};
- if ~isempty(arg),
- eval([params{i} '=arg;']);
- end
- end
- % Check for validity of fs
- if ischar(fs),
- msg = 'Fs must be a number';
- return
- end
- % Check for valid cutoff frequency
- if (fc <= 0) | (fc >= fs./2),
- msg = 'The cutoff frequency, Fc, must satisfy 0 < Fc < Fs/2.';
- return
- end
- % Check for valid rolloff or bandwidth values
- if strcmp(varargin{5},'rolloff'),
- % check if input arguments are valid
- if R < 0 | R > 1,
- msg = 'The rolloff factor, R, must satisfy 0 <= R <= 1.';
- return
- end
- % check for range of input arguments
- if (fc + R.*fc) > fs/2
- msg = sprintf(['The cutoff frequency, Fc, and rolloff factor, R,n',...
- 'must be specified such that Fc + Fc*R <= Fs/2.']);
- return
- end
- elseif strcmp(varargin{5},'bandwidth') | ~isTranRegionStr % arg5 is bandwidth, sqrt or normal
- % check for range of input arguments
- if fc - R/2 < 0 | fc + R/2 > fs/2
- msg = sprintf(['The cutoff frequency, Fc, and the transition bandwidth, DF,n',...
- 'must be specified such that Fc +/- DF/2 is between zero and Fs/2.']);
- return
- end
- % bandwidth is valid, convert to rolloff
- R = R / (2*fc);
- end
- if delay < 0 | delay > L
- msg = 'DELAY must be in the range [0, L+1].';
- return
- elseif round(delay) ~= delay
- msg = 'DELAY must be an integer.';
- return
- end
- % R is now always a rolloff factor - DF has been converted
- if R == 0,
- R = realmin;
- end
- %n = -delay/fs : 1/fs : (L-delay-1)/fs;
- n = ((0:L-1)-delay) ./ fs;
- if isTranRegionStr, % 6th argument, if present, is designType
- arg6opts = {'sqrt','normal'};
- % map 6th arg to one of 2 possible choices:
- if isempty(varargin{6}),
- designType = arg6opts{2};
- else
- idx = strmatch(lower(varargin{6}), arg6opts);
- if isempty(idx),
- msg = 'Argument 6 is unknown - must be one of: sqrt, normal or [].';
- return
- end
- designType = arg6opts{idx};
- end
- end
- % EOF