- /* $Revision: 1.25 $ */
- /*
- * SCHDINT A Simulink scheduling integration
- *
- * Syntax: [sys, x0] = schdint(t, x, u, flag, TD, TS, Modulo)
- *
- * This block will reset the integration to be zero at K*TD(1) + TD(2).
- * TS: sampling time of the integration. This is a discrete-time block.
- * Modulo: Limitation of the integration. When State is larger than this
- * value it will do x=rem(x,Modulo) computation.
- *
- * Wes Wang Dec. 8, 1994
- * Copyright 1996-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- */
- #define S_FUNCTION_NAME schdint
- #include "mex.h" /* needed for declaration of mexErrMsgTxt */
- #endif
- /*
- * need to include simstruc.h for the definition of the SimStruct and
- * its associated macro definitions.
- */
- #include "simstruc.h"
- #include "tmwtypes.h"
- #include <math.h>
- /* For RTW */
- #if defined(RT) || defined(NRT)
- #undef mexPrintf
- #define mexPrintf printf
- #endif
- /*
- * Defines for easy access of the input parameters
- */
- #define NUM_ARGS 3
- #define TD ssGetArg(S,0)
- #define TS ssGetArg(S,1)
- #define Modulo ssGetArg(S,2)
- /*
- * mdlInitializeSizes - called to initialize the sizes array stored in
- * the SimStruct. The sizes array defines the
- * characteristics (number of inputs, outputs,
- * states, etc.) of the S-Function.
- */
- static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S)
- {
- /*
- * Set-up size information.
- */
- if (ssGetNumArgs(S) == NUM_ARGS) {
- real_T td;
- real_T ts;
- real_T mod_bound;
- if ((mxGetN(TD)*mxGetM(TD) != 1) &&
- (mxGetN(TD)*mxGetM(TD) != 2)) {
- mexErrMsgTxt("The reset time must be a scalar or a vector of length 2");
- #endif
- }
- if ((mxGetN(TS)*mxGetM(TS) != 1) &&
- (mxGetN(TS)*mxGetM(TS) != 2)) {
- mexErrMsgTxt("The sample time must be a scalar or a vector of length 2");
- #endif
- }
- if (mxGetN(Modulo)*mxGetM(Modulo) != 1) {
- mexErrMsgTxt("The modulo number must be a scalar value.");
- #endif
- }
- mod_bound = mxGetPr(Modulo)[0];
- if (mod_bound <= 0) {
- mexErrMsgTxt("The modulo number can be positive number only.");
- #endif
- }
- td = mxGetPr(TD)[0];
- ts = mxGetPr(TS)[0];
- ssSetNumContStates( S, 0);
- ssSetNumDiscStates( S, -1);
- ssSetNumInputs( S, -1);
- ssSetNumOutputs( S, -1);
- ssSetDirectFeedThrough(S, 0);
- ssSetNumInputArgs( S, NUM_ARGS);
- if (td < ts) {
- mexErrMsgTxt("The reset interval cannot be smaller than the sample time.");
- #endif
- }
- if (ts / td < 10e-10)
- ssSetNumSampleTimes( S, 1);
- else
- ssSetNumSampleTimes( S, 2);
- ssSetNumRWork( S, 2);
- ssSetNumIWork( S, 1);
- ssSetNumPWork( S, 0);
- } else {
- char_T err_msg[256];
- sprintf(err_msg, "Wrong number of input arguments passed to S-function MEX-file.n"
- "%d input arguments were passed in when expecting %d input arguments.n", ssGetNumArgs(S) + 4, NUM_ARGS + 4);
- mexErrMsgTxt(err_msg);
- #endif
- }
- }
- /*
- * mdlInitializeSampleTimes - initializes the array of sample times stored in
- * the SimStruct associated with this S-Function.
- */
- static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S)
- {
- real_T sampleTime, offsetTime;
- /*
- * Note, blocks that are continuous in nature should have a single
- * sample time of 0.0.
- */
- real_T td = mxGetPr(TD)[0];
- real_T ts = mxGetPr(TS)[0];
- if (ts / td >= 1.0e-10){
- sampleTime = mxGetPr(TD)[0];
- if ((mxGetN(TD) * mxGetM(TD)) == 2)
- offsetTime = mxGetPr(TD)[1];
- else
- offsetTime = 0.;
- ssSetSampleTimeEvent(S, 1, sampleTime);
- ssSetOffsetTimeEvent(S, 1, offsetTime);
- }
- sampleTime = mxGetPr(TS)[0];
- if ((mxGetN(TS) * mxGetM(TS)) == 2)
- offsetTime = mxGetPr(TS)[1];
- else
- offsetTime = 0.;
- ssSetSampleTimeEvent(S, 0, sampleTime);
- ssSetOffsetTimeEvent(S, 0, offsetTime);
- }
- /*
- * mdlInitializeConditions - initializes the states for the S-Function
- */
- static void mdlInitializeConditions(real_T *x0, SimStruct *S)
- {
- real_T *current_drive_time = ssGetRWork(S);
- real_T *last_time = ssGetRWork(S) + 1;
- real_T sampleTime;
- int_T *hitted_num = ssGetIWork(S);
- int_T in_length = ssGetNumInputs(S);
- int_T i;
- if (ssGetT(S) <= 0) {
- sampleTime = mxGetPr(TS)[0];
- /*take the following number instead of 0 to avoid additive error for miss hitting*/
- *current_drive_time = 0.0;
- *last_time = ssGetT(S)-sampleTime;
- *hitted_num = 0;
- for (i=0; i<in_length; i++)
- x0[i] = 0.0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * mdlOutputs - computes the outputs of the S-Function
- */
- static void mdlOutputs(real_T *y, const real_T *x, const real_T *u, SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
- {
- int_T in_length = ssGetNumInputs(S);
- int_T i;
- if (0) {
- char_T err_msg[256];
- sprintf(err_msg, "Output checking point Time: %fn", ssGetT(S));
- mexPrintf(err_msg);
- for (i = 0; i<in_length; i++) {
- sprintf(err_msg, "State %f, [%i]n", x[i], i);
- mexPrintf(err_msg);
- }
- }
- #endif
- if (ssIsMajorTimeStep(S)){
- for (i=0; i<in_length;i++)
- y[i] = x[i];
- }
- }
- /*
- * mdlUpdate - computes the discrete states of the S-Function
- */
- static void mdlUpdate(real_T *x, const real_T *u, SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
- {
- real_T *current_drive_time = ssGetRWork(S);
- real_T *last_time = ssGetRWork(S) + 1;
- real_T current_time = ssGetT(S);
- real_T sampleTime, offsetTime, time_step, it_time;
- int_T *hitted_num = ssGetIWork(S);
- int_T in_length = ssGetNumInputs(S);
- int_T i;
- it_time = mxGetPr(TS)[0];
- sampleTime = mxGetPr(TD)[0];
- if ((mxGetN(TD) * mxGetM(TD)) == 2)
- offsetTime = mxGetPr(TD)[1];
- else
- offsetTime = 0.;
- /* calculation only if the time is passed offset time. */
- if (current_time >= offsetTime) {
- real_T mod_bound;
- mod_bound = mxGetPr(Modulo)[0];
- time_step = current_time - (*last_time);
- time_step = time_step < it_time ? time_step : it_time;
- *current_drive_time += time_step;
- if (0) {
- char_T err_msg[256];
- sprintf(err_msg, "Current_drive_time %f, Current_time %f, Sample_time %f, hitted_num %i, offsetTime %fn", *current_drive_time, current_time, sampleTime, *hitted_num, offsetTime);
- mexPrintf(err_msg);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- if ((*current_drive_time >= sampleTime) || ((*hitted_num>0) && (current_time >= (real_T)(*hitted_num) * sampleTime + offsetTime))){
- */
- if ((*current_drive_time >= sampleTime) || ( current_time >= (real_T)(*hitted_num) * sampleTime + offsetTime ) ){
- /*reset*/
- for (i=0; i<in_length; i++) {
- /* sprintf(err_msg, "x %f, time_step %fn", x[i], time_step);
- mexPrintf(err_msg);
- */
- x[i] = u[i] * time_step;
- if (mxIsInf(mod_bound))
- x[i] = x[i];
- else
- x[i] = fmod(x[i], mod_bound);
- }
- *hitted_num += 1;
- /*take the following number instead of 0 to avoid additive error for miss hitting*/
- *current_drive_time = sampleTime/1000000000;
- } else {
- for (i=0; i<in_length; i++) {
- /* sprintf(err_msg, "ELSE x %f, time_step %fn", x[i], time_step);
- mexPrintf(err_msg);
- */
- x[i] += u[i] * time_step;
- if (mxIsInf(mod_bound))
- x[i] = x[i];
- else
- x[i] = fmod(x[i], mod_bound);
- }
- }
- }
- if (current_time > *last_time)
- *last_time = current_time;
- if (0) {
- char_T err_msg[256];
- for (i = 0; i<in_length; i++) {
- sprintf(err_msg, "State %f, [%i]n", x[i], i);
- mexPrintf(err_msg);
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * mdlDerivatives - computes the derivatives of the S-Function
- */
- static void mdlDerivatives(real_T *dx, const real_T *x, const real_T *u, SimStruct *S, int_T tid)
- {
- }
- /*
- * mdlTerminate - called at termination of model execution.
- */
- static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S)
- {
- }
- #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE /* Is this file being compiled as a MEX-file? */
- #include "simulink.c" /* MEX-File interface mechanism */
- #else
- #include "cg_sfun.h" /* Code generation registration function */
- #endif