- function [x,y] = trigicon(side,v,o, met)
- % TRIGICON Trigger Icon function for SIMULINK Triggered blocks.
- % [X,Y] = TRIGICON(SIDE,V,ORIENTATION) returns vectors which can be
- % used in a plot command inside a block mask to indicate
- % a triggered input or output. SIDE == 0 indicates an
- % input, and SIDE == 1 indicates an output. V is a position
- % from 0 (bottom) to 100 (top) specifying the vertical
- % spacing of the indicator. V defaults to 50.
- % ORIENTATION is the orientation of the block: 0 ==> left-to-right,
- % 1 ==> top-to-bottom, 2 ==> right-to-left, 3 ==> bottom-to-top
- % ORIENTATION == 1, enable/disable
- % ORIENTATION == 2, raising edge trigger.
- % Copyright 1996-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.3 $
- if nargin < 4
- met = 1;
- end;
- if nargin < 3
- o = 'right';
- end
- if nargin < 2
- v = 50;
- end
- if isempty(v)
- v = 50;
- end
- if nargin < 1
- side == 0;
- end;
- if side == 1;
- %o = rem(o+2, 4);
- switch lower(o)
- case 'right'
- o = 'left';
- case 'left'
- o = 'right';
- case 'up'
- o = 'down';
- case 'down'
- o = 'up'
- end;
- v = 100-v;
- end;
- if met == 1
- x = [5 10 10 15 15 20];
- y = [5 5 10 10 5 5];
- y_d = -7.5;
- x_d = -10;
- elseif met == 2
- x = [5 10 10 8 10 12 10 10 15];
- y = [5 5 12 8 12 8 12 15 15];
- y_d = -10;
- x_d = -5;
- end;
- switch lower(o)
- case 'right'
- % if o == 0
- y = y + v + y_d;
- case 'down'
- % elseif o == 1 % top-to-bottom
- v = 100-v;
- x = x + v + x_d;
- y = y + (100 + 2*y_d);
- case 'left'
- % elseif o == 2 % right-to-left
- if met == 1
- x = 100 - x;
- elseif met == 2
- x = x + 80;
- end;
- y = y + v + y_d;
- case 'up'
- % elseif o == 3 % bottom-to-top
- v = 100 -v;
- x = x + v + x_d;
- end
- %plot(0,0,100,100,x,y);