- function varargout = dspblkrandsrc2(action)
- % DSPBLKRANDSRC2 DSP Blockset Random Source Generator block helper function.
- % Copyright 1995-2001 The MathWorks, Inc.
- % $Revision: 1.3 $ $Date: 2001/04/05 15:48:32 $
- blk = gcbh;
- if nargin==0, action = 'dynamic'; end
- RepMode = get_param(blk,'RepMode');
- switch action
- case 'icon'
- % Plotting of icon:
- % Random data:
- x = (0:.1:.9)';
- y = [0.5645
- 0.3024
- 0.7520
- 0.4752
- 0.1684
- 0.5462
- 0.5798
- 0.3904
- 0.8463
- 0.1681];
- % Axes:
- x=[x;NaN;0; 0;NaN;0;1];
- y=[y;NaN;1;-1;NaN;0;0];
- varargout(1:2) = {x,y};
- case 'seed'
- % Compute (if necessary) seed value
- % There is a structure in Random Source's UserData parameter
- % that has two fields, Seed and SeedFlag. They are used as:
- % Seed:
- % This is (a string representation) of the seed value
- % that is actually passed into the S-fcn. This value
- % is only equal to the seed in the dialog if the
- % repeatabilit mode is 'Specify seed'. Its default
- % value is '-1'.
- % SeedFlag:
- % This flag can have three values: (1) 'SaveSeed' if
- % the repeatability mode is 'Repeatable' and a seed
- % has already been calculated, (2) 'DoNotSaveSeed' if
- % the repeatability mode is 'Specify seed' or 'Not
- % repeatable' (and thus the seed field in the user
- % data is not the 'official' seed - it's either truly
- % not saved, or in the dialog seed) and (3) 'Unset'
- % for either a new block or an old block that was
- % saved before this functionality change. The
- % default value is 'Unset'
- ud = get_param(blk,'userdata');
- ud_old = ud;
- % Currently, if UserData = [] and UserDataPersistent = 'off',
- % then this is an old block - that is, one that was saved
- % before this functionality change.
- % It seems that for now the userdata is NOT copied into old
- % blocks from the library block. Assuming this doesn't
- % change, detecting an 'old block' is trivial - just check
- % either field
- %
- % If it DOES change, then the following logic will be needed
- % to detect old blocks:
- % Change the default value of Seed in the library model file to
- % '-1', and use the logic below:
- % if (strcmp(ud.SeedFlag, 'Unset'))
- % if (strcmp(get_param(blk,'Seed'),'-1'))
- % % This is the library block
- % ud.Seed = '1';
- % ud.SeedFlag = 'DoNotSaveSeed';
- % set_param(blk,'Seed','1');
- % else
- % % This is an 'old' block
- % ud.Seed = get_param(blk,'Seed');
- % ud.SeedFlag = 'DoNotSaveSeed';
- % set_param(blk,'RepMode','Specify seed');
- % end
- % end
- %
- % Existing R12 models need this block of code to work properly
- % for R12.1 and possible future releases
- %
- if isempty(ud),
- % This is an old block (before R12.1)
- ud.Seed = get_param(blk,'Seed');
- ud.SeedFlag = 'DoNotSaveSeed';
- % Need to reset the RepMode
- % (note: this is intentially done
- % and without the user necessarily
- % being aware of it...)
- % Note: using dspsafe_set_param below
- % because sometimes the set_param fails
- % and we don't want this function to
- % end here (some tests will fail when
- % they shouldn't)
- dspsafe_set_param(blk,'RepMode','Specify seed');
- else
- % This is a new block (R12.1 or later)
- % Create an initial random seed when necessary
- % return current seed otherwise
- if (strcmp(RepMode,'Specify seed'))
- % Use seed specified by user
- ud.Seed = get_param(blk,'Seed');
- ud.SeedFlag = 'DoNotSaveSeed';
- elseif (strcmp(RepMode,'Repeatable'))
- % Only need to change seed if this is a change in mode
- % That is, if we were already in Repeatable mode,
- % do not recalculate seed.
- if strcmp(ud.SeedFlag,'DoNotSaveSeed'),
- % Just changed to Repeatable mode
- seedVal = floor(rand(1)*100000);
- ud.Seed = num2str(seedVal);
- ud.SeedFlag = 'SaveSeed';
- end
- else
- % Not repeatable: recalculate seed
- seedVal = floor(rand(1)*100000);
- ud.Seed = num2str(seedVal);
- ud.SeedFlag = 'DoNotSaveSeed';
- end
- end
- % update the user data if it changed
- if ~isequal(ud,ud_old),
- % Using dspsafe_set_param for same reasons as
- % above
- dspsafe_set_param(blk,'userdata',ud);
- end
- % set the return arg to the seed value
- varargout = {ud.Seed};
- case 'dynamic'
- % Adjust mask enables
- SrcType = get_param(blk,'SrcType');
- InheritMode = strcmp(get_param(blk,'Inherit'),'on');
- SampMode = get_param(blk,'SampMode');
- enables = get_param(blk,'maskenables');
- oldenables=enables;
- % Check for distribution change
- if strcmp(SrcType,'Gaussian')
- enables(4:5) = {'on'};
- enables(2:3) = {'off'};
- enables(6) = {'on'};
- else
- enables(4:5) = {'off'};
- enables(2:3) = {'on'};
- enables(6) = {'on'};
- end
- % Check for repeatability mode change
- if strcmp(RepMode,'Specify seed')
- enables(7) = {'on'};
- else
- enables(7) = {'off'};
- end
- % Check for inherit mode change
- if InheritMode,
- enables(9:12) = {'off'};
- elseif (~InheritMode & strcmp(SampMode,'Discrete'))
- enables(9:12) = {'on'};
- elseif (~InheritMode & strcmp(SampMode,'Continuous'))
- enables(9) = {'on'};
- enables(10:11) = {'off'};
- enables(12) = {'on'};
- end
- % Only reset the enables if they have changed
- if (~isequal(enables,oldenables))
- set_param(blk,'maskenables',enables);
- end
- otherwise
- error('dspblkrandsrc2: unhandled action');
- end
- % [EOF] dspblkrandsrc2.m