- function rarg = abschuss(system);
- % kills Simulink system
- %
- % -all systems or specified system
- % -all windows are closed
- if nargin < 1 % no argument -> kill all
- % find all systems
- while (~isempty(get_param(0,'CurrentSystem')))
- system=get_param(0,'CurrentSystem');
- isempty(get_param(0,'CurrentSystem'))
- % find root system
- root=system
- while ~isempty(get_param(root,'Parent')),
- root=get_param(root,'Parent');
- end;
- % stop root system (simulation)
- set_param(system, 'SimulationCommand','Stop');
- % close system
- close_system(system,0)
- clear functions
- % close all windows of the system
- children = get (0, 'Children');
- for child = children'
- pos = findstr(get (child, 'Name'), [system,'/']);
- if ~isempty(pos)
- if pos(1) == 1
- delete (child);
- end;
- end
- end;
- clear children child pos;
- end;
- else % kill only specified system
- %disp(['Kill ',system,' ']);
- % check if system exists
- if ~(exist(system) == 4)
- disp([' ',system,' not found'])
- else
- % find root system
- root=system;
- while ~isempty(get_param(root,'Parent')),
- root=get_param(root,'Parent');
- end;
- if ~isempty(root)
- % stop root system (simulation)
- set_param(system, 'SimulationCommand','Stop');
- end
- % kill system
- close_system(system,0)
- clear functions
- end;
- % close all windows of the system
- children = get (0, 'Children');
- for child = children'
- pos = findstr(get (child, 'Name'), [system,'/']);
- if ~isempty(pos)
- if pos(1) == 1
- delete (child);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- clear children child pos;
- end;