- function rarg = tutorial (action);
- % generates windows to choose experiments
- global Buttons;
- global menuwinh;
- global buttonh;
- global MenuWinPos;
- addpath ../prgs ../menu ../pulse ../depfun
- %warning off;
- Buttons = 9;
- ButtonText1 = 'Pulse Shape';
- ButtonText2 = 'OOK';
- ButtonText3 = 'BPSK';
- ButtonText4 = '4-ASK';
- ButtonText5 = 'QPSK';
- ButtonText6 = 'Offset-QPSK';
- ButtonText7 = 'MSK';
- ButtonText8 = '16-QAM';
- ButtonText9 = 'End';
- if nargin < 1 % no argument -> init
- action = 'init';
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % init
- % Initialize variables and open window
- if strcmp (action, 'init')
- % Cpnstants and definitions
- set(0,'Units','pixels');
- scnsize = get(0,'ScreenSize');
- MenuWinPos = [10 (scnsize(4) - (Buttons*28+50)-40)]; % window position
- tutorial ('openmenuwin'); % open window
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % openmenuwin
- % open menu window
- if strcmp (action, 'openmenuwin')
- menuwinh = figure ('Color', 'white', ... % open window
- 'Position', [MenuWinPos 160 (Buttons*28+50)], ...
- 'Name', 'Tutorial', ...
- 'NumberTitle', 'off', ...
- 'MenuBar', 'none', ...
- 'Resize', 'off', ...
- 'UserData', 'tutorial');
- uicontrol (menuwinh, ...
- 'Style', 'text', ...
- 'Position', [5 (Buttons*28+10) 155 25], ...
- 'BackgroundColor', 'white', ...
- 'HorizontalAlignment', 'center', ...
- 'String', 'Experiment:');
- for k = 1:Buttons
- ypos = (Buttons- k) * 28 + 10;
- ButtonTextString = eval (['ButtonText' num2str(k)]);
- CallBackFunction = ['Button' num2str(k)];
- createbutton = ['buttonh(' num2str(k) ') = uicontrol (menuwinh, ' ...
- '''Position'', [5 ' num2str(ypos) ' 150 22], ' ...
- '''String'', ''' ButtonTextString ''', ' ...
- '''BackgroundColor'', ''white'', ' ...
- '''CallBack'', ''tutorial (''''' CallBackFunction ''''')'');'];
- eval (createbutton);
- end;
- clear createbutton ypos ButtonTextStr CallBackFunction;
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Button1
- if strcmp (action, 'Button1')
- delete(menuwinh);
- pshapemenu;
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Button2
- if strcmp (action, 'Button2')
- delete(menuwinh);
- auswahl('ook');
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Button3
- if strcmp (action, 'Button3')
- delete(menuwinh);
- auswahl('bps');
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Button4
- if strcmp (action, 'Button4')
- delete(menuwinh);
- auswahl('ask');
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Button5
- if strcmp (action, 'Button5')
- delete(menuwinh);
- auswahl('qps');
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Button6
- if strcmp (action, 'Button6')
- delete(menuwinh);
- auswahl('oqp');
- end;
- % Button7
- if strcmp (action, 'Button7')
- delete(menuwinh);
- global name;
- name = 'msk';
- backmen;
- eval(name);
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Button8
- if strcmp (action, 'Button8')
- delete(menuwinh);
- auswahl('qam');
- end;
- % -----------------------------------------------------------------
- % Button9
- if strcmp (action, 'Button9')
- delete(menuwinh);
- endemen;
- end;