- function [decoder_output,survivor_state,cumulated_metric]=viterbi(G,k,channel_output)
- %VITERBI The Viterbi decoder for convolutional codes
- % [decoder_output,survivor_state,cumulated_metric]=viterbi(G,k,channel_output)
- % G is a n x Lk matrix each row of which
- % determines the connections from the shift register to the
- % n-th output of the code, k/n is the rate of the code.
- % survivor_state is a matrix showing the optimal path through
- % the trellis. The metric is given in a separate function metric(x,y)
- % and can be specified to accommodate hard and soft decision.
- % This algorithm minimizes the metric rather than maximizing
- % the likelihood.
- n=size(G,1);
- % check the sizes
- if rem(size(G,2),k) ~=0
- error('Size of G and k do not agree')
- end
- if rem(size(channel_output,2),n) ~=0
- error('channel output not of the right size')
- end
- L=size(G,2)/k;
- number_of_states=2^((L-1)*k);
- % Generate state transition matrix, output matrix, and input matrix.
- for j=0:number_of_states-1
- for l=0:2^k-1
- [next_state,memory_contents]=nxt_stat(j,l,L,k);
- input(j+1,next_state+1)=l;
- branch_output=rem(memory_contents*G',2);
- nextstate(j+1,l+1)=next_state;
- output(j+1,l+1)=bin2deci(branch_output);
- end
- end
- state_metric=zeros(number_of_states,2);
- depth_of_trellis=length(channel_output)/n;
- channel_output_matrix=reshape(channel_output,n,depth_of_trellis);
- survivor_state=zeros(number_of_states,depth_of_trellis+1);
- % Start decoding of non-tail channel outputs.
- for i=1:depth_of_trellis-L+1
- flag=zeros(1,number_of_states);
- if i <= L
- step=2^((L-i)*k);
- else
- step=1;
- end
- for j=0:step:number_of_states-1
- for l=0:2^k-1
- branch_metric=0;
- binary_output=deci2bin(output(j+1,l+1),n);
- for ll=1:n
- branch_metric=branch_metric+metric(channel_output_matrix(ll,i),binary_output(ll));
- end
- if((state_metric(nextstate(j+1,l+1)+1,2) > state_metric(j+1,1)...
- +branch_metric) | flag(nextstate(j+1,l+1)+1)==0)
- state_metric(nextstate(j+1,l+1)+1,2) = state_metric(j+1,1)+branch_metric;
- survivor_state(nextstate(j+1,l+1)+1,i+1)=j;
- flag(nextstate(j+1,l+1)+1)=1;
- end
- end
- end
- state_metric=state_metric(:,2:-1:1);
- end
- % Start decoding of the tail channel-outputs.
- for i=depth_of_trellis-L+2:depth_of_trellis
- flag=zeros(1,number_of_states);
- last_stop=number_of_states/(2^((i-depth_of_trellis+L-2)*k));
- for j=0:last_stop-1
- branch_metric=0;
- binary_output=deci2bin(output(j+1,1),n);
- for ll=1:n
- branch_metric=branch_metric+metric(channel_output_matrix(ll,i),binary_output(ll));
- end
- if((state_metric(nextstate(j+1,1)+1,2) > state_metric(j+1,1)...
- +branch_metric) | flag(nextstate(j+1,1)+1)==0)
- state_metric(nextstate(j+1,1)+1,2) = state_metric(j+1,1)+branch_metric;
- survivor_state(nextstate(j+1,1)+1,i+1)=j;
- flag(nextstate(j+1,1)+1)=1;
- end
- end
- state_metric=state_metric(:,2:-1:1);
- end
- % Generate the decoder output from the optimal path.
- state_sequence=zeros(1,depth_of_trellis+1);
- state_sequence(1,depth_of_trellis)=survivor_state(1,depth_of_trellis+1);
- for i=1:depth_of_trellis
- state_sequence(1,depth_of_trellis-i+1)=survivor_state((state_sequence(1,depth_of_trellis+2-i)...
- +1),depth_of_trellis-i+2);
- end
- decodeder_output_matrix=zeros(k,depth_of_trellis-L+1);
- for i=1:depth_of_trellis-L+1
- dec_output_deci=input(state_sequence(1,i)+1,state_sequence(1,i+1)+1);
- dec_output_bin=deci2bin(dec_output_deci,k);
- decoder_output_matrix(:,i)=dec_output_bin(k:-1:1)';
- end
- decoder_output=reshape(decoder_output_matrix,1,k*(depth_of_trellis-L+1));
- cumulated_metric=state_metric(1,1);