- function [p]=ss_Pe94(snr_in_dB, Lc, A, w0)
- % [p]=ss_Pe94(snr_in_dB, Lc, A, w0)
- % SS_PE94 finds the measured error rate. The function
- % that returns the measured probability of error for the given value of
- % the snr_in_dB, Lc, A and w0.
- snr=10^(snr_in_dB/10);
- sgma=1; % Noise standard deviation is fixed.
- Eb=2*sgma^2*snr; % signal level required to achieve the given
- % signal-to-noise ratio
- E_chip=Eb/Lc; % energy per chip
- N=10000; % number of bits transmitted
- % The generation of the data, noise, interference, decoding process and error
- % counting is performed all together in order to decrease the run time of the
- % program. This is accomplished by avoiding very large sized vectors.
- num_of_err=0;
- for i=1:N,
- % Generate the next data bit.
- temp=rand;
- if (temp<0.5),
- data=-1;
- else
- data=1;
- end;
- % Repeat it Lc times, i.e. divide it into chips.
- for j=1:Lc,
- repeated_data(j)=data;
- end;
- % pn sequence for the duration of the bit is generated next
- for j=1:Lc,
- temp=rand;
- if (temp<0.5),
- pn_seq(j)=-1;
- else
- pn_seq(j)=1;
- end;
- end;
- % the transmitted signal is
- trans_sig=sqrt(E_chip)*repeated_data.*pn_seq;
- % AWGN with variance sgma^2
- noise=sgma*randn(1,Lc);
- % interference
- n=(i-1)*Lc+1:i*Lc;
- interference=A*sin(w0*n);
- % received signal
- rec_sig=trans_sig+noise+interference;
- % Determine the decision variable from the received signal.
- temp=rec_sig.*pn_seq;
- decision_variable=sum(temp);
- % making decision
- if (decision_variable<0),
- decision=-1;
- else
- decision=1;
- end;
- % If it is an error, increment the error counter.
- if (decision~=data),
- num_of_err=num_of_err+1;
- end;
- end;
- % then the measured error probability is
- p=num_of_err/N;