- function [p]=ss_Pe97(rho_in_dB)
- % [p]=ss_Pe97(rho_in_dB)
- % SS_PE97 finds the measured error rate. The value of
- % signal per interference ratio in dB is given as an input
- % to the function.
- rho=10^(rho_in_dB/10);
- Eb=rho; % energy per information bit
- E=Eb/2; % energy per symbol transmitted
- % the optimal value of alpha
- if (rho>2),
- alpha=2/rho;
- else
- alpha=1;
- end;
- % the variance of the additive noise
- if (E>1),
- sgma=sqrt(E/2);
- else
- sgma=sqrt(1/2);
- end;
- N=10000; % number of bits transmitted
- % generation of the data sequence
- for i=1:N,
- temp=rand;
- if (temp<0.5)
- data(i)=1;
- else
- data(i)=0;
- end;
- end;
- % Find the transmitted signals.
- for i=1:N,
- if (data(i)==0),
- tr11c(i)=sqrt(E); tr12c(i)=sqrt(E);
- tr11s(i)=0; tr12s(i)=0;
- tr21c(i)=0; tr22c(i)=0;
- tr21s(i)=0; tr22s(i)=0;
- else
- tr11c(i)=0; tr12c(i)=0;
- tr11s(i)=0; tr12s(i)=0;
- tr21c(i)=sqrt(E); tr22c(i)=sqrt(E);
- tr21s(i)=0; tr22s(i)=0;
- end;
- end;
- % Find the received signals, make the decisions, and count the number of errors made.
- num_of_err=0;
- for i=1:N,
- % determine if there is jamming
- if (rand<alpha),
- jamming1=1; % jamming present on the second transmission
- else
- jamming1=0; % jamming not present on the first transmission
- end;
- if (rand<alpha),
- jamming2=1; % jamming present on the second transmission
- else
- jamming2=0; % jamming not present on the second transmission
- end;
- % The received signals are
- if (jamming1==1)
- r11c=tr11c(i)+gngauss(sgma); r11s=tr11s(i)+gngauss(sgma);
- r21c=tr21c(i)+gngauss(sgma); r21s=tr21s(i)+gngauss(sgma);
- else
- r11c=tr11c(i); r11s=tr11s(i);
- r21c=tr21c(i); r21s=tr21s(i);
- end;
- if (jamming2==1)
- r12c=tr12c(i)+gngauss(sgma); r12s=tr12s(i)+gngauss(sgma);
- r22c=tr22c(i)+gngauss(sgma); r22s=tr22s(i)+gngauss(sgma);
- else
- r12c=tr12c(i); r12s=tr12s(i);
- r22c=tr22c(i); r22s=tr22s(i);
- end;
- % Compute the decision variables, first the weights.
- if (jamming1==1),
- w1=1/sgma^2;
- else
- w1=10;
- end;
- if (jamming2==1),
- w2=1/sgma^2;
- else
- w2=10;
- end;
- % The intermediate decision variables are computed as follows.
- r11=r11c^2+r11s^2;
- r12=r12c^2+r12s^2;
- r21=r21c^2+r21s^2;
- r22=r22c^2+r22s^2;
- % Finally, the resulting decision variables x and y are computed.
- x=w1*r11+w2*r12;
- y=w1*r21+w2*r22;
- % Make the decision.
- if (x>y),
- decis=0;
- else
- decis=1;
- end;
- % Increment the counter if this is an error.
- if (decis~=data(i)),
- num_of_err=num_of_err+1;
- end;
- end;
- % The measured bit error rate is then
- p=num_of_err/N;