- function r = rayleigh_Filter_Model( fd, fs, Ns )
- % r = rayleigh(fd,fs,N)
- %
- % A Rayleigh fading simulator based on Clarke's Model
- % Creates a Rayleigh random process with PSD determined
- % by the vehicle's speed.
- %
- % fd = doppler frequency
- % set fd = v*cos(theta)/lambda
- % v = velocity (meters per second)
- % lambda = carrier wavelength (meters)
- % theta = angle w/ respect to tangent (radians).
- % fs = sample frequency (Samples per second)
- % Ns = number of samples of the Rayleigh fading
- % process to produce
- %
- % r = row vector containing Ns samples of the Rayleigh
- % fading process
- %
- % Author: Matthew C. Valenti
- % Mobile and Portable Radio Research Group
- % Virginia Tech
- %
- % For Academic Use Only
- % Remark: fs is the sample rate for received baseband singals. Really, it is 1/T , where fd*T is fading rate
- % Ns is total number to compute
- % N is the number of samples between frequencies 0 ~ 2*fd
- %
- % |---------------|----------------------........----------------------------|
- % 0 2*fd fs
- % |<----- N ----->| |
- % |<----------------------------- Ns --------------------------------------->|
- %
- %fd=500;
- %fs=2e5;
- %Ns=fs/20;
- N = 8;
- while(N)
- if (N < 2*fd*Ns/fs) % N compare to Ns*(2fd/fs)
- N = 2*N; % N =2.^ m
- else
- break;
- end
- end
- % number of ifft points (for smoothing)
- N_inv = ceil(N*fs/(2*fd));
- % determine the frequency spacings of signal after FFT
- delta_f = 2*fd/N;
- % determine time spacing of output samples
- delta_T_inv = 1/fs;
- %%%%%%%%%%% Begin Random Input Generation %%%%%%%%%%%%
- % fprintf( 'Generating Inputn');
- % generate a pair of TIME DOMAIN gaussian i.i.d. r.v.'s
- I_input_time = randn(1,N);
- Q_input_time = randn(1,N);
- % take FFT
- I_input_freq = fft(I_input_time);
- Q_input_freq = fft(Q_input_time);
- %%% Generate Doppler Filter's Frequency Response %%%
- % fprintf( 'Generating Doppler Filter Functionn');
- % filter's DC component
- SEZ(1) = 1.5/(pi*fd);
- % 0 < f < fd
- for j=2:N/2
- f(j) = (j-1)*delta_f;
- SEZ(j) = 1.5/(pi*fd*sqrt(1-(f(j)/fd)^2));
- SEZ(N-j+2) = SEZ(j);
- end
- % use a polynomial fit to get the component at f = fd
- % p = polyfit( f(N/2-3:N/2), SEZ(N/2-3:N/2), 3);
- % SEZ(N/2+1) = polyval( p, f(N/2)+delta_f );
- % k = N/2 - 1;
- k = 3;
- p = polyfit( f(N/2-k:N/2), SEZ(N/2-k:N/2), k );
- SEZ(N/2+1) = polyval( p, f(N/2)+delta_f );
- %%%%%%%% Perform Filtering Operation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % fprintf( 'Computing Outputn' );
- % pass the input freq. components through the filter
- I_output_freq = I_input_freq .* sqrt(SEZ);
- Q_output_freq = Q_input_freq .* sqrt(SEZ);
- % take inverse FFT
- I_temp = [I_output_freq(1:N/2) zeros(1,N_inv-N) I_output_freq(N/2+1:N)];
- %I_output_time = ifft(I_temp);
- I_output_time = real(ifft(I_temp));
- Q_temp = [Q_output_freq(1:N/2) zeros(1,N_inv-N) Q_output_freq(N/2+1:N)];
- %Q_output_time = ifft(Q_temp);
- Q_output_time = real(ifft(Q_temp));
- % make vector of times (in milliseconds)
- % for j = 1:N_inv
- % t(j) = (j-1)*delta_T_inv*1000;
- % end
- % take magnitude squared of each component and add together
- for j=1:N_inv
- %r(j) = sqrt( (abs(I_output_time(j)))^2 + (abs(Q_output_time(j)))^2);
- r(j)=sqrt(I_output_time(j)^2 + Q_output_time(j)^2);
- end
- % normalize and compute rms level
- rms = sqrt( mean( r.*r ) );
- r=(I_output_time+i*Q_output_time)/rms;
- r=r(1:Ns);
- %plot((1:Ns),abs(r));
- %s=real(r);
- %t=imag(r);
- %for ii=1:Ns
- %r(ii)=sqrt(s(ii)^2 + t(ii)^2);
- %end
- %r = r(1:Ns)/rms;