- #include "../../main.h"
- typedef struct _tagVECT
- {
- float x;
- float y;
- float z;
- } VECT;
- typedef struct _tagTDPOINT
- {
- float x;
- float y;
- float z;
- typedef struct _tagSTAR
- {
- TDPOINT m_start;
- VECT speed;
- float m_curPos[3]; // a float[], so we can call glVertex3fv
- float m_fColor[3];
- float timeOffset;
- #define EYE_Z 3.0f
- float m_fStarSpeed;
- float m_fTimeElapsed;
- int m_iNumStars;
- bool m_bStarted;
- bool m_bPointStars;
- bool m_bMultiSample;
- LPSTAR m_pStars;
- LARGE_INTEGER m_start;
- LARGE_INTEGER m_starStart;
- namespace Star
- {
- // Returns a random number between min and max
- float GetRandom(float min,float max)
- {
- float random = float(rand())/float(RAND_MAX);
- return (min + ((max-min)*random));
- }
- void InitStars()
- {
- m_bStarted = false;
- m_bMultiSample = false;
- m_fStarSpeed = 10.0f;
- m_iNumStars = 100;
- m_bPointStars = false;
- m_pStars = new STAR[100];
- QueryPerformanceFrequency(&m_freq);
- srand(GetTickCount());
- for (int i=0;i<m_iNumStars;++i)
- {
- m_pStars[i].m_start.x = GetRandom(-5.0,5.0);
- m_pStars[i].m_start.y = GetRandom(-5.0,5.0);
- m_pStars[i].m_start.z = GetRandom(-10.0,1.0);
- m_pStars[i].speed.x = 0.0;
- m_pStars[i].speed.y = 0.0;
- m_pStars[i].speed.z = m_fStarSpeed;
- // 80% of the stars are white. The rest are yellowish - redish
- #define PERCENTAGE_WHITE 0.8f
- m_pStars[i].m_fColor[0] = 1.0;
- if (GetRandom(0.0,1.0) > PERCENTAGE_WHITE)
- {
- // make it a colorful star
- m_pStars[i].m_fColor[1] = GetRandom(0.5,1.0);
- m_pStars[i].m_fColor[2] = 0.0;
- }
- else
- {
- // make it white
- m_pStars[i].m_fColor[1] = 1.0;
- m_pStars[i].m_fColor[2] = 1.0;
- }
- m_pStars[i].timeOffset = 0.0f;
- }
- }
- /* Idle function. Moves the text/stars using the current time */
- void Render()
- {
- // get current time
- QueryPerformanceCounter(&now);
- m_fTimeElapsed = ((float)(now.QuadPart - m_start.QuadPart)/(float)m_freq.QuadPart);
- // move the stars, calculate new time based on star m_start time
- m_fTimeElapsed = ((float)(now.QuadPart - m_starStart.QuadPart)/(float)m_freq.QuadPart);
- for (int i=0;i<m_iNumStars;++i)
- {
- // update their z position
- m_pStars[i].m_curPos[2] = m_pStars[i].m_start.z + m_pStars[i].speed.z * (m_fTimeElapsed - m_pStars[i].timeOffset);
- // ok they're out of view, respawn a new star
- if (m_pStars[i].m_curPos[2] >= EYE_Z)
- {
- m_pStars[i].m_start.x = GetRandom(-5.0,5.0);
- m_pStars[i].m_start.y = GetRandom(-5.0,5.0);
- m_pStars[i].m_start.z = -10.0f;
- m_pStars[i].timeOffset = m_fTimeElapsed;
- }
- else
- {
- m_pStars[i].m_curPos[0] = m_pStars[i].m_start.x;
- m_pStars[i].m_curPos[1] = m_pStars[i].m_start.y;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Method to actually draw on the control */
- void vDraw()
- {
- Render();
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
- // now draw stars - as points
- glBegin(GL_POINTS);
- for (int i=0;i<m_iNumStars;++i)
- {
- glColor3fv(m_pStars[i].m_fColor);
- glVertex3fv(m_pStars[i].m_curPos);
- }
- glEnd();
- }
- }