资源名称:FTP总集.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- #!/usr/bin/make -f
- # Derived from dh_make example.
- arch := $(shell dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_ARCH)
- #export DH_VERBOSE=1
- export DH_COMPAT=3
- ggtmp := $(CURDIR)/debian/gftp-gtk
- gttmp := $(CURDIR)/debian/gftp-text
- CFLAGS := -O2
- ifneq "$(findstring debug,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))" ""
- CFLAGS += -g
- endif
- ifeq "$(arch)" "alpha"
- CFLAGS += -mieee
- endif
- build: build-stamp
- build-stamp:
- dh_testdir
- CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)" ./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir='$${prefix}/share/man'
- $(MAKE)
- touch $@
- clean:
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- # rm -f debian/dirs debian/docs
- rm -f debian/dirs
- [ ! -f Makefile ] || $(MAKE) distclean
- dh_clean build-stamp
- install: build-stamp
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_clean -k
- $(MAKE) install prefix=$(ggtmp)/usr
- ln -s gftp.1.gz $(ggtmp)/usr/share/man/man1/gftp-gtk.1.gz
- dh_movefiles --sourcedir=debian/gftp-gtk -pgftp-common
- usr/share/locale usr/share/gftp/gftprc usr/share/gftp/bookmarks
- usr/share/man/man1/gftp.1 usr/bin/gftp
- dh_installdirs -pgftp-common usr/lib/menu
- # Install menu file manualy into the gftp-common file because
- # dh_installmenu cannot do it for me
- install -p -m644 debian/menu debian/gftp-common/usr/lib/menu/gftp
- echo "# Automatically added by dh_installmenu">> debian/gftp-common.postinst.debhelper
- sed "" /usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/postinst-menu >> debian/gftp-common.postinst.debhelper
- echo '# End automatically added section' >> debian/gftp-common.postinst.debhelper
- echo "# Automatically added by dh_installmenu">> debian/gftp-common.postrm.debhelper
- sed "" /usr/share/debhelper/autoscripts/postrm-menu >> debian/gftp-common.postrm.debhelper
- echo '# End automatically added section' >> debian/gftp-common.postrm.debhelper
- dh_movefiles --sourcedir=debian/gftp-gtk -pgftp-text usr/bin/gftp-text
- dh_installdirs -pgftp-text usr/share/man/man1
- ln -s gftp.1.gz $(gttmp)/usr/share/man/man1/gftp-text.1.gz
- rm -f $(ggtmp)/usr/share/gftp/COPYING # we have the GPL elsewhere
- find $(ggtmp)/usr -type d -empty | xargs -r rmdir -p --ignore-fail-on-non-empty
- binary-indep:
- # Nothing to do, no architecture independent packages here.
- # locales (gftp-common) have endianness
- binary-arch: install
- dh_testdir
- dh_testroot
- dh_installdocs -a
- dh_installdocs -An -pgftp-gtk -pgftp-text README
- dh_installchangelogs -a ChangeLog
- #dh_installmenu -a --package=gftp-common
- ifeq "$(findstring nostrip,$(DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS))" ""
- dh_strip -a
- endif
- dh_compress -a
- dh_fixperms -a
- dh_installdeb -a
- dh_shlibdeps -a
- dh_gencontrol -a
- dh_md5sums -a
- dh_builddeb -a
- binary: binary-indep binary-arch
- .PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install