资源名称:FTP总集.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*****************************************************************************/
- /* transfer.c - functions to handle transfering files */
- /* Copyright (C) 1998-2002 Brian Masney <> */
- /* */
- /* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify */
- /* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by */
- /* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or */
- /* (at your option) any later version. */
- /* */
- /* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, */
- /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
- /* GNU General Public License for more details. */
- /* */
- /* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License */
- /* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software */
- /* Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /*****************************************************************************/
- #include <gftp-gtk.h>
- static const char cvsid[] = "$Id: transfer.c,v 1.24 2002/12/05 00:43:07 masneyb Exp $";
- static GtkWidget * dialog;
- static void
- wakeup_main_thread (gpointer data, gint source, GdkInputCondition condition)
- {
- gftp_request * request;
- char c;
- request = data;
- if (request->wakeup_main_thread[0] > 0)
- read (request->wakeup_main_thread[0], &c, 1);
- }
- static gint
- setup_wakeup_main_thread (gftp_request * request)
- {
- gint handler;
- if (socketpair (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, request->wakeup_main_thread) == 0)
- {
- handler = gdk_input_add (request->wakeup_main_thread[0],
- GDK_INPUT_READ, wakeup_main_thread, request);
- }
- else
- {
- request->wakeup_main_thread[0] = 0;
- request->wakeup_main_thread[1] = 0;
- handler = 0;
- }
- return (handler);
- }
- static void
- teardown_wakeup_main_thread (gftp_request * request, gint handler)
- {
- if (request->wakeup_main_thread[0] > 0 && request->wakeup_main_thread[1] > 0)
- {
- gdk_input_remove (handler);
- close (request->wakeup_main_thread[0]);
- close (request->wakeup_main_thread[1]);
- request->wakeup_main_thread[0] = 0;
- request->wakeup_main_thread[1] = 0;
- }
- }
- static void *
- getdir_thread (void * data)
- {
- int sj, havedotdot, got;
- gftp_request * request;
- gftp_file * fle;
- GList * files;
- request = data;
- if (request->use_threads)
- {
- sj = sigsetjmp (jmp_environment, 1);
- use_jmp_environment = 1;
- }
- else
- sj = 0;
- files = NULL;
- if (sj == 0 || sj == 2)
- {
- if (gftp_list_files (request) != 0 || !GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (request))
- {
- if (request->use_threads)
- use_jmp_environment = 0;
- request->stopable = 0;
- if (request->wakeup_main_thread[1] > 0)
- write (request->wakeup_main_thread[1], " ", 1);
- return (NULL);
- }
- request->gotbytes = 0;
- havedotdot = 0;
- fle = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*fle));
- while ((got = gftp_get_next_file (request, NULL, fle)) > 0)
- {
- request->gotbytes += got;
- if (strcmp (fle->file, ".") == 0)
- {
- gftp_file_destroy (fle);
- continue;
- }
- else if (strcmp (fle->file, "..") == 0)
- havedotdot = 1;
- files = g_list_append (files, fle);
- fle = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*fle));
- }
- g_free (fle);
- if (!GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (request))
- {
- if (request->use_threads)
- use_jmp_environment = 0;
- request->stopable = 0;
- if (request->wakeup_main_thread[1] > 0)
- write (request->wakeup_main_thread[1], " ", 1);
- return (NULL);
- }
- gftp_end_transfer (request);
- request->gotbytes = -1;
- if (!havedotdot)
- {
- fle = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*fle));
- fle->file = g_malloc (3);
- strcpy (fle->file, "..");
- fle->user = g_malloc0 (1);
- fle->group = g_malloc0 (1);
- fle->attribs = g_malloc0 (1);
- *fle->attribs = ' ';
- fle->isdir = 1;
- files = g_list_prepend (files, fle);
- }
- }
- if (request->use_threads)
- use_jmp_environment = 0;
- request->stopable = 0;
- if (request->wakeup_main_thread[1] > 0)
- write (request->wakeup_main_thread[1], " ", 1);
- return (files);
- }
- int
- ftp_list_files (gftp_window_data * wdata, int usecache)
- {
- guint handler;
- void *success;
- gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (wdata->hoststxt), _("Receiving file names..."));
- wdata->show_selected = 0;
- if (wdata->files == NULL)
- {
- if (check_reconnect (wdata) < 0)
- return (0);
- gtk_clist_freeze (GTK_CLIST (wdata->listbox));
- wdata->request->stopable = 1;
- if (wdata->request->use_threads)
- {
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive (stop_btn, 1);
- handler = setup_wakeup_main_thread (wdata->request);
- pthread_create (&wdata->tid, NULL, getdir_thread, wdata->request);
- while (wdata->request->stopable)
- {
- g_main_iteration (TRUE);
- #else
- g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE);
- #endif
- }
- teardown_wakeup_main_thread (wdata->request, handler);
- pthread_join (wdata->tid, &success);
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive (stop_btn, 0);
- }
- else
- success = getdir_thread (wdata->request);
- wdata->files = success;
- gtk_clist_thaw (GTK_CLIST (wdata->listbox));
- memset (&wdata->tid, 0, sizeof (wdata->tid));
- }
- if (wdata->files == NULL || !GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (wdata->request))
- {
- disconnect (wdata);
- return (0);
- }
- wdata->sorted = 0;
- sortrows (GTK_CLIST (wdata->listbox), *wdata->sortcol, (gpointer) wdata);
- if (IS_NONE_SELECTED (wdata))
- gtk_clist_select_row (GTK_CLIST (wdata->listbox), 0, 0);
- return (1);
- }
- static void
- try_connect_again (gftp_request * request, gftp_dialog_data * ddata)
- {
- gftp_set_password (request, gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (ddata->edit)));
- request->stopable = 0;
- }
- static void
- dont_connect_again (gftp_request * request, gftp_dialog_data * ddata)
- {
- request->stopable = 0;
- }
- static void *
- connect_thread (void *data)
- {
- static int conn_num;
- gftp_request * request;
- int ret, sj;
- request = data;
- conn_num = 0;
- if (request->use_threads)
- {
- sj = sigsetjmp (jmp_environment, 1);
- use_jmp_environment = 1;
- }
- else
- sj = 0;
- ret = 0;
- if (sj != 0)
- {
- ret = 0;
- gftp_disconnect (request);
- }
- while (sj != 1 && (request->retries == 0 || conn_num < request->retries))
- {
- conn_num++;
- if (request->network_timeout > 0)
- alarm (request->network_timeout);
- ret = gftp_connect (request) == 0;
- alarm (0);
- if (ret)
- break;
- else if (request->retries == 0 || conn_num < request->retries)
- {
- request->logging_function (gftp_logging_misc, request->user_data,
- _("Waiting %d seconds until trying to connect againn"),
- request->sleep_time);
- alarm (request->sleep_time);
- pause ();
- }
- }
- if (request->use_threads)
- use_jmp_environment = 0;
- request->stopable = 0;
- if (request->wakeup_main_thread[1] > 0)
- write (request->wakeup_main_thread[1], " ", 1);
- return ((void *) ret);
- }
- int
- ftp_connect (gftp_window_data * wdata, gftp_request * request, int getdir)
- {
- int success;
- guint handler;
- void *ret;
- ret = 0;
- if (wdata->request == request)
- {
- gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (wdata->hoststxt), _("Connecting..."));
- }
- if (request->need_userpass && request->username != NULL &&
- *request->username != ' ' &&
- (request->password == NULL || *request->password == ' '))
- {
- if (wdata && wdata->request == request)
- {
- request->stopable = 1;
- MakeEditDialog (_("Enter Password"),
- _("Please enter your password for this site"), NULL,
- 0, NULL, gftp_dialog_button_connect,
- try_connect_again, request,
- dont_connect_again, request);
- while (request->stopable)
- {
- g_main_iteration (TRUE);
- #else
- g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE);
- #endif
- }
- if (GFTP_GET_PASSWORD (request) == NULL ||
- *GFTP_GET_PASSWORD (request) == ' ')
- return (0);
- }
- else
- gftp_set_password (request, "");
- }
- if (wdata && wdata->request == request && request->use_threads)
- {
- request->stopable = 1;
- if (wdata)
- gtk_clist_freeze (GTK_CLIST (wdata->listbox));
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive (stop_btn, 1);
- pthread_create (&wdata->tid, NULL, connect_thread, request);
- handler = setup_wakeup_main_thread (wdata->request);
- while (request->stopable)
- {
- g_main_iteration (TRUE);
- #else
- g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE);
- #endif
- }
- pthread_join (wdata->tid, &ret);
- teardown_wakeup_main_thread (wdata->request, handler);
- gtk_widget_set_sensitive (stop_btn, 0);
- if (wdata)
- gtk_clist_thaw (GTK_CLIST (wdata->listbox));
- }
- else
- ret = connect_thread (request);
- success = (int) ret;
- memset (&wdata->tid, 0, sizeof (wdata->tid));
- if (!GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (wdata->request))
- disconnect (wdata);
- else if (success)
- {
- ftp_list_files (wdata, 1);
- if (!GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (wdata->request))
- disconnect (wdata);
- }
- return (success);
- }
- void
- get_files (gpointer data)
- {
- transfer_window_files (&window2, &window1);
- }
- void
- put_files (gpointer data)
- {
- transfer_window_files (&window1, &window2);
- }
- void
- transfer_window_files (gftp_window_data * fromwdata, gftp_window_data * towdata)
- {
- gftp_file * tempfle, * newfle;
- GList * templist, * filelist;
- gftp_transfer * transfer;
- guint timeout_num;
- void *ret;
- int num;
- if (!check_status (_("Transfer Files"), fromwdata, 1, 0, 1,
- towdata->request->put_file != NULL && fromwdata->request->get_file != NULL))
- return;
- if (!GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (fromwdata->request) ||
- !GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (towdata->request))
- {
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("Retrieve Files: Not connected to a remote siten"));
- return;
- }
- if (check_reconnect (fromwdata) < 0 || check_reconnect (towdata) < 0)
- return;
- transfer = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*transfer));
- transfer->fromreq = copy_request (fromwdata->request);
- transfer->toreq = copy_request (towdata->request);
- transfer->transfer_direction = fromwdata == &window2 ?
- transfer->fromwdata = fromwdata;
- transfer->towdata = towdata;
- num = 0;
- templist = GTK_CLIST (fromwdata->listbox)->selection;
- filelist = fromwdata->files;
- while (templist != NULL)
- {
- templist = get_next_selection (templist, &filelist, &num);
- tempfle = filelist->data;
- if (strcmp (tempfle->file, "..") != 0)
- {
- newfle = copy_fdata (tempfle);
- transfer->files = g_list_append (transfer->files, newfle);
- }
- }
- if (transfer->files != NULL)
- {
- gftp_swap_socks (transfer->fromreq, fromwdata->request);
- gftp_swap_socks (transfer->toreq, towdata->request);
- if (transfer->fromreq->use_threads ||
- (transfer->toreq && transfer->toreq->use_threads))
- {
- transfer->fromreq->stopable = 1;
- pthread_create (&fromwdata->tid, NULL, do_getdir_thread, transfer);
- timeout_num = gtk_timeout_add (100, progress_timeout, transfer);
- while (transfer->fromreq->stopable)
- {
- g_main_iteration (TRUE);
- #else
- g_main_context_iteration (NULL, TRUE);
- #endif
- }
- gtk_timeout_remove (timeout_num);
- transfer->numfiles = transfer->numdirs = -1;
- update_directory_download_progress (transfer);
- pthread_join (fromwdata->tid, &ret);
- }
- else
- ret = do_getdir_thread (transfer);
- if (!GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->fromreq))
- {
- disconnect (fromwdata);
- return;
- }
- if (!GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->toreq))
- {
- disconnect (towdata);
- return;
- }
- gftp_swap_socks (fromwdata->request, transfer->fromreq);
- gftp_swap_socks (towdata->request, transfer->toreq);
- }
- if (transfer->files != NULL)
- {
- add_file_transfer (transfer->fromreq, transfer->toreq,
- transfer->fromwdata, transfer->towdata,
- transfer->files, 0);
- g_free (transfer);
- }
- else
- {
- if (transfer->statmutex)
- pthread_mutex_destroy (transfer->statmutex);
- if (transfer->structmutex)
- pthread_mutex_destroy (transfer->structmutex);
- free_tdata (transfer);
- }
- }
- void *
- do_getdir_thread (void * data)
- {
- gftp_transfer * transfer;
- int success, sj;
- transfer = data;
- if (transfer->fromreq->use_threads ||
- (transfer->toreq && transfer->toreq->use_threads))
- {
- sj = sigsetjmp (jmp_environment, 1);
- use_jmp_environment = 1;
- }
- else
- sj = 0;
- success = 0;
- if (sj == 0)
- success = gftp_get_all_subdirs (transfer, NULL) == 0;
- else
- {
- gftp_disconnect (transfer->fromreq);
- if (transfer->toreq)
- gftp_disconnect (transfer->toreq);
- transfer->fromreq->logging_function (gftp_logging_error,
- transfer->fromreq->user_data,
- _("Operation canceledn"));
- }
- if (transfer->fromreq->use_threads ||
- (transfer->toreq && transfer->toreq->use_threads))
- use_jmp_environment = 0;
- transfer->fromreq->stopable = 0;
- return ((void *) success);
- }
- static void
- gftp_gtk_calc_kbs (gftp_transfer * tdata, ssize_t num_read)
- {
- unsigned long waitusecs;
- double difftime, curkbs;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- struct timeval tv;
- unsigned long toadd;
- gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
- pthread_mutex_lock (tdata->statmutex);
- tempfle = tdata->curfle->data;
- tdata->trans_bytes += num_read;
- tdata->curtrans += num_read;
- tdata->stalled = 0;
- difftime = (tv.tv_sec - tdata->starttime.tv_sec) + ((double) (tv.tv_usec - tdata->starttime.tv_usec) / 1000000.0);
- if (difftime <= 0)
- tdata->kbs = (double) tdata->trans_bytes / 1024.0;
- else
- tdata->kbs = (double) tdata->trans_bytes / 1024.0 / difftime;
- difftime = (tv.tv_sec - tdata->lasttime.tv_sec) + ((double) (tv.tv_usec - tdata->lasttime.tv_usec) / 1000000.0);
- if (difftime <= 0)
- curkbs = (double) (num_read / 1024.0);
- else
- curkbs = (double) (num_read / 1024.0 / difftime);
- if (tdata->fromreq->maxkbs > 0 &&
- curkbs > tdata->fromreq->maxkbs)
- {
- waitusecs = (double) num_read / 1024.0 / tdata->fromreq->maxkbs * 1000000.0 - difftime;
- if (waitusecs > 0)
- {
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->statmutex);
- difftime += ((double) waitusecs / 1000000.0);
- usleep (waitusecs);
- pthread_mutex_lock (tdata->statmutex);
- }
- }
- /* I don't call gettimeofday (&tdata->lasttime) here because this will use
- less system resources. This will be close enough for what we need */
- difftime += tdata->lasttime.tv_usec / 1000000.0;
- toadd = (long) difftime;
- difftime -= toadd;
- tdata->lasttime.tv_sec += toadd;
- tdata->lasttime.tv_usec = difftime * 1000000.0;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->statmutex);
- }
- static int
- get_status (gftp_transfer * tdata, ssize_t num_read)
- {
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- struct timeval tv;
- pthread_mutex_lock (tdata->structmutex);
- if (tdata->curfle == NULL)
- {
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->structmutex);
- return (-1);
- }
- tempfle = tdata->curfle->data;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->structmutex);
- gftp_disconnect (tdata->fromreq);
- gftp_disconnect (tdata->toreq);
- if (num_read < 0 || tdata->skip_file)
- {
- if (tdata->fromreq->retries != 0 && tdata->current_file_retries >= tdata->fromreq->retries)
- {
- tdata->fromreq->logging_function (gftp_logging_error,
- tdata->fromreq->user_data,
- _("Error: Remote site %s disconnected. Max retries upn"),
- tdata->fromreq->hostname != NULL ?
- tdata->fromreq->hostname : tdata->toreq->hostname);
- return (-1);
- }
- else
- {
- tdata->fromreq->logging_function (gftp_logging_error,
- tdata->fromreq->user_data,
- _("Error: Remote site %s disconnected. Will reconnect in %d secondsn"),
- tdata->fromreq->hostname != NULL ?
- tdata->fromreq->hostname : tdata->toreq->hostname,
- tdata->fromreq->sleep_time);
- }
- while (tdata->fromreq->retries == 0 ||
- tdata->current_file_retries <= tdata->fromreq->retries)
- {
- if (!tdata->skip_file)
- {
- tv.tv_sec = tdata->fromreq->sleep_time;
- tv.tv_usec = 0;
- select (0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv);
- }
- if (gftp_connect (tdata->fromreq) == 0 &&
- gftp_connect (tdata->toreq) == 0)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock (tdata->structmutex);
- tdata->resumed_bytes = tdata->resumed_bytes + tdata->trans_bytes - tdata->curresumed - tdata->curtrans;
- tdata->trans_bytes = 0;
- if (tdata->skip_file)
- {
- tdata->total_bytes -= tempfle->size;
- tdata->curtrans = 0;
- tdata->curfle = tdata->curfle->next;
- tdata->next_file = 1;
- tdata->skip_file = 0;
- tdata->cancel = 0;
- tdata->fromreq->cancel = 0;
- tdata->toreq->cancel = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- tempfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_RESUME;
- tempfle->startsize = tdata->curtrans + tdata->curresumed;
- /* We decrement this here because it will be incremented in
- the loop again */
- tdata->curresumed = 0;
- tdata->current_file_number--; /* Decrement this because it
- will be incremented when we
- continue in the loop */
- }
- gettimeofday (&tdata->starttime, NULL);
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->structmutex);
- return (1);
- }
- else
- tdata->current_file_retries++;
- }
- }
- else if (tdata->cancel)
- return (-1);
- return (0);
- }
- static mode_t
- parse_attribs (char *attribs)
- {
- mode_t mode;
- int cur;
- cur = 0;
- if (attribs[1] == 'r')
- cur += 4;
- if (attribs[2] == 'w')
- cur += 2;
- if (attribs[3] == 'x' ||
- attribs[3] == 's')
- cur += 1;
- mode = cur;
- cur = 0;
- if (attribs[4] == 'r')
- cur += 4;
- if (attribs[5] == 'w')
- cur += 2;
- if (attribs[6] == 'x' ||
- attribs[6] == 's')
- cur += 1;
- mode = (mode * 10) + cur;
- cur = 0;
- if (attribs[7] == 'r')
- cur += 4;
- if (attribs[8] == 'w')
- cur += 2;
- if (attribs[9] == 'x' ||
- attribs[9] == 's')
- cur += 1;
- mode = (mode * 10) + cur;
- return (mode);
- }
- void *
- gftp_gtk_transfer_files (void *data)
- {
- int i, mode, dl_type, tofd, fromfd, old_from_datatype;
- gftp_transfer * transfer;
- char *tempstr, buf[8192];
- off_t fromsize, total;
- gftp_file * curfle;
- ssize_t num_read;
- pthread_detach (pthread_self ());
- transfer = data;
- transfer->curfle = transfer->files;
- gettimeofday (&transfer->starttime, NULL);
- memcpy (&transfer->lasttime, &transfer->starttime,
- sizeof (transfer->lasttime));
- dl_type = transfer->fromreq->data_type;
- old_from_datatype = transfer->fromreq->data_type;
- while (transfer->curfle != NULL)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock (transfer->structmutex);
- curfle = transfer->curfle->data;
- transfer->current_file_number++;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transfer->structmutex);
- if (curfle->transfer_action == GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock (transfer->structmutex);
- transfer->next_file = 1;
- transfer->curfle = transfer->curfle->next;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transfer->structmutex);
- continue;
- }
- fromsize = -1;
- if (gftp_connect (transfer->fromreq) == 0 &&
- gftp_connect (transfer->toreq) == 0)
- {
- if (curfle->isdir)
- {
- if (transfer->toreq->mkdir != NULL)
- {
- transfer->toreq->mkdir (transfer->toreq, curfle->destfile);
- if (!GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->toreq))
- break;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock (transfer->structmutex);
- transfer->next_file = 1;
- transfer->curfle = transfer->curfle->next;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transfer->structmutex);
- continue;
- }
- if (transfer->fromreq->maxkbs > 0)
- {
- transfer->fromreq->logging_function (gftp_logging_misc,
- transfer->fromreq->user_data,
- _("File transfer will be throttled to %.2f KB/sn"),
- transfer->fromreq->maxkbs);
- }
- if (curfle->is_fd)
- {
- if (transfer->transfer_direction == GFTP_DIRECTION_DOWNLOAD)
- {
- tofd = curfle->fd;
- fromfd = -1;
- }
- else
- {
- tofd = -1;
- fromfd = curfle->fd;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- tofd = -1;
- fromfd = -1;
- }
- if (curfle->size == 0)
- {
- curfle->size = gftp_get_file_size (transfer->fromreq, curfle->file);
- transfer->total_bytes += curfle->size;
- }
- if (GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->fromreq) &&
- GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->toreq))
- {
- if (!curfle->ascii && old_from_datatype == GFTP_TYPE_BINARY)
- dl_type = GFTP_TYPE_BINARY;
- else
- dl_type = GFTP_GET_DATA_TYPE (transfer->fromreq) == GFTP_TYPE_ASCII || curfle->ascii ? GFTP_TYPE_ASCII : GFTP_TYPE_BINARY;
- if (dl_type != transfer->fromreq->data_type)
- {
- if (gftp_set_data_type (transfer->fromreq, dl_type) != 0)
- gftp_disconnect (transfer->fromreq);
- }
- if (dl_type != transfer->toreq->data_type)
- {
- if (gftp_set_data_type (transfer->toreq, dl_type) != 0)
- gftp_disconnect (transfer->toreq);
- }
- }
- if (GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->fromreq) &&
- GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->toreq))
- {
- fromsize = gftp_transfer_file (transfer->fromreq, curfle->file,
- fromfd,
- curfle->transfer_action == GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_RESUME ?
- curfle->startsize : 0,
- transfer->toreq, curfle->destfile, tofd,
- curfle->transfer_action == GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_RESUME ?
- curfle->startsize : 0);
- }
- }
- if (!GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->fromreq) ||
- !GFTP_IS_CONNECTED (transfer->toreq))
- {
- transfer->fromreq->logging_function (gftp_logging_misc,
- transfer->fromreq->user_data,
- _("Error: Remote site disconnected after trying to transfer filen"));
- num_read = -1;
- }
- else if (fromsize < 0)
- {
- if (curfle->is_fd)
- {
- if (transfer->transfer_direction == GFTP_DIRECTION_DOWNLOAD)
- transfer->toreq->datafd = -1;
- else
- transfer->fromreq->datafd = -1;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock (transfer->structmutex);
- curfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP;
- transfer->next_file = 1;
- transfer->curfle = transfer->curfle->next;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transfer->structmutex);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock (transfer->structmutex);
- transfer->curtrans = 0;
- transfer->curresumed = curfle->transfer_action == GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_RESUME ? curfle->startsize : 0;
- transfer->resumed_bytes += transfer->curresumed;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transfer->structmutex);
- total = 0;
- i = 0;
- while (!transfer->cancel &&
- (num_read = gftp_get_next_file_chunk (transfer->fromreq,
- buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0)
- {
- total += num_read;
- gftp_gtk_calc_kbs (transfer, num_read);
- if (dl_type == GFTP_TYPE_ASCII)
- tempstr = gftp_convert_ascii (buf, &num_read, 1);
- else
- tempstr = buf;
- if (gftp_put_next_file_chunk (transfer->toreq, tempstr,
- num_read) < 0)
- {
- num_read = -1;
- break;
- }
- /* We don't have to free tempstr for a download because new
- memory is not allocated for it in that case */
- if (dl_type == GFTP_TYPE_ASCII &&
- transfer->transfer_direction == GFTP_DIRECTION_UPLOAD)
- g_free (tempstr);
- }
- }
- if (transfer->cancel)
- {
- if (gftp_abort_transfer (transfer->fromreq) != 0)
- gftp_disconnect (transfer->fromreq);
- if (gftp_abort_transfer (transfer->toreq) != 0)
- gftp_disconnect (transfer->toreq);
- }
- else if (num_read < 0)
- {
- transfer->fromreq->logging_function (gftp_logging_misc,
- transfer->fromreq->user_data,
- _("Could not download %s from %sn"),
- curfle->file,
- transfer->fromreq->hostname);
- if (get_status (transfer, num_read) == 1)
- continue;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- /* FIXME - this needs cleaned up. NOTE: view/edit file will be
- broken if the file has to be resumed */
- if (curfle->is_fd)
- {
- if (transfer->transfer_direction == GFTP_DIRECTION_DOWNLOAD)
- transfer->toreq->datafd = -1;
- else
- transfer->fromreq->datafd = -1;
- }
- if (gftp_end_transfer (transfer->fromreq) != 0)
- {
- if (get_status (transfer, -1) == 1)
- continue;
- break;
- }
- gftp_end_transfer (transfer->toreq);
- transfer->fromreq->logging_function (gftp_logging_misc,
- transfer->fromreq->user_data,
- _("Successfully transferred %s at %.2f KB/sn"),
- curfle->file, transfer->kbs);
- }
- if (!curfle->is_fd)
- {
- if (curfle->attribs)
- {
- mode = parse_attribs (curfle->attribs);
- if (mode != 0)
- gftp_chmod (transfer->toreq, curfle->destfile,
- parse_attribs (curfle->attribs));
- }
- if (curfle->datetime != 0)
- gftp_set_file_time (transfer->toreq, curfle->destfile,
- curfle->datetime);
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock (transfer->structmutex);
- transfer->next_file = 1;
- curfle->transfer_done = 1;
- transfer->curfle = transfer->curfle->next;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transfer->structmutex);
- if (transfer->cancel && !transfer->skip_file)
- break;
- transfer->cancel = 0;
- transfer->fromreq->cancel = 0;
- transfer->toreq->cancel = 0;
- }
- transfer->done = 1;
- return (NULL);
- }
- void
- add_file_transfer (gftp_request * fromreq, gftp_request * toreq,
- gftp_window_data * fromwdata, gftp_window_data * towdata,
- GList * files, int copy_req)
- {
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- GList * templist, *curfle;
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- char *pos, *text[2];
- int dialog;
- for (templist = files; templist != NULL; templist = templist->next)
- {
- tempfle = templist->data;
- if (tempfle->startsize > 0)
- break;
- }
- dialog = templist != NULL;
- if (append_file_transfers)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock (&transfer_mutex);
- for (templist = file_transfers; templist != NULL; templist = templist->next)
- {
- tdata = templist->data;
- pthread_mutex_lock (tdata->structmutex);
- if (compare_request (tdata->fromreq, fromreq, 0) &&
- compare_request (tdata->toreq, toreq, 0) &&
- tdata->curfle != NULL)
- {
- if (!copy_req)
- {
- gftp_request_destroy (fromreq, 1);
- gftp_request_destroy (toreq, 1);
- }
- fromreq = NULL;
- toreq = NULL;
- for (curfle = tdata->curfle;
- curfle != NULL && curfle->next != NULL;
- curfle = curfle->next);
- if (curfle == NULL)
- {
- curfle = files;
- files->prev = NULL;
- }
- else
- {
- curfle->next = files;
- files->prev = curfle;
- }
- for (curfle = files; curfle != NULL; curfle = curfle->next)
- {
- tempfle = curfle->data;
- if (tempfle->isdir)
- tdata->numdirs++;
- else
- tdata->numfiles++;
- if ((pos = strrchr (tempfle->file, '/')) == NULL)
- pos = tempfle->file;
- else
- pos++;
- text[0] = pos;
- if (tempfle->transfer_action == GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP)
- text[1] = _("Skipped");
- else
- {
- tdata->total_bytes += tempfle->size;
- text[1] = _("Waiting...");
- }
- tempfle->node = gtk_ctree_insert_node (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw),
- tdata->node, NULL, text, 5,
- transdata = g_malloc (sizeof (*transdata));
- transdata->transfer = tdata;
- transdata->curfle = curfle;
- gtk_ctree_node_set_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tempfle->node,
- transdata);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->structmutex);
- break;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->structmutex);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&transfer_mutex);
- }
- else
- templist = NULL;
- if (templist == NULL)
- {
- tdata = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*tdata));
- if (copy_req)
- {
- tdata->fromreq = copy_request (fromreq);
- tdata->toreq = copy_request (toreq);
- }
- else
- {
- tdata->fromreq = fromreq;
- tdata->toreq = toreq;
- }
- tdata->transfer_direction = fromwdata && fromwdata == &window1 ?
- tdata->fromwdata = fromwdata;
- tdata->towdata = towdata;
- if (!dialog)
- tdata->show = tdata->ready = 1;
- tdata->files = files;
- for (curfle = files; curfle != NULL; curfle = curfle->next)
- {
- tempfle = curfle->data;
- if (tempfle->isdir)
- tdata->numdirs++;
- else
- tdata->numfiles++;
- }
- tdata->structmutex = g_malloc (sizeof (pthread_mutex_t));
- pthread_mutex_init (tdata->structmutex, NULL);
- tdata->statmutex = g_malloc (sizeof (pthread_mutex_t));
- pthread_mutex_init (tdata->statmutex, NULL);
- pthread_mutex_lock (&transfer_mutex);
- file_transfers = g_list_append (file_transfers, tdata);
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&transfer_mutex);
- if (dialog)
- gftp_gtk_ask_transfer (tdata);
- }
- }
- static void
- remove_file (char *filename)
- {
- if (unlink (filename) == 0)
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL, _("Successfully removed %sn"),
- filename);
- else
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_error, NULL,
- _("Error: Could not remove file %s: %sn"), filename,
- g_strerror (errno));
- }
- static void
- free_edit_data (gftp_viewedit_data * ve_proc)
- {
- int i;
- if (ve_proc->filename)
- g_free (ve_proc->filename);
- if (ve_proc->remote_filename)
- g_free (ve_proc->remote_filename);
- for (i = 0; ve_proc->argv[i] != NULL; i++)
- g_free (ve_proc->argv[i]);
- g_free (ve_proc->argv);
- g_free (ve_proc);
- }
- static void
- dont_upload (gftp_viewedit_data * ve_proc, gftp_dialog_data * ddata)
- {
- remove_file (ve_proc->filename);
- free_edit_data (ve_proc);
- }
- static void
- do_upload (gftp_viewedit_data * ve_proc, gftp_dialog_data * ddata)
- {
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- GList * newfile;
- tempfle = g_malloc0 (sizeof (*tempfle));
- tempfle->destfile = ve_proc->remote_filename;
- ve_proc->remote_filename = NULL;
- tempfle->file = ve_proc->filename;
- ve_proc->filename = NULL;
- tempfle->done_rm = 1;
- newfile = g_list_append (NULL, tempfle);
- add_file_transfer (ve_proc->fromwdata->request, ve_proc->towdata->request,
- ve_proc->fromwdata, ve_proc->towdata, newfile, 1);
- free_edit_data (ve_proc);
- }
- static void
- check_done_process (void)
- {
- gftp_viewedit_data * ve_proc;
- GList * curdata, *deldata;
- struct stat st;
- int ret;
- char *str;
- pid_t pid;
- viewedit_process_done = 0;
- while ((pid = waitpid (-1, &ret, WNOHANG)) > 0)
- {
- curdata = viewedit_processes;
- while (curdata != NULL)
- {
- ve_proc = curdata->data;
- deldata = curdata;
- curdata = curdata->next;
- if (ve_proc->pid == pid)
- {
- viewedit_processes = g_list_remove_link (viewedit_processes,
- deldata);
- if (ret != 0)
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_error, NULL,
- _("Error: Child %d returned %dn"), pid, ret);
- else
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("Child %d returned successfullyn"), pid);
- if (!ve_proc->view && !ve_proc->dontupload)
- {
- /* We was editing the file. Upload it */
- if (stat (ve_proc->filename, &st) == -1)
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_error, NULL,
- _("Error: Cannot get information about file %s: %sn"),
- ve_proc->filename, g_strerror (errno));
- else if (st.st_mtime == ve_proc->st.st_mtime)
- {
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("File %s was not changedn"),
- ve_proc->filename);
- remove_file (ve_proc->filename);
- }
- else
- {
- memcpy (&ve_proc->st, &st, sizeof (ve_proc->st));
- str = g_strdup_printf (
- _("File %s has changed.nWould you like to upload it?"),
- ve_proc->remote_filename);
- MakeYesNoDialog (_("Edit File"), str,
- do_upload, ve_proc,
- dont_upload, ve_proc);
- g_free (str);
- continue;
- }
- }
- free_edit_data (ve_proc);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- static void
- on_next_transfer (gftp_transfer * tdata)
- {
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- int fd;
- tdata->next_file = 0;
- for (; tdata->updfle != tdata->curfle; tdata->updfle = tdata->updfle->next)
- {
- tempfle = tdata->updfle->data;
- if (tempfle->is_fd)
- fd = tempfle->fd;
- else
- fd = 0;
- if (tempfle->done_view)
- {
- if (tempfle->transfer_action != GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP)
- view_file (tempfle->destfile, fd, 1, tempfle->done_rm, 1, 0,
- tempfle->file, NULL);
- if (tempfle->is_fd)
- {
- close (tempfle->fd);
- tempfle->fd = -1;
- }
- }
- else if (tempfle->done_edit)
- {
- if (tempfle->transfer_action != GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP)
- view_file (tempfle->destfile, fd, 0, tempfle->done_rm, 1, 0,
- tempfle->file, NULL);
- if (tempfle->is_fd)
- {
- close (tempfle->fd);
- tempfle->fd = -1;
- }
- }
- else if (tempfle->done_rm)
- tdata->fromreq->rmfile (tdata->fromreq, tempfle->file);
- if (tempfle->transfer_action == GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP)
- gtk_ctree_node_set_text (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tempfle->node, 1,
- _("Skipped"));
- else
- gtk_ctree_node_set_text (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tempfle->node, 1,
- _("Finished"));
- }
- if (refresh_files && tdata->curfle && tdata->curfle->next &&
- compare_request (tdata->toreq,
- ((gftp_window_data *) tdata->towdata)->request, 1))
- refresh (tdata->towdata);
- }
- static void
- get_trans_password (gftp_request * request, gftp_dialog_data * ddata)
- {
- gftp_set_password (request, gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (ddata->edit)));
- request->stopable = 0;
- }
- static void
- cancel_get_trans_password (gftp_transfer * tdata, gftp_dialog_data * ddata)
- {
- if (tdata->fromreq->stopable == 0)
- return;
- pthread_mutex_lock (tdata->structmutex);
- if (tdata->started)
- {
- tdata->cancel = 1;
- tdata->fromreq->cancel = 1;
- tdata->toreq->cancel = 1;
- }
- else
- tdata->done = 1;
- tdata->fromreq->stopable = 0;
- tdata->toreq->stopable = 0;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->structmutex);
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL, _("Stopping the transfer of %sn"),
- ((gftp_file *) tdata->curfle->data)->file);
- }
- static void
- show_transfer (gftp_transfer * tdata)
- {
- GdkPixmap * closedir_pixmap, * opendir_pixmap;
- GdkBitmap * closedir_bitmap, * opendir_bitmap;
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- char *pos, *text[2];
- GList * templist;
- gftp_get_pixmap (dlwdw, "open_dir.xpm", &opendir_pixmap, &opendir_bitmap);
- gftp_get_pixmap (dlwdw, "dir.xpm", &closedir_pixmap, &closedir_bitmap);
- text[0] = GFTP_GET_HOSTNAME (tdata->fromreq);
- text[1] = _("Waiting...");
- tdata->node = gtk_ctree_insert_node (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), NULL, NULL, text, 5,
- closedir_pixmap, closedir_bitmap,
- opendir_pixmap, opendir_bitmap,
- tdata->numdirs + tdata->numfiles < 50);
- transdata = g_malloc (sizeof (*transdata));
- transdata->transfer = tdata;
- transdata->curfle = NULL;
- gtk_ctree_node_set_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tdata->node, transdata);
- tdata->show = 0;
- tdata->curfle = tdata->updfle = tdata->files;
- tdata->total_bytes = 0;
- for (templist = tdata->files; templist != NULL; templist = templist->next)
- {
- tempfle = templist->data;
- if ((pos = strrchr (tempfle->file, '/')) == NULL)
- pos = tempfle->file;
- else
- pos++;
- text[0] = pos;
- if (tempfle->transfer_action == GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP)
- text[1] = _("Skipped");
- else
- {
- tdata->total_bytes += tempfle->size;
- text[1] = _("Waiting...");
- }
- tempfle->node = gtk_ctree_insert_node (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tdata->node,
- NULL, text, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL,
- transdata = g_malloc (sizeof (*transdata));
- transdata->transfer = tdata;
- transdata->curfle = templist;
- gtk_ctree_node_set_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tempfle->node, transdata);
- }
- if (!tdata->toreq->stopable && tdata->toreq->need_userpass &&
- (tdata->toreq->password == NULL || *tdata->toreq->password == ' '))
- {
- tdata->toreq->stopable = 1;
- MakeEditDialog (_("Enter Password"),
- _("Please enter your password for this site"), NULL, 0,
- NULL, gftp_dialog_button_connect,
- get_trans_password, tdata->toreq,
- cancel_get_trans_password, tdata);
- }
- if (!tdata->fromreq->stopable && tdata->fromreq->need_userpass &&
- (tdata->fromreq->password == NULL || *tdata->fromreq->password == ' '))
- {
- tdata->fromreq->stopable = 1;
- MakeEditDialog (_("Enter Password"),
- _("Please enter your password for this site"), NULL, 0,
- NULL, gftp_dialog_button_connect,
- get_trans_password, tdata->fromreq,
- cancel_get_trans_password, tdata);
- }
- }
- static void
- transfer_done (GList * node)
- {
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- gftp_request * fromreq;
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- GList * templist;
- tdata = node->data;
- if (tdata->started)
- {
- fromreq = tdata->fromwdata != NULL ? ((gftp_window_data *) tdata->fromwdata)->request : NULL;
- if (!tdata->fromreq->stopable && tdata->fromwdata &&
- ((fromreq->sockfd < 0 && fromreq->cached) || fromreq->always_connected) &&
- (tdata->fromreq->sockfd > 0 || tdata->fromreq->always_connected) &&
- compare_request (tdata->fromreq, fromreq, 0))
- {
- gftp_swap_socks (((gftp_window_data *) tdata->towdata)->request,
- tdata->toreq);
- gftp_swap_socks (((gftp_window_data *) tdata->fromwdata)->request,
- tdata->fromreq);
- }
- else
- {
- gftp_disconnect (tdata->fromreq);
- gftp_disconnect (tdata->toreq);
- }
- if (tdata->towdata != NULL && compare_request (tdata->toreq,
- ((gftp_window_data *) tdata->towdata)->request, 1))
- refresh (tdata->towdata);
- transfer_in_progress--;
- }
- if (!tdata->show && tdata->started)
- {
- transdata = gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tdata->node);
- if (transdata != NULL)
- g_free (transdata);
- for (templist = tdata->files; templist != NULL; templist = templist->next)
- {
- tempfle = templist->data;
- transdata = gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tempfle->node);
- if (transdata != NULL)
- g_free (transdata);
- }
- gtk_ctree_remove_node (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tdata->node);
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock (&transfer_mutex);
- file_transfers = g_list_remove_link (file_transfers, node);
- pthread_mutex_unlock (&transfer_mutex);
- pthread_mutex_destroy (tdata->structmutex);
- pthread_mutex_destroy (tdata->statmutex);
- free_tdata (tdata);
- }
- static void
- create_transfer (gftp_transfer * tdata)
- {
- pthread_t tid;
- if (!tdata->fromreq->stopable)
- {
- if (tdata->fromwdata &&
- (((gftp_window_data *) tdata->fromwdata)->request->sockfd > 0 ||
- ((gftp_window_data *) tdata->fromwdata)->request->always_connected) &&
- !((gftp_window_data *) tdata->fromwdata)->request->stopable &&
- compare_request (tdata->fromreq, ((gftp_window_data *) tdata->fromwdata)->request, 0))
- {
- gftp_swap_socks (tdata->toreq,
- ((gftp_window_data *) tdata->towdata)->request);
- gftp_swap_socks (tdata->fromreq,
- ((gftp_window_data *) tdata->fromwdata)->request);
- update_window_info ();
- }
- transfer_in_progress++;
- tdata->started = 1;
- tdata->stalled = 1;
- gtk_ctree_node_set_text (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tdata->node, 1,
- _("Connecting..."));
- pthread_create (&tid, NULL, gftp_gtk_transfer_files, tdata);
- }
- }
- static void
- update_file_status (gftp_transfer * tdata)
- {
- char totstr[100], dlstr[100], gotstr[50], ofstr[50];
- int hours, mins, secs, pcent, st;
- double remaining;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- struct timeval tv;
- pthread_mutex_lock (tdata->statmutex);
- tempfle = tdata->curfle->data;
- gettimeofday (&tv, NULL);
- if ((remaining = (double) (tv.tv_sec - tdata->starttime.tv_sec) + ((double) (tv.tv_usec - tdata->starttime.tv_usec) / 1000000.0)) == 0)
- remaining = 1.0;
- remaining = ((double) (tdata->total_bytes - tdata->trans_bytes - tdata->resumed_bytes)) / 1024.0 / tdata->kbs;
- hours = (off_t) remaining / 3600;
- remaining -= hours * 3600;
- mins = (off_t) remaining / 60;
- remaining -= mins * 60;
- secs = (off_t) remaining;
- if (hours < 0 || mins < 0 || secs < 0)
- {
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->statmutex);
- return;
- }
- pcent = (int) ((double) (tdata->trans_bytes + tdata->resumed_bytes) / (double) tdata->total_bytes * 100.0);
- if (pcent < 0 || pcent > 100)
- pcent = 0;
- g_snprintf (totstr, sizeof (totstr),
- _("%d%% complete, %02d:%02d:%02d est. time remaining. (File %ld of %ld)"),
- pcent, hours, mins, secs, tdata->current_file_number,
- tdata->numdirs + tdata->numfiles);
- *dlstr = ' ';
- if (!tdata->stalled)
- {
- insert_commas (tdata->curtrans + tdata->curresumed, gotstr, sizeof (gotstr));
- insert_commas (tempfle->size, ofstr, sizeof (ofstr));
- st = 1;
- if (tv.tv_sec - tdata->lasttime.tv_sec <= 5)
- {
- if (tdata->curfle->next != NULL)
- {
- remaining = ((double) (tempfle->size - tdata->curtrans - tdata->curresumed)) / 1024.0 / tdata->kbs;
- hours = (off_t) remaining / 3600;
- remaining -= hours * 3600;
- mins = (off_t) remaining / 60;
- remaining -= mins * 60;
- secs = (off_t) remaining;
- }
- if (!(hours < 0 || mins < 0 || secs < 0))
- {
- g_snprintf (dlstr, sizeof (dlstr),
- _("Recv %s of %s at %.2fKB/s, %02d:%02d:%02d est. time remaining"), gotstr, ofstr, tdata->kbs, hours, mins, secs);
- st = 0;
- }
- }
- if (st)
- {
- tdata->stalled = 1;
- g_snprintf (dlstr, sizeof (dlstr),
- _("Recv %s of %s, transfer stalled, unknown time remaining"),
- gotstr, ofstr);
- }
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->statmutex);
- gtk_ctree_node_set_text (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tdata->node, 1, totstr);
- if (*dlstr != ' ')
- gtk_ctree_node_set_text (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), tempfle->node, 1, dlstr);
- }
- static void
- update_window_transfer_bytes (gftp_window_data * wdata)
- {
- char *tempstr, *temp1str;
- if (wdata->request->gotbytes == -1)
- {
- update_window_info ();
- wdata->request->gotbytes = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- tempstr = insert_commas (wdata->request->gotbytes, NULL, 0);
- temp1str = g_strdup_printf (_("Retrieving file names...%s bytes"),
- tempstr);
- gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (wdata->hoststxt), temp1str);
- g_free (tempstr);
- g_free (temp1str);
- }
- }
- gint
- update_downloads (gpointer data)
- {
- GList * templist, * next;
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- if (file_transfer_logs != NULL)
- display_cached_logs ();
- if (window1.request->gotbytes != 0)
- update_window_transfer_bytes (&window1);
- if (window2.request->gotbytes != 0)
- update_window_transfer_bytes (&window2);
- if (viewedit_process_done)
- check_done_process ();
- for (templist = file_transfers; templist != NULL;)
- {
- tdata = templist->data;
- if (tdata->ready)
- {
- pthread_mutex_lock (tdata->structmutex);
- if (tdata->next_file)
- on_next_transfer (tdata);
- else if (tdata->show)
- show_transfer (tdata);
- else if (tdata->done)
- {
- next = templist->next;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->structmutex);
- transfer_done (templist);
- templist = next;
- continue;
- }
- if (tdata->curfle != NULL)
- {
- if (!tdata->started && start_file_transfers &&
- (transfer_in_progress == 0 || !do_one_transfer_at_a_time))
- create_transfer (tdata);
- if (tdata->started)
- update_file_status (tdata);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock (tdata->structmutex);
- }
- templist = templist->next;
- }
- gtk_timeout_add (500, update_downloads, NULL);
- return (0);
- }
- void
- start_transfer (gpointer data)
- {
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- GtkCTreeNode * node;
- if (GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection == NULL)
- {
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("There are no file transfers selectedn"));
- return;
- }
- node = GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection->data;
- transdata = gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), node);
- pthread_mutex_lock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- if (!transdata->transfer->started)
- create_transfer (transdata->transfer);
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- }
- void
- stop_transfer (gpointer data)
- {
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- GtkCTreeNode * node;
- if (GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection == NULL)
- {
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("There are no file transfers selectedn"));
- return;
- }
- node = GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection->data;
- transdata = gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), node);
- pthread_mutex_lock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- if (transdata->transfer->started)
- {
- transdata->transfer->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->fromreq->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->toreq->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->skip_file = 0;
- }
- else
- transdata->transfer->done = 1;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL, _("Stopping the transfer on host %sn"),
- transdata->transfer->fromreq->hostname);
- }
- void
- skip_transfer (gpointer data)
- {
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- GtkCTreeNode * node;
- gftp_file * curfle;
- char *file;
- if (GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection == NULL)
- {
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("There are no file transfers selectedn"));
- return;
- }
- node = GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection->data;
- transdata = gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), node);
- pthread_mutex_lock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- if (transdata->transfer->curfle != NULL)
- {
- curfle = transdata->transfer->curfle->data;
- if (transdata->transfer->started)
- {
- transdata->transfer->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->fromreq->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->toreq->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->skip_file = 1;
- }
- curfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP;
- file = curfle->file;
- }
- else
- file = NULL;
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL, _("Skipping file %s on host %sn"),
- file, transdata->transfer->fromreq->hostname);
- }
- void
- remove_file_transfer (gpointer data)
- {
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- GtkCTreeNode * node;
- gftp_file * curfle;
- if (GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection == NULL)
- {
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("There are no file transfers selectedn"));
- return;
- }
- node = GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection->data;
- transdata = gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), node);
- if (transdata->curfle == NULL || transdata->curfle->data == NULL)
- return;
- curfle = transdata->curfle->data;
- if (curfle->transfer_action & GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP)
- return;
- pthread_mutex_lock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- curfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP;
- if (transdata->transfer->started &&
- transdata->curfle == transdata->transfer->curfle)
- {
- transdata->transfer->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->fromreq->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->toreq->cancel = 1;
- transdata->transfer->skip_file = 1;
- }
- else if (transdata->curfle != transdata->transfer->curfle &&
- !curfle->transfer_done)
- {
- gtk_ctree_node_set_text (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), curfle->node, 1,
- _("Skipped"));
- transdata->transfer->total_bytes -= curfle->size;
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL, _("Skipping file %s on host %sn"),
- curfle->file, transdata->transfer->fromreq->hostname);
- }
- void
- move_transfer_up (gpointer data)
- {
- GList * firstentry, * secentry, * lastentry;
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- GtkCTreeNode * node;
- if (GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection == NULL)
- {
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("There are no file transfers selectedn"));
- return;
- }
- node = GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection->data;
- transdata = gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), node);
- if (transdata->curfle == NULL)
- return;
- pthread_mutex_lock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- if (transdata->curfle->prev != NULL && (!transdata->transfer->started ||
- (transdata->transfer->curfle != transdata->curfle &&
- transdata->transfer->curfle != transdata->curfle->prev)))
- {
- if (transdata->curfle->prev->prev == NULL)
- {
- firstentry = transdata->curfle->prev;
- lastentry = transdata->curfle->next;
- transdata->transfer->files = transdata->curfle;
- transdata->curfle->next = firstentry;
- transdata->transfer->files->prev = NULL;
- firstentry->prev = transdata->curfle;
- firstentry->next = lastentry;
- if (lastentry != NULL)
- lastentry->prev = firstentry;
- }
- else
- {
- firstentry = transdata->curfle->prev->prev;
- secentry = transdata->curfle->prev;
- lastentry = transdata->curfle->next;
- firstentry->next = transdata->curfle;
- transdata->curfle->prev = firstentry;
- transdata->curfle->next = secentry;
- secentry->prev = transdata->curfle;
- secentry->next = lastentry;
- if (lastentry != NULL)
- lastentry->prev = secentry;
- }
- gtk_ctree_move (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw),
- ((gftp_file *) transdata->curfle->data)->node,
- transdata->transfer->node,
- transdata->curfle->next != NULL ?
- ((gftp_file *) transdata->curfle->next->data)->node :
- NULL);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- }
- void
- move_transfer_down (gpointer data)
- {
- GList * firstentry, * secentry, * lastentry;
- gftp_curtrans_data * transdata;
- GtkCTreeNode * node;
- if (GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection == NULL)
- {
- ftp_log (gftp_logging_misc, NULL,
- _("There are no file transfers selectedn"));
- return;
- }
- node = GTK_CLIST (dlwdw)->selection->data;
- transdata = gtk_ctree_node_get_row_data (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw), node);
- if (transdata->curfle == NULL)
- return;
- pthread_mutex_lock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- if (transdata->curfle->next != NULL && (!transdata->transfer->started ||
- (transdata->transfer->curfle != transdata->curfle &&
- transdata->transfer->curfle != transdata->curfle->next)))
- {
- if (transdata->curfle->prev == NULL)
- {
- firstentry = transdata->curfle->next;
- lastentry = transdata->curfle->next->next;
- transdata->transfer->files = firstentry;
- transdata->transfer->files->prev = NULL;
- transdata->transfer->files->next = transdata->curfle;
- transdata->curfle->prev = transdata->transfer->files;
- transdata->curfle->next = lastentry;
- if (lastentry != NULL)
- lastentry->prev = transdata->curfle;
- }
- else
- {
- firstentry = transdata->curfle->prev;
- secentry = transdata->curfle->next;
- lastentry = transdata->curfle->next->next;
- firstentry->next = secentry;
- secentry->prev = firstentry;
- secentry->next = transdata->curfle;
- transdata->curfle->prev = secentry;
- transdata->curfle->next = lastentry;
- if (lastentry != NULL)
- lastentry->prev = transdata->curfle;
- }
- gtk_ctree_move (GTK_CTREE (dlwdw),
- ((gftp_file *) transdata->curfle->data)->node,
- transdata->transfer->node,
- transdata->curfle->next != NULL ?
- ((gftp_file *) transdata->curfle->next->data)->node :
- NULL);
- }
- pthread_mutex_unlock (transdata->transfer->structmutex);
- }
- static void
- trans_selectall (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data)
- {
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- tdata = data;
- gtk_clist_select_all (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist));
- }
- static void
- trans_unselectall (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data)
- {
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- tdata = data;
- gtk_clist_unselect_all (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist));
- }
- static void
- overwrite (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data)
- {
- GList * templist, * filelist;
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- int curpos;
- tdata = data;
- curpos = 0;
- filelist = tdata->files;
- templist = GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist)->selection;
- while (templist != NULL)
- {
- templist = get_next_selection (templist, &filelist, &curpos);
- tempfle = filelist->data;
- tempfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_OVERWRITE;
- gtk_clist_set_text (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), curpos, 3, _("Overwrite"));
- }
- }
- static void
- resume (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data)
- {
- GList * templist, * filelist;
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- int curpos;
- tdata = data;
- curpos = 0;
- filelist = tdata->files;
- templist = GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist)->selection;
- while (templist != NULL)
- {
- templist = get_next_selection (templist, &filelist, &curpos);
- tempfle = filelist->data;
- tempfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_RESUME;
- gtk_clist_set_text (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), curpos, 3, _("Resume"));
- }
- }
- static void
- skip (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data)
- {
- GList * templist, * filelist;
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- int curpos;
- tdata = data;
- curpos = 0;
- filelist = tdata->files;
- templist = GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist)->selection;
- while (templist != NULL)
- {
- templist = get_next_selection (templist, &filelist, &curpos);
- tempfle = filelist->data;
- tempfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP;
- gtk_clist_set_text (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), curpos, 3, _("Skip"));
- }
- }
- static void
- ok (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data)
- {
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- GList * templist;
- tdata = data;
- pthread_mutex_lock ((pthread_mutex_t *) tdata->structmutex);
- for (templist = tdata->files; templist != NULL; templist = templist->next)
- {
- tempfle = templist->data;
- if (tempfle->transfer_action != GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP)
- break;
- }
- if (templist == NULL)
- {
- tdata->show = 0;
- tdata->ready = tdata->done = 1;
- }
- else
- tdata->show = tdata->ready = 1;
- pthread_mutex_unlock ((pthread_mutex_t *) tdata->structmutex);
- }
- static void
- cancel (GtkWidget * widget, gpointer data)
- {
- gftp_transfer * tdata;
- tdata = data;
- pthread_mutex_lock ((pthread_mutex_t *) tdata->structmutex);
- tdata->show = 0;
- tdata->done = tdata->ready = 1;
- pthread_mutex_unlock ((pthread_mutex_t *) tdata->structmutex);
- }
- static void
- transfer_action (GtkWidget * widget, gint response, gpointer user_data)
- {
- switch (response)
- {
- ok (widget, user_data);
- gtk_widget_destroy (widget);
- break;
- cancel (widget, user_data);
- /* no break */
- default:
- gtk_widget_destroy (widget);
- }
- }
- #endif
- void
- gftp_gtk_ask_transfer (gftp_transfer * tdata)
- {
- char *dltitles[4], *add_data[4] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL },
- tempstr[50], temp1str[50], *pos, *title;
- GtkWidget * tempwid, * scroll, * hbox;
- gftp_file * tempfle;
- GList * templist;
- size_t len;
- int i;
- dltitles[0] = _("Filename");
- dltitles[1] = _("Local Size");
- dltitles[2] = _("Remote Size");
- dltitles[3] = _("Action");
- title = tdata->transfer_direction == GFTP_DIRECTION_DOWNLOAD ?
- _("Download Files") : _("Upload Files");
- dialog = gtk_dialog_new ();
- gtk_grab_add (dialog);
- gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), title);
- gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->action_area), 5);
- gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->action_area), 35);
- gtk_box_set_homogeneous (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->action_area), TRUE);
- gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (dialog), "delete_event",
- GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy),
- GTK_OBJECT (dialog));
- #else
- dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons (title, NULL, 0,
- NULL);
- #endif
- gtk_window_set_wmclass (GTK_WINDOW(dialog), "transfer", "gFTP");
- gtk_window_set_position (GTK_WINDOW (dialog), GTK_WIN_POS_MOUSE);
- gtk_container_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), 10);
- gtk_box_set_spacing (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), 5);
- tempwid = gtk_label_new (_("The following file(s) exist on both the local and remote computernPlease select what you would like to do"));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), tempwid, FALSE,
- FALSE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (tempwid);
- scroll = gtk_scrolled_window_new (NULL, NULL);
- gtk_widget_set_size_request (scroll, 450, 200);
- gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy (GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scroll),
- tdata->clist = gtk_clist_new_with_titles (4, dltitles);
- gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (scroll), tdata->clist);
- gtk_clist_set_selection_mode (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist),
- #else
- gtk_clist_set_selection_mode (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist),
- #endif
- gtk_clist_set_column_width (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), 0, 100);
- gtk_clist_set_column_justification (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), 1,
- gtk_clist_set_column_width (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), 1, 85);
- gtk_clist_set_column_justification (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), 2,
- gtk_clist_set_column_width (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), 2, 85);
- gtk_clist_set_column_width (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), 3, 85);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), scroll, TRUE, TRUE,
- 0);
- gtk_widget_show (tdata->clist);
- gtk_widget_show (scroll);
- for (templist = tdata->files; templist != NULL;
- templist = templist->next)
- {
- tempfle = templist->data;
- if (tempfle->startsize == 0 || tempfle->isdir)
- {
- tempfle->shown = 0;
- continue;
- }
- tempfle->shown = 1;
- pos = tempfle->destfile;
- len = strlen (GFTP_GET_DIRECTORY (tdata->toreq));
- if (strncmp (pos, GFTP_GET_DIRECTORY (tdata->toreq), len) == 0)
- pos = tempfle->destfile + len + 1;
- add_data[0] = pos;
- if (overwrite_by_default)
- add_data[3] = _("Overwrite");
- else
- {
- if (tempfle->startsize >= tempfle->size)
- {
- add_data[3] = _("Skip");
- tempfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_SKIP;
- }
- else
- {
- add_data[3] = _("Resume");
- tempfle->transfer_action = GFTP_TRANS_ACTION_RESUME;
- }
- }
- if (tdata->transfer_direction == GFTP_DIRECTION_DOWNLOAD)
- {
- add_data[2] = insert_commas (tempfle->size, tempstr,
- sizeof (tempstr));
- add_data[1] = insert_commas (tempfle->startsize, temp1str,
- sizeof (temp1str));
- }
- else
- {
- add_data[1] = insert_commas (tempfle->size, tempstr,
- sizeof (tempstr));
- add_data[2] = insert_commas (tempfle->startsize, temp1str,
- sizeof (temp1str));
- }
- i = gtk_clist_append (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), add_data);
- gtk_clist_set_row_data (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist), i, tempfle);
- }
- gtk_clist_select_all (GTK_CLIST (tdata->clist));
- hbox = gtk_hbox_new (TRUE, 20);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (hbox);
- tempwid = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Overwrite"));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), tempwid, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked",
- GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (overwrite), (gpointer) tdata);
- gtk_widget_show (tempwid);
- tempwid = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Resume"));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), tempwid, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked",
- GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (resume), (gpointer) tdata);
- gtk_widget_show (tempwid);
- tempwid = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Skip File"));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), tempwid, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (skip),
- (gpointer) tdata);
- gtk_widget_show (tempwid);
- hbox = gtk_hbox_new (TRUE, 20);
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->vbox), hbox, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_widget_show (hbox);
- tempwid = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Select All"));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), tempwid, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked",
- GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (trans_selectall), (gpointer) tdata);
- gtk_widget_show (tempwid);
- tempwid = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Deselect All"));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (hbox), tempwid, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked",
- GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (trans_unselectall), (gpointer) tdata);
- gtk_widget_show (tempwid);
- tempwid = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("OK"));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->action_area), tempwid,
- TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (ok),
- (gpointer) tdata);
- gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked",
- GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy),
- GTK_OBJECT (dialog));
- gtk_widget_grab_default (tempwid);
- gtk_widget_show (tempwid);
- tempwid = gtk_button_new_with_label (_(" Cancel "));
- gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (GTK_DIALOG (dialog)->action_area), tempwid,
- TRUE, TRUE, 0);
- gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked",
- GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (cancel), (gpointer) tdata);
- gtk_signal_connect_object (GTK_OBJECT (tempwid), "clicked",
- GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (gtk_widget_destroy),
- GTK_OBJECT (dialog));
- gtk_widget_show (tempwid);
- #else
- g_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (dialog), "response",
- G_CALLBACK (transfer_action), (gpointer) tdata);
- #endif
- gtk_widget_show (dialog);
- dialog = NULL;
- }