- /* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All Rights Reserved */
- /* Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1994. All Rights Reserved */
- /*
- This source code is provided as a debugging aid for developers
- who have purchased Oracle Objects for OLE . Please see the
- online help for documentation of these classes.
- */
- /*
- Oracle Objects for OLE C++ Classes
- This file is the header for the OBound and OBinder classes
- CREATED ******** 11/22/94
- bug# 262553 Added more methods to access the bound dynaset
- */
- #ifndef ORACL_ORACLE
- #include "oracl.h"
- #endif
- // declarations for forward references
- class OBinderAdvise;
- class OEXPORT OBinder;
- // ----- OBound -----------------------------------------------
- {
- friend class OBinder;
- friend class OBinderAdvise;
- public:
- OBound(void);
- ~OBound(void);
- // to attach bound object to a binder
- oresult BindToBinder(OBinder *binder, const char *fieldname);
- // to detach
- oresult Unbind(void);
- oresult Changed(oboolean changed = TRUE);
- const char *GetName(void) const; // get name of field we're attached to
- ODatabase GetDatabase(void) const;
- ODynaset GetDynaset(void) const;
- oboolean IsChanged(void) const;
- // declarations of methods so that compiler won't implement these (which would be wrong)
- // at present we don't implement these either...
- OBound(const OBound &other); // copy constructor
- OBound &operator=(const OBound &other); // overloaded assignment
- protected:
- // helper routines for subclasses
- oresult GetValue(OValue *val); // get current value from database
- oresult SetValue(const OValue &val); // set value in database
- oresult RefreshBound(void); // get value and call Refresh method
- // routines subclasses need to implement
- virtual oresult Refresh(const OValue &val) = 0; // database -> bound
- virtual oresult SaveChange(void) = 0; // bound -> database
- private:
- oboolean m_changed; // flag indicating we've had a change
- OBinder *m_binder; // pointer to containing binder
- char *m_fieldname; // name of field we're bound to
- int m_fieldindex; // index of field we're bound to
- oresult SaveChangeBound(void);
- oresult GetFieldIndex(void);
- oresult UnbindNotify(void);
- oresult ClearChange(void);
- protected:
- /*
- Triggers. These routines are called by OBinder. At some in OBinder
- these triggers will be fired for all of the objects in a binder. The
- triggers fire after the corresponding binder triggers (with the exception
- of the Startup and Shutdown triggers). The firing order of the bound objects
- is the order that they were bound to the binder. If any trigger in a binder
- does not return OSUCCESS, processing will be halted.
- The routines are all listed below as
- method
- Fired: when the trigger fires
- Default: the action taken by the base OBound class method
- */
- virtual oresult Startup(void);
- // Fired: immediately after bound object is bound to binder. If the binder has not
- // been opened then GetValue can't be called
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult Shutdown(void);
- // Fired: when bound object is unbound from binder, either by an explicit call to
- // OBinder::UnbindObject or when OBinder::Close is called
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PreQuery(void);
- // Fired: before the SQL statement is executed
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostQuery(void);
- // Fired: after SQL statement is executed and new bindings are established
- // Default: refreshes bound object
- virtual oresult PreDelete(void);
- // Fired: before record is deleted
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostDelete(void);
- // Fired: after record is deleted (but not committed to database)
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PreAdd(void);
- // Fired: before new record is added
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostAdd(void);
- // Fired: after a new record is added
- // Default: refreshes bound object - value will generally be NULL
- virtual oresult PreUpdate(void);
- // Fired: just before database is updated
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostUpdate(void);
- // Fired: immediately after database is updated
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PreRollback(void);
- // Fired: immediately before a rollback is attempted
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostRollback(void);
- // Fired: immediately after a rollback
- // Default: refresh bound object
- virtual oresult PreMove(void);
- // Fired: before OBinder moves to a new record
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostMove(void);
- // Fired: after OBinder moves to a new record
- // Default: refreshes bound object
- };
- // ----- OBinder -----------------------------------------------
- class OEXPORT OBinder
- {
- friend class OBinderAdvise;
- friend OBound::BindToBinder(OBinder *binder, const char *fieldname); // so can call AddToOBinder
- public:
- OBinder(void);
- ~OBinder(void);
- // start (or restart) a query on the binder
- oresult Open(const char *dbname, const char *username, const char *pwd, const char *sqls, long dynoptions = ODYNASET_DEFAULT); // data control form
- oresult Open(const ODatabase &odb, const char *sqls, long dynoptions = ODYNASET_DEFAULT); // using an existing database
- // Added for V2DEV custom dynaset
- oresult Open(const ODatabase &odb, const char *sql_statement,
- unsigned int slicesize, unsigned int perblock,
- unsigned int blocks, unsigned int fetchlimit,
- unsigned int fetchsize, long options = ODYNASET_DEFAULT);
- oresult Close(oboolean doShutdown = TRUE);
- // for resetting the query of the block
- oresult SetSQL(const char *sqls); // just set the SQL for the next query
- //BUG #262553
- const char *GetSQL(void) const; // gets sql statement
- oresult RefreshQuery(void); // refresh query
- oresult Refresh(void); // get values to all bound objects
- // navigational methods
- // (can also call methods on the dynaset returned by GetDynaset)
- oresult MoveFirst(void);
- oresult MovePrev(void);
- oresult MoveNext(void);
- oresult MoveLast(void);
- // V2DEV - extra move methods
- oresult MovePrevN(long rows); // go to previous (n) record
- oresult MoveNextN(long rows); // go to next (n) record
- oresult MoveRel(long rows); // go to relative record (n)
- oresult MoveTo(long rownum); // go to record (n)
- oresult MoveToMark(const ODynasetMark &mark);
- // ask for the binder's dynaset
- const ODynaset GetDynaset(void) const;
- const ODatabase GetDatabase(void) const;
- // unbind an object
- oresult UnbindObj(OBound *object, oboolean nofail = FALSE);
- // get or set the value of a field (primarily used by OBound)
- oresult GetFieldValue(int index, OValue *val) const;
- oresult SetFieldValue(int index, const OValue &val);
- // routine called by a child bound object to get it's field
- oresult GetFieldIndex(int *ofldi, const char *fieldname);
- oresult DeleteRecord(void);
- oresult AddNewRecord(void);
- oresult DuplicateRecord(void);
- // V2DEV - Find methods
- oresult FindFirst(const char *sql);
- oresult FindNext(const char *sql = 0);
- oresult FindPrevious(const char *sql = 0);
- oresult FindLast(const char *sql);
- oboolean NoMatch(void); // TRUE if find failed
- oresult Changed(oboolean cflag = TRUE);
- oboolean IsChanged(void) const;
- //BUG #262553
- oboolean IsOpen(void);
- oboolean IsFirst(void);
- oboolean IsLast(void);
- oboolean GetChangedError(long *serr, long *cerr) const;
- // save changes, if any
- oresult Update(void);
- // throw away changes, if any
- oresult DiscardChanges(void);
- // Error handling methods
- //BUG #262553
- long ErrorNumber(void) const; // return error "number"
- const char *LookupErrorText(long errnum) const;
- // get error text for given error number
- const char *GetErrorText(void) const; // get description of last error
- // set error information
- void ErrorReset(void) const; // reset error state to "no error"
- oboolean CanMark(void) const;
- ODynasetMark GetMark(void) const; // bookmark at current position
- ODynasetMark GetLastModifiedMark(void) const ; // get bookmark at last modified record
- // record access
- //BUG #262553
- int GetFieldCount(void) const; // returns # of fields in a record
- long GetRecordCount(void) const;
- // (dangerous!) gets total number of records in dynaset -- downloads the entire dynaset to the client
- int GetFieldIndex(const char *fieldname) const;
- // gets the index of a field by name
- // declarations of methods so that compiler won't implement these (which would be wrong)
- // at present we don't implement these either...
- OBinder(const OBinder &other); // copy constructor
- OBinder &operator=(const OBinder &other); // overloaded assignment
- protected:
- /*
- Error handling routine. This routine is called if there is an error during processing
- of Changed.
- */
- virtual void OnChangedError(void);
- /*
- Trigger routines. These routines are all fired on some action
- They are all documented to show:
- Fired: when the trigger fires
- Default: the action of the OBinder base class
- The triggers all return an oresult. If the trigger does not return
- OSUCCESS the current action is cancelled.
- After a binder trigger routine is called, the same trigger is called
- on each of the bound objects (routines in OBound), with the exception of
- Startup and Shutdown. Currently the order
- the triggers are called on the bound objects is not guaranteed. The
- object triggers will not be called if the binder trigger fails. If any
- of the object triggers fail, no more processing will be done
- */
- virtual oresult Startup(void);
- // Fired: at the time the first bound object is added to the binder
- // guaranteed to only be called once
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult Shutdown(void);
- // Fired: when OBinder::Close is called
- // Default: if changes have been made, save them (calls OBound::SaveChange on every object) and
- // update the record (which as a side effect calls the update triggers)
- virtual oresult PreQuery(void);
- // Fired: before the SQL statement is executed
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostQuery(void);
- // Fired: after SQL statement is executed and new bindings are established
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PreDelete(void);
- // Fired: before record is deleted
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostDelete(void);
- // Fired: after record is deleted (but not committed to database)
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PreAdd(void);
- // Fired: before new record is added
- // Default: if changes have been made, save them (calls OBound::SaveChange on every object) and
- // update the record (which as a side effect calls the update triggers)
- virtual oresult PostAdd(void);
- // Fired: after a new record is added
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PreUpdate(void);
- // Fired: just before database is updated
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostUpdate(void);
- // Fired: immediately after database is updated
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PreRollback(void);
- // Fired: immediately before a rollback is attempted
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PostRollback(void);
- // Fired: immediately after a rollback
- // Default: no action
- virtual oresult PreMove(void);
- // Fired: before OBinder moves to a new record
- // Default: if changes have been made, save them (calls OBound::SaveChange on every object) and
- // update the record (which as a side effect calls the update triggers)
- virtual oresult PostMove(void);
- // Fired: after OBinder moves to a new record
- // Default: no action
- private:
- ODynaset m_dynaset;
- ODatabase m_database;
- OBound **m_boundlist;
- void *m_advise; // pointer to our special advisory
- oboolean m_changed; // TRUE if binder has been changed since an update
- int m_nbound;
- // errors saved from change
- long m_changeerr; // class lib error
- long m_schangeerr; // server error
- // Bind an object to the binder (called by OBound)
- oresult AddObjectToOBinder(OBound *object);
- // operations on all the bound objects
- oresult DoAllObjects(oresult (OBound::*ff)(void)); // operate on all via dynaset ref
- // routines used to implement default behavior
- oresult SaveRecordChanges(void);
- };
- #endif // OBOUND_ORACLE