- /********************************************************************************
- Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Sjaak Priester
- This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this application; if not, write to the Free Software
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- ********************************************************************************/
- // Delaunay
- // Class to perform Delaunay triangulation on a set of vertices
- //
- // Version 1.2 (C) 2005, Sjaak Priester, Amsterdam.
- // - Removed stupid bug in SetY; function wasn't used, so no consequences. Thanks to squat.
- //
- // Version 1.1 (C) 2005, Sjaak Priester, Amsterdam.
- // - Removed bug which gave incorrect results for co-circular vertices.
- //
- // Version 1.0 (C) 2004, Sjaak Priester, Amsterdam.
- //
- #pragma once
- #include <set>
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <math.h>
- using namespace std;
- #ifndef _GDIPLUS_H
- // I designed this with GDI+ in mind. However, this particular code doesn't
- // use GDI+ at all, only some of it's variable types.
- // These definitions are substitutes for those of GDI+.
- typedef float REAL;
- struct PointF
- {
- PointF() : X(0), Y(0) {}
- PointF(const PointF& p) : X(p.X), Y(p.Y) {}
- PointF(REAL x, REAL y) : X(x), Y(y) {}
- PointF operator+(const PointF& p) const { return PointF(X + p.X, Y + p.Y); }
- PointF operator-(const PointF& p) const { return PointF(X - p.X, Y - p.Y); }
- };
- const REAL REAL_EPSILON = 1.192092896e-07F; // = 2^-23; I've no idea why this is a good value, but GDI+ has it.
- #endif // _GDIPLUS_H
- ///////////////////
- // vertex
- class vertex
- {
- public:
- vertex() : m_Pnt(0.0F, 0.0F) {}
- vertex(const vertex& v) : m_Pnt(v.m_Pnt) {}
- vertex(const PointF& pnt) : m_Pnt(pnt) {}
- vertex(REAL x, REAL y) : m_Pnt(x, y) {}
- vertex(int x, int y) : m_Pnt((REAL) x, (REAL) y) {}
- bool operator<(const vertex& v) const
- {
- if (m_Pnt.X == v.m_Pnt.X) return m_Pnt.Y < v.m_Pnt.Y;
- return m_Pnt.X < v.m_Pnt.X;
- }
- bool operator==(const vertex& v) const
- {
- return m_Pnt.X == v.m_Pnt.X && m_Pnt.Y == v.m_Pnt.Y;
- }
- REAL GetX() const { return m_Pnt.X; }
- REAL GetY() const { return m_Pnt.Y; }
- void SetX(REAL x) { m_Pnt.X = x; }
- void SetY(REAL y) { m_Pnt.Y = y; }
- const PointF& GetPoint() const { return m_Pnt; }
- protected:
- PointF m_Pnt;
- };
- typedef set<vertex> vertexSet;
- typedef set<vertex>::iterator vIterator;
- typedef set<vertex>::const_iterator cvIterator;
- ///////////////////
- // triangle
- class triangle
- {
- public:
- triangle(const triangle& tri)
- : m_Center(tri.m_Center)
- , m_R(tri.m_R)
- , m_R2(tri.m_R2)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_Vertices[i] = tri.m_Vertices[i];
- }
- triangle(const vertex * p0, const vertex * p1, const vertex * p2)
- {
- m_Vertices[0] = p0;
- m_Vertices[1] = p1;
- m_Vertices[2] = p2;
- SetCircumCircle();
- }
- triangle(const vertex * pV)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) m_Vertices[i] = pV++;
- SetCircumCircle();
- }
- bool operator<(const triangle& tri) const
- {
- if (m_Center.X == tri.m_Center.X) return m_Center.Y < tri.m_Center.Y;
- return m_Center.X < tri.m_Center.X;
- }
- const vertex * GetVertex(int i) const
- {
- ASSERT(i >= 0);
- ASSERT(i < 3);
- return m_Vertices[i];
- }
- bool IsLeftOf(cvIterator itVertex) const
- {
- // returns true if * itVertex is to the right of the triangle's circumcircle
- return itVertex->GetPoint().X > (m_Center.X + m_R);
- }
- bool CCEncompasses(cvIterator itVertex) const
- {
- // Returns true if * itVertex is in the triangle's circumcircle.
- // A vertex exactly on the circle is also considered to be in the circle.
- // These next few lines look like optimisation, however in practice they are not.
- // They even seem to slow down the algorithm somewhat.
- // Therefore, I've commented them out.
- // First check boundary box.
- // REAL x = itVertex->GetPoint().X;
- //
- // if (x > (m_Center.X + m_R)) return false;
- // if (x < (m_Center.X - m_R)) return false;
- //
- // REAL y = itVertex->GetPoint().Y;
- //
- // if (y > (m_Center.Y + m_R)) return false;
- // if (y < (m_Center.Y - m_R)) return false;
- PointF dist = itVertex->GetPoint() - m_Center; // the distance between v and the circle center
- REAL dist2 = dist.X * dist.X + dist.Y * dist.Y; // squared
- return dist2 <= m_R2; // compare with squared radius
- }
- protected:
- const vertex * m_Vertices[3]; // the three triangle vertices
- PointF m_Center; // center of circumcircle
- REAL m_R; // radius of circumcircle
- REAL m_R2; // radius of circumcircle, squared
- void SetCircumCircle();
- };
- // Changed in verion 1.1: collect triangles in a multiset.
- // In version 1.0, I used a set, preventing the creation of multiple
- // triangles with identical center points. Therefore, more than three
- // co-circular vertices yielded incorrect results. Thanks to Roger Labbe.
- typedef multiset<triangle> triangleSet;
- typedef multiset<triangle>::iterator tIterator;
- typedef multiset<triangle>::const_iterator ctIterator;
- ///////////////////
- // edge
- class edge
- {
- public:
- edge(const edge& e) : m_pV0(e.m_pV0), m_pV1(e.m_pV1) {}
- edge(const vertex * pV0, const vertex * pV1)
- : m_pV0(pV0), m_pV1(pV1)
- {
- }
- bool operator<(const edge& e) const
- {
- if (m_pV0 == e.m_pV0) return * m_pV1 < * e.m_pV1;
- return * m_pV0 < * e.m_pV0;
- }
- const vertex * m_pV0;
- const vertex * m_pV1;
- };
- typedef set<edge> edgeSet;
- typedef set<edge>::iterator edgeIterator;
- typedef set<edge>::const_iterator cedgeIterator;
- ///////////////////
- // Delaunay
- class Delaunay
- {
- public:
- // Calculate the Delaunay triangulation for the given set of vertices.
- void Triangulate(const vertexSet& vertices, triangleSet& output);
- // Put the edges of the triangles in an edgeSet, eliminating double edges.
- // This comes in useful for drawing the triangulation.
- void TrianglesToEdges(const triangleSet& triangles, edgeSet& edges);
- protected:
- void HandleEdge(const vertex * p0, const vertex * p1, edgeSet& edges);
- };