- -- A First-in First-out Memory
- -- a first-in first out memory, uses a synchronising clock
- -- generics allow fifos of different sizes to be instantiated
- -- download from: &
- library IEEE;
- use IEEE.Std_logic_1164.all;
- entity FIFOMXN is
- generic(m, n : Positive := 8); --m is fifo depth, n is fifo width
- port(RESET, WRREQ, RDREQ, CLOCK : in Std_logic;
- DATAIN : in Std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0);
- DATAOUT : out Std_logic_vector((n-1) downto 0);
- FULL, EMPTY : inout Std_logic);
- end FIFOMXN;
- architecture V2 of FIFOMXN is
- type Fifo_array is array(0 to (m-1)) of Bit_vector((n-1) downto 0);
- signal Fifo_memory : Fifo_array;
- signal Wraddr, Rdaddr, Offset : Natural range 0 to (m-1);
- signal Rdpulse, Wrpulse, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 : Std_logic;
- signal Databuffer : Bit_vector((n-1) downto 0);
- begin
- --pulse synchronisers for WRREQ and RDREQ
- --modified for Synplify to a process
- sync_ffs : process
- begin
- wait until rising_edge(CLOCK);
- Q1 <= WRREQ;
- Q2 <= Q1;
- Q3 <= RDREQ;
- Q4 <= Q3;
- end process;
- --concurrent logic to generate pulses
- Wrpulse <= Q2 and not(Q1);
- Rdpulse <= Q4 and not(Q3);
- Fifo_read : process
- begin
- wait until rising_edge(CLOCK);
- if RESET = '1' then
- Rdaddr <= 0;
- Databuffer <= (others => '0');
- elsif (Rdpulse = '1' and EMPTY = '0') then
- Databuffer <= Fifo_memory(Rdaddr);
- Rdaddr <= (Rdaddr + 1) mod m;
- end if;
- end process;
- Fifo_write : process
- begin
- wait until rising_edge(CLOCK);
- if RESET = '1' then
- Wraddr <= 0;
- elsif (Wrpulse = '1' and FULL = '0') then
- Fifo_memory(Wraddr) <= To_Bitvector(DATAIN);
- Wraddr <= (Wraddr + 1) mod m;
- end if;
- end process;
- Offset <= (Wraddr - Rdaddr) when (Wraddr > Rdaddr)
- else (m - (Rdaddr - Wraddr)) when (Rdaddr > Wraddr)
- else 0;
- EMPTY <= '1' when (Offset = 0) else '0';
- FULL <= '1' when (Offset = (m-1)) else '0';
- DATAOUT <= To_Stdlogicvector(Databuffer) when RDREQ = '0'
- else (others => 'Z');
- end V2;