波形发生器(含test beach).vhd
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- -- The following information has been generated by Exemplar Logic
- -- and may be freely distributed and modified.
- --
- -- Design name : smart_waveform
- --
- -- Purpose : This design is a smart waveform generator.
- --
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Library IEEE ;
- use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all ;
- use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all ;
- package waveform_pkg is
- constant rom_width : integer := 6 ;
- subtype rom_word is std_logic_vector ( 1 to rom_width) ;
- subtype rom_range is integer range 0 to 12 ;
- type rom_table is array ( 0 to 12) of rom_word ;
- constant rom_data : rom_table := rom_table'(
- "111010" ,
- "101000" ,
- "011000" ,
- "001000" ,
- "011010" ,
- "010011" ,
- "101110" ,
- "110100" ,
- "001010" ,
- "001000" ,
- "010110" ,
- "010101" ,
- "001111" ) ;
- subtype data_word is integer range 0 to 100 ;
- subtype data_range is integer range 0 to 12 ;
- type data_table is array (0 to 12) of data_word ;
- constant data : data_table := data_table'(1,40,9,2,2,4,1,15,5,1,1,3,1) ;
- end waveform_pkg ;
- USE IEEE.std_logic_1164.ALL ;
- USE IEEE.std_logic_arith.ALL ;
- USE work.waveform_pkg.all ;
- entity smart_waveform is
- port (
- clock : in std_logic ;
- reset : in boolean ;
- waves : out rom_word
- ) ;
- end ;
- architecture rtl of smart_waveform is
- signal step,next_step : rom_range ;
- signal delay : data_word ;
- begin
- next_step <= rom_range'high when step = rom_range'high else step + 1 ;
- time_step : process
- begin
- wait until clock'event and clock = '1' and clock'last_value = '0';
- if (reset) then
- step <= 0 ;
- elsif (delay = 1) then
- step <= next_step ;
- else
- null ;
- end if ;
- end process ;
- delay_step : process
- begin
- wait until clock'event and clock = '1' ;
- if (reset) then
- delay <= data(0) ;
- elsif (delay = 1) then
- delay <= data(next_step) ;
- else
- delay <= delay - 1 ;
- end if ;
- end process ;
- waves <= rom_data(step) ;
- end ;