- package net.acai.filter;
- import java.util.*;
- public class MarkerFilter {
- private boolean filteringSubject;
- private boolean filteringBody;
- private HashMap colors;
- private String[] colorList;
- private String defaultColor;
- /**
- * Creates a new filter not associated with a message. This is
- * generally only useful for defining a template filter that other
- * filters will be cloned from.
- */
- public MarkerFilter() {
- filteringSubject = false;
- filteringBody = true;
- colors = new HashMap(12);
- colors.put("yellow", "#ffffaa");
- colors.put("orange", "#ffaa88");
- colors.put("purple", "#ffaaff");
- colors.put("cyan", "#aaffff");
- colors.put("red", "#ff8888");
- colors.put("green", "#88ffaa");
- colors.put("blue", "#88aaff");
- colors.put("gray", "#cccccc");
- colorList = (String[])colors.values().toArray(new String[colors.size()]);
- defaultColor = "#ffffaa";
- }
- /**
- * This method takes a string which may contain [img path] or [img=path] tags
- * and replaces them with working image links. It does this
- * by adding the html tag <img src="path">.
- * <p>
- * It also replaces a list of predefined strings with image links.
- * These can for instance show smiley's instead of the :), :-( ascii.
- *
- * @param input the text to be converted.
- * @return the input string with the URLs replaced with links.
- */
- public String hiliteText(String input) {
- // Check if the string is null or zero length
- // -- if so, return what was sent in.
- if (input == null || input.length() == 0 ) {
- return input;
- }
- // Build the response in a buffer
- StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(input.length() + 100);
- char[] chars = input.toCharArray();
- String color = null;
- int index = -1, i = 0;
- int n, m;
- int patStart, patEnd;
- int colStart;
- int oldend = 0;
- int len = input.length();
- char cur;
- // handle the [img] pattern and the predefined strings replacements
- while (++index < len) {
- cur = chars[i = index];
- if (index + 6 < len &&
- cur == '[' && chars[++i] == 'm' && chars[++i] == 'a' && chars[++i] == 'r' &&chars[++i] == 'k') {
- // strip spaces
- while (++i < len && (chars[i] == ' ' || chars[i] == '='))
- ;
- if (i < len) {
- // find the end of the tag
- colStart = i--;
- while (++i < len && chars[i] != ']')
- ;
- if (colStart < i) {
- String arg = new String(chars, colStart, i-colStart);
- color = (String)colors.get(arg);
- if (color == null && "random".equals(arg)) {
- color = colorList[(int)(Math.random() * colorList.length)];
- }
- }
- if (color == null)
- color = defaultColor;
- if (++i < len) {
- patStart = patEnd = i;
- while (++patEnd < len) {
- if (patEnd + 6 < len &&
- chars[i = patEnd] == '[' && chars[++i] == '/' && chars[++i] == 'm' && chars[++i] == 'a' &&
- chars[++i] == 'r' && chars[++i] == 'k' && chars[++i] == ']') {
- break;
- }
- }
- buf.append(chars, oldend, index-oldend);
- buf.append("<B style="background-color:").append(color).append("">");
- buf.append(chars, patStart, patEnd-patStart);
- buf.append("</B>");
- oldend = (patEnd > i) ? patEnd : i + 1;
- }
- }
- index = i;
- }
- }
- if (oldend < len) {
- buf.append(chars, oldend, len-oldend);
- }
- return buf.toString();
- }
- public static void main(String args[]){
- try{
- MarkerFilter filter=new MarkerFilter();
- String test="[mark red]asdf[/mark]";
- }
- catch(Exception e){
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- }