资源名称:SimpleSC.rar [点击查看]
- unit ScrSpy;
- interface
- uses
- Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
- BufferUDP;
- Type
- TScreenBlock= record
- BlockIndex: Integer;
- BMP: TBitmap;
- ptr: Pointer;
- Bound: TRect;
- end;
- type
- TScreenSpyBitmapEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Block: TScreenBlock; LastScanline: Pointer; IsIFrame: Boolean) of object;
- TFrameStartEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const FrameCount: Cardinal; const IsIFrame: Boolean) of object;
- TFrameEndEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const FrameCount: Cardinal; const IsIFrame: Boolean; const HasBitmapEvent: Boolean) of object;
- TScreenSpy = class;
- EScrSpy = Exception;
- TScreenSpyThread = class(TThread)
- private
- // Properties
- FScreenSpy: TScreenSpy;
- // Golbal variable
- SBIndex: Integer; // ScreenBitmaps' Index
- IsIFrame: Boolean;
- TCWhenCapture: Cardinal;
- protected
- Procedure CaptureScreen; Virtual;
- procedure ScreenBitmap;
- Procedure FrameStart;
- Procedure FrameEnd;
- procedure Execute; override;
- property ScreenSpy: TScreenSpy read FScreenSpy write FScreenSpy;
- public
- constructor Create; reintroduce;
- destructor Destroy; override;
- end;
- TScreenSpy = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- // Properties
- FIFrame: Cardinal;
- FActive: Boolean;
- FThreadPriority: TThreadPriority;
- FScreenCanvas: TCanvas;
- FScreenWidth: Word;
- FScreenHeight: Word;
- FBytesPerPixel: Byte;
- FPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
- FMaxFrameRate: Byte;
- FMaxBlockSize: Integer;
- FBlockRowCount: Integer;
- FBlockColumnCount: Integer;
- FBlockCount: Integer;
- FBlockWidth: Integer;
- FBlockHeight: Integer;
- FBlockSize: Integer;
- FBlockBound: TRect; // Block size = (0, 0, BWidth, BHeight)
- FFrameCount: Cardinal;
- // Events
- FOnScreenBitmap: TScreenSpyBitmapEvent;
- FOnFrameStart: TFrameStartEvent;
- FOnFrameEnd: TFrameEndEvent;
- // Golbal private Variables
- HasBitmapEvent: Boolean;
- MaxDelayMilliseconds: Cardinal;
- ScreenBitmaps: array of TScreenBlock;
- LastScreen: array of Pointer;
- BMPBlockSize: Integer; // Size of Bitmap for one block
- MemoryAllowcated: Boolean;
- SCThread: TScreenSpyThread;
- Procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
- Procedure SetThreadPriority(const Value: TThreadPriority);
- Procedure SetMaxBlockSize(const Value: Integer);
- Procedure SetMaxFrameRate(const Value: Byte);
- Procedure SetIFrame(const Value: Cardinal);
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure CalculateScreenData;
- procedure ReleaseScreenData;
- procedure DoScreenBitmap(ScreenBitmapIndex: Integer; IsIFrame: Boolean);
- procedure DoFrameStart(const IsIFrame: Boolean);
- procedure DoFrameEnd(const IsIFrame: Boolean);
- public
- { Public declarations }
- Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- Property ScreenCanvas: TCanvas read FScreenCanvas;
- Property ScreenWidth: Word read FScreenWidth;
- Property ScreenHeight: Word read FScreenHeight;
- Property BytesPerPixel: Byte read FBytesPerPixel;
- Property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read FPixelFormat;
- Property BlockCount: Integer read FBlockCount;
- Property BlockRowCount: Integer read FBlockRowCount;
- Property BlockColumnCount: Integer read FBlockColumnCount;
- Property BlockWidth: Integer read FBlockWidth;
- Property BlockHeight: Integer read FBlockHeight;
- Property BlockSize: Integer read FBlockSize;
- Property BlockBound: TRect read FBlockBound;
- Property FrameCount: Cardinal read FFrameCount;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- Property OnScreenBitmap: TScreenSpyBitmapEvent read FOnScreenBitmap write FOnScreenBitmap;
- Property OnFrameStart: TFrameStartEvent read FOnFrameStart write FOnFrameStart;
- Property OnFrameEnd: TFrameEndEvent read FOnFrameEnd write FOnFrameEnd;
- Property IFrame: Cardinal read FIFrame write SetIFrame default 30;
- Property ThreadPriority: TThreadPriority read FThreadPriority write SetThreadPriority default tpNormal;
- Property MaxBlockSize: Integer read FMaxBlockSize write SetMaxBlockSize default 30000;
- Property MaxFrameRate: Byte read FMaxFrameRate write SetMaxFrameRate default 10;
- Property Active : Boolean read FActive write SetActive default False;
- end;
- TSFastRLE = class(TObject)
- private
- t, s: Pointer;
- function PackSeg(Source, Target: Pointer; SourceSize: Word): Word;
- function UnPackSeg(Source, Target: Pointer; SourceSize: Word): Word;
- protected
- public
- Constructor Create;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- function Pack(Source, Target: Pointer; SourceSize: LongInt): LongInt; { Return TargetSize }
- function UnPack(Source, Target: Pointer; SourceSize: LongInt): LongInt; {Return TargetSize }
- function PackString(Source: String): String;
- function UnPackString(Source: String): String;
- function PackFile(SourceFileName, TargetFileName: String): Boolean; { Return FALSE if IOError }
- function UnPackFile(SourceFileName, TargetFileName: String): Boolean; { Return FALSE if IOError }
- end;
- { Protocol }
- Const
- RID_Invalid = $00;
- RID_Header = $02;
- RID_Block = $04;
- RID_FrameStart = $06;
- RID_FrameEnd = $08;
- RID_MousePos = $0A;
- RID_Start = $0C;
- RID_Stop = $0E;
- type
- TRID = Word;
- TRSize = Cardinal;
- TScreenDataStyle = (sdsUncompress, sdsRLENormal, sdsRLEXor);
- Type // Data type for transmission pack
- TftAny= Packed Record
- dwSize: TRSize;
- PackID : TRID;
- Data: Array [0..0] of Byte;
- End;
- PftAny= ^TftAny;
- TftHeader= Packed Record
- dwSize: TRSize;
- PackID : TRID;
- ScreenWidth: Word;
- ScreenHeight: Word;
- BytesPerPixel: Byte;
- BlockWidth: Word;
- BlockHeight: Word;
- End;
- PftHeader = ^TftHeader;
- TftBlock = Packed Record
- dwSize: TRSize;
- PackID: TRID;
- BlockIndex: Cardinal;
- FrameStyle: TScreenDataStyle;
- Data: Array [0..0] of Byte;
- End;
- PftBlock = ^TftBlock;
- TftFrameStart = Packed Record
- dwSize: TRSize;
- PackID: TRID;
- FrameCount: Cardinal;
- IsIFrame: Boolean;
- End;
- PftFrameStart = ^TftFrameStart;
- TftFrameEnd = Packed Record
- dwSize: TRSize;
- PackID: TRID;
- FrameCount: Cardinal;
- IsIFrame: Boolean;
- HasBitmapEvent: Boolean;
- End;
- PftFrameEnd = ^TftFrameEnd;
- Const
- SizeOfTftBlock = SizeOf(TftBlock);
- SizeOfTftHeader = SizeOf(TftHeader);
- SizeOfTftFrameStart = SizeOf(TftFrameStart);
- SizeOfTftFrameEnd = SizeOf(TftFrameEnd);
- { TScreen Transfer}
- Type
- TScreenEncoder = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- // Properties
- FActive : Boolean;
- FBlockDelay : Cardinal;
- FBlockInterval: Cardinal;
- FIFrameDelay: Cardinal;
- // Events
- FOnFrameStart: TFrameStartEvent;
- FOnFrameEnd: TFrameEndEvent;
- // Golbal variables
- FScreenSpy : TScreenSpy;
- FUDPSender : TUDPSender;
- FSFastRLE : TSFastRLE;
- XorDataPtr: array [1..4] of Pointer; // MAX 4 bytes per pixel
- RHeader : TftHeader;
- RFrameStart: TftFrameStart;
- RFrameEnd: TftFrameEnd;
- Blockptr: PftBlock;
- BlockIntervalCount: Cardinal;
- function GetIFrame: Cardinal;
- function GetMaxBlockSize: Integer;
- function GetMaxFrameRate: Byte;
- function GetThreadPriority: TThreadPriority;
- procedure SetActive(Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetIFrame(const Value: Cardinal);
- procedure SetMaxBlockSize(const Value: Integer);
- procedure SetMaxFrameRate(const Value: Byte);
- procedure SetThreadPriority(const Value: TThreadPriority);
- function GetRemoteHost: String;
- function GetRemoteIP: String;
- function GetRemotePort: Word;
- procedure SetRemoteHost(const Value: String);
- procedure SetRemoteIP(const Value: String);
- procedure SetRemotePort(const Value: Word);
- procedure SetBlockDelay(const Value: Cardinal);
- procedure SetBlockInterval(const Value: Cardinal);
- procedure SetIFrameDelay(const Value: Cardinal);
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure ScreenSpyOnScreenBitmap(Sender: TObject; const Block: TScreenBlock; LastScanline: Pointer; IsIFrame: Boolean);
- procedure ScreenSpyOnFrameStart(Sender: TObject; const FrameCount: Cardinal; const IsIFrame: Boolean);
- procedure ScreenSpyOnFrameEnd(Sender: TObject; const FrameCount: Cardinal; const IsIFrame: Boolean; const HasBitmapEvent: Boolean);
- Procedure SendHeader;
- procedure DoFrameStart(const FrameCount: Cardinal; const IsIFrame: Boolean); virtual;
- procedure DoFrameEnd(const FrameCount: Cardinal; const IsIFrame: Boolean; const HasBitmapEvent: Boolean); virtual;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- Property OnFrameStart: TFrameStartEvent read FOnFrameStart write FOnFrameStart;
- Property OnFrameEnd: TFrameEndEvent read FOnFrameEnd write FOnFrameEnd;
- Property BlockInterval: Cardinal read FBlockInterval write SetBlockInterval default 10;
- Property BlockDelay: Cardinal read FBlockDelay write SetBlockDelay default 1;
- Property IFrameDelay: Cardinal read FIFrameDelay write SetIFrameDelay default 100;
- Property IFrame: Cardinal read GetIFrame write SetIFrame;
- Property ThreadPriority: TThreadPriority read GetThreadPriority write SetThreadPriority;
- Property MaxBlockSize: Integer read GetMaxBlockSize write SetMaxBlockSize;
- Property MaxFrameRate: Byte read GetMaxFrameRate write SetMaxFrameRate;
- property RemoteIP: String read GetRemoteIP write SetRemoteIP;
- property RemoteHost: String read GetRemoteHost write SetRemoteHost;
- property RemotePort: Word read GetRemotePort write SetRemotePort;
- Property Active : Boolean read FActive write SetActive default False;
- end;
- TScreenPlayerBitmapEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Block: TScreenBlock) of object;
- TScreenPlayer = class(TComponent)
- private
- { Private declarations }
- // Properties
- FScreenWidth: Word;
- FScreenHeight: Word;
- FBytesPerPixel: Byte;
- FPixelFormat: TPixelFormat;
- FBlockRowCount: Integer;
- FBlockColumnCount: Integer;
- FBlockCount: Integer;
- FBlockWidth: Integer;
- FBlockHeight: Integer;
- FBlockSize: Integer;
- // Events
- FOnScreenBitmap: TScreenPlayerBitmapEvent;
- FOnHeaderUpdate: TNotifyEvent;
- FOnFrameEnd: TFrameEndEvent;
- FOnFrameStart: TFrameStartEvent;
- // Golbal Variables
- FUDPReceiver : TUDPReceiver;
- FSFastRLE : TSFastRLE;
- XorDataPtr: array [1..4] of Pointer; // MAX 4 bytes per pixel
- ScreenBitmaps: array of TScreenBlock;
- BMPBlockSize: Integer; // Size of Bitmap for one block
- MemoryAllowcated: Boolean;
- Header: TftHeader;
- AnyPtr: PftAny;
- BlockPtr: PftBlock;
- FrameStartPtr: PftFrameStart;
- FrameEndPtr: PftFrameEnd;
- function GetActive: Boolean;
- function GetMulticastIP: String;
- function GetPort: Word;
- procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
- procedure SetMulticastIP(const Value: String);
- procedure SetPort(const Value: Word);
- protected
- { Protected declarations }
- procedure CalculateScreenData; virtual;
- procedure ReleaseScreenData; virtual;
- procedure DoScreenBitmap(ScreenBitmapIndex: Integer); virtual;
- procedure DoHeaderUpdate;
- procedure UDPReceiverOnUDPData(Sender: TObject; const Buffer: Pointer; const RecvSize:Integer; const Peer: string; const Port: Integer); virtual;
- public
- { Public declarations }
- Constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
- Destructor Destroy; override;
- Property ScreenWidth: Word read FScreenWidth;
- Property ScreenHeight: Word read FScreenHeight;
- Property BytesPerPixel: Byte read FBytesPerPixel;
- Property PixelFormat: TPixelFormat read FPixelFormat;
- Property BlockCount: Integer read FBlockCount;
- Property BlockRowCount: Integer read FBlockRowCount;
- Property BlockColumnCount: Integer read FBlockColumnCount;
- Property BlockWidth: Integer read FBlockWidth;
- Property BlockHeight: Integer read FBlockHeight;
- Property BlockSize: Integer read FBlockSize;
- published
- { Published declarations }
- Property OnScreenBitmap: TScreenPlayerBitmapEvent read FOnScreenBitmap write FOnScreenBitmap;
- Property OnHeaderUpdate: TNotifyEvent read FOnHeaderUpdate write FOnHeaderUpdate;
- Property OnFrameStart: TFrameStartEvent read FOnFrameStart write FOnFrameStart;
- Property OnFrameEnd: TFrameEndEvent read FOnFrameEnd write FOnFrameEnd;
- property Port: Word read GetPort write SetPort;
- property MulticastIP: String read GetMulticastIP write SetMulticastIP;
- property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive default False;
- end;
- procedure Register;
- resourcestring
- ESSACTIVED = 'Connot perform this action while component is in active!';
- ESSINVALIDVALUE = 'Invalid value assigned!';
- implementation
- procedure Register;
- begin
- RegisterComponents('Samples', [TScreenSpy, TScreenEncoder, TScreenPlayer]);
- end;
- { TScreenSpy }
- procedure TScreenSpy.CalculateScreenData;
- // e.g.: ANumber = 800, MaxRoot = 21; Result = 20 (800 mod 20=0)
- Function MultiRoot(ANumber, MaxRoot: Cardinal): Cardinal;
- Begin
- If MaxRoot>0 then
- While (ANumber mod MaxRoot)<>0 do
- MaxRoot:= MaxRoot-1;
- Result:= MaxRoot;
- End;
- // e.g.: ANumber = 800, MinRoot=20, MaxRoot = 41; Result = 40 (800 mod 40=0)
- Function MaxRootOf(ANumber, MinRoot, MaxRoot: Cardinal): Cardinal;
- Begin
- If (MaxRoot>0) and (MinRoot>0) then
- While ((ANumber mod MaxRoot)<>0) and (MaxRoot>=MinRoot) do
- MaxRoot:= MaxRoot-1;
- If MaxRoot>=MinRoot then
- Result:= MaxRoot
- Else
- Result:= 0; // not found
- End;
- Var
- i: Integer;
- BitsPerPixel: Integer;
- begin
- If MemoryAllowcated then
- ReleaseScreenData;
- MemoryAllowcated:= True;
- // Find system information for screen
- // Get ready to capture screen
- FScreenCanvas.Handle:= GetDC(0);
- // Get All information about screen
- FScreenWidth:= Screen.Width;
- FScreenHeight:= Screen.Height;
- BitsPerPixel := GetDeviceCaps(ScreenCanvas.Handle, BITSPIXEL);
- Case BitsPerPixel of
- 8 :
- Begin
- FBytesPerPixel:= 1;
- FPixelFormat:= pf8bit;
- End;
- 16:
- Begin
- FBytesPerPixel:= 2;
- FPixelFormat:= pf16bit;
- End;
- 24:
- Begin
- FBytesPerPixel:= 3;
- FPixelFormat:= pf24bit;
- End;
- 32:
- Begin
- FBytesPerPixel:= 4;
- FPixelFormat:= pf32bit;
- End;
- Else
- Begin
- FBytesPerPixel:= 3;
- FPixelFormat:= pf24bit;
- End;
- End;{CASE}
- // Calculate Block information
- // Max block area for avaliable block size
- i:= FMaxBlockSize div FBytesPerPixel;
- FBlockHeight:= Trunc(sqrt(i));
- FBlockHeight:= MultiRoot(ScreenHeight, FBlockHeight);
- FBlockWidth:= i div FBlockHeight;
- FBlockWidth:= MultiRoot(ScreenWidth, FBlockWidth);
- FBlockHeight:= MaxRootOf(ScreenHeight, FBlockHeight, i div FBlockWidth);
- FBlockSize:= BlockWidth * FBlockHeight;
- BMPBlockSize := BlockSize * BytesPerPixel;
- FBlockColumnCount:= FScreenWidth div FBlockWidth;
- FBlockRowCount:= FScreenHeight div FBlockHeight;
- FBlockCount:= FBlockColumnCount * FBlockRowCount;
- // Re-Allocate memory
- // Create off-screen memory for store last screen
- SetLength(LastScreen, BlockCount);
- For i:=0 to BlockCount-1 do
- Begin
- GetMem(LastScreen[i], BMPBlockSize);
- FillChar(LastScreen[i]^, BMPBlockSize, $0);
- End;
- // Get buffer for send-data
- // GetMem(ScreenBlockPtr, SizeOf(TScreenBlock)+BMPBlockSize+8);
- //ScreenBlockPtr^.UNID:= 0; // In fact it is a user defined value
- //ScreenBlockDataPtr:= @(ScreenBlockPtr^.Data[0]); // Why use it?
- FBlockBound:= Rect(0, 0, FBlockWidth, FBlockHeight);
- // Create temp bitmap for copy a pice of desktop image
- SetLength(ScreenBitmaps, BlockCount);
- For i:=0 to BlockCount-1 do
- Begin
- ScreenBitmaps[i].BlockIndex:= i;
- ScreenBitmaps[i].Bound:= Rect(0,0,BlockWidth,BlockHeight);
- OffsetRect(ScreenBitmaps[i].Bound, (i mod FBlockColumnCount) * FBlockWidth, (i div FBlockColumnCount) * FBlockHeight);
- {ScreenBitmaps[i].Bound:= Rect((i mod BlockWidth) * BMPBlockWidth, (i div BlockWidth) * BMPBlockHeight,
- (i mod BlockWidth) * BMPBlockWidth + BMPBlockWidth, (i div BlockWidth) * BMPBlockHeight + BMPBlockHeight);{}
- ScreenBitmaps[i].BMP:= TBitmap.Create;
- With ScreenBitmaps[i].BMP do
- Begin
- Width:= BlockWidth;
- Height:= BlockHeight;
- PixelFormat:= FPixelFormat;
- If Cardinal(ScanLine[0])<Cardinal(ScanLine[1]) then
- ScreenBitmaps[i].ptr:= ScanLine[0]
- Else
- ScreenBitmaps[i].ptr:= ScanLine[Height-1];
- End;
- End;
- end;
- constructor TScreenSpy.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- // Init default properties
- FMaxBlockSize := 30000;
- FMaxFrameRate := 0;
- MaxFrameRate := 10;
- FIFrame := 30;
- FActive:= False;
- FThreadPriority:= tpNormal;
- FScreenCanvas:= TCanvas.Create;
- // Calculate information of screen
- MemoryAllowcated:= False;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- CalculateScreenData;
- end;
- destructor TScreenSpy.Destroy;
- begin
- Active:= False;
- ReleaseScreenData;
- FScreenCanvas.Free;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.DoFrameEnd(const IsIFrame: Boolean);
- begin
- If Assigned(FOnFrameEnd) then
- FOnFrameEnd(Self, FrameCount, IsIFrame, HasBitmapEvent);
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.DoFrameStart(const IsIFrame: Boolean);
- begin
- If Assigned(FOnFrameStart) then
- FOnFrameStart(Self, FrameCount, IsIFrame);
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.DoScreenBitmap(ScreenBitmapIndex: Integer;
- IsIFrame: Boolean);
- begin
- If Assigned(FOnScreenBitmap) then
- try
- FOnScreenBitmap(Self, ScreenBitmaps[ScreenBitmapIndex], LastScreen[ScreenBitmapIndex], IsIFrame);
- except
- FOnScreenBitmap:= nil;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.ReleaseScreenData;
- Var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- If MemoryAllowcated then
- Begin
- If FActive then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSACTIVED);
- MemoryAllowcated:= False;
- // Do release
- ReleaseDC(0, FScreenCanvas.Handle);
- For i:=0 to BlockCount-1 do
- FreeMem(LastScreen[i]);
- SetLength(LastScreen, 0);
- For i:=0 to BlockCount-1 do
- Begin
- ScreenBitmaps[i].ptr:= nil;
- ScreenBitmaps[i].BMP.Free;
- End;
- SetLength(ScreenBitmaps, 0);
- End;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- If FActive<>Value then
- Begin
- FActive:= Value;
- If Not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- Begin
- If Value then
- Begin
- If Not MemoryAllowcated then
- CalculateScreenData;
- {// Init for new Frame
- FFrameCount:= 0;
- HasBitmapEvent:= False;{}
- SCThread:= TScreenSpyThread.Create;
- With SCThread do
- Begin
- ScreenSpy:= Self;
- Priority:= FThreadPriority;
- FreeOnTerminate:= True;
- Resume;
- End;{}
- End Else
- Begin
- SCThread.Terminate;
- SCThread.WaitFor;
- //FSCThread:= nil;{}
- End;
- End;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.SetIFrame(const Value: Cardinal);
- begin
- If FIFrame<>Value then
- Begin
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- FActive then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSACTIVED);
- If Value = 0 then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSINVALIDVALUE);
- FIFrame:= Value;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.SetMaxBlockSize(const Value: Integer);
- begin
- If FMaxBlockSize<>Value then
- Begin
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- FActive then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSACTIVED);
- FMaxBlockSize:= Value;
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
- CalculateScreenData;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.SetMaxFrameRate(const Value: Byte);
- begin
- If FMaxFrameRate<>Value then
- Begin
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- FActive then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSACTIVED);
- If Value = 0 then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSINVALIDVALUE);
- FMaxFrameRate:= Value;
- MaxDelayMilliseconds:= 1000 div FMaxFrameRate;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpy.SetThreadPriority(const Value: TThreadPriority);
- begin
- If FThreadPriority<>Value then
- Begin
- if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and
- FActive then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSACTIVED);
- FThreadPriority := Value;
- End;
- end;
- { TScreenSpyThread }
- procedure TScreenSpyThread.CaptureScreen;
- Var
- i: Integer;
- Begin
- TCWhenCapture:= GetTickCount;
- With FScreenSpy do
- Begin
- FFrameCount:= FFrameCount + 1;
- For i:=0 to BlockCount-1 do
- With ScreenBitmaps[i] do
- If BMP.Canvas.TryLock then
- try
- BMP.Canvas.CopyRect(BlockBound, ScreenCanvas, Bound);
- finally
- BMP.Canvas.Unlock;
- end;
- End;
- end;
- constructor TScreenSpyThread.Create;
- begin
- Inherited Create(True);
- end;
- destructor TScreenSpyThread.Destroy;
- begin
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpyThread.Execute;
- Var
- // BlockSame: Boolean;
- TickCountLag: Integer;
- begin
- With FScreenSpy do
- Begin
- SBIndex:= 0;
- IsIFrame:= True; // For Hide Complie message
- FFrameCount:= 0;
- // Init TickCounts
- TCWhenCapture:= 0;
- While FScreenSpy.Active and Not Terminated do
- Begin
- If SBIndex=0 then
- Begin
- IsIFrame:= (FFrameCount mod FIFrame)=0;
- // Delay for MaxFrameRate!
- TickCountLag:= MaxDelayMilliseconds- (GetTickCount-TCWhenCapture);
- If TickCountLag>0 then
- Sleep(TickCountLag);
- Synchronize(CaptureScreen);
- Synchronize(FrameStart);
- End;
- If IsIFrame or Not CompareMem(ScreenBitmaps[SBIndex].ptr, LastScreen[SBIndex], BMPBlockSize) then
- {If IsIFrame then
- BlockSame:= False
- Else
- BlockSame:= CompareMem(ScreenBitmaps[SBIndex].ptr, LastScreen[SBIndex], BMPBlockSize);
- If Not BlockSame then{}
- Begin
- Synchronize(ScreenBitmap);
- Move(ScreenBitmaps[SBIndex].ptr^, LastScreen[SBIndex]^, BMPBlockSize);
- End;
- SBIndex:= (SBIndex + 1) mod BlockCount;
- If (SBIndex=0) then
- Synchronize(FrameEnd);
- End;
- End;
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpyThread.FrameEnd;
- begin
- FScreenSpy.DoFrameEnd(IsIFrame);
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpyThread.FrameStart;
- begin
- FScreenSpy.HasBitmapEvent:= False;
- FScreenSpy.DoFrameStart(IsIFrame);
- end;
- procedure TScreenSpyThread.ScreenBitmap;
- begin
- FScreenSpy.DoScreenBitmap(SBIndex, IsIFrame);
- FScreenSpy.HasBitmapEvent:= True;
- end;
- { TRLE }
- Type
- LongType = record
- case Word of
- 0: (Ptr: Pointer);
- 1: (Long: LongInt);
- 2: (Lo: Word;
- Hi: Word);
- end;
- constructor TSFastRLE.Create;
- begin
- inherited;
- GetMem(s, $FFFF);
- GetMem(t, $FFFF);
- end;
- destructor TSFastRLE.Destroy;
- begin
- FreeMem(t);
- FreeMem(s);
- inherited;
- end;
- function TSFastRLE.PackSeg(Source, Target: Pointer; SourceSize: Word): Word;
- begin
- asm
- push esi
- push edi
- push eax
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push edx
- cld
- xor ecx, ecx
- mov cx, SourceSize
- mov edi, Target
- mov esi, Source
- add esi, ecx
- dec esi
- lodsb
- inc eax
- mov [esi], al
- mov ebx, edi
- add ebx, ecx
- inc ebx
- mov esi, Source
- add ecx, esi
- add edi, 2
- @CyclePack:
- cmp ecx, esi
- je @Konec
- lodsw
- stosb
- dec esi
- cmp al, ah
- jne @CyclePack
- cmp ax, [esi+1]
- jne @CyclePack
- cmp al, [esi+3]
- jne @CyclePack
- sub ebx, 2
- push edi
- sub edi, Target
- mov [ebx], di
- pop edi
- mov edx, esi
- add esi, 3
- @Nimnul:
- inc esi
- cmp al, [esi]
- je @Nimnul
- mov eax, esi
- sub eax, edx
- or ah, ah
- jz @M256
- mov byte ptr [edi], 0
- inc edi
- stosw
- jmp @CyclePack
- @M256:
- stosb
- jmp @CyclePack
- @Konec:
- push ebx
- mov ebx, Target
- mov eax, edi
- sub eax, ebx
- mov [ebx], ax
- pop ebx
- inc ecx
- cmp ebx, ecx
- je @Lock1
- mov esi, ebx
- sub ebx, Target
- sub ecx, Source
- sub ecx, ebx
- rep movsb
- @Lock1:
- sub edi, Target
- mov Result, di
- pop edx
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- pop eax
- pop edi
- pop esi
- end;
- end;
- function TSFastRLE.UnPackSeg(Source, Target: Pointer; SourceSize: Word): Word;
- begin
- asm
- push esi
- push edi
- push eax
- push ebx
- push ecx
- push edx
- cld
- mov esi, Source
- mov edi, Target
- mov ebx, esi
- xor edx, edx
- mov dx, SourceSize
- add ebx, edx
- mov dx, word ptr [esi]
- add edx, esi
- add esi, 2
- @UnPackCycle:
- cmp edx, ebx
- je @Konec2
- sub ebx, 2
- xor ecx, ecx
- mov cx, word ptr [ebx]
- add ecx, Source
- sub ecx, esi
- dec ecx
- rep movsb
- lodsb
- mov cl, byte ptr [esi]
- inc esi
- or cl, cl
- jnz @Low1
- xor ecx, ecx
- mov cx, word ptr [esi]
- add esi, 2
- @Low1:
- inc ecx
- rep stosb
- jmp @UnPackCycle
- @Konec2:
- mov ecx, edx
- sub ecx, esi
- rep movsb
- sub edi, Target
- mov Result, di
- pop edx
- pop ecx
- pop ebx
- pop eax
- pop edi
- pop esi
- end;
- end;
- function TSFastRLE.Pack(Source, Target: Pointer; SourceSize: Integer): LongInt;
- var
- w, tmp: Word;
- Sourc, Targ: LongType;
- begin
- { // Move
- Move(Source^, Target^, SourceSize);
- Result:= SourceSize;
- Exit;{}
- // RLE Compress
- Sourc.Ptr := Source;
- Targ.Ptr := Target;
- Result := 0;
- while SourceSize <> 0 do
- begin
- if SourceSize > $FFFA then tmp := $FFFA
- else tmp := SourceSize;
- dec(SourceSize, tmp);
- move(Sourc.Ptr^, s^, tmp);
- w := PackSeg(s, t, tmp);
- inc(Sourc.Long, tmp);
- Move(w, Targ.Ptr^, 2);
- inc(Targ.Long, 2);
- Move(t^, Targ.Ptr^, w);
- inc(Targ.Long, w);
- Result := Result + w + 2;
- end;
- end;
- function TSFastRLE.PackFile(SourceFileName, TargetFileName: String): Boolean;
- var
- Source, Target: Pointer;
- SourceFile, TargetFile: File;
- RequiredMaxSize, TargetFSize, FSize: LongInt;
- begin
- AssignFile(SourceFile, SourceFileName);
- Reset(SourceFile, 1);
- FSize := FileSize(SourceFile);
- RequiredMaxSize := FSize + (FSize div $FFFF + 1) * 2;
- GetMem(Source, RequiredMaxSize);
- GetMem(Target, RequiredMaxSize);
- BlockRead(SourceFile, Source^, FSize);
- CloseFile(SourceFile);
- TargetFSize := Pack(Source, Target, FSize);
- AssignFile(TargetFile, TargetFileName);
- Rewrite(TargetFile, 1);
- { Also, you may put header }
- BlockWrite(TargetFile, FSize, SizeOf(FSize)); { Original file size (Only from 3.0) }
- BlockWrite(TargetFile, Target^, TargetFSize);
- CloseFile(TargetFile);
- FreeMem(Target, RequiredMaxSize);
- FreeMem(Source, RequiredMaxSize);
- Result := IOResult = 0;
- end;
- function TSFastRLE.PackString(Source: String): String;
- var
- PC, PC2: PChar;
- SS, TS: Integer;
- begin
- SS := Length(Source);
- GetMem(PC, SS);
- GetMem(PC2, SS + 8); // If line can't be packed its size can be longer
- Move(Source[1], PC^, SS);
- TS := Pack(PC, PC2, SS);
- SetLength(Result, TS + 4);
- Move(SS, Result[1], 4);
- Move(PC2^, Result[5], TS);
- FreeMem(PC2);
- FreeMem(PC);
- end;
- function TSFastRLE.UnPack(Source, Target: Pointer;
- SourceSize: Integer): LongInt;
- var
- Increment, i: LongInt;
- tmp: Word;
- Swap: LongType;
- begin
- { // Move
- Move(Source^, Target^, SourceSize);
- Result:= SourceSize;
- Exit;{}
- // RLE Decompress
- Increment := 0;
- Result := 0;
- while SourceSize <> 0 do
- begin
- Swap.Ptr := Source;
- inc(Swap.Long, Increment);
- Move(Swap.Ptr^, tmp, 2);
- inc(Swap.Long, 2);
- dec(SourceSize, tmp + 2);
- i := UnPackSeg(Swap.Ptr, t, tmp);
- Swap.Ptr := Target;
- inc(Swap.Long, Result);
- inc(Result, i);
- Move(t^, Swap.Ptr^, i);
- inc(Increment, tmp + 2);
- end;
- end;
- function TSFastRLE.UnPackFile(SourceFileName, TargetFileName: String): Boolean;
- var
- Source, Target: Pointer;
- SourceFile, TargetFile: File;
- OriginalFileSize, FSize: LongInt;
- begin
- AssignFile(SourceFile, SourceFileName);
- Reset(SourceFile, 1);
- FSize := FileSize(SourceFile) - SizeOf(OriginalFileSize);
- { Read header ? }
- BlockRead(SourceFile, OriginalFileSize, SizeOf(OriginalFileSize));
- GetMem(Source, FSize);
- GetMem(Target, OriginalFileSize);
- BlockRead(SourceFile, Source^, FSize);
- CloseFile(SourceFile);
- UnPack(Source, Target, FSize);
- AssignFile(TargetFile, TargetFileName);
- Rewrite(TargetFile, 1);
- BlockWrite(TargetFile, Target^, OriginalFileSize);
- CloseFile(TargetFile);
- FreeMem(Target, OriginalFileSize);
- FreeMem(Source, FSize);
- Result := IOResult = 0;
- end;
- function TSFastRLE.UnPackString(Source: String): String;
- var
- PC, PC2: PChar;
- SS, TS: Integer;
- begin
- SS := Length(Source) - 4;
- GetMem(PC, SS);
- Move(Source[1], TS, 4);
- GetMem(PC2, TS);
- Move(Source[5], PC^, SS);
- TS := UnPack(PC, PC2, SS);
- SetLength(Result, TS);
- Move(PC2^, Result[1], TS);
- FreeMem(PC2);
- FreeMem(PC);
- end;
- { TScreenEncoder }
- constructor TScreenEncoder.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- // default properties value
- FActive:= False;
- FBlockInterval:= 1;
- FBlockDelay:= 1;
- FIFrameDelay:= 100;
- // Create aggerated components
- FSFastRLE:= TSFastRLE.Create;
- FUDPSender:= TUDPSender.Create(Self);
- FScreenSpy:= TScreenSpy.Create(Self);
- FScreenSpy.OnScreenBitmap:= ScreenSpyOnScreenBitmap;
- FScreenSpy.OnFrameStart:= ScreenSpyOnFrameStart;
- FScreenSpy.OnFrameEnd:= ScreenSpyOnFrameEnd;
- // default golbal value
- {Records}
- With RHeader do
- Begin
- dwSize:= SizeOfTftHeader;
- PackID:= RID_Header;
- End;
- With RFrameStart do
- Begin
- dwSize:= SizeOfTftFrameStart;
- PackID:= RID_FrameStart;
- End;
- With RFrameEnd do
- Begin
- dwSize:= SizeOfTftFrameEnd;
- PackID:= RID_FrameEnd;
- End;
- {Block}
- Blockptr:= nil;
- XorDataPtr[1]:= nil;
- MaxBlockSize:= FScreenSpy.MaxBlockSize;
- end;
- destructor TScreenEncoder.Destroy;
- begin
- Active:= False;
- FScreenSpy.Free;
- FUDPSender.Free;
- FSFastRLE.Free;
- // Free golbal pointers
- If Assigned(Blockptr) then
- FreeMem(Blockptr);
- If Assigned(XorDataPtr[1]) then
- FreeMem(XorDataPtr[1]);
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.ScreenSpyOnScreenBitmap(Sender: TObject;
- const Block: TScreenBlock; LastScanline: Pointer; IsIFrame: Boolean);
- Var
- i, l: Integer;
- PackedSize: Integer;
- ptrNow, ptrLast: ^Byte;
- ptrXOR: array [1..4] of ^Byte; // Max 4 bytes per pixel
- begin
- If IsIFrame then
- Begin // Send IFrame
- With Blockptr^ do
- Begin
- BlockIndex:= Block.BlockIndex;
- FrameStyle:= sdsRLENormal;
- //Compress
- PackedSize:= FSFastRLE.Pack(Block.ptr, @(Blockptr^.Data[0]), FScreenSpy.BMPBlockSize);
- If PackedSize>0 then
- Begin
- dwSize:= SizeofTftBlock-1+PackedSize;
- FUDPSender.SendBuf(Blockptr^, Blockptr^.dwSize);
- // Delay when Interval
- BlockIntervalCount:= (BlockIntervalCount+1) mod FBlockInterval;
- If BlockIntervalCount=0 then
- Sleep(FBlockDelay);
- End;
- End;
- End Else
- Begin // Send NON IFrame
- With FScreenSpy, Blockptr^ do
- Begin
- { Init Packet values }
- BlockIndex:= Block.BlockIndex;
- FrameStyle:= sdsRLEXor;
- { Xor }
- ptrNow:= Block.ptr;
- ptrLast:= LastScanLine;
- For i:=1 to BytesPerPixel do
- ptrXOR[i]:= XorDataPtr[i];
- For i:=1 to BlockSize do
- Begin
- // Move (R, G, B) to each area if (24bits), for better RLE compression.
- For l:=1 to BytesPerPixel do
- Begin
- ptrXOR[l]^:= ptrNow^ xor ptrLast^; // XOR
- Inc(ptrNow);
- Inc(ptrLast);
- Inc(ptrXOR[l]);
- End;
- End;
- { Compress }
- PackedSize:= FSFastRLE.Pack(XorDataPtr[1], @(Blockptr^.Data[0]), BMPBlockSize);
- { Send }
- If PackedSize>0 then
- Begin
- dwSize:= SizeofTftBlock-1+PackedSize;
- FUDPSender.SendBuf(Blockptr^, Blockptr^.dwSize);
- // Delay when Interval
- BlockIntervalCount:= (BlockIntervalCount+1) mod FBlockInterval;
- If BlockIntervalCount=0 then
- Sleep(FBlockDelay);
- End;
- End;
- End;
- end;
- function TScreenEncoder.GetIFrame: Cardinal;
- begin
- Result:= FScreenSpy.IFrame;
- end;
- function TScreenEncoder.GetMaxBlockSize: Integer;
- begin
- Result:= FScreenSpy.MaxBlockSize;
- end;
- function TScreenEncoder.GetMaxFrameRate: Byte;
- begin
- Result:= FScreenSpy.MaxFrameRate;
- end;
- function TScreenEncoder.GetRemoteHost: String;
- begin
- Result:= FUDPSender.RemoteHost;
- end;
- function TScreenEncoder.GetRemoteIP: String;
- begin
- Result:= FUDPSender.RemoteIP;
- end;
- function TScreenEncoder.GetRemotePort: Word;
- begin
- Result:= FUDPSender.RemotePort;
- end;
- function TScreenEncoder.GetThreadPriority: TThreadPriority;
- begin
- Result:= FScreenSpy.ThreadPriority;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetActive(Value: Boolean);
- begin
- If Value<>FActive then
- try
- If Value then
- Begin
- // Init
- BlockIntervalCount:= 0;
- try
- FUDPSender.Active:= True; // Active UDP sender first
- except
- Value:= False;
- Raise;
- end;
- If Value then
- SendHeader;
- try
- FScreenSpy.Active:= Value;
- except
- Value:= False;
- Raise;
- end;
- End;
- If Not Value then
- Begin
- FScreenSpy.Active:= Value; // Deactive ScreenSpy first
- FUDPSender.Active:= Value;
- End;
- finally
- FActive:= Value;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetIFrame(const Value: Cardinal);
- begin
- FScreenSpy.IFrame:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetMaxBlockSize(const Value: Integer);
- Var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- If Active then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSACTIVED);
- FScreenSpy.MaxBlockSize:= Value;
- try
- If Assigned(Blockptr) then
- FreeMem(Blockptr);
- If Assigned(XorDataPtr[1]) then
- FreeMem(XorDataPtr[1]);
- finally
- With FScreenSpy do
- Begin
- // GetBlock
- GetMem(Blockptr, SizeofTftBlock+BMPBlockSize+8);
- FillChar(Blockptr^, SizeofTftBlock+BMPBlockSize, 0);
- Blockptr^.PackID:= RID_BLOCK;
- // GetXor
- GetMem(XorDataPtr[1], BMPBlockSize);
- For i:=2 to BytesPerPixel do
- XorDataPtr[i]:= Pointer(Integer(XorDataPtr[1])+Integer(BlockSize)*(i-1));
- End;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetMaxFrameRate(const Value: Byte);
- begin
- FScreenSpy.MaxFrameRate:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetRemoteHost(const Value: String);
- begin
- FUDPSender.RemoteHost:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetRemoteIP(const Value: String);
- begin
- FUDPSender.RemoteIP:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetRemotePort(const Value: Word);
- begin
- FUDPSender.RemotePort:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetThreadPriority(const Value: TThreadPriority);
- begin
- FScreenSpy.ThreadPriority:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SendHeader;
- begin
- If Not FScreenSpy.MemoryAllowcated then
- FScreenSpy.CalculateScreenData;
- With RHeader do
- Begin
- ScreenWidth:= FScreenSpy.ScreenWidth;
- ScreenHeight:= FScreenSpy.ScreenHeight;
- BytesPerPixel:= FScreenSpy.BytesPerPixel;
- BlockWidth:= FScreenSpy.BlockWidth;
- BlockHeight:= FScreenSpy.BlockHeight;
- End;
- FUDPSender.SendBuf(RHeader, RHeader.dwSize);
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetBlockDelay(const Value: Cardinal);
- begin
- FBlockDelay := Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.ScreenSpyOnFrameEnd(Sender: TObject;
- const FrameCount: Cardinal; const IsIFrame, HasBitmapEvent: Boolean);
- begin
- DoFrameEnd(FrameCount, IsIFrame, HasBitmapEvent);
- If IsIFrame then
- Sleep(FIFrameDelay);
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.DoFrameEnd(const FrameCount: Cardinal;
- const IsIFrame, HasBitmapEvent: Boolean);
- begin
- RFrameEnd.FrameCount:= FrameCount;
- RFrameEnd.IsIFrame:= IsIFrame;
- RFrameEnd.HasBitmapEvent:= HasBitmapEvent;
- FUDPSender.SendBuf(RFrameEnd, RFrameEnd.dwSize);
- If Assigned(FOnFrameEnd) then
- FOnFrameEnd(Self, FrameCount, IsIFrame, HasBitmapEvent);
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.DoFrameStart(const FrameCount: Cardinal;
- const IsIFrame: Boolean);
- begin
- RFrameStart.FrameCount:= FrameCount;
- RFrameStart.IsIFrame:= IsIFrame;
- FUDPSender.SendBuf(RFrameStart, RFrameStart.dwSize);
- If Assigned(FOnFrameStart) then
- FOnFrameStart(Self, FrameCount, IsIFrame);
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.ScreenSpyOnFrameStart(Sender: TObject;
- const FrameCount: Cardinal; const IsIFrame: Boolean);
- begin
- DoFrameStart(FrameCount, IsIFrame);
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetBlockInterval(const Value: Cardinal);
- begin
- FBlockInterval := Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenEncoder.SetIFrameDelay(const Value: Cardinal);
- begin
- FIFrameDelay := Value;
- end;
- { TScreenPlayer }
- procedure TScreenPlayer.CalculateScreenData;
- Var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- If MemoryAllowcated then
- ReleaseScreenData;
- With Header do
- Begin
- FScreenWidth:= ScreenWidth;
- FScreenHeight:= ScreenHeight;
- FBytesPerPixel:= BytesPerPixel;
- FBlockWidth:= BlockWidth;
- FBlockHeight:= BlockHeight;
- End;
- Case FBytesPerPixel of
- 1: FPixelFormat:= pf8Bit;
- 2: FPixelFormat:= pf16Bit;
- 3: FPixelFormat:= pf24Bit;
- 4: FPixelFormat:= pf32Bit;
- Else FPixelFormat:= pf24Bit;
- End;{CASE}
- FBlockColumnCount:= FScreenWidth div FBlockWidth;
- FBlockRowCount:= FScreenHeight div FBlockHeight;
- FBlockCount:= FBlockColumnCount * FBlockRowCount;
- FBlockSize:= FBlockWidth * FBlockHeight;
- BMPBlockSize:= FBlockSize * FBytesPerPixel;
- // Get Buffer for Decode Screen block
- GetMem(XorDataPtr[1], BMPBlockSize);
- For i:=2 to BytesPerPixel do
- XorDataPtr[i]:= Pointer(Integer(XorDataPtr[1])+BlockSize*(i-1));
- // Create temp bitmap for copy a pice of desktop image
- SetLength(ScreenBitmaps, BlockCount);
- For i:=0 to BlockCount-1 do
- Begin
- ScreenBitmaps[i].BlockIndex:= i;
- ScreenBitmaps[i].Bound:= Rect(0,0,BlockWidth,BlockHeight);
- OffsetRect(ScreenBitmaps[i].Bound, (i mod FBlockColumnCount) * FBlockWidth, (i div FBlockColumnCount) * FBlockHeight);
- {ScreenBitmaps[i].Bound:= Rect((i mod BlockWidth) * BMPBlockWidth, (i div BlockWidth) * BMPBlockHeight,
- (i mod BlockWidth) * BMPBlockWidth + BMPBlockWidth, (i div BlockWidth) * BMPBlockHeight + BMPBlockHeight);{}
- ScreenBitmaps[i].BMP:= TBitmap.Create;
- With ScreenBitmaps[i].BMP do
- Begin
- Width:= BlockWidth;
- Height:= BlockHeight;
- PixelFormat:= FPixelFormat;
- If Cardinal(ScanLine[0])<Cardinal(ScanLine[1]) then
- ScreenBitmaps[i].ptr:= ScanLine[0]
- Else
- ScreenBitmaps[i].ptr:= ScanLine[Height-1];
- End;
- End;
- MemoryAllowcated:= True;
- end;
- constructor TScreenPlayer.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
- begin
- inherited;
- FSFastRLE := TSFastRLE.Create;
- FUDPReceiver:= TUDPReceiver.Create(Self);
- FUDPReceiver.OnUDPData:= UDPReceiverOnUDPData;
- MemoryAllowcated:= False;
- end;
- destructor TScreenPlayer.Destroy;
- begin
- Active:= False;
- FUDPReceiver.Free;
- FSFastRLE.Free;
- ReleaseScreenData;
- inherited;
- end;
- procedure TScreenPlayer.DoHeaderUpdate;
- begin
- If Assigned(FOnHeaderUpdate) then
- FOnHeaderUpdate(Self);
- end;
- procedure TScreenPlayer.DoScreenBitmap(ScreenBitmapIndex: Integer);
- begin
- If Assigned(FOnScreenBitmap) then
- try
- FOnScreenBitmap(Self, ScreenBitmaps[ScreenBitmapIndex]);
- except
- FOnScreenBitmap:= nil;
- end;
- end;
- function TScreenPlayer.GetActive: Boolean;
- begin
- Result := FUDPReceiver.Active;
- end;
- function TScreenPlayer.GetMulticastIP: String;
- begin
- Result := FUDPReceiver.MulticastIP;
- end;
- function TScreenPlayer.GetPort: Word;
- begin
- Result := FUDPReceiver.Port;
- end;
- procedure TScreenPlayer.ReleaseScreenData;
- Var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- If MemoryAllowcated then
- Begin
- {If Active then
- Raise EScrSpy.CreateRes(@ESSACTIVED);{}
- MemoryAllowcated:= False;
- // Do release
- For i:=2 to BytesPerPixel do
- XorDataPtr[i]:= nil;
- FreeMem(XorDataPtr[1]);
- For i:=0 to BlockCount-1 do
- Begin
- ScreenBitmaps[i].ptr:= nil;
- ScreenBitmaps[i].BMP.Free;
- End;
- SetLength(ScreenBitmaps, 0);
- End;
- end;
- procedure TScreenPlayer.SetActive(const Value: Boolean);
- begin
- FUDPReceiver.Active:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenPlayer.SetMulticastIP(const Value: String);
- begin
- FUDPReceiver.MulticastIP:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenPlayer.SetPort(const Value: Word);
- begin
- FUDPReceiver.Port:= Value;
- end;
- procedure TScreenPlayer.UDPReceiverOnUDPData(Sender: TObject;
- const Buffer: Pointer; const RecvSize: Integer; const Peer: string;
- const Port: Integer);
- Var
- i, l: Integer;
- ScanLinePtr: ^Byte;
- PtrXor: array [1..4] of ^Byte; // MAX 4 bytes per pixel
- begin
- AnyPtr:= Buffer;
- If Anyptr.dwSize <> TRSize(RecvSize) then
- Exit; // Error
- Case AnyPtr.PackID of
- Begin
- Move(AnyPtr^, Header, AnyPtr^.dwSize);
- CalculateScreenData;
- DoHeaderUpdate;
- End;
- If MemoryAllowcated then
- Begin
- BlockPtr:= Pointer(AnyPtr);
- With BlockPtr^ do
- Case FrameStyle of
- sdsRLENormal:
- Begin
- //decompress
- //FSFastRLE.UnPack(@(Data[0]), ScreenBitmaps[BlockIndex].ptr, dwSize+1-SizeofTftBlock);
- FSFastRLE.UnPack(@(Data[0]), XorDataPtr[1], dwSize+1-SizeofTftBlock);
- Move(XorDataPtr[1]^, ScreenBitmaps[BlockIndex].ptr^, BMPBlockSize);
- DoScreenBitmap(BlockIndex);
- End;
- sdsRLEXor:
- Begin
- FSFastRLE.UnPack(@(Data[0]), XorDataPtr[1], dwSize+1-SizeofTftBlock);
- // Init First Pointer for sequence XOR
- ScanLinePtr:= ScreenBitmaps[BlockIndex].ptr;
- For i:=0 to BytesPerPixel do
- PtrXor[i]:= XorDataPtr[i];
- For i:=0 to BlockSize-1 do
- Begin
- For l:=1 to BytesPerPixel do
- Begin
- ScanLinePtr^:= ScanLinePtr^ xor PtrXor[l]^;
- Inc(ScanLinePtr);
- Inc(PtrXor[l]);
- End;
- End;
- DoScreenBitmap(BlockIndex);
- End;
- End;{CASE}
- End;
- RID_FrameStart:
- Begin
- FrameStartPtr:= Pointer(AnyPtr);
- If Assigned(FOnFrameStart) then
- FOnFrameStart(Self, FrameStartPtr^.FrameCount, FrameStartPtr^.IsIFrame);
- End;
- RID_FrameEnd:
- Begin
- FrameEndPtr:= Pointer(AnyPtr);
- If Assigned(FOnFrameEnd) then
- FOnFrameEnd(Self, FrameEndPtr^.FrameCount, FrameEndPtr^.IsIFrame, FrameEndPtr^.HasBitmapEvent);
- End;
- Else //Error
- End;{CASE}
- end;
- end.