- #include <stdafx.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <malloc.h>
- #include "resource.h"
- #include "BmpTest.h"
- #include "BmpTestDoc.h"
- /******************************************************************** *
- * *
- * ro_angle:rotated angle *
- * size :the size of the rotated bitmap *
- * pav_cent:the rotate centre *
- * **********************************************************************/
- extern void Sh_Rotate(CBmpTestDoc* pDoc,double ro_angle,double size,POINT *pav_cent)
- {
- BYTE *lp=pDoc->m_Dib.m_Buffer,*ltemp;
- int m,n;
- unsigned int a,b,d,j,k,stand=150,Height,Width,BPL,i;
- DWORD shift,y_value;
- DWORD large;
- double rotate,x_value,sinth,costh;
- m=pav_cent->x;
- n=pav_cent->y;
- sinth=sin(-ro_angle);
- Height=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Height;
- Width=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Width;
- BPL=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Bpl;
- costh=cos(-ro_angle);
- //loritemp 是本地的图像副本总指针,ltemp指向数据区,biSize是BITMAPINFORHEADER的大小为40
- ltemp=new BYTE[9600];
- //initioalize the new field orign lpbi->biSizeImage
- for(j=0;j<9600;j++)
- *(ltemp+j)=0;
- //if it is the bmppoint then enlage
- for(k=0;k<Height;k++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<=(int)(Width/8);i++)
- {
- if((i+1)*8<Width)
- d=8;
- else
- d=(unsigned)(Width-i*8);
- a=128;
- if(d!=0)
- {
- for(j=0;j<d;j++)
- {
- //if the bit is equal to 0 it is background
- if((*(lp+(LONG)i+(LONG)k*BPL) & a) ==0)
- a=a>>1;
- else
- {
- //i is the x coordinate so it is byte
- x_value=(float)8*i+(float)j;
- rotate=(x_value -m)*(costh)-(sinth) *((float)k-n);
- rotate*=(double)110.0/size;
- rotate+=(double)160.0;
- large=(int)(rotate/8);
- shift=(int)rotate-large*8;
- b=128;
- //shift>=0 it is in the next store,本身他已处于下一单元(i 从零开始)
- y_value=(LONG)(((x_value -m)*sinth+costh*((float)k-n))
- *110.0/size +(float)120 )*(LONG)(40);
- large +=y_value;
- b=b>>shift;
- if(large < (9600-1))
- *(ltemp+large)|= b;
- a=a>>1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // If the driver did not fill in the biSizeImage field, make one up
- pDoc->m_Dib.Width=320;
- pDoc->m_Dib.Height=300;
- pDoc->m_Dib.Resize(9600);
- for(j=0;j<9600;j++)
- {
- *(pDoc->m_Dib.m_Buffer+j)=*(ltemp+j);
- *(pDoc->m_Dib.m_Buffer1+j)=*(ltemp+j);
- }
- if(lp)
- {
- delete [] lp;
- lp=0;
- }
- if(ltemp)
- {
- delete [] ltemp;
- ltemp=0;
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- * n *
- * gcc:the gravity contour centre of the bitmap *
- ***************************************************************************/
- extern BOOL GCC(CBmpTestDoc* pDoc,double *n,POINT *gcc)
- {
- //1:xnear 2:xfarer 3:ynear 4:yfarer
- BYTE *lp=pDoc->m_Dib.m_Buffer;
- char name1[2]="1",name2[2]="2",name3[2]="3",name4[2]="4";
- int i,k,tempx,xImagecon[2000],BPL,black,white,Height,Width;
- unsigned int a=1,d,j,maxx,minx;
- DWORD x=0,y=0,centx=0,centy=0,counts=0;//counts represents the conunt of the contour
- //cent represent the center_mass while av_cent represent the average center
- DISTANCE xdis[50];
- //let x repreterative the near and y represertive the far
- POINT Imagecon[100],min,max,last,cent,av_cent,*pcent,*pav_cent;
- //float distwo;
- BOOL maxfind=FALSE,minfind=FALSE,begin=TRUE,equal1,equal2,equal3;
- double l,dis,midx,midy,d_centx,d_centy;
- Height=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Height;
- Width=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Width;
- BPL=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Bpl;
- pcent=¢
- pav_cent=&av_cent;
- pdis=xdis;
- for(i=0;i<50;i++)
- (pdis+i)->number=0;
- for(i=0;i<2000;i++)
- xImagecon[i]=0;
- for(i=0;i<100;i++)
- {
- Imagecon[i].x=0;
- Imagecon[i].y=0;
- }
- for(k=0;k<Height;k++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<=(int)((Width)/8);i++)
- {
- a=255;
- if(((*(lp+i+k*BPL)) & a) ==0)
- continue;
- if((i+1)*8<(Width))
- d=8;
- else
- d=(unsigned)((Width)-i*8);
- a=128;
- if(d!=0)
- {
- for(j=0;j<d;j++)
- {
- //if the bit is equal to 0 it is background
- if(((*(lp+i+k*BPL)) & a) ==0)
- { y++;
- a=a>>1;}
- else
- { x++;
- a=a>>1;
- centx=(WORD)i*8+j+centx;
- centy=(WORD)k+centy;
- //分别求出从两个方向的投影点的轮廓
- //从x方向求 k为其 坐标
- if(xImagecon[k] ==0)
- xImagecon[k] =i*8+j;
- xImagecon[500+k] =max(xImagecon[500+k],i*8+(int)j);
- xImagecon[k] =min(xImagecon[k],i*8+(int)j);
- //从y方向求tempx为其坐标
- tempx=i*8+j;
- if(xImagecon[1000+tempx]==0)
- xImagecon[1000+tempx] =k;
- xImagecon[1500+tempx] =max(xImagecon[1500+tempx],k);
- xImagecon[1000+tempx] =min(xImagecon[1000+tempx],k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //图的直方图
- black=y;
- white=x;
- //求重心
- d_centx=((double)centx/x);
- d_centy=((double) centy/x);
- for(k=0;k<4;k++)
- {
- max.x=0;
- max.y=0;
- min.x=0;
- min.y=0;
- j=0;
- maxx=0;
- begin=TRUE;
- maxfind=FALSE;
- minfind=FALSE;
- for(i=1;i<500;i++)
- {
- //i 值为其 y方向的值 xImagecon 存的是X方向的最近和最远
- if(xImagecon[k*500+i] !=0)
- {
- if(max.x==0)
- {
- max.x=xImagecon[k*500+i];
- //the first point is a contour point
- if(j==0)
- { j++;
- if(k<2)
- {
- Imagecon[k*20+j].x=max.x;
- Imagecon[k*20+j].y=i;
- j++;
- }
- else
- {
- Imagecon[k*20+j].y=max.x;
- Imagecon[k*20+j].x=i;
- j++;
- }
- }
- }
- if(min.x==0) min.x=xImagecon[k*500+i];
- if(!minfind || begin)
- {
- if(min.x>=xImagecon[k*500+i])
- {
- min.x=xImagecon[k*500+i];
- min.y=i;
- minx=0;
- }
- else
- {
- minx++;
- if((minx>=2) && (min.x<=xImagecon[k*500+i]-2) && (min.x<=max.x+2))
- {
- minfind=TRUE;
- begin=FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!maxfind || begin)
- {
- if(max.x<=xImagecon[k*500+i])
- {
- max.x=xImagecon[k*500+i];
- max.y=i;
- maxx=0;
- }
- else
- {
- maxx++;
- if((maxx>=2) && (max.x>=xImagecon[k*500+i]+2) && (max.x>=min.x+2))
- {
- maxfind=TRUE;
- begin=FALSE;
- minfind=FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- last.x=xImagecon[k*500+i];
- last.y=i;
- if((maxfind && (maxx>=2)) || (minfind && (minx>=2)))
- {
- if(minfind)
- {
- if(k==0)
- {
- Imagecon[k*20+j].x=min.x;
- Imagecon[k*20+j].y=min.y;
- j++;
- }
- if(k==2)
- {
- Imagecon[k*20+j].y=min.x;
- Imagecon[k*20+j].x=min.y;
- j++;
- }
- max.x=min.x;
- max.y=min.y;
- maxfind=FALSE;
- }
- if(maxfind)
- {
- if(k==1)
- {
- Imagecon[k*20+j].x=max.x;
- Imagecon[k*20+j].y=max.y;
- j++;
- }
- if(k==3)
- {
- Imagecon[k*20+j].y=max.x;
- Imagecon[k*20+j].x=max.y;
- j++;
- }
- min.x=max.x;
- min.y=max.y;
- }
- *(lp+Imagecon[k*20+j-1].x/8+Imagecon[k*20+j-1].y * BPL/4) ^ 255;
- *(lp+Imagecon[k*20+j-1].x/8+Imagecon[k*20+j-1].y * BPL/4) ^ 255;
- minx=0;
- maxx=0;
- }
- }
- }
- Imagecon[k*20].x=j;
- if(k<2)
- {
- Imagecon[k*20+j].x=last.x;
- Imagecon[k*20+j].y=last.y;
- }
- else
- {
- Imagecon[k*20+j].x=last.y;
- Imagecon[k*20+j].y=last.x;
- }
- }
- //去掉相同点
- for(i=0;i<4;i++)
- {
- k=Imagecon[20*i].x;
- Imagecon[20*i].x=0;
- pav_cent->x =Imagecon[20*i+1].x;
- pav_cent->y =Imagecon[20*i+1].y;
- last.x=Imagecon[20*i+k].x;
- last.y=Imagecon[20*i+k].y;
- for(j=0;j<40;j++)
- {
- if((i==0) && (Imagecon[40+20*(int)(j/20)+2].x<=pav_cent->x) && (Imagecon[40+j].y==pav_cent->y) )
- equal1=TRUE;
- else
- equal1=FALSE;
- if((i==2) && (Imagecon[20*(int)(j/20)+2].y<=pav_cent->y) && (Imagecon[j].x==pav_cent->x) )
- equal2=TRUE;
- else
- equal2=FALSE;
- tempx=40*(1-(int)(i/2))+j;
- if((Imagecon[tempx].x==pav_cent->x) && (Imagecon[tempx].y==pav_cent->y))
- equal3=TRUE;
- else
- equal3=FALSE;
- if(equal3 || equal1|| equal2)
- {
- Imagecon[20*i+1].x=0;
- Imagecon[20*i+1].y=0;
- }
- if ((i==0) && (Imagecon[40+20*(int)(j/20)+2].x<=last.x) &&
- (Imagecon[40+j].y==last.y))
- equal1=TRUE;
- else
- equal1=FALSE;
- if((i==2) &&(Imagecon[20*(int)(j/20)+2].y<=last.y) && (Imagecon[j].x==last.x))
- equal2=TRUE;
- else
- equal2=FALSE;
- tempx=40*(1-i/2)+j;
- if((Imagecon[tempx].x==last.x) && (Imagecon[tempx].y==last.y))
- equal3=TRUE;
- else
- equal3=FALSE;
- if(equal3 || equal1 || equal2)
- {
- Imagecon[20*i+k].x=0;
- Imagecon[20*i+k].y=0;
- }
- }
- }
- //caculate the GCC
- for(j=0;j<20;j++)
- {
- last.x=Imagecon[20+j].x;
- last.y=Imagecon[20+j].y;
- Imagecon[20+j].x=Imagecon[60+j].x;
- Imagecon[20+j].y=Imagecon[60+j].y;
- Imagecon[60+j].x=last.x;
- Imagecon[60+j].y=last.y;
- }
- l=0.;
- midx=0;
- midy=0;
- max.x=0;
- max.y=0;
- for(i=0;i<80;i++)
- {
- if(Imagecon[i].x !=0)
- {
- min.x=Imagecon[i].x;
- min.y=Imagecon[i].y;
- if(max.x==0)
- {
- //max store the initional value
- max.x=min.x;
- max.y=min.y;
- }
- j=i+1;
- while((Imagecon[j].x==0) && (j<80))
- j++;
- if((j>40) && (i<40))
- {
- // pav_cent store the end of the y direction maxmun value
- pav_cent->x=min.x;
- pav_cent->y=min.y;
- min.x=max.x;
- min.y=max.y;
- }
- last.x=Imagecon[j].x;
- last.y=Imagecon[j].y;
- if(j==80)
- {
- last.x=pav_cent->x;
- last.y=pav_cent->y;
- }
- dis=sqrt((double)(min.x-last.x)*(min.x -last.x)+
- (double)(min.y-last.y)*(min.y-last.y));
- midx =(double)(min.x+last.x)/2 *dis +midx;
- midy =(double)(min.y+last.y)/2 *dis +midy;
- l+=dis;
- i=j-1;
- }
- }
- midx=midx/l;
- midy=midy/l;
- gcc->x=(int)midx;
- gcc->y=(int)midy;
- l=0;
- for(i=0;i<80;i++)
- {
- if(Imagecon[i].x !=0)
- {
- dis=(Imagecon[i].x-midx)*(Imagecon[i].x-midx)+(Imagecon[i].y-midy)*(Imagecon[i].y-midy);
- dis=sqrt(dis);
- l=max(dis,l);
- }
- }
- *n=l;
- return TRUE;
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * pAnew_mom:the query bitmap's moments *
- * n:the size of the bitmap *
- * protate :the rotated angle
- * the moment name of the calculation below is the same as the maths define *
- ***************************************************************************/
- extern BOOL Contour(CBmpTestDoc* pDoc,double *pAnew_mon,BOOL bmoment,double n,double *protate)
- {
- //1:xnear 2:xfarer 3:ynear 4:yfarer
- BYTE *lp=pDoc->m_Dib.m_Buffer;
- char Outtext[300]="",ext1[15]="mom.txt",filename1[30];
- int i,k,tempx,black,white,BPL,Height,Width;
- unsigned int a=1,d,j;
- DWORD x=0,y=0,centx=0,centy=0,counts=0;//counts represents the conunt of the contour
- //cent represent the center_mass while av_cent represent the average center
- DISTANCE xdis[50];
- //let x repreterative the near and y represertive the far
- bool maxfind=false,minfind=false,begin=true;
- double l,mid,d_centx,d_centy,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7,N,coefient,
- u02,u20,u03,u30,u11,u21,u12,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,
- m01,m02,m03,m20,m30,m11,m21,m12;
- FILE *ffp;
- Height=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Height;
- Width=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Width;
- BPL=(int) pDoc->m_Dib.Bpl;
- pdis=xdis;
- N=n;
- for(i=0;i<50;i++)
- (pdis+i)->number=0;
- u02=0;u03=0;u20=0;
- //求直方图
- for(k=0;k<(Height);k++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<=Width/8;i++)
- {
- a=255;
- if(((int)*(lp+i+k*BPL) & a) ==0)
- continue;
- if((i+1)*8<Width)
- d=8;
- else
- d=(unsigned)(Width-i*8);
- a=128;
- if(d!=0)
- {
- for(j=0;j<d;j++)
- {
- //if the bit is equal to 0 it is background
- if(((int)*(lp+i+k*BPL) & a) ==0)
- {
- y++;
- a=a>>1;
- }
- else
- {
- x++;
- a=a>>1;
- centx=(WORD)i*8+j+centx;
- centy=(WORD)k+centy;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //图的面积=x+y
- black=y;
- white=x;
- //求重心
- d_centx=((double)centx/x);
- d_centy=((double) centy/x);
- //归一化系数
- coefient=(double)x*x;
- A7=sqrt((double)x);
- //A7=sqrt(a1);
- mid=coefient*A7;
- u11=0;u02=0;u03=0;u20=0;u30=0;u12=0;u21=0;
- m11=0;m01=0;m02=0;m03=0;m20=0;m30=0;m12=0;m21=0;
- A1=0.;A2=0.;A3=0.;A4=0.;A5=0.;A6=0.;A7=0.;
- for(k=0;k<Height;k++)
- {
- for(i=0;i<=(int)Width/8;i++)
- {
- a=255;
- if((((int)*(lp+i+k*BPL)) & a)==0)
- continue;
- if((i+1)*8<Width)
- d=8;
- else
- d=(unsigned)(Width-i*8);
- a=128;
- if(d!=0)
- {
- for(j=0;j<d;j++)
- {
- //if the bit is equal to 0 it is background
- if((((int)*(lp+i+k*BPL)) & a) ==0)
- a=a>>1;
- else
- {
- a=a>>1;
- tempx=i*8+j;
- a1=((double)k-d_centy)*((double)k-d_centy);
- u02+=a1;
- a2=a1*(k- d_centy);
- u03+=a2;
- a3=(tempx- d_centx)*(tempx-d_centx);
- u20+=a3;
- u30+=a3*(tempx- d_centx);
- a4=(tempx-d_centx)*(k-d_centy);
- u11+=a4;
- a5=a4*(tempx-d_centx);
- u21+=a5;
- a6=a4*(k-d_centy);
- u12+=a6;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //to calculate the scale transform
- a3=u02/coefient;
- A1=A1+a3;
- u02=0.;
- a3=u20/coefient;
- A2=A2+a3;
- u20=0.;
- a3=u11/coefient;
- A3=a3+A3;
- u11=0.;
- a3=u03/mid;
- A4=A4+a3;
- u03=0.;
- a3=u30/mid;
- A5=A5+a3;
- u30=0.;
- a3=u21/mid;
- A6=A6+a3;
- u21=0.;
- a3=u12/mid;
- A7=A7+a3;
- u12=0.;
- }
- u02=A1;
- u20=A2;
- u11=A3;
- u03=A4;
- u30=A5;
- u21=A6;
- u12=A7;
- //rotated invariant moment
- a1=u02+u20;
- a2=(u20-u02)*(u20-u02)+u11*u11*4;
- a3=(u30- u12*3)*(u30-u12*3)+(u21*3-u03)*(u21*3-u03);
- a4=(u30+u12)*(u30+u12)+(u03+u21)*(u03+u21);
- a5=(u30-u12*3)*(u30+u12)*((u30+u12)*(u30+u12)-(u21+u03)*(u21+u03)*3)
- +(u21*3-u03)*(u21+u03)*((u30+u12)*(u30+u12)*3-(u21+u03)*(u21+u03));
- a6=(u20-u02)*((u30+u12)*(u30+u12)-(u21+u03)*(u21+u03))
- +u11*(u30+u12)*(u21+u03)*4;
- a7=(u21*3-u03)*(u30+u12)*((u30+u12)*(u30+u12)-(u21+u03)*(u21+u03)*3)
- -(u30-u12*3)*(u21+u03)*((u30+u12)*(u30+u12)*3 -(u21+u03)*(u21+u03));
- //calculate the rotate angle
- u11=2*u11;
- u12=u20-u02;
- l=atan2( u11, u12 );
- *protate=l/2;
- *pAnew_mon=(double)n;
- //to store the moment
- A1=a1;
- *(++pAnew_mon)=A1;
- A2=a2;
- *(++pAnew_mon)=A2;
- A3=a3;
- *(++pAnew_mon)=A3;
- A4=a4;
- *(++pAnew_mon)=A4;
- A5=a5;
- *(++pAnew_mon)=A5;
- A6=a6;
- *(++pAnew_mon)=A6;
- A7=a7;
- *(++pAnew_mon)=A7;
- if(bmoment)
- {
- wsprintf(filename1,"%s",(LPSTR)ext1);
- if((ffp=fopen(filename1,"ab"))==NULL)
- {
- return false;
- }
- sprintf(Outtext,"rn %-20s%-7ld%-25le%-25le%-25le%-25le%-25le%-25le%-25le%-25le",
- pDoc->m_Dib.arcFileName,white,n,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6,A7);
- fprintf (ffp,"%s",Outtext);
- fclose(ffp);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void HorzMirror(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y;
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- lpOutput[x*3+y*nByteWidth]=lpInput[(nWidth-1-x)*3+y*nByteWidth];
- lpOutput[x*3+1+y*nByteWidth]=lpInput[(nWidth-1-x)*3+1+y*nByteWidth];
- lpOutput[x*3+2+y*nByteWidth]=lpInput[(nWidth-1-x)*3+2+y*nByteWidth];
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- }
- void VertMirror(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y;
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nByteWidth;x++)
- {
- lpOutput[x+y*nByteWidth]=lpInput[x+(nHeight-y-1)*nByteWidth];
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- }
- void CornerMirror(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y;
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- lpOutput[x*3+y*nByteWidth]=lpInput[(nWidth-1-x)*3+(nHeight-y-1)*nByteWidth];
- lpOutput[x*3+1+y*nByteWidth]=lpInput[(nWidth-1-x)*3+1+(nHeight-y-1)*nByteWidth];
- lpOutput[x*3+2+y*nByteWidth]=lpInput[(nWidth-1-x)*3+2+(nHeight-y-1)*nByteWidth];
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- }
- #define Point(x,y) lpPoints[(x)+(y)*nWidth]
- #define Point1(x,y) lpPoints1[(x)+(y)*nWidth]
- void GetPoints(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpBits,BYTE *lpPoints)
- {
- int x,y,p;
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- p=x*3+y*nByteWidth;
- lpPoints[x+y*nWidth]=(BYTE)(0.299*(float)lpBits[p+2]+0.587*(float)lpBits[p+1]+0.114*(float)lpBits[p]+0.1);
- }
- }
- }
- void PutPoints(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpBits,BYTE *lpPoints)
- {
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- int x,y,p,p1;
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- p=x*3+y*nByteWidth;
- p1=x+y*nWidth;
- lpBits[p]=lpPoints[p1];
- lpBits[p+1]=lpPoints[p1];
- lpBits[p+2]=lpPoints[p1];
- }
- }
- }
- void HistogramEq1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput)
- {
- int x,y;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- int r[256],s[256];
- ZeroMemory(r,1024);
- ZeroMemory(s,1024);
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++){
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++){
- r[Point(x,y)]++;
- }
- }
- s[0]=r[0];
- for(y=1;y<256;y++)
- {
- s[y]=s[y-1];
- s[y]+=r[y];
- }
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++){
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++){
- Point(x,y)=s[Point(x,y)]*255/nWidth/nHeight;
- }
- }
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints);
- delete lpPoints;
- }
- //3x3中值滤波
- void Med1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y;
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- BYTE p[9],s;
- int i,j;
- for(y=1;y<nHeight-1;y++)
- {
- for(x=3;x<nWidth*3-3;x++)
- {
- p[0]=lpInput[x-3+(y-1)*nByteWidth];
- p[1]=lpInput[x+(y-1)*nByteWidth];
- p[2]=lpInput[x+3+(y-1)*nByteWidth];
- p[3]=lpInput[x-3+y*nByteWidth];
- p[4]=lpInput[x+y*nByteWidth];
- p[5]=lpInput[x+3+y*nByteWidth];
- p[6]=lpInput[x-3+(y+1)*nByteWidth];
- p[7]=lpInput[x+(y+1)*nByteWidth];
- p[8]=lpInput[x+3+(y+1)*nByteWidth];
- for(j=0;j<5;j++)
- {
- for(i=j+1;i<9;i++)
- {
- if (p[j]>p[i])
- {
- s=p[j];
- p[j]=p[i];
- p[i]=s;
- }
- }
- }
- lpOutput[x+y*nByteWidth]=p[4];
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- }
- void Mean1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y,x1,y1,p;
- // BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- // GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- int sr,sg,sb;
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- for(y=1;y<nHeight-1;y++)
- {
- for(x=1;x<nWidth-1;x++)
- {
- p=x*3+y*nByteWidth;
- sb=0;
- sg=0;
- sr=0;
- for(y1=-1;y1<=1;y1++)
- for(x1=-1;x1<=1;x1++)
- {
- sb+=lpInput[(y+y1)*nByteWidth+(x+x1)*3];
- sg+=lpInput[(y+y1)*nByteWidth+(x+x1)*3+1];
- sr+=lpInput[(y+y1)*nByteWidth+(x+x1)*3+2];
- }
- lpOutput[p+2]=sr/9;
- lpOutput[p+1]=sg/9;
- lpOutput[p]=sb/9;
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- // PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints);
- // delete lpPoints;
- }
- #define pi (double)3.14159265359
- /*复数定义*/
- typedef struct
- {
- double re;
- double im;
- /*复数加运算*/
- {
- return c;
- }
- /*复数减运算*/
- {
- return c;
- }
- /*复数乘运算*/
- {
- return c;
- }
- /*快速付里哀变换
- TD为时域值,FD为频域值,power为2的幂数*/
- void FFT(COMPLEX * TD, COMPLEX * FD, int power)
- {
- int count;
- int i,j,k,bfsize,p;
- double angle;
- COMPLEX *W,*X1,*X2,*X;
- /*计算付里哀变换点数*/
- count=1<<power;
- /*分配运算所需存储器*/
- W=(COMPLEX *)malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX)*count/2);
- X1=(COMPLEX *)malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX)*count);
- X2=(COMPLEX *)malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX)*count);
- /*计算加权系数*/
- for(i=0;i<count/2;i++)
- {
- angle=-i*pi*2/count;
- W[i].re=cos(angle);
- W[i].im=sin(angle);
- }
- /*将时域点写入存储器*/
- memcpy(X1,TD,sizeof(COMPLEX)*count);
- /*蝶形运算*/
- for(k=0;k<power;k++)
- {
- for(j=0;j<1<<k;j++)
- {
- bfsize=1<<(power-k);
- for(i=0;i<bfsize/2;i++)
- {
- p=j*bfsize;
- X2[i+p]=Add(X1[i+p],X1[i+p+bfsize/2]);
- X2[i+p+bfsize/2]=Mul(Sub(X1[i+p],X1[i+p+bfsize/2]),W[i*(1<<k)]);
- }
- }
- X=X1;
- X1=X2;
- X2=X;
- }
- /*重新排序*/
- for(j=0;j<count;j++)
- {
- p=0;
- for(i=0;i<power;i++)
- {
- if (j&(1<<i)) p+=1<<(power-i-1);
- }
- FD[j]=X1[p];
- }
- /*释放存储器*/
- free(W);
- free(X1);
- free(X2);
- }
- extern void str(int quotient,char addr[15])
- {
- int remainder,i,j,k;
- char s1[15];
- i=0;
- do
- {
- remainder=quotient%10;
- quotient=quotient/10;
- remainder=remainder+48;
- s1[i]=(char) remainder;
- i++;
- } while(quotient!=0);
- j=0;
- for(k=i-1;k>=0;k--)
- {
- addr[j]=s1[k];
- j++;
- }
- addr[j]=(char) ' ';
- return;
- }
- /*快速离散余弦变换,利用快速付里哀变换
- f为时域值,F为变换域值,power为2的幂数*/
- void DCT(double *f, double *F, int power)
- {
- int i,count;
- double s;
- /*计算离散余弦变换点数*/
- count=1<<power;
- /*分配运算所需存储器*/
- X=(COMPLEX *)malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX)*count*2);
- /*延拓*/
- memset(X,0,sizeof(COMPLEX)*count*2);
- /*将时域点写入存储器*/
- for(i=0;i<count;i++)
- {
- X[i].re=f[i];
- }
- /*调用快速付里哀变换*/
- FFT(X,X,power+1);
- /*调整系数*/
- s=1/sqrt(count);
- F[0]=X[0].re*s;
- s*=sqrt(2);
- for(i=1;i<count;i++)
- {
- F[i]=(X[i].re*cos(i*pi/(count*2))+X[i].im*sin(i*pi/(count*2)))*s;
- }
- /*释放存储器*/
- free(X);
- }
- /*快速沃尔什-哈达玛变换
- f为时域值,F为变换域值,power为2的幂数*/
- void WALh(double *f, double *W, int power)
- {
- int count;
- int i,j,k,bfsize,p;
- double *X1,*X2,*X;
- /*计算快速沃尔什变换点数*/
- count=1<<power;
- /*分配运算所需存储器*/
- X1=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*count);
- X2=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*count);
- /*将时域点写入存储器*/
- memcpy(X1,f,sizeof(double)*count);
- /*蝶形运算*/
- for(k=0;k<power;k++)
- {
- for(j=0;j<1<<k;j++)
- {
- bfsize=1<<(power-k);
- for(i=0;i<bfsize/2;i++)
- {
- p=j*bfsize;
- X2[i+p]=X1[i+p]+X1[i+p+bfsize/2];
- X2[i+p+bfsize/2]=X1[i+p]-X1[i+p+bfsize/2];
- }
- }
- X=X1;
- X1=X2;
- X2=X;
- }
- /*调整系数*/
- // for(i=0;i<count;i++)
- // {
- // W[i]=X1[i]/count;
- // }
- for(j=0;j<count;j++)
- {
- p=0;
- for(i=0;i<power;i++)
- {
- if (j&(1<<i)) p+=1<<(power-i-1);
- }
- W[j]=X1[p]/count;
- }
- /*释放存储器*/
- free(X1);
- free(X2);
- }
- void Fourier1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int w=1,h=1,wp=0,hp=0;
- while(w*2<=nWidth)
- {
- w*=2;
- wp++;
- }
- while(h*2<=nHeight)
- {
- h*=2;
- hp++;
- }
- int x,y;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- TD[x+w*y].re=Point(x,y);
- TD[x+w*y].im=0;
- }
- }
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- FFT(&TD[w*y],&FD[w*y],wp);
- // Progress(y*nHeight/2/h);
- }
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- TD[y+h*x]=FD[x+w*y];
- // TD[x+w*y]=FD[x*h+y];
- }
- }
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- FFT(&TD[x*h],&FD[x*h],hp);
- Progress(x*nHeight/2/w+nHeight/2);
- }
- memset(lpPoints,0,nWidth*nHeight);
- double m;
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- m=sqrt(FD[x*h+y].re*FD[x*h+y].re+FD[x*h+y].im*FD[x*h+y].im)/100;
- if (m>255) m=255;
- Point((x<w/2?x+w/2:x-w/2),nHeight-1-(y<h/2?y+h/2:y-h/2))=(BYTE)(m);
- }
- }
- delete TD;
- delete FD;
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints);
- delete lpPoints;
- }
- void Walsh1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int w=1,h=1,wp=0,hp=0;
- while(w*2<=nWidth)
- {
- w*=2;
- wp++;
- }
- while(h*2<=nHeight)
- {
- h*=2;
- hp++;
- }
- int x,y;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- double *f=new double[w*h];
- double *W=new double[w*h];
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- f[x+y*w]=Point(x,y);
- }
- }
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- WALh(f+w*y,W+w*y,wp);
- Progress(y*nHeight/2/h);
- }
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- f[x*h+y]=W[x+w*y];
- }
- }
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- WALh(f+x*h,W+x*h,hp);
- // Progress(x*nHeight/2/w+nHeight/2);
- }
- double a;
- memset(lpPoints,0,nWidth*nHeight);
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- a=fabs(W[x*h+y]*1000);
- if (a>255) a=255;
- Point(x,nHeight-y-1)=(BYTE)a;
- }
- }
- delete f;
- delete W;
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints);
- delete lpPoints;
- }
- void Dct1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int w=1,h=1,wp=0,hp=0;
- while(w*2<=nWidth)
- {
- w*=2;
- wp++;
- }
- while(h*2<=nHeight)
- {
- h*=2;
- hp++;
- }
- int x,y;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- double *f=new double[w*h];
- double *W=new double[w*h];
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- f[x+y*w]=Point(x,y);
- }
- }
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- DCT(&f[w*y],&W[w*y],wp);
- // Progress(y*nHeight/2/h);
- }
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- f[x*h+y]=W[x+w*y];
- }
- }
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- DCT(&f[x*h],&W[x*h],hp);
- Progress(x*nHeight/2/w+nHeight/2);
- }
- double a;
- memset(lpPoints,0,nWidth*nHeight);
- for(y=0;y<h;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<w;x++)
- {
- a=fabs(W[x*h+y]);
- if (a>255) a=255;
- Point(x,nHeight-y-1)=(BYTE)(a);
- }
- }
- delete f;
- delete W;
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints);
- delete lpPoints;
- }
- int Conv2(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpOutput,BYTE *lpInput,double mask[],int windowX,int windowY);
- int Laplacian(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpOutput,double *lpInput);
- int Zerocross(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpOutput,double *lpInput,double thresh);
- int LoG(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpOutput,BYTE *lpInput,double thresh,double sigma);
- #define In(x,y) lpInput[(x)+(y)*nWidth]
- #define Out(x,y) lpOutput[(x)+(y)*nWidth]
- #define Mediate(x,y) lpMediate[(x)+(y)*nWidth]
- #include "NumberDlg.h"
- double GetNumber(const char *prompt,double number,double max)
- {
- CNumberDlg dlg;
- dlg.m_Prompt=prompt;
- dlg.m_Number=number;
- dlg.DoModal();
- if (dlg.m_Number>max) dlg.m_Number=max;
- return dlg.m_Number;
- }
- void Gauss1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpIn,BYTE *lpOut,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- double sigma=GetNumber("输入高斯模糊半径:",1,10);
- int x,y,xx,xk,yk;
- BYTE *lpInput=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- BYTE *lpOutput=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpIn,lpInput);
- int radius,window; //window of the converlutin kernel(window=2*radius+1)
- double dev_inv=0.5/(sigma*sigma); //1/(2*sigma^2)
- radius = (int)ceil(3*sigma);
- window = radius*2+1;
- //fast algorithm
- memcpy(lpOutput,lpInput,nWidth*nHeight);
- double* lpMediate=new double[nWidth*nHeight];
- double* mask=new double[window];
- double sum=0;
- double temp;
- double weight;//sum of weight of mask at edge of the image
- //generate mask
- for(x=0;x<radius;x++)
- {
- xx=(x-radius)*(x-radius);
- mask[x]=exp(-xx*dev_inv);
- mask[window-1-x]=mask[x];
- sum+=2*mask[x];
- }
- mask[radius]=1;
- sum+=1;
- for(x=0;x<window;x++)
- {
- mask[x]/=sum;
- }
- //row process
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=radius;x<nWidth-radius;x++)
- {
- temp=0;
- for(xk=-radius;xk<radius+1;xk++)
- temp+=In(x+xk,y)*mask[xk+radius];
- Mediate(x,y)=temp;
- }
- for(x=0;x<radius;x++)
- {
- temp=0;
- weight=0;
- for(xk=-x;xk<radius+1;xk++)
- {
- temp+=In(x+xk,y)*mask[xk+radius];
- weight+=mask[xk+radius];
- }
- Mediate(x,y)=temp/weight;
- }
- for(x=nWidth-radius;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- temp=0;
- weight=0;
- for(xk=-radius;xk<nWidth-x;xk++)
- {
- temp+=In(x+xk,y)*mask[xk+radius];
- weight+=mask[xk+radius];
- }
- Mediate(x,y)=temp/weight;
- }
- Progress(y/2);
- }
- //column process
- double* Column = new double[nHeight];
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- for(y=radius;y<nHeight-radius;y++)
- {
- temp=0;
- for(yk=-radius;yk<radius+1;yk++)
- temp+=Mediate(x,y+yk)*mask[yk+radius];
- Column[y]=temp;
- }
- for(y=0;y<radius;y++)
- {
- temp=0;
- weight=0;
- for(yk=-y;yk<radius+1;yk++)
- {
- temp+=Mediate(x,y+yk)*mask[yk+radius];
- weight+=mask[yk+radius];
- }
- Column[y]=temp/weight;
- }
- for(y=nHeight-radius;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- temp=0;
- weight=0;
- for(yk=-radius;yk<nHeight-y;yk++)
- {
- temp+=Mediate(x,y+yk)*mask[yk+radius];
- weight+=mask[yk+radius];
- }
- Column[y]=temp/weight;
- }
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- Out(x,y)=(int)Column[y];
- }
- Progress(nHeight/2+x*nHeight/2/nWidth);
- }
- delete []Column;
- delete []mask;
- // Laplacian(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpMediate);
- delete []lpMediate;
- //general method(hide)
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOut,lpOutput);
- delete lpInput;
- delete lpOutput;
- }
- int Conv2(int nWidth,int nHeight,double *lpOutput,BYTE *lpInput,double mask[],int windowX,int windowY)
- {
- int x,y,xk,yk;
- int radiusX=windowX/2;
- int radiusY=windowY/2;
- double temp;
- for(y=radiusY;y<nHeight-radiusY;y++)
- {
- for(x=radiusX;x<nWidth-radiusX;x++)
- {
- temp=0;
- for(xk=-radiusX;xk<radiusX+1;xk++)
- for(yk=-radiusY;yk<radiusY+1;yk++)
- temp+=In(x+xk,y+yk)*mask[xk+radiusX+(yk+radiusY)*windowX];
- Out(x,y)=temp;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int Zerocross(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpOutput,double *lpInput,double thresh)
- {
- int x,y;
- //zerocross cal
- for(y=1;y<nHeight-1;y++)
- {
- for(x=1;x<nWidth-1;x++)
- {
- if(In(x,y)<0 && In(x+1,y)>0 &&
- fabs(In(x,y)-In(x+1,y))>thresh)
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- else if(In(x-1,y)>0 && In(x,y)<0 &&
- fabs(In(x-1,y)-In(x,y))>thresh)
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- else if(In(x,y)<0 && In(x,y+1)>0 &&
- fabs(In(x,y)-In(x,y+1))>thresh)
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- else if(In(x,y-1)>0 && In(x,y)<0 &&
- fabs(In(x,y)-In(x,y-1))>thresh)
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- /* if((In(x,y)<0 && In(x+1,y)>0)||
- (In(x,y)<0 && In(x,y+1)>0)||
- (In(x,y)>0 && In(x+1,y)<0)||
- (In(x,y)>0 && In(x,y+1)<0))
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- */ else if(In(x,y)==0)
- {
- if(In(x-1,y)<0 && In(x+1,y)>0 &&
- fabs(In(x-1,y)-In(x+1,y))>2*thresh)
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- else if(In(x-1,y)>0 && In(x+1,y)<0 &&
- fabs(In(x-1,y)-In(x+1,y))>2*thresh)
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- else if(In(x,y-1)>0 && In(x,y+1)<0 &&
- fabs(In(x,y-1)-In(x,y+1))>2*thresh)
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- else if(In(x,y+1)>0 && In(x,y-1)<0 &&
- fabs(In(x,y+1)-In(x,y-1))>2*thresh)
- {
- Out(x,y)=255;
- }
- else
- {
- Out(x,y)=0;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- Out(x,y)=0;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void LoG(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpIn,BYTE *lpOut,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- BYTE *lpInput=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- BYTE *lpOutput=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpIn,lpInput);
- double thresh=0,sigma=1;
- int x,y,xx,yy;
- int radius,window; //window of the converlutin kernel(window=2*radius+1)
- double dev_inv=0.5/(sigma*sigma); //1/(2*sigma^2)
- radius = (int)ceil(3*sigma);
- window = radius*2+1;
- //generate mask of convolution (matlab code)
- //std2 = std*std;
- //h1 = exp(-(x.*x + y.*y)/(2*std2));
- double* mask = new double [window*window];
- double sum=0;
- double std2=2*sigma*sigma;
- for(y=0;y<radius;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<radius;x++)
- {
- yy=(y-radius)*(y-radius);
- xx=(x-radius)*(x-radius);
- mask[x+y*window]=exp(-(xx+yy)*dev_inv);
- // mask[window-1-x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- // mask[window-1-x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- // mask[x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- sum=sum+4*mask[x+y*window];
- }
- }
- x=radius;
- for(y=0;y<radius;y++)
- {
- yy=(y-radius)*(y-radius);
- mask[x+y*window]=exp(-yy*dev_inv);
- // mask[x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- sum=sum+2*mask[x+y*window];
- }
- y=radius;
- for(x=0;x<radius;x++)
- {
- xx=(x-radius)*(x-radius);
- mask[x+y*window]=exp(-xx*dev_inv);
- // mask[window-1-x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- sum=sum+2*mask[x+y*window];
- }
- mask[radius+radius*window]=1;
- sum=sum+mask[radius+radius*window];
- //h = h1.*(x.*x + y.*y - 2*std2)/(2*pi*(std^6));
- double denominator=2*3.14159265*pow(sigma,6)*sum;
- sum=0;
- for(x=0;x<radius;x++)
- {
- for(y=0;y<radius;y++)
- {
- yy=(y-radius)*(y-radius);
- xx=(x-radius)*(x-radius);
- mask[x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window]*(xx+yy-2*std2)/denominator;
- // mask[window-1-x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- // mask[window-1-x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- // mask[x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- sum=sum+4*mask[x+y*window];
- }
- }
- x=radius;
- for(y=0;y<radius;y++)
- {
- yy=(y-radius)*(y-radius);
- mask[x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window]*(yy-2*std2)/denominator;
- // mask[x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- sum=sum+2*mask[x+y*window];
- }
- y=radius;
- for(x=0;x<radius;x++)
- {
- xx=(x-radius)*(x-radius);
- mask[x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window]*(xx-2*std2)/denominator;
- // mask[window-1-x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- sum=sum+2*mask[x+y*window];
- }
- mask[radius+radius*window]=mask[radius+radius*window]*(-2*std2)/denominator;
- sum=sum+mask[radius+radius*window];
- //h = h - sum(h(:))/prod(size(h)); % make the filter sum to zero
- double average=sum/(window*window);
- for(x=0;x<radius;x++)
- {
- for(y=0;y<radius;y++)
- {
- mask[x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window]-average;
- mask[window-1-x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- mask[window-1-x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- mask[x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- }
- }
- x=radius;
- for(y=0;y<radius;y++)
- {
- mask[x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window]-average;
- mask[x+(window-1-y)*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- }
- y=radius;
- for(x=0;x<radius;x++)
- {
- mask[x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window]-average;
- mask[window-1-x+y*window]=mask[x+y*window];
- }
- mask[radius+radius*window]=mask[radius+radius*window]-average;
- double* lpMediate = new double[nWidth*nHeight];
- //2D convolution
- if(Conv2(nWidth,nHeight,lpMediate,lpInput,mask,window,window))
- {
- TRACE("error in Conv2");
- return;
- };
- //calcaulate the thresh for default
- // thresh = .75*mean2(abs(b(rr,cc)));
- sum = 0;
- for(y=radius;y<nHeight-radius;y++)
- {
- for(x=radius;x<nWidth-radius;x++)
- {
- sum = sum + fabs(Mediate(x,y));
- }
- }
- thresh=0.5*sum/((nWidth-2*radius)*(nHeight-2*radius));
- //zerocross cal
- if(Zerocross(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpMediate,thresh))
- {
- TRACE("error in Zerocross");
- return;
- }
- delete mask;
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOut,lpOutput);
- delete lpInput;
- delete lpOutput;
- }
- void BiValue1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput)
- {
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- double t=GetNumber("请输入阈值",128,255);
- BYTE threshold=(BYTE)t;
- int x,y;
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- if (Point(x,y)>threshold) Point(x,y)=255;
- else Point(x,y)=0;
- }
- }
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints);
- delete lpPoints;
- }
- void Sobel(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y,x1,y1,i;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- BYTE *lpPoints1=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- memset(lpPoints1,0,nWidth*nHeight);
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- int d,max;
- static s[8][9]={
- {-1,-2,-1,0,0,0,1,2,1},
- {0,-1,-2,1,0,-1,2,1,0},
- {1,0,-1,2,0,-2,1,0,-1},
- {2,1,0,1,0,-1,0,-1,-2},
- {1,2,1,0,0,0,-1,-2,-1},
- {0,1,2,-1,0,1,-2,-1,0},
- {-1,0,1,-2,0,2,-1,0,1},
- {-2,-1,0,-1,0,1,0,1,2}
- };
- for(y=1;y<nHeight-1;y++)
- {
- for(x=1;x<nWidth-1;x++)
- {
- max=0;
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- {
- d=0;
- for(y1=0;y1<3;y1++)
- for(x1=0;x1<3;x1++)
- {
- d+=s[i][x1+y1*3]*Point(x+x1-1,y+y1-1);
- }
- if (d>max) max=d;
- }
- if (max>255) max=255;
- Point1(x,y)=(BYTE)max;
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints1);
- delete lpPoints;
- delete lpPoints1;
- }
- void Prewitte(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y,x1,y1,i;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- BYTE *lpPoints1=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- memset(lpPoints1,0,nWidth*nHeight);
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- int d,max;
- static s[8][9]={
- {-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,1,1},
- {0,-1,-1,1,0,-1,1,1,0},
- {1,0,-1,1,0,-1,1,0,-1},
- {1,1,0,1,0,-1,0,-1,-1},
- {1,1,1,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1},
- {0,1,1,-1,0,1,-1,-1,0},
- {-1,0,1,-1,0,1,-1,0,1},
- {-1,-1,0,-1,0,1,0,1,1}
- };
- for(y=1;y<nHeight-1;y++)
- {
- for(x=1;x<nWidth-1;x++)
- {
- max=0;
- for(i=0;i<8;i++)
- {
- d=0;
- for(y1=0;y1<3;y1++)
- for(x1=0;x1<3;x1++)
- {
- d+=s[i][x1+y1*3]*Point(x+x1-1,y+y1-1);
- }
- if (d>max) max=d;
- }
- if (max>255) max=255;
- Point1(x,y)=(BYTE)max;
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints1);
- delete lpPoints;
- delete lpPoints1;
- }
- void Roberts(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- BYTE *lpPoints1=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- memset(lpPoints1,0,nWidth*nHeight);
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- int d;
- for(y=0;y<nHeight-1;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nWidth-1;x++)
- {
- d=2*(abs(Point(x,y)-Point(x+1,y+1))+abs(Point(x+1,y)-Point(x,y+1)));
- if (d>255) d=255;
- Point1(x,y)=(BYTE)d;
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- PutPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpOutput,lpPoints1);
- delete lpPoints;
- delete lpPoints1;
- }
- void PseudoColor1(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- BYTE b,R,G,B;
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- b=Point(x,y);
- if (b<64)
- {
- B=255;
- G=4*b;
- R=0;
- }
- else if (b<128)
- {
- B=(127-b)*4;
- G=255;
- R=0;
- }
- else if (b<192)
- {
- B=0;
- G=255;
- R=(b-128)*4;
- }
- else
- {
- B=0;
- G=(255-b)*4;
- R=255;
- }
- lpOutput[x*3+nByteWidth*y]=B;
- lpOutput[x*3+1+nByteWidth*y]=G;
- lpOutput[x*3+2+nByteWidth*y]=R;
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- delete lpPoints;
- }
- BYTE psf2(BYTE x)
- {
- double x1=x;
- return (BYTE)((5-x1/42.5)*x1);
- }
- void PseudoColor2(int nWidth,int nHeight,BYTE *lpInput,BYTE *lpOutput,void (* Progress)(int Pos))
- {
- int x,y;
- BYTE *lpPoints=new BYTE[nWidth*nHeight];
- int nByteWidth=nWidth*3;
- if (nByteWidth%4) nByteWidth+=4-(nByteWidth%4);
- GetPoints(nWidth,nHeight,lpInput,lpPoints);
- BYTE b,R,G,B;
- for(y=0;y<nHeight;y++)
- {
- for(x=0;x<nWidth;x++)
- {
- b=Point(x,y);
- if (b<85)
- {
- B=psf2(84-b);
- G=psf2(b);
- R=0;
- }
- else if (b<170)
- {
- B=0;
- G=psf2(169-b);
- R=psf2(b-85);
- }
- else
- {
- B=psf2(b-170);
- G=0;
- R=psf2(255-b);
- }
- lpOutput[x*3+nByteWidth*y]=B;
- lpOutput[x*3+1+nByteWidth*y]=G;
- lpOutput[x*3+2+nByteWidth*y]=R;
- }
- Progress(y);
- }
- delete lpPoints;
- }