- unit UMapTextfile;
- interface
- uses Classes, Windows, sysUtils, Dialogs;
- type
- EMMError = class(Exception);
- TMapTextfile = class
- private
- FFileName: string; //文件名称
- FFileHandle: THandle; //映射文件的句柄
- FMapFileHandle: THandle; //文件影射对象的句柄
- FFileSize: integer; //文件的实际大小
- FFileCreateSize: integer; //当创建文件时,文件的大小
- FMapView: PByte; //文件数据的指针
- FFileMode: Integer; //文件的访问模式
- FData: PChar; //文件的数据指针
- FPos: INTEGER; //文件的访问的当前位置
- function CalcPos(pos: INTEGER): PCHAR; //返回当前指针的值
- public
- procedure open;
- procedure Close;
- function ReadChar: CHAR;
- function ReadString: string;
- procedure ReadLn(var str: string);
- function ReadCharAt(pos: LONGINT): CHAR;
- procedure ReadChars(str: PCHAR; pos, len: LONGINT);
- function ReadStringAt(pos: LONGINT): string;
- function GetSize: LONGINT;
- function GetPos: LONGINT;
- procedure SetPos(pos: LONGINT);
- function EndOfFile: BOOLEAN;
- function FindString(const str: string; pos, max: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- procedure ReadBytes(var b; pos, len: LONGINT);
- procedure WriteBytes(var b; pos, len: LONGINT);
- property FileName: string read FFileName write FFileName;
- property FileMode: Integer read FFileMode write FFileMode;
- property FileCreateSize: Integer read FFileCreateSize write FFileCreateSize;
- end;
- implementation
- //打开视图文件,并建立视图映射
- procedure;
- var
- ProtectAttr: DWORD; //对应于CreateFileMapping函数的保护属性
- Access: Longint; // 对应于MapViewOfFile函数的视图访问模式
- begin
- //根据创建模式,创建或打开文件
- if FFileMode = fmCreate then
- FFileHandle := FileCreate(FFileName)
- else
- FFileHandle := FileOpen(FFileName, FFileMode);
- if FFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then
- raise EMMError.Create('不能够创建或打开文件');
- //得到文件大小
- try
- FFileSize := GetFileSize(FFileHandle, nil);
- if FFileSize = 0 then
- FFileSize := FFileCreateSize;
- if FFileMode = fmOpenRead then
- ProtectAttr := Page_ReadOnly
- else
- ProtectAttr := Page_ReadWrite;
- //创建文件映射对象
- FMapFileHandle := CreateFileMapping(FFileHandle, nil, ProtectAttr, 0, FFileSize, nil);
- if FMapFileHandle = 0 then
- raise EMMError.Create('创建文件映射失败');
- finally
- CloseHandle(FFileHandle);
- end;
- try
- if FFileMode = fmOpenRead then
- Access := File_Map_Read
- else
- Access := File_Map_All_Access;
- //建立文件视图的映射
- FMapView := MapViewOfFile(FMapFileHandle, Access, 0, 0, FFileSize);
- if FMapView = nil then
- raise EMMError.Create('将文件映射到进程空间失败');
- finally
- CloseHandle(FMapFileHandle);
- end;
- FData := PCHAR(FMapView);
- FPos := 0;
- end;
- //取消文件视图的映射
- procedure TMapTextFile.Close;
- begin
- if FMapView <> nil then
- begin
- UnmapViewOfFile(FMapView);
- FMapView := nil;
- end;
- end;
- //返回指定位置的数据
- function TMapTextfile.CalcPos(pos: INTEGER): PCHAR;
- begin
- Result := nil;
- if pos < 0 then pos := 0;
- if pos > FFileSize then pos := FFileSize;
- result := PCHAR(LONGINT(FMapView) + pos);
- end;
- //读取指定位置的数据
- function TMapTextfile.ReadChar: CHAR;
- begin
- Result := #0;
- FData := PCHAR(LONGINT(FMapView) + FPos);
- Result := FData^;
- INC(FPos);
- end;
- //读取指针后面的字符串
- function TMapTextfile.ReadString: string;
- begin
- Result := '';
- FData := PCHAR(LONGINT(FMapView) + FPos);
- while (FPos < FFileSize) do
- begin
- case FData^ of
- #0..#31: case FData^ of
- #9, #27: Result := Result + FData^; // Tab und Escape weiterreichen
- #10:
- begin
- INC(FPos);
- end;
- #13:
- begin // Carriage Return terminiert
- INC(FPos);
- INC(FData);
- if FData^ = #10 then INC(FPos);
- end;
- end;
- else
- Result := Result + FData^;
- end;
- INC(FPos);
- INC(FData);
- end;
- end;
- //读取指定位置的字符
- function TMapTextfile.ReadCharAt(pos: LONGINT): CHAR;
- begin
- Result := CalcPos(pos)^
- end;
- //读取指定位置指定大小的数据缓冲区,存储为PChar类型
- procedure TMapTextfile.ReadChars(str: PCHAR; pos, len: LONGINT);
- var
- p: PCHAR;
- begin
- if len <= 0 then EXIT;
- i := 0;
- p := CalcPos(pos);
- while (i <= FFileSize) and (i <= len) do
- begin
- str^ := p^;
- INC(str);
- INC(p);
- INC(i);
- end;
- end;
- //读取指定位置指定大小的数据缓冲区
- procedure TMapTextfile.ReadBytes(var b; pos, len: LONGINT);
- var
- p: PCHAR;
- begin
- p := CalcPos(pos);
- Move(p^, b, len);
- end;
- //在指定位置,写入数据
- procedure TMapTextfile.WriteBytes(var b; pos, len: LONGINT);
- var
- p: PCHAR;
- begin
- p := CalcPos(pos);
- Move(b, p^, len);
- end;
- //读取指定位置后的数据,以字符串的形式返回
- function TMapTextfile.ReadStringAt(pos: LONGINT): string;
- var
- p: PCHAR;
- begin
- Result := '';
- p := CalcPos(pos);
- i := 0;
- while (i <= FFileSize) do
- begin
- case p^ of
- #0..#31: case p^ of
- #9,
- #27: Result := Result + p^; // Tabs und Escape weiterreichen
- #10,
- #13: EXIT; // Linefeed and Carriage Return terminiert
- end;
- else Result := Result + p^;
- end;
- INC(p);
- end;
- end;
- //返回值赋给str变量
- procedure TMapTextfile.ReadLn(var str: string);
- begin
- str := ReadString;
- end;
- //读取文件大小
- function TMapTextfile.GetSize: LONGINT;
- begin
- Result := FFileSize
- end;
- //得到文件的指针
- function TMapTextfile.GetPos: LONGINT;
- begin
- Result := FPos
- end;
- //设置文件的指针
- procedure TMapTextfile.SetPos(pos: LONGINT);
- begin
- if pos < 0 then pos := 0;
- if pos > FFileSize then pos := FFileSize;
- FPos := pos;
- end;
- //判断是指针是否到了文件的末尾
- function TMapTextfile.EndOfFile: BOOLEAN;
- begin
- Result := FPos >= FFileSize
- end;
- //查找指定的字符串
- function TMapTextfile.FindString(const str: string; pos, max: INTEGER): INTEGER;
- var
- s, l1, j: INTEGER;
- p, x: PCHAR;
- begin
- Result := -1;
- if max <= 0 then max := FFileSize;
- if pos < 0 then pos := FPos;
- if pos > max then EXIT;
- x := PCHAR(str);
- p := PCHAR(FMapView);
- l1 := 0; while (x[l1] > #0) do INC(l1);
- if (l1 > 0) then
- begin
- s := pos;
- repeat (* 1 *)
- j := 0;
- while (s + j < max)
- and (j < l1)
- and (x[j] = p[s + j]) do begin
- INC(j);
- if (j = l1) then begin Result := s; EXIT; end;
- end;
- INC(s);
- until s >= FFileSize;
- end;
- end;
- end.