



  1. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2. language    "Delphi")
  3.     (object Class "TDeleteItemStruct"
  4. quid        "36D4A526008C"
  5. stereotype  "TypeId"
  6. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  7. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  8. language    "Delphi")
  9.     (object Class "DELETEITEMSTRUCT"
  10. quid        "36D4A52701BA"
  11. stereotype  "TypeId"
  12. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  13. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  14. language    "Delphi")
  15.     (object Class "PCompareItemStruct"
  16. quid        "36D4A52802F2"
  17. stereotype  "Pointer"
  18. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  19. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  20. language    "Delphi")
  21.     (object Class "tagCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT"
  22. quid        "36D4A52A0038"
  23. stereotype  "Record"
  24. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  25. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  26. language    "Delphi")
  27.     (object Class "TCompareItemStruct"
  28. quid        "36D4A52B0166"
  29. stereotype  "TypeId"
  30. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  31. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  32. language    "Delphi")
  33.     (object Class "COMPAREITEMSTRUCT"
  34. quid        "36D4A52C0294"
  35. stereotype  "TypeId"
  36. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  37. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  38. language    "Delphi")
  39.     (object Class "PBroadcastSysMsg"
  40. quid        "36D4A52D03CC"
  41. stereotype  "Pointer"
  42. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  43. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  44. language    "Delphi")
  45.     (object Class "tagBROADCASTSYSMSG"
  46. quid        "36D4A52F0111"
  47. stereotype  "Record"
  48. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  49. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  50. language    "Delphi")
  51.     (object Class "TBroadcastSysMsg"
  52. quid        "36D4A530023F"
  53. stereotype  "TypeId"
  54. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  55. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  56. language    "Delphi")
  57.     (object Class "BROADCASTSYSMSG"
  58. quid        "36D4A531038B"
  59. stereotype  "TypeId"
  60. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  61. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  62. language    "Delphi")
  63.     (object Class "HDEVNOTIFY"
  64. quid        "36D4A53300DB"
  65. stereotype  "TypeId"
  66. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  67. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  68. language    "Delphi")
  69.     (object Class "PHDEVNOTIFY"
  70. quid        "36D4A5340213"
  71. stereotype  "Pointer"
  72. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  73. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  74. language    "Delphi")
  75.     (object Class "PDlgTemplate"
  76. quid        "36D4A535034B"
  77. stereotype  "Pointer"
  78. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  79. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  80. language    "Delphi")
  81.     (object Class "DLGTEMPLATE"
  82. quid        "36D4A53700A5"
  83. stereotype  "Record"
  84. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  85. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  86. language    "Delphi")
  87.     (object Class "TDlgTemplate"
  88. quid        "36D4A53801E7"
  89. stereotype  "TypeId"
  90. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  91. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  92. language    "Delphi")
  93.     (object Class "PDlgItemTemplate"
  94. quid        "36D4A5390329"
  95. stereotype  "Pointer"
  96. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  97. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  98. language    "Delphi")
  99.     (object Class "DLGITEMTEMPLATE"
  100. quid        "36D4A53B008C"
  101. stereotype  "Record"
  102. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  103. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  104. language    "Delphi")
  105.     (object Class "TDlgItemTemplate"
  106. quid        "36D4A53C01CE"
  107. stereotype  "TypeId"
  108. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  109. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  110. language    "Delphi")
  111.     (object Class "PKeyboardState"
  112. quid        "36D4A53D0310"
  113. stereotype  "Pointer"
  114. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  115. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  116. language    "Delphi")
  117.     (object Class "TKeyboardState"
  118. quid        "36D4A53F0074"
  119. stereotype  "Array"
  120. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  121. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  122. language    "Delphi")
  123.     (object Class "PMouseInput"
  124. quid        "36D4A54001C0"
  125. stereotype  "Pointer"
  126. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  127. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  128. language    "Delphi")
  129.     (object Class "tagMOUSEINPUT"
  130. quid        "36D4A541030C"
  131. stereotype  "Record"
  132. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  133. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  134. language    "Delphi")
  135.     (object Class "TMouseInput"
  136. quid        "36D4A543007A"
  137. stereotype  "TypeId"
  138. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  139. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  140. language    "Delphi")
  141.     (object Class "PKeybdInput"
  142. quid        "36D4A54401D0"
  143. stereotype  "Pointer"
  144. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  145. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  146. language    "Delphi")
  147.     (object Class "tagKEYBDINPUT"
  148. quid        "36D4A5450326"
  149. stereotype  "Record"
  150. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  151. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  152. language    "Delphi")
  153.     (object Class "TKeybdInput"
  154. quid        "36D4A547008A"
  155. stereotype  "TypeId"
  156. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  157. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  158. language    "Delphi")
  159.     (object Class "PHardwareInput"
  160. quid        "36D4A54801E0"
  161. stereotype  "Pointer"
  162. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  163. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  164. language    "Delphi")
  165.     (object Class "tagHARDWAREINPUT"
  166. quid        "36D4A5490336"
  167. stereotype  "Record"
  168. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  169. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  170. language    "Delphi")
  171.     (object Class "THardwareInput"
  172. quid        "36D4A54B00A3"
  173. stereotype  "TypeId"
  174. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  175. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  176. language    "Delphi")
  177.     (object Class "PInput"
  178. quid        "36D4A54C0217"
  179. stereotype  "Pointer"
  180. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  181. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  182. language    "Delphi")
  183.     (object Class "tagINPUT"
  184. quid        "36D4A54D036D"
  185. stereotype  "Record"
  186. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  187. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  188. language    "Delphi")
  189.     (object Class "TInput"
  190. quid        "36D4A54F00EF"
  191. stereotype  "TypeId"
  192. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  193. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  194. language    "Delphi")
  195.     (object Class "PLastInputInfo"
  196. quid        "36D4A550024F"
  197. stereotype  "Pointer"
  198. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  199. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  200. language    "Delphi")
  201.     (object Class "tagLASTINPUTINFO"
  202. quid        "36D4A55103AF"
  203. stereotype  "Record"
  204. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  205. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  206. language    "Delphi")
  207.     (object Class "TLastInputInfo"
  208. quid        "36D4A553011D"
  209. stereotype  "TypeId"
  210. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  211. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  212. language    "Delphi")
  213.     (object Class "PTPMParams"
  214. quid        "36D4A554029B"
  215. stereotype  "Pointer"
  216. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  217. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  218. language    "Delphi")
  219.     (object Class "tagTPMPARAMS"
  220. quid        "36D4A5560013"
  221. stereotype  "Record"
  222. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  223. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  224. language    "Delphi")
  225.     (object Class "TTPMParams"
  226. quid        "36D4A557017D"
  227. stereotype  "TypeId"
  228. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  229. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  230. language    "Delphi")
  231.     (object Class "TPMPARAMS"
  232. quid        "36D4A55802E7"
  233. stereotype  "TypeId"
  234. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  235. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  236. language    "Delphi")
  237.     (object Class "PMenuInfo"
  238. quid        "36D4A55A0069"
  239. stereotype  "Pointer"
  240. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  241. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  242. language    "Delphi")
  243.     (object Class "tagMENUINFO"
  244. quid        "36D4A55B01D3"
  245. stereotype  "Record"
  246. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  247. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  248. language    "Delphi")
  249.     (object Class "TMenuInfo"
  250. quid        "36D4A55C0351"
  251. stereotype  "TypeId"
  252. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  253. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  254. language    "Delphi")
  255.     (object Class "PMenuGetObjectInfo"
  256. quid        "36D4A55E00D3"
  257. stereotype  "Pointer"
  258. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  259. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  260. language    "Delphi")
  261.     (object Class "tagMENUGETOBJECTINFO"
  262. quid        "36D4A55F0247"
  263. stereotype  "Record"
  264. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  265. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  266. language    "Delphi")
  267.     (object Class "TMenuGetObjectInfo"
  268. quid        "36D4A56003C5"
  269. stereotype  "TypeId"
  270. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  271. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  272. language    "Delphi")
  273.     (object Class "PMenuItemInfoA"
  274. quid        "36D4A562015B"
  275. stereotype  "Pointer"
  276. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  277. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  278. language    "Delphi")
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  280. quid        "36D4A56302D9"
  281. stereotype  "Pointer"
  282. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  283. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  284. language    "Delphi")
  285.     (object Class "PMenuItemInfo"
  286. quid        "36D4A565006F"
  287. stereotype  "TypeId"
  288. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  289. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  290. language    "Delphi")
  291.     (object Class "tagMENUITEMINFOA"
  292. quid        "36D4A56601F7"
  293. stereotype  "Record"
  294. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  295. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  296. language    "Delphi")
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  298. quid        "36D4A567037F"
  299. stereotype  "Record"
  300. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  301. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  302. language    "Delphi")
  303.     (object Class "tagMENUITEMINFO"
  304. quid        "36D4A5690115"
  305. stereotype  "TypeId"
  306. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  307. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  308. language    "Delphi")
  309.     (object Class "TMenuItemInfoA"
  310. quid        "36D4A56A029D"
  311. stereotype  "TypeId"
  312. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  313. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  314. language    "Delphi")
  315.     (object Class "TMenuItemInfoW"
  316. quid        "36D4A56C003D"
  317. stereotype  "TypeId"
  318. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  319. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  320. language    "Delphi")
  321.     (object Class "TMenuItemInfo"
  322. quid        "36D4A56D01CF"
  323. stereotype  "TypeId"
  324. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  325. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  326. language    "Delphi")
  327.     (object Class "MENUITEMINFOA"
  328. quid        "36D4A56E036B"
  329. stereotype  "TypeId"
  330. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  331. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  332. language    "Delphi")
  333.     (object Class "MENUITEMINFOW"
  334. quid        "36D4A570010B"
  335. stereotype  "TypeId"
  336. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  337. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  338. language    "Delphi")
  339.     (object Class "MENUITEMINFO"
  340. quid        "36D4A571029D"
  341. stereotype  "TypeId"
  342. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  343. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  344. language    "Delphi")
  345.     (object Class "PDropStruct"
  346. quid        "36D4A5730047"
  347. stereotype  "Pointer"
  348. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  349. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  350. language    "Delphi")
  351.     (object Class "tagDROPSTRUCT"
  352. quid        "36D4A57401E3"
  353. stereotype  "Record"
  354. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  355. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  356. language    "Delphi")
  357.     (object Class "TDropStruct"
  358. quid        "36D4A5750389"
  359. stereotype  "TypeId"
  360. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  361. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  362. language    "Delphi")
  363.     (object Class "DROPSTRUCT"
  364. quid        "36D4A5770133"
  365. stereotype  "TypeId"
  366. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  367. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  368. language    "Delphi")
  369.     (object Class "PDrawTextParams"
  370. quid        "36D4A57802D9"
  371. stereotype  "Pointer"
  372. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  373. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  374. language    "Delphi")
  375.     (object Class "tagDRAWTEXTPARAMS"
  376. quid        "36D4A57A0083"
  377. stereotype  "Record"
  378. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  379. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  380. language    "Delphi")
  381.     (object Class "TDrawTextParams"
  382. quid        "36D4A57B021F"
  383. stereotype  "TypeId"
  384. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  385. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  386. language    "Delphi")
  387.     (object Class "DRAWTEXTPARAMS"
  388. quid        "36D4A57C03C5"
  389. stereotype  "TypeId"
  390. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  391. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  392. language    "Delphi")
  393.     (object Class "PHelpInfo"
  394. quid        "36D4A57E0183"
  395. stereotype  "Pointer"
  396. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  397. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  398. language    "Delphi")
  399.     (object Class "tagHELPINFO"
  400. quid        "36D4A57F0329"
  401. stereotype  "Record"
  402. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  403. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  404. language    "Delphi")
  405.     (object Class "THelpInfo"
  406. quid        "36D4A58100E7"
  407. stereotype  "TypeId"
  408. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  409. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  410. language    "Delphi")
  411.     (object Class "HELPINFO"
  412. quid        "36D4A582028D"
  413. stereotype  "TypeId"
  414. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  415. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  416. language    "Delphi")
  417.     (object Class "TPRMsgBoxCallback"
  418. quid        "36D4A584004B"
  419. stereotype  "ProcType"
  420. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  421. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  422. language    "Delphi")
  423.     (object Class "PMsgBoxParamsA"
  424. quid        "36D4A5850205"
  425. stereotype  "Pointer"
  426. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  427. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  428. language    "Delphi")
  429.     (object Class "PMsgBoxParamsW"
  430. quid        "36D4A58603BF"
  431. stereotype  "Pointer"
  432. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  433. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  434. language    "Delphi")
  435.     (object Class "PMsgBoxParams"
  436. quid        "36D4A588017E"
  437. stereotype  "TypeId"
  438. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  439. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  440. language    "Delphi")
  441.     (object Class "tagMSGBOXPARAMSA"
  442. quid        "36D4A5890324"
  443. stereotype  "Record"
  444. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  445. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  446. language    "Delphi")
  447.     (object Class "tagMSGBOXPARAMSW"
  448. quid        "36D4A58B00EC"
  449. stereotype  "Record"
  450. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  451. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  452. language    "Delphi")
  453.     (object Class "tagMSGBOXPARAMS"
  454. quid        "36D4A58C029C"
  455. stereotype  "TypeId"
  456. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  457. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  458. language    "Delphi")
  459.     (object Class "TMsgBoxParamsA"
  460. quid        "36D4A58E006E"
  461. stereotype  "TypeId"
  462. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  463. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  464. language    "Delphi")
  465.     (object Class "TMsgBoxParamsW"
  466. quid        "36D4A58F023C"
  467. stereotype  "TypeId"
  468. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  469. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  470. language    "Delphi")
  471.     (object Class "TMsgBoxParams"
  472. quid        "36D4A591000E"
  473. stereotype  "TypeId"
  474. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  475. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  476. language    "Delphi")
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  478. quid        "36D4A59201C8"
  479. stereotype  "TypeId"
  480. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  481. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  482. language    "Delphi")
  483.     (object Class "MSGBOXPARAMSW"
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  488. language    "Delphi")
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  596. language    "Delphi")
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  602. language    "Delphi")
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  606. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  607. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  608. language    "Delphi")
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  612. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  613. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  614. language    "Delphi")
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  637. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  638. language    "Delphi")
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  674. language    "Delphi")
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  678. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  686. language    "Delphi")
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  690. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  696. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  698. language    "Delphi")
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  702. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  703. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  704. language    "Delphi")
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  708. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  714. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  726. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  732. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  744. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  746. language    "Delphi")
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  749. stereotype  "TypeId"
  750. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  752. language    "Delphi")
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  764. language    "Delphi")
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  767. stereotype  "TypeId"
  768. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  769. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  770. language    "Delphi")
  771.     (object Class "MULTIKEYHELP"
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  773. stereotype  "TypeId"
  774. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  775. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  776. language    "Delphi")
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  780. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  782. language    "Delphi")
  783.     (object Class "PHelpWinInfoW"
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  788. language    "Delphi")
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  804. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  812. language    "Delphi")
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  858. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  870. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  876. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  882. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  888. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  893. stereotype  "TypeId"
  894. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  895. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
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  899. stereotype  "TypeId"
  900. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  901. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  902. language    "Delphi")
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  906. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  911. stereotype  "TypeId"
  912. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  914. language    "Delphi")
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  924. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  937. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
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  955. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  956. language    "Delphi")
  957.     (object Class "PIconMetrics"
  958. quid        "36D4A60C0097"
  959. stereotype  "TypeId"
  960. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  968. language    "Delphi")
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  974. language    "Delphi")
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  978. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  979. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  980. language    "Delphi")
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  998. language    "Delphi")
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  1070. language    "Delphi")
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  1076. language    "Delphi")
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  1100. language    "Delphi")
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  1106. language    "Delphi")
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  1110. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  1112. language    "Delphi")
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  1130. language    "Delphi")
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  1133. stereotype  "Record"
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  1136. language    "Delphi")
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  1148. language    "Delphi")
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  1172. language    "Delphi")
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  1177. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1178. language    "Delphi")
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  1196. language    "Delphi")
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  1202. language    "Delphi")
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  1381. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
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  1412. language    "Delphi")
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  1472. language    "Delphi")
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  1490. language    "Delphi")
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  1496. language    "Delphi")
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  1502. language    "Delphi")
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  1532. language    "Delphi")
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  1715. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1716. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  1802. language    "Delphi")
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  1860. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1861. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1862. language    "Delphi")
  1863.     (object Class "PMenuEventRecord"
  1864. quid        "36D4A714006F"
  1865. stereotype  "Pointer"
  1866. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1867. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1868. language    "Delphi")
  1869.     (object Class "_MENU_EVENT_RECORD"
  1870. quid        "36D4A7160017"
  1871. stereotype  "Record"
  1872. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1873. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1874. language    "Delphi")
  1875.     (object Class "TMenuEventRecord"
  1876. quid        "36D4A717039E"
  1877. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1878. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1879. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1880. language    "Delphi")
  1881.     (object Class "MENU_EVENT_RECORD"
  1882. quid        "36D4A7190333"
  1883. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1884. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1885. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1886. language    "Delphi")
  1887.     (object Class "PFocusEventRecord"
  1888. quid        "36D4A71B02D1"
  1889. stereotype  "Pointer"
  1890. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1891. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1892. language    "Delphi")
  1893.     (object Class "_FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD"
  1894. quid        "36D4A71D0266"
  1895. stereotype  "Record"
  1896. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1897. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1898. language    "Delphi")
  1899.     (object Class "TFocusEventRecord"
  1900. quid        "36D4A71F0223"
  1901. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1902. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1903. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1904. language    "Delphi")
  1905.     (object Class "FOCUS_EVENT_RECORD"
  1906. quid        "36D4A72101C2"
  1907. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1908. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1909. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1910. language    "Delphi")
  1911.     (object Class "PInputRecord"
  1912. quid        "36D4A7230174"
  1913. stereotype  "Pointer"
  1914. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1915. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1916. language    "Delphi")
  1917.     (object Class "_INPUT_RECORD"
  1918. quid        "36D4A725011D"
  1919. stereotype  "Record"
  1920. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1921. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1922. language    "Delphi")
  1923.     (object Class "TInputRecord"
  1924. quid        "36D4A72700D0"
  1925. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1926. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1927. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1928. language    "Delphi")
  1929.     (object Class "INPUT_RECORD"
  1930. quid        "36D4A7290083"
  1931. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1932. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1933. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1934. language    "Delphi")
  1935.     (object Class "PCharInfo"
  1936. quid        "36D4A72B0036"
  1937. stereotype  "Pointer"
  1938. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1939. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1940. language    "Delphi")
  1941.     (object Class "_CHAR_INFO"
  1942. quid        "36D4A72C03D0"
  1943. stereotype  "Record"
  1944. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1945. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1946. language    "Delphi")
  1947.     (object Class "TCharInfo"
  1948. quid        "36D4A72E0379"
  1949. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1950. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1951. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1952. language    "Delphi")
  1953.     (object Class "CHAR_INFO"
  1954. quid        "36D4A7300340"
  1955. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1956. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1957. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1958. language    "Delphi")
  1959.     (object Class "PConsoleScreenBufferInfo"
  1960. quid        "36D4A7320307"
  1961. stereotype  "Pointer"
  1962. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1963. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1964. language    "Delphi")
  1965.     (object Class "_CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO"
  1966. quid        "36D4A73402C3"
  1967. stereotype  "Record"
  1968. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1969. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1970. language    "Delphi")
  1971.     (object Class "TConsoleScreenBufferInfo"
  1972. quid        "36D4A7360280"
  1973. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1974. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1975. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1976. language    "Delphi")
  1977.     (object Class "CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO"
  1978. quid        "36D4A738023D"
  1979. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1980. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1981. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1982. language    "Delphi")
  1983.     (object Class "PConsoleCursorInfo"
  1984. quid        "36D4A73A020E"
  1985. stereotype  "Pointer"
  1986. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1987. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1988. language    "Delphi")
  1989.     (object Class "_CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO"
  1990. quid        "36D4A73C01E9"
  1991. stereotype  "Record"
  1992. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1993. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  1994. language    "Delphi")
  1995.     (object Class "TConsoleCursorInfo"
  1996. quid        "36D4A73E01AF"
  1997. stereotype  "TypeId"
  1998. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  1999. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2000. language    "Delphi")
  2001.     (object Class "CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO"
  2002. quid        "36D4A7400176"
  2003. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2004. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2005. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2006. language    "Delphi")
  2007.     (object Class "TFNHandlerRoutine"
  2008. quid        "36D4A7420147"
  2009. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2010. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2011. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2012. language    "Delphi")
  2013.     (object Class "PVSFixedFileInfo"
  2014. quid        "36D4A7440118"
  2015. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2016. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2017. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2018. language    "Delphi")
  2019.     (object Class "tagVS_FIXEDFILEINFO"
  2020. quid        "36D4A74600F3"
  2021. stereotype  "Record"
  2022. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2023. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2024. language    "Delphi")
  2025.     (object Class "TVSFixedFileInfo"
  2026. quid        "36D4A74800CD"
  2027. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2028. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2029. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2030. language    "Delphi")
  2031.     (object Class "VS_FIXEDFILEINFO"
  2032. quid        "36D4A74A00A8"
  2033. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2034. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2035. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2036. language    "Delphi")
  2037.     (object Class "REGSAM"
  2038. quid        "36D4A74C0083"
  2039. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2040. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2041. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2042. language    "Delphi")
  2043.     (object Class "HKEY"
  2044. quid        "36D4A74E005E"
  2045. stereotype  "NewTypeId"
  2046. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2047. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2048. language    "Delphi")
  2049.     (object Class "PHKEY"
  2050. quid        "36D4A750004D"
  2051. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2052. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2053. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2054. language    "Delphi")
  2055.     (object Class "PValContext"
  2056. quid        "36D4A7520032"
  2057. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2058. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2059. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2060. language    "Delphi")
  2061.     (object Class "val_context"
  2062. quid        "36D4A7540016"
  2063. stereotype  "Record"
  2064. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2065. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2066. language    "Delphi")
  2067.     (object Class "TValContext"
  2068. quid        "36D4A7560019"
  2069. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2070. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2071. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2072. language    "Delphi")
  2073.     (object Class "PPValueA"
  2074. quid        "36D4A7580008"
  2075. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2076. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2077. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2078. language    "Delphi")
  2079.     (object Class "PPValueW"
  2080. quid        "36D4A75A000B"
  2081. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2082. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2083. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2084. language    "Delphi")
  2085.     (object Class "PPValue"
  2086. quid        "36D4A75B03E2"
  2087. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2088. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2089. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2090. language    "Delphi")
  2091.     (object Class "pvalueA"
  2092. quid        "36D4A75D03DB"
  2093. stereotype  "Record"
  2094. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2095. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2096. language    "Delphi")
  2097.     (object Class "pvalueW"
  2098. quid        "36D4A7600000"
  2099. stereotype  "Record"
  2100. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2101. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2102. language    "Delphi")
  2103.     (object Class "pvalue"
  2104. quid        "36D4A76103D7"
  2105. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2106. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2107. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2108. language    "Delphi")
  2109.     (object Class "TPValueA"
  2110. quid        "36D4A764000F"
  2111. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2112. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2113. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2114. language    "Delphi")
  2115.     (object Class "TPValueW"
  2116. quid        "36D4A76503E6"
  2117. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2118. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2119. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2120. language    "Delphi")
  2121.     (object Class "TPValue"
  2122. quid        "36D4A76703DF"
  2123. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2124. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2125. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2126. language    "Delphi")
  2127.     (object Class "TFNQueryHandler"
  2128. quid        "36D4A76903E2"
  2129. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2130. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2131. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2132. language    "Delphi")
  2133.     (object Class "PFNQueryHandler"
  2134. quid        "36D4A76B03DB"
  2135. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2136. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2137. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2138. language    "Delphi")
  2139.     (object Class "PProviderInfo"
  2140. quid        "36D4A76E000A"
  2141. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2142. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2143. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2144. language    "Delphi")
  2145.     (object Class "provider_info"
  2146. quid        "36D4A7700003"
  2147. stereotype  "Record"
  2148. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2149. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2150. language    "Delphi")
  2151.     (object Class "TProviderInfo"
  2152. quid        "36D4A7720006"
  2153. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2154. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2155. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2156. language    "Delphi")
  2157.     (object Class "REG_PROVIDER"
  2158. quid        "36D4A7740012"
  2159. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2160. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2161. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2162. language    "Delphi")
  2163.     (object Class "TRegProvider"
  2164. quid        "36D4A7760029"
  2165. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2166. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2167. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2168. language    "Delphi")
  2169.     (object Class "PProvider"
  2170. quid        "36D4A778002C"
  2171. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2172. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2173. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2174. language    "Delphi")
  2175.     (object Class "PValueEntA"
  2176. quid        "36D4A77A0039"
  2177. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2178. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2179. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2180. language    "Delphi")
  2181.     (object Class "PValueEntW"
  2182. quid        "36D4A77C003C"
  2183. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2184. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2185. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2186. language    "Delphi")
  2187.     (object Class "PValueEnt"
  2188. quid        "36D4A77E005D"
  2189. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2190. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2191. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2192. language    "Delphi")
  2193.     (object Class "value_entA"
  2194. quid        "36D4A7800074"
  2195. stereotype  "Record"
  2196. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2197. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2198. language    "Delphi")
  2199.     (object Class "value_entW"
  2200. quid        "36D4A7820095"
  2201. stereotype  "Record"
  2202. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2203. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2204. language    "Delphi")
  2205.     (object Class "value_ent"
  2206. quid        "36D4A78400A2"
  2207. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2208. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2209. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2210. language    "Delphi")
  2211.     (object Class "TValueEntA"
  2212. quid        "36D4A78600CD"
  2213. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2214. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2215. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2216. language    "Delphi")
  2217.     (object Class "TValueEntW"
  2218. quid        "36D4A78800E4"
  2219. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2220. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2221. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2222. language    "Delphi")
  2223.     (object Class "TValueEnt"
  2224. quid        "36D4A78A0104"
  2225. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2226. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2227. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2228. language    "Delphi")
  2229.     (object Class "VALENTA"
  2230. quid        "36D4A78C012F"
  2231. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2232. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2233. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2234. language    "Delphi")
  2235.     (object Class "VALENTW"
  2236. quid        "36D4A78E015A"
  2237. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2238. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2239. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2240. language    "Delphi")
  2241.     (object Class "VALENT"
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  2243. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2244. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2245. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2246. language    "Delphi")
  2247.     (object Class "TValEnt"
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  2249. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2250. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2251. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2252. language    "Delphi")
  2253.     (object Class "PValEnt"
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  2255. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2256. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2257. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2258. language    "Delphi")
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  2262. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2263. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2264. language    "Delphi")
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  2267. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2268. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2269. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2270. language    "Delphi")
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  2273. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2274. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2275. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2276. language    "Delphi")
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  2279. stereotype  "Record"
  2280. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2281. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2282. language    "Delphi")
  2283.     (object Class "_NETRESOURCEW"
  2284. quid        "36D4A79E02E4"
  2285. stereotype  "Record"
  2286. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2287. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2288. language    "Delphi")
  2289.     (object Class "_NETRESOURCE"
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  2291. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2292. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2293. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2294. language    "Delphi")
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  2297. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2298. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2299. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2300. language    "Delphi")
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  2303. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2304. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2305. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2306. language    "Delphi")
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  2309. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2310. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2311. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2312. language    "Delphi")
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  2315. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2316. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2317. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2318. language    "Delphi")
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  2320. quid        "36D4A7AB0044"
  2321. stereotype  "TypeId"
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  2323. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2324. language    "Delphi")
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  2326. quid        "36D4A7AD008D"
  2327. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2328. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2329. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2330. language    "Delphi")
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  2334. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  2336. language    "Delphi")
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  2342. language    "Delphi")
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  2348. language    "Delphi")
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  2354. language    "Delphi")
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  2358. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  2360. language    "Delphi")
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  2366. language    "Delphi")
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  2450. language    "Delphi")
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  2486. language    "Delphi")
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  2492. language    "Delphi")
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  2498. language    "Delphi")
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  2504. language    "Delphi")
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  2515. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2516. language    "Delphi")
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  2522. language    "Delphi")
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  2533. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2534. language    "Delphi")
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  2538. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  2540. language    "Delphi")
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  2551. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2552. language    "Delphi")
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  2555. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2556. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2557. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2558. language    "Delphi")
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  2561. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2562. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2563. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2564. language    "Delphi")
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  2567. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2568. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  2570. language    "Delphi")
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  2573. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2574. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  2576. language    "Delphi")
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  2579. stereotype  "Record"
  2580. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  2582. language    "Delphi")
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  2594. language    "Delphi")
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  2597. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2598. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2599. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2600. language    "Delphi")
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  2606. language    "Delphi")
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  2657. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2658. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
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  2672. language    "Delphi")
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  2675. stereotype  "Pointer"
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  2678. language    "Delphi")
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  2681. stereotype  "Record"
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  2683. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2684. language    "Delphi")
  2685.     (object Class "TDDEData"
  2686. quid        "36D4A82D0235"
  2687. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2688. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2689. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2690. language    "Delphi")
  2691.     (object Class "PDDEPoke"
  2692. quid        "36D4A82F0314"
  2693. stereotype  "Pointer"
  2694. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2695. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2696. language    "Delphi")
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  2699. stereotype  "Record"
  2700. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2701. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2702. language    "Delphi")
  2703.     (object Class "TDDEPoke"
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  2705. stereotype  "TypeId"
  2706. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
  2707. quidu       "36D4A0FB0115"
  2708. language    "Delphi"))
  2709. logical_presentations  (list unit_reference_list))
  2710.     (object Class_Category "SysUtils"
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  2712. stereotype  "Unit"
  2713. exportControl  "Public"
  2714. logical_models  (list unit_reference_list
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  2716. quid        "36D4A0F70155"
  2717. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  2718.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  2719. quid        "36D4A0F701A5"
  2720. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::System::TObject"
  2721. quidu       "36D4A0F602B2"))
  2722. operations  (list Operations
  2723.     (object Operation "Create"
  2724. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2725.     (object Attribute
  2726. tool        "Delphi"
  2727. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2728. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2729. quid        "36D4A104010D"
  2730. parameters  (list Parameters
  2731.     (object Parameter "Msg"
  2732. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2733.     (object Attribute
  2734. tool        "Delphi"
  2735. name        "Mode"
  2736. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  2737. quid        "3C4ACCD1090D"
  2738. type        "string"))
  2739. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2740. opExportControl  "Public"
  2741. uid         0)
  2742.     (object Operation "CreateFmt"
  2743. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2744.     (object Attribute
  2745. tool        "Delphi"
  2746. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2747. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2748. quid        "36D4A1040121"
  2749. parameters  (list Parameters
  2750.     (object Parameter "Msg"
  2751. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2752.     (object Attribute
  2753. tool        "Delphi"
  2754. name        "Mode"
  2755. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  2756. quid        "3C4ACCD1090F"
  2757. type        "string")
  2758.     (object Parameter "Args"
  2759. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2760.     (object Attribute
  2761. tool        "Delphi"
  2762. name        "Mode"
  2763. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  2764. quid        "3C4ACCD10910"
  2765. type        "array of const"))
  2766. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2767. opExportControl  "Public"
  2768. uid         0)
  2769.     (object Operation "CreateRes"
  2770. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2771.     (object Attribute
  2772. tool        "Delphi"
  2773. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2774. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2775. quid        "36D4A1040135"
  2776. parameters  (list Parameters
  2777.     (object Parameter "Ident"
  2778. quid        "3C4ACCD10912"
  2779. type        "Integer")
  2780.     (object Parameter "Dummy"
  2781. quid        "3C4ACCD10913"
  2782. type        "Extended"
  2783. initv       "0"))
  2784. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2785. opExportControl  "Public"
  2786. uid         0)
  2787.     (object Operation "CreateResFmt"
  2788. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2789.     (object Attribute
  2790. tool        "Delphi"
  2791. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2792. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2793. quid        "36D4A1040149"
  2794. parameters  (list Parameters
  2795.     (object Parameter "Ident"
  2796. quid        "3C4ACCD10915"
  2797. type        "Integer")
  2798.     (object Parameter "Args"
  2799. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2800.     (object Attribute
  2801. tool        "Delphi"
  2802. name        "Mode"
  2803. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  2804. quid        "3C4ACCD10916"
  2805. type        "array of const"))
  2806. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2807. opExportControl  "Public"
  2808. uid         0)
  2809.     (object Operation "CreateHelp"
  2810. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2811.     (object Attribute
  2812. tool        "Delphi"
  2813. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2814. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2815. quid        "36D4A104015D"
  2816. parameters  (list Parameters
  2817.     (object Parameter "Msg"
  2818. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2819.     (object Attribute
  2820. tool        "Delphi"
  2821. name        "Mode"
  2822. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  2823. quid        "3C4ACCD10918"
  2824. type        "string")
  2825.     (object Parameter "AHelpContext"
  2826. quid        "3C4ACCD10919"
  2827. type        "Integer"))
  2828. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2829. opExportControl  "Public"
  2830. uid         0)
  2831.     (object Operation "CreateFmtHelp"
  2832. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2833.     (object Attribute
  2834. tool        "Delphi"
  2835. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2836. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2837. quid        "36D4A1040185"
  2838. parameters  (list Parameters
  2839.     (object Parameter "Msg"
  2840. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2841.     (object Attribute
  2842. tool        "Delphi"
  2843. name        "Mode"
  2844. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  2845. quid        "3C4ACCD1091B"
  2846. type        "string")
  2847.     (object Parameter "Args"
  2848. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2849.     (object Attribute
  2850. tool        "Delphi"
  2851. name        "Mode"
  2852. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  2853. quid        "3C4ACCD1091C"
  2854. type        "array of const")
  2855.     (object Parameter "AHelpContext"
  2856. quid        "3C4ACCD1091D"
  2857. type        "Integer"))
  2858. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2859. opExportControl  "Public"
  2860. uid         0)
  2861.     (object Operation "CreateResHelp"
  2862. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2863.     (object Attribute
  2864. tool        "Delphi"
  2865. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2866. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2867. quid        "36D4A10401A3"
  2868. parameters  (list Parameters
  2869.     (object Parameter "Ident"
  2870. quid        "3C4ACCD1091F"
  2871. type        "Integer")
  2872.     (object Parameter "AHelpContext"
  2873. quid        "3C4ACCD10920"
  2874. type        "Integer"))
  2875. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2876. opExportControl  "Public"
  2877. uid         0)
  2878.     (object Operation "CreateResFmtHelp"
  2879. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2880.     (object Attribute
  2881. tool        "Delphi"
  2882. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2883. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2884. quid        "36D4A10401C1"
  2885. parameters  (list Parameters
  2886.     (object Parameter "Ident"
  2887. quid        "3C4ACCD10922"
  2888. type        "Integer")
  2889.     (object Parameter "Args"
  2890. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2891.     (object Attribute
  2892. tool        "Delphi"
  2893. name        "Mode"
  2894. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  2895. quid        "3C4ACCD10923"
  2896. type        "array of const")
  2897.     (object Parameter "AHelpContext"
  2898. quid        "3C4ACCD10924"
  2899. type        "Integer"))
  2900. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2901. opExportControl  "Public"
  2902. uid         0)
  2903.     (object Operation "HelpContext"
  2904. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2905.     (object Attribute
  2906. tool        "Delphi"
  2907. name        "Property_Read"
  2908. value       "FHelpContext")
  2909.     (object Attribute
  2910. tool        "Delphi"
  2911. name        "Property_Write"
  2912. value       "FHelpContext"))
  2913. quid        "36D4A10401D5"
  2914. stereotype  "Property"
  2915. result      "Integer"
  2916. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2917. opExportControl  "Public"
  2918. uid         0)
  2919.     (object Operation "Message"
  2920. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2921.     (object Attribute
  2922. tool        "Delphi"
  2923. name        "Property_Read"
  2924. value       "FMessage")
  2925.     (object Attribute
  2926. tool        "Delphi"
  2927. name        "Property_Write"
  2928. value       "FMessage"))
  2929. quid        "36D4A10401E9"
  2930. stereotype  "Property"
  2931. result      "string"
  2932. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2933. opExportControl  "Public"
  2934. uid         0))
  2935. class_attributes  (list class_attribute_list
  2936.     (object ClassAttribute "FMessage"
  2937. quid        "36D4A10400F9"
  2938. type        "string")
  2939.     (object ClassAttribute "FHelpContext"
  2940. quid        "36D4A1040103"
  2941. type        "Integer"))
  2942. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  2943. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  2944. language    "Delphi")
  2945.     (object Class "TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer"
  2946. quid        "36D4A0F8019C"
  2947. operations  (list Operations
  2948.     (object Operation "WriterIsOnlyReader"
  2949. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2950.     (object Attribute
  2951. tool        "Delphi"
  2952. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2953. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2)))
  2954. quid        "36D4A106000C"
  2955. result      "Boolean"
  2956. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2957. opExportControl  "Private"
  2958. uid         0)
  2959.     (object Operation "Create"
  2960. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2961.     (object Attribute
  2962. tool        "Delphi"
  2963. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2964. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  2965. quid        "36D4A1060016"
  2966. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2967. opExportControl  "Public"
  2968. uid         0)
  2969.     (object Operation "Destroy"
  2970. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  2971.     (object Attribute
  2972. tool        "Delphi"
  2973. name        "Operation_Kind"
  2974. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 4))
  2975.     (object Attribute
  2976. tool        "Delphi"
  2977. name        "Operation_Binding"
  2978. value       ("Operation_Binding_Enum" 4)))
  2979. quid        "36D4A1060020"
  2980. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2981. opExportControl  "Public"
  2982. uid         0)
  2983.     (object Operation "BeginRead"
  2984. quid        "36D4A106002A"
  2985. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2986. opExportControl  "Public"
  2987. uid         0)
  2988.     (object Operation "EndRead"
  2989. quid        "36D4A1060034"
  2990. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2991. opExportControl  "Public"
  2992. uid         0)
  2993.     (object Operation "BeginWrite"
  2994. quid        "36D4A1060035"
  2995. concurrency  "Sequential"
  2996. opExportControl  "Public"
  2997. uid         0)
  2998.     (object Operation "EndWrite"
  2999. quid        "36D4A106003E"
  3000. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3001. opExportControl  "Public"
  3002. uid         0))
  3003. class_attributes  (list class_attribute_list
  3004.     (object ClassAttribute "FCount"
  3005. quid        "36D4A105033F"
  3006. type        "Integer")
  3007.     (object ClassAttribute "FSaveReadCount"
  3008. quid        "36D4A1050340"
  3009. type        "Integer")
  3010.     (object ClassAttribute "FWriteRequestorID"
  3011. quid        "36D4A1050349"
  3012. type        "Integer")
  3013.     (object ClassAttribute "FReallocFlag"
  3014. quid        "36D4A1050353"
  3015. type        "Integer")
  3016.     (object ClassAttribute "FWriting"
  3017. quid        "36D4A105035D"
  3018. type        "Boolean"))
  3019. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3020. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3021. language    "Delphi")
  3022.     (object Class "EMathError"
  3023. quid        "36D4A101036C"
  3024. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3025.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3026. quid        "36D4A10103D0"
  3027. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
  3028. quidu       "36D4A10103B2"))
  3029. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3030. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3031. language    "Delphi")
  3032.     (object Class "EExternal"
  3033. quid        "36D4A10103B2"
  3034. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3035.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3036. quid        "36D4A10103C6"
  3037. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3038. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3039. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3040. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3041. language    "Delphi")
  3042.     (object Class "TSysCharSet"
  3043. quid        "36D4A10302BA"
  3044. stereotype  "Set"
  3045. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3046. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3047. language    "Delphi")
  3048.     (object Class "WordRec"
  3049. quid        "36D4A10302CE"
  3050. stereotype  "Record"
  3051. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3052. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3053. language    "Delphi")
  3054.     (object Class "LongRec"
  3055. quid        "36D4A10302E2"
  3056. stereotype  "Record"
  3057. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3058. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3059. language    "Delphi")
  3060.     (object Class "Int64Rec"
  3061. quid        "36D4A10302F6"
  3062. stereotype  "Record"
  3063. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3064. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3065. language    "Delphi")
  3066.     (object Class "TMethod"
  3067. quid        "36D4A1030314"
  3068. stereotype  "Record"
  3069. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3070. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3071. language    "Delphi")
  3072.     (object Class "PByteArray"
  3073. quid        "36D4A1030328"
  3074. stereotype  "Pointer"
  3075. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3076. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3077. language    "Delphi")
  3078.     (object Class "TByteArray"
  3079. quid        "36D4A103033C"
  3080. stereotype  "Array"
  3081. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3082. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3083. language    "Delphi")
  3084.     (object Class "PWordArray"
  3085. quid        "36D4A1030351"
  3086. stereotype  "Pointer"
  3087. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3088. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3089. language    "Delphi")
  3090.     (object Class "TWordArray"
  3091. quid        "36D4A1030365"
  3092. stereotype  "Array"
  3093. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3094. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3095. language    "Delphi")
  3096.     (object Class "TProcedure"
  3097. quid        "36D4A1030379"
  3098. stereotype  "ProcType"
  3099. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3100. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3101. language    "Delphi")
  3102.     (object Class "TFileName"
  3103. quid        "36D4A103038D"
  3104. stereotype  "NewTypeId"
  3105. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3106. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3107. language    "Delphi")
  3108.     (object Class "TSearchRec"
  3109. quid        "36D4A10303AB"
  3110. stereotype  "Record"
  3111. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3112. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3113. language    "Delphi")
  3114.     (object Class "TFileRec"
  3115. quid        "36D4A10303BF"
  3116. stereotype  "Record"
  3117. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3118. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3119. language    "Delphi")
  3120.     (object Class "PTextBuf"
  3121. quid        "36D4A10303D3"
  3122. stereotype  "Pointer"
  3123. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3124. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3125. language    "Delphi")
  3126.     (object Class "TTextBuf"
  3127. quid        "36D4A10303E7"
  3128. stereotype  "Array"
  3129. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3130. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3131. language    "Delphi")
  3132.     (object Class "TTextRec"
  3133. quid        "36D4A1040013"
  3134. stereotype  "Record"
  3135. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3136. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3137. language    "Delphi")
  3138.     (object Class "TFloatValue"
  3139. quid        "36D4A1040031"
  3140. stereotype  "Enum"
  3141. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3142. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3143. language    "Delphi")
  3144.     (object Class "TFloatFormat"
  3145. quid        "36D4A1040045"
  3146. stereotype  "Enum"
  3147. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3148. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3149. language    "Delphi")
  3150.     (object Class "TFloatRec"
  3151. quid        "36D4A1040059"
  3152. stereotype  "Record"
  3153. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3154. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3155. language    "Delphi")
  3156.     (object Class "TTimeStamp"
  3157. quid        "36D4A1040077"
  3158. stereotype  "Record"
  3159. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3160. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3161. language    "Delphi")
  3162.     (object Class "TMbcsByteType"
  3163. quid        "36D4A104008B"
  3164. stereotype  "Enum"
  3165. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3166. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3167. language    "Delphi")
  3168.     (object Class "TSysLocale"
  3169. quid        "36D4A104009F"
  3170. stereotype  "Record"
  3171. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3172. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3173. language    "Delphi")
  3174.     (object Class "ExceptClass"
  3175. quid        "36D4A10401F3"
  3176. stereotype  "ClassRef"
  3177. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3178. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3179. language    "Delphi")
  3180.     (object Class "EAbort"
  3181. quid        "36D4A1040211"
  3182. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3183.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3184. quid        "36D4A1040226"
  3185. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3186. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3187. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3188. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3189. language    "Delphi")
  3190.     (object Class "EHeapException"
  3191. quid        "36D4A1040230"
  3192. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3193.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3194. quid        "36D4A1040244"
  3195. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3196. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3197. operations  (list Operations
  3198.     (object Operation "FreeInstance"
  3199. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3200.     (object Attribute
  3201. tool        "Delphi"
  3202. name        "Operation_Binding"
  3203. value       ("Operation_Binding_Enum" 4)))
  3204. quid        "36D4A104024E"
  3205. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3206. opExportControl  "Public"
  3207. uid         0))
  3208. class_attributes  (list class_attribute_list
  3209.     (object ClassAttribute "AllowFree"
  3210. quid        "36D4A1040245"
  3211. type        "Boolean"))
  3212. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3213. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3214. language    "Delphi")
  3215.     (object Class "EOutOfMemory"
  3216. quid        "36D4A1040258"
  3217. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3218.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3219. quid        "36D4A1040276"
  3220. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EHeapException"
  3221. quidu       "36D4A1040230"))
  3222. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3223. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3224. language    "Delphi")
  3225.     (object Class "EInOutError"
  3226. quid        "36D4A1040277"
  3227. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3228.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3229. quid        "36D4A1040294"
  3230. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3231. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3232. class_attributes  (list class_attribute_list
  3233.     (object ClassAttribute "ErrorCode"
  3234. quid        "36D4A1040295"
  3235. type        "Integer"
  3236. exportControl  "Public"))
  3237. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3238. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3239. language    "Delphi")
  3240.     (object Class "EExternalException"
  3241. quid        "36D4A10402DA"
  3242. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3243.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3244. quid        "36D4A10402EE"
  3245. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
  3246. quidu       "36D4A10103B2"))
  3247. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3248. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3249. language    "Delphi")
  3250.     (object Class "EIntError"
  3251. quid        "36D4A10402F8"
  3252. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3253.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3254. quid        "36D4A104030C"
  3255. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
  3256. quidu       "36D4A10103B2"))
  3257. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3258. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3259. language    "Delphi")
  3260.     (object Class "EDivByZero"
  3261. quid        "36D4A1040316"
  3262. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3263.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3264. quid        "36D4A104032A"
  3265. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EIntError"
  3266. quidu       "36D4A10402F8"))
  3267. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3268. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3269. language    "Delphi")
  3270.     (object Class "ERangeError"
  3271. quid        "36D4A1040334"
  3272. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3273.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3274. quid        "36D4A1040348"
  3275. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EIntError"
  3276. quidu       "36D4A10402F8"))
  3277. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3278. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3279. language    "Delphi")
  3280.     (object Class "EIntOverflow"
  3281. quid        "36D4A1040352"
  3282. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3283.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3284. quid        "36D4A1040366"
  3285. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EIntError"
  3286. quidu       "36D4A10402F8"))
  3287. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3288. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3289. language    "Delphi")
  3290.     (object Class "EInvalidOp"
  3291. quid        "36D4A104037A"
  3292. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3293.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3294. quid        "36D4A104038E"
  3295. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EMathError"
  3296. quidu       "36D4A101036C"))
  3297. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3298. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3299. language    "Delphi")
  3300.     (object Class "EZeroDivide"
  3301. quid        "36D4A1040398"
  3302. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3303.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3304. quid        "36D4A10403AC"
  3305. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EMathError"
  3306. quidu       "36D4A101036C"))
  3307. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3308. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3309. language    "Delphi")
  3310.     (object Class "EOverflow"
  3311. quid        "36D4A10403B6"
  3312. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3313.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3314. quid        "36D4A10403CA"
  3315. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EMathError"
  3316. quidu       "36D4A101036C"))
  3317. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3318. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3319. language    "Delphi")
  3320.     (object Class "EUnderflow"
  3321. quid        "36D4A10403D4"
  3322. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3323.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3324. quid        "36D4A1050000"
  3325. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EMathError"
  3326. quidu       "36D4A101036C"))
  3327. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3328. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3329. language    "Delphi")
  3330.     (object Class "EInvalidPointer"
  3331. quid        "36D4A105000A"
  3332. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3333.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3334. quid        "36D4A105001E"
  3335. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EHeapException"
  3336. quidu       "36D4A1040230"))
  3337. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3338. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3339. language    "Delphi")
  3340.     (object Class "EInvalidCast"
  3341. quid        "36D4A1050028"
  3342. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3343.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3344. quid        "36D4A105003C"
  3345. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3346. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3347. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3348. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3349. language    "Delphi")
  3350.     (object Class "EConvertError"
  3351. quid        "36D4A1050046"
  3352. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3353.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3354. quid        "36D4A105005A"
  3355. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3356. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3357. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3358. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3359. language    "Delphi")
  3360.     (object Class "EAccessViolation"
  3361. quid        "36D4A1050064"
  3362. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3363.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3364. quid        "36D4A1050078"
  3365. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
  3366. quidu       "36D4A10103B2"))
  3367. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3368. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3369. language    "Delphi")
  3370.     (object Class "EPrivilege"
  3371. quid        "36D4A1050082"
  3372. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3373.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3374. quid        "36D4A1050096"
  3375. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
  3376. quidu       "36D4A10103B2"))
  3377. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3378. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3379. language    "Delphi")
  3380.     (object Class "EStackOverflow"
  3381. quid        "36D4A10500A0"
  3382. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3383.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3384. quid        "36D4A10500B4"
  3385. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
  3386. quidu       "36D4A10103B2"))
  3387. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3388. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3389. language    "Delphi")
  3390.     (object Class "EControlC"
  3391. quid        "36D4A10500BE"
  3392. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3393.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3394. quid        "36D4A10500D2"
  3395. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
  3396. quidu       "36D4A10103B2"))
  3397. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3398. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3399. language    "Delphi")
  3400.     (object Class "EVariantError"
  3401. quid        "36D4A10500DC"
  3402. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3403.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3404. quid        "36D4A10500FB"
  3405. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3406. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3407. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3408. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3409. language    "Delphi")
  3410.     (object Class "EPropReadOnly"
  3411. quid        "36D4A10500FC"
  3412. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3413.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3414. quid        "36D4A1050119"
  3415. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3416. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3417. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3418. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3419. language    "Delphi")
  3420.     (object Class "EPropWriteOnly"
  3421. quid        "36D4A105011A"
  3422. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3423.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3424. quid        "36D4A1050137"
  3425. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3426. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3427. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3428. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3429. language    "Delphi")
  3430.     (object Class "EAssertionFailed"
  3431. quid        "36D4A1050141"
  3432. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3433.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3434. quid        "36D4A1050155"
  3435. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3436. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3437. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3438. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3439. language    "Delphi")
  3440.     (object Class "EAbstractError"
  3441. quid        "36D4A105015F"
  3442. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3443.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3444. quid        "36D4A1050173"
  3445. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3446. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3447. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3448. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3449. language    "Delphi")
  3450.     (object Class "EIntfCastError"
  3451. quid        "36D4A105017D"
  3452. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3453.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3454. quid        "36D4A1050191"
  3455. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3456. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3457. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3458. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3459. language    "Delphi")
  3460.     (object Class "EInvalidContainer"
  3461. quid        "36D4A105019B"
  3462. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3463.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3464. quid        "36D4A10501B9"
  3465. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3466. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3467. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3468. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3469. language    "Delphi")
  3470.     (object Class "EInvalidInsert"
  3471. quid        "36D4A10501BA"
  3472. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3473.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3474. quid        "36D4A10501D7"
  3475. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3476. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3477. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3478. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3479. language    "Delphi")
  3480.     (object Class "EPackageError"
  3481. quid        "36D4A10501E1"
  3482. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3483.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3484. quid        "36D4A10501F5"
  3485. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3486. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3487. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3488. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3489. language    "Delphi")
  3490.     (object Class "EWin32Error"
  3491. quid        "36D4A10501FF"
  3492. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3493.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3494. quid        "36D4A1050213"
  3495. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
  3496. quidu       "36D4A0F70155"))
  3497. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3498. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3499. language    "Delphi")
  3500.     (object Class "PDayTable"
  3501. quid        "36D4A105024F"
  3502. stereotype  "Pointer"
  3503. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3504. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3505. language    "Delphi")
  3506.     (object Class "TDayTable"
  3507. quid        "36D4A105026D"
  3508. stereotype  "Array"
  3509. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3510. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3511. language    "Delphi")
  3512.     (object Class "TReplaceFlags"
  3513. quid        "36D4A105028B"
  3514. stereotype  "Set"
  3515. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3516. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3517. language    "Delphi")
  3518.     (object Class "TNameType"
  3519. quid        "36D4A10502A9"
  3520. stereotype  "Enum"
  3521. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3522. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3523. language    "Delphi")
  3524.     (object Class "TPackageInfoProc"
  3525. quid        "36D4A10502C7"
  3526. stereotype  "ProcType"
  3527. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3528. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3529. language    "Delphi")
  3530.     (object Class "TTerminateProc"
  3531. quid        "36D4A10502DB"
  3532. stereotype  "ProcType"
  3533. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3534. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3535. language    "Delphi")
  3536.     (object Class "TActiveThreadRecord"
  3537. quid        "36D4A10502F9"
  3538. stereotype  "Record"
  3539. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3540. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3541. language    "Delphi")
  3542.     (object Class "TActiveThreadArray"
  3543. quid        "36D4A1050317"
  3544. stereotype  "Array"
  3545. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
  3546. quidu       "36D4A0F70136"
  3547. language    "Delphi")
  3548.     (object Association "$UNNAMED$669"
  3549. quid        "36D4A10402BC"
  3550. roles       (list role_list
  3551.     (object Role "$UNNAMED$670"
  3552. quid        "36D4A10402BD"
  3553. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
  3554. quidu       "36D4A10103B2")
  3555.     (object Role "ExceptionRecord"
  3556. quid        "36D4A10402BE"
  3557. label       "ExceptionRecord"
  3558. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::Windows::PExceptionRecord"
  3559. quidu       "36D4A10402A8"
  3560. is_navigable  TRUE)))
  3561.     (object Association "$UNNAMED$671"
  3562. quid        "36D4A1050231"
  3563. roles       (list role_list
  3564.     (object Role "$UNNAMED$672"
  3565. quid        "36D4A1050232"
  3566. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EWin32Error"
  3567. quidu       "36D4A10501FF")
  3568.     (object Role "ErrorCode"
  3569. quid        "36D4A1050233"
  3570. label       "ErrorCode"
  3571. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::Windows::DWORD"
  3572. quidu       "36D4A105021D"
  3573. is_navigable  TRUE)))
  3574.     (object Association "$UNNAMED$673"
  3575. quid        "36D4A1050385"
  3576. roles       (list role_list
  3577.     (object Role "$UNNAMED$674"
  3578. quid        "36D4A1050386"
  3579. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer"
  3580. quidu       "36D4A0F8019C")
  3581.     (object Role "FLock"
  3582. quid        "36D4A1050387"
  3583. label       "FLock"
  3584. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::Windows::TRTLCriticalSection"
  3585. quidu       "36D4A1050367"
  3586. exportControl  "Private"
  3587. is_navigable  TRUE)))
  3588.     (object Association "$UNNAMED$675"
  3589. quid        "36D4A10503B8"
  3590. roles       (list role_list
  3591.     (object Role "$UNNAMED$676"
  3592. quid        "36D4A10503B9"
  3593. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer"
  3594. quidu       "36D4A0F8019C")
  3595.     (object Role "FReadExit"
  3596. quid        "36D4A10503BA"
  3597. label       "FReadExit"
  3598. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::Windows::THandle"
  3599. quidu       "36D4A10503A3"
  3600. exportControl  "Private"
  3601. is_navigable  TRUE)))
  3602.     (object Association "$UNNAMED$677"
  3603. quid        "36D4A10503D6"
  3604. roles       (list role_list
  3605.     (object Role "$UNNAMED$678"
  3606. quid        "36D4A10503D7"
  3607. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer"
  3608. quidu       "36D4A0F8019C")
  3609.     (object Role "FActiveThreads"
  3610. quid        "36D4A10503D8"
  3611. label       "FActiveThreads"
  3612. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::TActiveThreadArray"
  3613. quidu       "36D4A1050317"
  3614. exportControl  "Private"
  3615. is_navigable  TRUE))))
  3616. logical_presentations  (list unit_reference_list))
  3617.     (object Class_Category "System"
  3618. quid        "36D4A0F60239"
  3619. stereotype  "Unit"
  3620. exportControl  "Public"
  3621. logical_models  (list unit_reference_list
  3622.     (object Class "TInterfacedObject"
  3623. quid        "36D4A0F6024D"
  3624. superclasses  (list inheritance_relationship_list
  3625.     (object Inheritance_Relationship
  3626. quid        "36D4A0F602D0"
  3627. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::System::TObject"
  3628. quidu       "36D4A0F602B2"))
  3629. realized_interfaces  (list realize_rel_list
  3630.     (object Realize_Relationship
  3631. quid        "36D4A0F60302"
  3632. supplier    "Logical View::Delphi Framework::System::IUnknown"
  3633. quidu       "36D4A0F602EE"))
  3634. operations  (list Operations
  3635.     (object Operation "QueryInterface"
  3636. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3637.     (object Attribute
  3638. tool        "Delphi"
  3639. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3640. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2))
  3641.     (object Attribute
  3642. tool        "Delphi"
  3643. name        "Operation_CallingConvention"
  3644. value       ("Operation_CallingConvention_Enum" 5)))
  3645. quid        "36D4A1020314"
  3646. parameters  (list Parameters
  3647.     (object Parameter "IID"
  3648. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3649.     (object Attribute
  3650. tool        "Delphi"
  3651. name        "Mode"
  3652. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  3653. quid        "3C4ACCD20034"
  3654. type        "TGUID"
  3655. quidu       "36D4A0F70016")
  3656.     (object Parameter "Obj"
  3657. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3658.     (object Attribute
  3659. tool        "Delphi"
  3660. name        "Mode"
  3661. value       ("Mode_Enum" 4)))
  3662. quid        "3C4ACCD20035"))
  3663. result      "HResult"
  3664. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3665. opExportControl  "Protected"
  3666. uid         0)
  3667.     (object Operation "_AddRef"
  3668. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3669.     (object Attribute
  3670. tool        "Delphi"
  3671. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3672. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2))
  3673.     (object Attribute
  3674. tool        "Delphi"
  3675. name        "Operation_CallingConvention"
  3676. value       ("Operation_CallingConvention_Enum" 5)))
  3677. quid        "36D4A1020327"
  3678. result      "Integer"
  3679. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3680. opExportControl  "Protected"
  3681. uid         0)
  3682.     (object Operation "_Release"
  3683. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3684.     (object Attribute
  3685. tool        "Delphi"
  3686. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3687. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2))
  3688.     (object Attribute
  3689. tool        "Delphi"
  3690. name        "Operation_CallingConvention"
  3691. value       ("Operation_CallingConvention_Enum" 5)))
  3692. quid        "36D4A1020331"
  3693. result      "Integer"
  3694. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3695. opExportControl  "Protected"
  3696. uid         0)
  3697.     (object Operation "BeforeDestruction"
  3698. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3699.     (object Attribute
  3700. tool        "Delphi"
  3701. name        "Operation_Binding"
  3702. value       ("Operation_Binding_Enum" 4)))
  3703. quid        "36D4A102033B"
  3704. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3705. opExportControl  "Public"
  3706. uid         0)
  3707.     (object Operation "RefCount"
  3708. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3709.     (object Attribute
  3710. tool        "Delphi"
  3711. name        "Property_Read"
  3712. value       "FRefCount"))
  3713. quid        "36D4A1020345"
  3714. stereotype  "Property"
  3715. result      "Integer"
  3716. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3717. opExportControl  "Public"
  3718. uid         0))
  3719. class_attributes  (list class_attribute_list
  3720.     (object ClassAttribute "FRefCount"
  3721. quid        "36D4A1020313"
  3722. type        "Integer"
  3723. exportControl  "Protected"))
  3724. module      "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::System"
  3725. quidu       "36D4A0F60232"
  3726. language    "Delphi")
  3727.     (object Class "TObject"
  3728. quid        "36D4A0F602B2"
  3729. operations  (list Operations
  3730.     (object Operation "Create"
  3731. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3732.     (object Attribute
  3733. tool        "Delphi"
  3734. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3735. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
  3736. quid        "36D4A10200D8"
  3737. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3738. opExportControl  "Public"
  3739. uid         0)
  3740.     (object Operation "Free"
  3741. quid        "36D4A10200E2"
  3742. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3743. opExportControl  "Public"
  3744. uid         0)
  3745.     (object Operation "InitInstance"
  3746. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3747.     (object Attribute
  3748. tool        "Delphi"
  3749. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3750. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
  3751. quid        "36D4A10200EC"
  3752. parameters  (list Parameters
  3753.     (object Parameter "Instance"
  3754. quid        "3C4ACCD20041"
  3755. type        "Pointer"))
  3756. result      "TObject"
  3757. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3758. opExportControl  "Public"
  3759. uid         0
  3760. quidu       "36D4A0F602B2")
  3761.     (object Operation "CleanupInstance"
  3762. quid        "36D4A10200F6"
  3763. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3764. opExportControl  "Public"
  3765. uid         0)
  3766.     (object Operation "ClassType"
  3767. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3768.     (object Attribute
  3769. tool        "Delphi"
  3770. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3771. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2)))
  3772. quid        "36D4A1020100"
  3773. result      "TClass"
  3774. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3775. opExportControl  "Public"
  3776. uid         0
  3777. quidu       "36D4A0FC03DD")
  3778.     (object Operation "ClassName"
  3779. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3780.     (object Attribute
  3781. tool        "Delphi"
  3782. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3783. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
  3784. quid        "36D4A102010A"
  3785. result      "ShortString"
  3786. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3787. opExportControl  "Public"
  3788. uid         0)
  3789.     (object Operation "ClassNameIs"
  3790. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3791.     (object Attribute
  3792. tool        "Delphi"
  3793. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3794. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
  3795. quid        "36D4A1020114"
  3796. parameters  (list Parameters
  3797.     (object Parameter "Name"
  3798. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3799.     (object Attribute
  3800. tool        "Delphi"
  3801. name        "Mode"
  3802. value       ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
  3803. quid        "3C4ACCD20046"
  3804. type        "string"))
  3805. result      "Boolean"
  3806. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3807. opExportControl  "Public"
  3808. uid         0)
  3809.     (object Operation "ClassParent"
  3810. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3811.     (object Attribute
  3812. tool        "Delphi"
  3813. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3814. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
  3815. quid        "36D4A102011E"
  3816. result      "TClass"
  3817. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3818. opExportControl  "Public"
  3819. uid         0
  3820. quidu       "36D4A0FC03DD")
  3821.     (object Operation "ClassInfo"
  3822. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3823.     (object Attribute
  3824. tool        "Delphi"
  3825. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3826. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
  3827. quid        "36D4A1020128"
  3828. result      "Pointer"
  3829. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3830. opExportControl  "Public"
  3831. uid         0)
  3832.     (object Operation "InstanceSize"
  3833. attributes  (list Attribute_Set
  3834.     (object Attribute
  3835. tool        "Delphi"
  3836. name        "Operation_Kind"
  3837. value       ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
  3838. quid        "36D4A1020132"
  3839. result      "Longint"
  3840. concurrency  "Sequential"
  3841. opExportControl  "Public"
  3842. uid         0)