- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A52701BA"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A52802F2"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A52A0038"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A52B0166"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A52C0294"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A52D03CC"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A52F0111"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A530023F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A531038B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A53300DB"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5340213"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A535034B"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A53700A5"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A53801E7"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5390329"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A53B008C"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A53C01CE"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A53D0310"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A53F0074"
- stereotype "Array"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A54001C0"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A541030C"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A543007A"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A54401D0"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5450326"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A547008A"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A54801E0"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5490336"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A54B00A3"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A54C0217"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A54D036D"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A54F00EF"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A550024F"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A55103AF"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A553011D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A554029B"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5560013"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A557017D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A55802E7"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A55A0069"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A55B01D3"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A55C0351"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A55E00D3"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A55F0247"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A56003C5"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A562015B"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A56302D9"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A565006F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A56601F7"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A567037F"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5690115"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A56A029D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A56C003D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A56D01CF"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A56E036B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A570010B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5750389"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A57802D9"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A57A0083"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A57B021F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A57C03C5"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A57E0183"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A57F0329"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A58100E7"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A582028D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "ProcType"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5890324"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A58B00EC"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A58C029C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A58E006E"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A58F023C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A591000E"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A59201C8"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5960318"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A5980108"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A59B00A9"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A59C0277"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A59E005D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A59F022B"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5A10025"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5A201FD"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A5A303CB"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5A501BB"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5A60393"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5A80184"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5A9037A"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5AB016A"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5AC0342"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A5B20304"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5B400FF"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5B502EB"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5B700EF"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5B802D1"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5BA00D5"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5BB02D5"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5BE02C6"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5C000CA"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5C102CA"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5C300D8"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5C402E2"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5C600FA"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A5C702FB"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5C90113"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5CA0313"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5CC0135"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5CD0349"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5CF016C"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5D00376"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5D20198"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5D303AC"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5D501D8"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5D70019"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5D8022D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5DA0059"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5DB026D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5DD0099"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5DE02B8"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5E00102"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5E10316"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5E3014C"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5E4036B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5E601A1"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5E703C9"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5E90213"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5EB0053"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A5EC027C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
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- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5EF02E4"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5F20361"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5F401A1"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5F503DD"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5F70227"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5F9007C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5FA02AE"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A5FC0120"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A5FD0352"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A5FF01B1"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6020255"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A60400B4"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6050304"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A607016C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A60803BC"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A60A022F"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A60C0097"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A60D02E7"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A60F0164"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A612023A"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6170197"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6190009"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A61C00F4"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A61D0358"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A629014D"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A62A03CF"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A62C0260"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A62E0104"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A62F0390"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A631022B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A63300CF"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6340352"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6390331"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A63B01CB"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A63D008D"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A63E0310"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A642006D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6430303"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A64A01B9"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A6520337"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A6540203"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A65600C5"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A657037A"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6590250"
- stereotype "Record"
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- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A65B0113"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A65E0294"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Record"
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- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6620041"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A66C012B"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A66E000C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A66F02D4"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A67101B5"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A67300A9"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6740372"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A676025C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6780151"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A67A0045"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A67B032C"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A67D0216"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A67F010B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68003E7"
- stereotype "ProcType"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68202DB"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68401DA"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68600D9"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68703B5"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68902B4"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68B01B2"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68D00C5"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A68E03AB"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69002AA"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69201B2"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69400BB"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69503BF"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69702D2"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69901D0"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69B00ED"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69C03DD"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A69E0304"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6A00220"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6A20133"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6A40059"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6A50368"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6A70299"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6A901B5"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6AB00DC"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6AC03E0"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6AE0307"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6B00241"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6B20168"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6B40099"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6B503A7"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6B702CE"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6B90208"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6BB0139"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6BD0073"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6BE0396"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6C002DB"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6C2021F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6C40164"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6C600B2"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6C80001"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6C90324"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6CB0286"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6CD01D5"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6CF0124"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6D10072"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6D203A9"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6D40301"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6DA00F7"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6DC0046"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6DD03A5"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6DF02F3"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6E10256"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6E301B9"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6E5011B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6E70088"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6E803DD"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6EA033F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6EC02AC"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6EE0223"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6F001A3"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6F20110"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6F40087"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
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- quid "36D4A6F902DD"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6FB0253"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6FD01DE"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A6FF0169"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A70100E9"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A703007E"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7050009"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A706037C"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A70802FC"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A70A0287"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A70C021C"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A70E01BA"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7100145"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A71200DA"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A714006F"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7160017"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A717039E"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7190333"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A71B02D1"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A71D0266"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A71F0223"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A72101C2"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7230174"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A725011D"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A72700D0"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7290083"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A72C03D0"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A72E0379"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7300340"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7320307"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A73402C3"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7360280"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A738023D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A73A020E"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A73C01E9"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A73E01AF"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7400176"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7420147"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7440118"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A74600F3"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A74800CD"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A74A00A8"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A74C0083"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A74E005E"
- stereotype "NewTypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A750004D"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7520032"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7540016"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7560019"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7580008"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A75A000B"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A75B03E2"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A75D03DB"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7600000"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A76103D7"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A764000F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A76503E6"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A76703DF"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A76903E2"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A76B03DB"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A76E000A"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7700003"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7720006"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7740012"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7760029"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A778002C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A77A0039"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A77C003C"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A77E005D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7800074"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7820095"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A78400A2"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A78600CD"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A78800E4"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A78A0104"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A78C012F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A78E015A"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7900185"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A79201B0"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A79401DB"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7960224"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A798024F"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A79A027A"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A79C02A5"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A79E02E4"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7A0030F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7A2034E"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7A40383"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7A603C2"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7A9000F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7AB0044"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7AD008D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7AF00EA"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7B10129"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7B30168"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7B501B1"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7B7020E"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7B90257"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7BB02A9"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7BD0307"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7BF036E"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7C103C1"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7C40040"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7C6009D"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7C8010E"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7CA016B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7CC01C8"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7CE0239"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7D002A0"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7D20307"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7D403A0"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7D70029"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7D900AE"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7DB011F"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7DD01A4"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7DF0215"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7E102A4"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7E3030B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7E50386"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7E80023"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7EA00BC"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7EC0141"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7EE01C7"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7F0024C"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7F202E5"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7F40374"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7F7001B"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7F900B4"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7FB0157"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7FD01FA"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A7FF0289"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A801032C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A80303D9"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A806009F"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A808014C"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
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- quid "36D4A80A01F9"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TFNGetProfilePath"
- quid "36D4A80C02A6"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TFNReconcileProfile"
- quid "36D4A80E0349"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TFNProcessPolicies"
- quid "36D4A8110018"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PNetConnectInfoStruct"
- quid "36D4A81300CF"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A8150191"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TNetConnectInfoStruct"
- quid "36D4A8170234"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- quid "36D4A81902EB"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PDDEAck"
- quid "36D4A81B03AC"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "DDEACK"
- quid "36D4A81E008F"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TDDEAck"
- quid "36D4A8200150"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PDDEAdvise"
- quid "36D4A822021B"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "DDEADVISE"
- quid "36D4A82402E7"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TDDEAdvise"
- quid "36D4A82603BC"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PDDEData"
- quid "36D4A829009F"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "DDEDATA"
- quid "36D4A82B0160"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TDDEData"
- quid "36D4A82D0235"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PDDEPoke"
- quid "36D4A82F0314"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "DDEPOKE"
- quid "36D4A832000C"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TDDEPoke"
- quid "36D4A83400E1"
- stereotype "TypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Win::Windows"
- quidu "36D4A0FB0115"
- language "Delphi"))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
- (object Class_Category "SysUtils"
- quid "36D4A0F70140"
- stereotype "Unit"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "Exception"
- quid "36D4A0F70155"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A0F701A5"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::System::TObject"
- quidu "36D4A0F602B2"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Create"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A104010D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Msg"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD1090D"
- type "string"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateFmt"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A1040121"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Msg"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD1090F"
- type "string")
- (object Parameter "Args"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD10910"
- type "array of const"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateRes"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A1040135"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Ident"
- quid "3C4ACCD10912"
- type "Integer")
- (object Parameter "Dummy"
- quid "3C4ACCD10913"
- type "Extended"
- initv "0"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateResFmt"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A1040149"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Ident"
- quid "3C4ACCD10915"
- type "Integer")
- (object Parameter "Args"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD10916"
- type "array of const"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateHelp"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A104015D"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Msg"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD10918"
- type "string")
- (object Parameter "AHelpContext"
- quid "3C4ACCD10919"
- type "Integer"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateFmtHelp"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A1040185"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Msg"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD1091B"
- type "string")
- (object Parameter "Args"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD1091C"
- type "array of const")
- (object Parameter "AHelpContext"
- quid "3C4ACCD1091D"
- type "Integer"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateResHelp"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A10401A3"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Ident"
- quid "3C4ACCD1091F"
- type "Integer")
- (object Parameter "AHelpContext"
- quid "3C4ACCD10920"
- type "Integer"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "CreateResFmtHelp"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A10401C1"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Ident"
- quid "3C4ACCD10922"
- type "Integer")
- (object Parameter "Args"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD10923"
- type "array of const")
- (object Parameter "AHelpContext"
- quid "3C4ACCD10924"
- type "Integer"))
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "HelpContext"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Property_Read"
- value "FHelpContext")
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Property_Write"
- value "FHelpContext"))
- quid "36D4A10401D5"
- stereotype "Property"
- result "Integer"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Message"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Property_Read"
- value "FMessage")
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Property_Write"
- value "FMessage"))
- quid "36D4A10401E9"
- stereotype "Property"
- result "string"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "FMessage"
- quid "36D4A10400F9"
- type "string")
- (object ClassAttribute "FHelpContext"
- quid "36D4A1040103"
- type "Integer"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer"
- quid "36D4A0F8019C"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "WriterIsOnlyReader"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2)))
- quid "36D4A106000C"
- result "Boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Private"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Create"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A1060016"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Destroy"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 4))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Binding"
- value ("Operation_Binding_Enum" 4)))
- quid "36D4A1060020"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "BeginRead"
- quid "36D4A106002A"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "EndRead"
- quid "36D4A1060034"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "BeginWrite"
- quid "36D4A1060035"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "EndWrite"
- quid "36D4A106003E"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "FCount"
- quid "36D4A105033F"
- type "Integer")
- (object ClassAttribute "FSaveReadCount"
- quid "36D4A1050340"
- type "Integer")
- (object ClassAttribute "FWriteRequestorID"
- quid "36D4A1050349"
- type "Integer")
- (object ClassAttribute "FReallocFlag"
- quid "36D4A1050353"
- type "Integer")
- (object ClassAttribute "FWriting"
- quid "36D4A105035D"
- type "Boolean"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EMathError"
- quid "36D4A101036C"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10103D0"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
- quidu "36D4A10103B2"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EExternal"
- quid "36D4A10103B2"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10103C6"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TSysCharSet"
- quid "36D4A10302BA"
- stereotype "Set"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "WordRec"
- quid "36D4A10302CE"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "LongRec"
- quid "36D4A10302E2"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "Int64Rec"
- quid "36D4A10302F6"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TMethod"
- quid "36D4A1030314"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PByteArray"
- quid "36D4A1030328"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TByteArray"
- quid "36D4A103033C"
- stereotype "Array"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PWordArray"
- quid "36D4A1030351"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TWordArray"
- quid "36D4A1030365"
- stereotype "Array"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TProcedure"
- quid "36D4A1030379"
- stereotype "ProcType"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TFileName"
- quid "36D4A103038D"
- stereotype "NewTypeId"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TSearchRec"
- quid "36D4A10303AB"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TFileRec"
- quid "36D4A10303BF"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PTextBuf"
- quid "36D4A10303D3"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TTextBuf"
- quid "36D4A10303E7"
- stereotype "Array"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TTextRec"
- quid "36D4A1040013"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TFloatValue"
- quid "36D4A1040031"
- stereotype "Enum"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TFloatFormat"
- quid "36D4A1040045"
- stereotype "Enum"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TFloatRec"
- quid "36D4A1040059"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TTimeStamp"
- quid "36D4A1040077"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TMbcsByteType"
- quid "36D4A104008B"
- stereotype "Enum"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TSysLocale"
- quid "36D4A104009F"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "ExceptClass"
- quid "36D4A10401F3"
- stereotype "ClassRef"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EAbort"
- quid "36D4A1040211"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1040226"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EHeapException"
- quid "36D4A1040230"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1040244"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "FreeInstance"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Binding"
- value ("Operation_Binding_Enum" 4)))
- quid "36D4A104024E"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "AllowFree"
- quid "36D4A1040245"
- type "Boolean"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EOutOfMemory"
- quid "36D4A1040258"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1040276"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EHeapException"
- quidu "36D4A1040230"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EInOutError"
- quid "36D4A1040277"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1040294"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "ErrorCode"
- quid "36D4A1040295"
- type "Integer"
- exportControl "Public"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EExternalException"
- quid "36D4A10402DA"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10402EE"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
- quidu "36D4A10103B2"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EIntError"
- quid "36D4A10402F8"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A104030C"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
- quidu "36D4A10103B2"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EDivByZero"
- quid "36D4A1040316"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A104032A"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EIntError"
- quidu "36D4A10402F8"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "ERangeError"
- quid "36D4A1040334"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1040348"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EIntError"
- quidu "36D4A10402F8"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EIntOverflow"
- quid "36D4A1040352"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1040366"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EIntError"
- quidu "36D4A10402F8"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EInvalidOp"
- quid "36D4A104037A"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A104038E"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EMathError"
- quidu "36D4A101036C"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EZeroDivide"
- quid "36D4A1040398"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10403AC"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EMathError"
- quidu "36D4A101036C"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EOverflow"
- quid "36D4A10403B6"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10403CA"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EMathError"
- quidu "36D4A101036C"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EUnderflow"
- quid "36D4A10403D4"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050000"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EMathError"
- quidu "36D4A101036C"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EInvalidPointer"
- quid "36D4A105000A"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A105001E"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EHeapException"
- quidu "36D4A1040230"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EInvalidCast"
- quid "36D4A1050028"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A105003C"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EConvertError"
- quid "36D4A1050046"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A105005A"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EAccessViolation"
- quid "36D4A1050064"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050078"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
- quidu "36D4A10103B2"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EPrivilege"
- quid "36D4A1050082"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050096"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
- quidu "36D4A10103B2"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EStackOverflow"
- quid "36D4A10500A0"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10500B4"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
- quidu "36D4A10103B2"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EControlC"
- quid "36D4A10500BE"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10500D2"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
- quidu "36D4A10103B2"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EVariantError"
- quid "36D4A10500DC"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10500FB"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EPropReadOnly"
- quid "36D4A10500FC"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050119"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EPropWriteOnly"
- quid "36D4A105011A"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050137"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EAssertionFailed"
- quid "36D4A1050141"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050155"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EAbstractError"
- quid "36D4A105015F"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050173"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EIntfCastError"
- quid "36D4A105017D"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050191"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EInvalidContainer"
- quid "36D4A105019B"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10501B9"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EInvalidInsert"
- quid "36D4A10501BA"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10501D7"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EPackageError"
- quid "36D4A10501E1"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A10501F5"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "EWin32Error"
- quid "36D4A10501FF"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A1050213"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::Exception"
- quidu "36D4A0F70155"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "PDayTable"
- quid "36D4A105024F"
- stereotype "Pointer"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TDayTable"
- quid "36D4A105026D"
- stereotype "Array"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TReplaceFlags"
- quid "36D4A105028B"
- stereotype "Set"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TNameType"
- quid "36D4A10502A9"
- stereotype "Enum"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TPackageInfoProc"
- quid "36D4A10502C7"
- stereotype "ProcType"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TTerminateProc"
- quid "36D4A10502DB"
- stereotype "ProcType"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TActiveThreadRecord"
- quid "36D4A10502F9"
- stereotype "Record"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TActiveThreadArray"
- quid "36D4A1050317"
- stereotype "Array"
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::SysUtils"
- quidu "36D4A0F70136"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$669"
- quid "36D4A10402BC"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$670"
- quid "36D4A10402BD"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EExternal"
- quidu "36D4A10103B2")
- (object Role "ExceptionRecord"
- quid "36D4A10402BE"
- label "ExceptionRecord"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::Windows::PExceptionRecord"
- quidu "36D4A10402A8"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$671"
- quid "36D4A1050231"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$672"
- quid "36D4A1050232"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::EWin32Error"
- quidu "36D4A10501FF")
- (object Role "ErrorCode"
- quid "36D4A1050233"
- label "ErrorCode"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::Windows::DWORD"
- quidu "36D4A105021D"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$673"
- quid "36D4A1050385"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$674"
- quid "36D4A1050386"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer"
- quidu "36D4A0F8019C")
- (object Role "FLock"
- quid "36D4A1050387"
- label "FLock"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::Windows::TRTLCriticalSection"
- quidu "36D4A1050367"
- exportControl "Private"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$675"
- quid "36D4A10503B8"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$676"
- quid "36D4A10503B9"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer"
- quidu "36D4A0F8019C")
- (object Role "FReadExit"
- quid "36D4A10503BA"
- label "FReadExit"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::Windows::THandle"
- quidu "36D4A10503A3"
- exportControl "Private"
- is_navigable TRUE)))
- (object Association "$UNNAMED$677"
- quid "36D4A10503D6"
- roles (list role_list
- (object Role "$UNNAMED$678"
- quid "36D4A10503D7"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer"
- quidu "36D4A0F8019C")
- (object Role "FActiveThreads"
- quid "36D4A10503D8"
- label "FActiveThreads"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::SysUtils::TActiveThreadArray"
- quidu "36D4A1050317"
- exportControl "Private"
- is_navigable TRUE))))
- logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
- (object Class_Category "System"
- quid "36D4A0F60239"
- stereotype "Unit"
- exportControl "Public"
- logical_models (list unit_reference_list
- (object Class "TInterfacedObject"
- quid "36D4A0F6024D"
- superclasses (list inheritance_relationship_list
- (object Inheritance_Relationship
- quid "36D4A0F602D0"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::System::TObject"
- quidu "36D4A0F602B2"))
- realized_interfaces (list realize_rel_list
- (object Realize_Relationship
- quid "36D4A0F60302"
- supplier "Logical View::Delphi Framework::System::IUnknown"
- quidu "36D4A0F602EE"))
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "QueryInterface"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_CallingConvention"
- value ("Operation_CallingConvention_Enum" 5)))
- quid "36D4A1020314"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "IID"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD20034"
- type "TGUID"
- quidu "36D4A0F70016")
- (object Parameter "Obj"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 4)))
- quid "3C4ACCD20035"))
- result "HResult"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "_AddRef"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_CallingConvention"
- value ("Operation_CallingConvention_Enum" 5)))
- quid "36D4A1020327"
- result "Integer"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "_Release"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2))
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_CallingConvention"
- value ("Operation_CallingConvention_Enum" 5)))
- quid "36D4A1020331"
- result "Integer"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Protected"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "BeforeDestruction"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Binding"
- value ("Operation_Binding_Enum" 4)))
- quid "36D4A102033B"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "RefCount"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Property_Read"
- value "FRefCount"))
- quid "36D4A1020345"
- stereotype "Property"
- result "Integer"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0))
- class_attributes (list class_attribute_list
- (object ClassAttribute "FRefCount"
- quid "36D4A1020313"
- type "Integer"
- exportControl "Protected"))
- module "::Delphi Framework::Rtl::Sys::System"
- quidu "36D4A0F60232"
- language "Delphi")
- (object Class "TObject"
- quid "36D4A0F602B2"
- operations (list Operations
- (object Operation "Create"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 3)))
- quid "36D4A10200D8"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "Free"
- quid "36D4A10200E2"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "InitInstance"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
- quid "36D4A10200EC"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Instance"
- quid "3C4ACCD20041"
- type "Pointer"))
- result "TObject"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0
- quidu "36D4A0F602B2")
- (object Operation "CleanupInstance"
- quid "36D4A10200F6"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ClassType"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 2)))
- quid "36D4A1020100"
- result "TClass"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0
- quidu "36D4A0FC03DD")
- (object Operation "ClassName"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
- quid "36D4A102010A"
- result "ShortString"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ClassNameIs"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
- quid "36D4A1020114"
- parameters (list Parameters
- (object Parameter "Name"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Mode"
- value ("Mode_Enum" 2)))
- quid "3C4ACCD20046"
- type "string"))
- result "Boolean"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "ClassParent"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
- quid "36D4A102011E"
- result "TClass"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0
- quidu "36D4A0FC03DD")
- (object Operation "ClassInfo"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
- quid "36D4A1020128"
- result "Pointer"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "InstanceSize"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"
- name "Operation_Kind"
- value ("Operation_Kind_Enum" 6)))
- quid "36D4A1020132"
- result "Longint"
- concurrency "Sequential"
- opExportControl "Public"
- uid 0)
- (object Operation "InheritsFrom"
- attributes (list Attribute_Set
- (object Attribute
- tool "Delphi"